Jinkosolar - hat die niemand auf dem Radar?
aber: In welchen Werten seid ihr denn, außer Solaris, noch investiert? Würde mich interessieren.
Wo seht ihr für die nähere Zukunft (halbes Jahr oder Jahr) die Chance auf Verdoppler?
Gerne auch PN! Würde mich freuen!
Muß der Maydorn woll noch etwas ins Horn Blasen!
Ber JKS bin ich immer noch am überlegen,soll ich oder lieber doch nicht....
Damit haben die dann mit der neuen KE schon über 30 % absaufen lassen.
Aber eine Gute Idee, .....Baue meine Villa mit Eurem Geld
Warum nicht wie bei Cancom bei 5 gehaltenen Aktien kann man sich 1 zum Preis von? kaufen.
Ich denke aber dass die Nachfrage gross sein wird. Viele rechnen doch hier mit einem Kursverdoppler, nicht nur May sonder wir alle.
Während dem Ich schrieb stieg PreMarket 50 cent auf nicht mal 1 % minus
So dass Sie nun weiter steigen kann....Wäre ja zu einfach wenn es nur nach oben geht.
Er meint Mitte Februar werde der Preis wieder von $20 auf $17-18 zurückfallen
und zu dem Prozess von Solarworld gegen die chinesischen Solar ,die teilweise in Taiwan fertigen lassen,meint er ,das werde sich nicht vor Juli-August 2014 auswirken
Let’s assume the ITC does decides to follow through with the complaints and decides to investigate. The timeline is that ITC makes this decision by 20th January, with preliminary investigation on harm by mid-February, a preliminary ruling by July/August 2014, and a final ruling by October/November 2014. That means it is business as usual for the supply chain till July/August 2014.
The downstream PV sector, which includes distributed rooftop power and utility-scale projects, should see great growth.
China's domestic demand for electricity is rising 15% a year. According to the International Energy Agency, to meet the demand in the next 10 years, China will need to add nine times more electricity generation capacity than the United States will.
A large part of the future electricity generation capacity will be solar and other renewables.
China is aggressively adopting solar and other renewable technology because pollution is endemic in many parts of the country. Generally as countries become wealthier, their citizens care more for the environment. Since the Chinese government prizes stability above all else, it has set ambitious renewable energy targets.
According to the Chinese Bureau of Energy, China has an official target of 12 GW of solar capacity installed for 2014, which will make it the largest solar market by size in the world.
To promote adoption, China recently established feed-in-tariffs over 20 years of 1 RMB per kWH. Deutsche bank estimates that the feed-in-tariffs will generate an internal rate of return of low to mid teens for many utility-scale projects.
Because of the attractive returns, the downstream sector should see great growth in 2014.
JinkoSolar connected around 213 MW of solar PV projects to the grid in 2013, and it is aiming for more than 500 MW for 2014, or over 100% annual growth. In addition to the great growth, the downstream business has great margins. According to the last earnings conference call, JinkoSolar's downstream business had gross margins of 60% and net profit margins of 30%.
The potential size for downstream solar in China is very large, and because of government support, the downstream solar sector should grow rapidly. If JinkoSolar set up IPO of the downstream unit, it could potentially garner a higher multiple than what it is getting currently.
The money raised from an IPO or sale of the downstream unit should allow JinkoSolar to invest more in its upstream business. I think this is a positive development for the company and it shows that JinkoSolar's management has its shareholders in mind.
JinkoSolar itself is still a very compelling investment. It is one of the lowest cost solar producers in the world with a cost of production at $0.50 per watt. The company is also not as levered as Canadian Solar and is therefore less risky.
With the large end markets and solar costs coming down, I think JinkoSolar, along with the other leading Chinese solar companies, still has a lot of running room ahead.
Das wird schwer.
Die Bäume an der NY Börse wachsen auch nicht in den Himmel.
Aber natürlich habe ich nichts gegen 100% Plus!
Nur dieses Jahr noch??
..diesmal wird es noch wilder...
Bei CSIQ gebe ich Dir Recht,da hätte ich nicht verkaufen sollen.Da gibt es Morgen irgendeine Konferenz.
Kann sein,daß da einige Deals bekannt gegeben werden.
Dann gehts weiter Richtung 50$.