Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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Neuester Beitrag: 07.03.25 12:30
Eröffnet am:29.09.07 14:50von: nekroAnzahl Beiträge:25.579
Neuester Beitrag:07.03.25 12:30von: Fuchsbau24Leser gesamt:6.349.736
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15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroMe'ekamui machen...

06.08.12 09:04
.........wieder mal etwas heissen Wind ;-)))

Da wurde Chris Uma, welcher sein Fähnchen immer nach dem Wind dreht, von Sam Kauona mit ein paar $$ gesponsored um eine verbale Retourkutsche gegen das Momis Interview vom 2.8. zu fahren. (Momis clarifies mining company) Seit diesem Interview rasselte Morumbi 9,8% in den Keller.

Viel wichtiger ist die beiläufig erwähnte Info dass BCL endlich auf B`ville aktiv wird u. mit den Vorbereitungen des Baus einer Repräsentanz in Arawa begonnen hat. ;-)))))

Arawa and held discussion to re-open the mine.

It was reported that Mr Coleman has instructed local contractors to fast track an office building within Arawa Town in which this writer has confirmed being under initial mobilisation for construction.

Also ABG president John Momis has said that the negotiation by BCL with Panguna landowners was progressing well with the view of re-opening the mine.

A senior officee from ABG who spoke to this reporter in Buka at the weekend confirmed that ABG was in talks with BCL and landowners to find a way forward in resolving the issues. The office said there needs to be more and wider consultation made as the situation on the ground is fluid.

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroGovt to focus on delivery

06.08.12 10:04

Jetzt sollten Taten folgen,Gequatsche gab es schon genug. ;-))))))))))))


PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has assured the people of Papua New Guinea that the government will deliver key policies of education, health, infrastructure and law and order as promised before the election.
“My vision for Papua New Guinea is of a better, stronger, safer nation with free education for our young.
“My vision for Papua New Guinea is of a country with a health and education system that can cater for everyone in the time of need.” Mr O’Neill said in his inaugural statement as Prime Minister.
“It will be a country where you know that when your child or your parents need medical care they get it.”
“My vision for Papua New Guinea is of a country with infrastructure that supports both economic growth, but also supports the ability of our people to live a good day to day life.”
He said that means roads, seaports and airports must be accessible for ordinary Papua New Guineans.
“All of that is achievable for this country.”
Mr O’Neill said the government has been working hard on integrating the coalition member parties’ policies to be in line with existing government policies like the PNG Vision 2050 and PNG Strategic Development Plan 2010-2030 and the Medium Term Development Plans.
“And I can tell you is that we will be delivering an environment that will help support big and small businesses, which combined are the engine room of the economy.
“We have an economy that has grown at about 8 percent a year over the last 10 years and we expect that growth to continue over the medium term. “I have always said that we do not have a funding issue in PNG. What we have is a management issue.
“We have not managed our resources for the full benefit of our people. Our government will change that.”
“We will plan, we will structure and we will deliver outcomes,” Mr O’Neill said. “We need to deliver on the core issues that face our country – education, health, infrastructure, and law and order.”
Mr O’Neill said the people are tired of empty promises, of broken promises and of things promised and not delivered.
“There is one measure I want our government to be held to, that is delivery. I want it to be measured and judged on what we deliver that makes life better for grassroot Papua New Guineans.”

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroMetalle: Experten erwarten im Jahresverlauf..

06.08.12 12:08

521 Postings, 5215 Tage xxxraphaelxxxaktien auf der reise

06.08.12 15:00
meine böckchen resien länger...


eingang bei cc noch nicht zu verzeichnen...  

1025 Postings, 4833 Tage antares0650#12504

06.08.12 22:59
du, raphael,: Bei uns heissen die Bankbeamte...... da darfst du nicht Wunder erwarten....

wenn sie diese WOche auf deinem Konto aufscheinen kannst du von WUnder sprechen....  

521 Postings, 5215 Tage xxxraphaelxxxWunder

06.08.12 23:52
wunderbare Beamte hat das deutsche Land.
schaun ma mal, ob das nach toms Rezept funzt  

521 Postings, 5215 Tage xxxraphaelxxxdiese 75000

07.08.12 07:18
waren auch keine humane/manuelle Order... alles Stücke in kurzen Abständen gekauft.
vielleicht muss sich da auch jemand der Short ist eindecken?
und die frage bleibt: wer verkauft 75.000 zu diesen Kursen?  

129 Postings, 6331 Tage Sturmlordkommt mir irdendwie bekannt vor...

07.08.12 08:21

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekrower verkauft 75.000 zu diesen Kursen?

07.08.12 09:07
85.00 AUD = 72.5673 EUR

Wieviele wurden gestern zu 0,67x in D. gehandelt?

Von diesen Stücken dürfte ein Grossteil nach AU wandern, u. dort gesammelt werden um den nächsten zu erwartenden Hype bei der Bekanntgabe des Termins zum JSB Meetings abzuwürgen.

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001Mich sieht das wie eine Auslieferungskauf an.

07.08.12 09:22
Hat jemand zufällig 75000 zur Auslieferung beauftragt? Antwort gerne auch per BM.  

521 Postings, 5215 Tage xxxraphaelxxx50.000

07.08.12 11:40
sind heute bei mir eingebucht worden...  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroOB............

07.08.12 14:52

...........wurde aufgefüllt, zur AU Eröffnung waren die 75K noch nicht vorhanden.Solange der Metzger, welcher die Böcke in AU schlachtet aus D. billiger beliefert wird erübrigt sich ein Eintrag ins Shareregister. ;-))))

Jetzt, nachdem der Weg ins Aktionärsregister dank Toms Bemühungen offen ist wäre eine konzentrierte Aktion aller Interessierten angesagt,idealerweise genau zum Zeitpunkt des nächsten Hypes..Bei 80 Mill. unserer Böcke in den Händen der Nominees  fällt ein Geplänkel von einigen 100K ansonsten kaum ins Gewicht.

Ein anderes Bild ergäbe sich natürlich wenn #12510 mit Ja beantwotet werden könnte.Dann nämlich stünde denen die Shortposi effektiv bis Oberkante Untelippe. ;-))))))))))



15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroSieht ganz danach aus..............

07.08.12 16:10
..........als ob der Tradegate Makler den besten Draht nach AU hätte. Als Auftag oder auf eigene Rechnung? Vegleicht man die AU/D Preise so scheint es jedenfalls lukrativ zu sein. ;-))))

Handelsplatz     Letzter    Veränderung  Vortag letzte Stk. Tag-Stk. Kursspanne Zeit

Tradegate       0,684  € +1,03% 0,677 €      971 17.171 0,683 -  0,688 15:55

933 Postings, 4723 Tage LOFPVielleicht gibt es auch einfach Leute die

07.08.12 18:08
mal verkaufen müssen!?  

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001#12512

07.08.12 19:22
ich denke man kann mit Ja beantworten. Es wurden am Montag welche zur Auslieferung beantragt - aber mehr als 75.000Stück.  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro@LOFP

07.08.12 20:00
Da stimme ich dir zu, trotzdem finde ich es kurios dass heute alle Trades über Tradegate abgewickelt wurden. In den letzten Tagen übrigens die meisten Trades auch.

Kennt niemand einen dort?

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoey@nekro

07.08.12 20:10
für heute Nacht liegen schon mal 30k u 0,85 AUD im Ask  

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyimmerhin 51k bei Tradegate gehandelt

07.08.12 20:15
übrigens liegt jetzt das Bid bei Tradegate höher als das Ask in Frankfurt,schon merkwürdig  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroDas sieht ganz danach aus...............

07.08.12 20:35
.............als ob jemand ganz dringend Stücke bräuchte. ;-))))))))))))))

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001# 12517

07.08.12 20:40
es müssten 35k sein - siehst Du irgendwo die genaue Stückzahl?  

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001oh, da hab ich was verwechselt

08.08.12 08:40
ich meinte 35k im Bid.  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage TraderevilGovt withholds B’ville’s K100m

08.08.12 09:18
Wednesday 08th August, 2012

Govt withholds B’ville’s K100m


THE National Government is ready to release the outstanding K100 million from last year to Bougainville, but it will only do so after certain outstanding issues are resolved to Waigani’s satisfaction.
It is understood that the K100 million is part of a K500 million package, with annual disbursements of K100 million.
One of the reasons why the National Government is reluctant to allocate the money immediately is that it is yet to receive credible documents funding proposals on projects, including one or more impact projects that can be funded from the public funds.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government headed by President John Momis and his provincial administrations are yet to submit their proposals to Waigani.
The first K100 million, which was to have been allocated last year, is from the K500 million that the National Government had allocated and promised for Bougainville, outside of the normal annual budget of K80 million that the ABG receives annually.
Last year, the National Government through the Chief Secretary’s office was a little bit worried about the first release of the money because there was no concrete proposal for use of the K100 million.
The project proposals should include one major impact project funded by the National Government direct to Bougainville. This impact project has not yet been fully identified.
The Government also agreed last year to dispatch the money quarterly – the first K25 million in the first quarter, but this did not happen because of the delay in preparations by both the ABG and the National Government.
Last week in Alotau, the two Bougainville MPs, Steven Pirika Kamma and Jimmy Miringtoro pledged to help the National Government see that these funds are used for impact projects that will benefit all the population of Bougainville.
The Bougainville Affairs Ministry will be announced today, so we should be know what the outcome of this K100 million will be and how it will be distribute and used.  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage TraderevilO’Neill to name full cabinet today

08.08.12 09:21
Quelle :

Wednesday 08th August, 2012

O’Neill to name full cabinet today


PAPUA New Guinea will know today who their Deputy Prime Minister will be when Prime Minister Peter O’Neill announces his full Cabinet at 2pm.
Names are being tossed around on who is the most likely candidate for the post of Deputy Prime Minister and members of coalition government are eager to know who will make up Mr O’Neill’s full member cabinet of 33, which will include the Prime Minister.
The names floating being around include Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party leader Don Polye because his party has the second highest number of elected MPs (14).
Other MPs include National Alliance Party leader Patrick Pruaitch, Leo Dion and Eremang ToBaining Jnr because New Guinea Islanders think an NGI should take up the position.
The Papuan Region has boosted Government numbers by bringing 23 MPs to the Government and their MPs and people expect Mr O’Neill to reciprocate.
Of course the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers of the State is the prerogative of the Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister and all the new Ministers will be sworn in by Governor General Grand Chief Sir Michael Ogio at Government House.
Prime Minister O’Neill named his caretaker Cabinet at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby yesterday which was officially gazette on Sunday.
He also announced that the Government was now bracing for the National Budget Session in November, which will now be the full responsibility of the new Cabinet.
Mr O’Neill has been in charge of National Planning and Police for the last three days and will offload these responsibilities with his announcement of the fully ministry today.
The caretaker Cabinet announced by Mr O’Neill last Friday:
Don Pomb Polye: Treasury and Finance, Correctional Services, Labour, Industrial Relations, Immigration and Transport;
Patrick Pruaitch: Housing, Urban, Provincial and Local Level Government and Forest;
William Duma: Petroleum and Energy, Defence, Tourism and Art Culture and Autonomy and Autonomous Region (including Bougainville Affairs);
Sir Puka Temu: Public Service, Agriculture and Live stock, Foreign Affairs and Trade;
James Marape: Works, Implementation, Lands and Physical Planning, Education, Research and Science and Technology;
Charles Abel: Commerce and Industry, Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs), Justice and Attorney General, Communication, Information and Technology;
Mao Zeming: Fisheries, Marine Resource, Health, HIV Aids, Family Affairs, Youth Religion and Gender;
Ben Micah: Public Enterprises, Sports and Pacific Game and Mining; and
John Pundari: Environment, Climate Change and Civil Aviation.  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroNew Bougainville Governor gets down to business

08.08.12 11:59


New Bougainville Governor gets down to business

New Governor of the Autonomous

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 08.08.12 12:27
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - Bitte nur kurz zitieren


15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroWer hätte das gedacht.

08.08.12 12:38
...........dass nach den ganzen Schlammschlachten,Gerichtsverhandlungen,Anzeigen,sogar ein "Coup d`état" war dabei danach ein "Shake-Hands" mit Küsschen zwischen O`Neill u. Somare als "Finale Reconciliation" stattfindet. Das war wieder mal echt "Unexpected" ;-))))))))))))

"Mr O'Neill and a caretaker cabinet have neen running the country since the election results gave him a majority and there was a reconciliation with former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare."

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