Die besten Gold-/Silberminen auf der Welt
Die Fed belässt den Leitzins wie erwartet bei 0,25 Prozent.
Fed beginnt im November mit Tapering und reduziert die Ankäufe monatlich um 15 Milliarden Dollar.
Fed: Sind bereit die Geschwindigkeit des Tapering anzupassen.
Fed: Inflation aufgrund von erwartungsgemäß temporären Faktoren erhöht.
Fed: "With inflation having run persistently below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time so that inflation averages 2 percent over time and longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored at 2 percent."
Fed: "In light of the substantial further progress the economy has made toward the Committee's goals since last December, the Committee decided to begin reducing the monthly pace of its net asset purchases by $10 billion for Treasury securities and $5 billion for agency mortgage-backed securities. Beginning later this month, the Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $70 billion per month and of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $35 billion per month. Beginning in December, the Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $60 billion per month and of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $30 billion per month."
Zerohedge weist darauf hin, dass Fed ihre Terminologie von "transitory factors" zu "factors that are expected to be transitory" geändert hat.
Fed Powell: Hochgradig unsicher wie schnell sie Lieferketten wieder normalisieren werden
Fed Powell: Tapering-Entscheidung ist kein Signal für zukünftige Zinsanhebungen
Fed Powell: Das gegenwärtige Inflationslevel ist nicht konsistent mit dem Mandat der Preisstabilität.
Fed Powell: Benutzen Ausdruck "transitory" (jetzt "expected to be transitory") nicht mehr um erhöhte Unsicherheit auszudrücken
Fed-Chef Powell hat eingeräumt, dass die derzeitige Inflation nicht mit dem Mandat der Preisstabilität in Einklang zu bringen ist, allerdings sei es trotzdem nicht an der Zeit die Zinsen anzuheben: "I want to ensure people we will use our tools as appropriate to get inflation under control. We don't think it's a good time to raise interest rates though because we want to see the labor market heal further. We have good reason to think that will happen as the delta variant declines as it's doing now."
Fed Powell: Arbeitsmarkt ist sehr "eng", aber es ist die Frage wie nachhaltig das ist.
Powell (FED): Fed wird darauf achten, die Märkte nicht zu verunsichern
Die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) wird so transparent wie möglich sein, wenn es darum geht, die Kriterien für eine Verlangsamung oder Beschleunigung der Reduzierung der Ankäufe von Vermögenswerten festzulegen, sagte der Vorsitzende der Fed, Jerome Powell (im Bild), am Mittwoch.
Bei der Beantwortung von Fragen der Presse nach der Bekanntgabe der jüngsten geldpolitischen Entscheidung weigerte sich Powell, nähere Angaben zu den Gründen zu machen, die die Fed zu einer Änderung ihrer Geldpolitik in die eine oder andere Richtung veranlassen könnten.
„Wir werden unsere Instrumente in geeigneter Weise einsetzen, um die Inflation unter Kontrolle zu bringen" und die maximale Beschäftigung zu erreichen, schloss er.
Powell (FED): Auswirkungen der Engpässen in der Lieferkette auf die Inflation sind schwer vorherzusagen
Die US-Notenbank ist nicht in der Lage, Engpässe in der Lieferkette zu beseitigen oder deren Auswirkungen auf die Inflation vorherzusagen, sagte der Vorsitzende der US-Notenbank (Fed), Jerome Powell (im Bild), am Mittwoch.
Auf einer Pressekonferenz des Offenmarktausschusses der US-Notenbank (FOMC) brachte Powell alle Faktoren, die zu einer höheren Inflation führen, mit den Herausforderungen der Pandemie in Verbindung und betonte deren unverhältnismäßige Auswirkungen auf den Reise-, Freizeit- und Bildungssektor sowie auf bestimmte sozioökonomische Gruppen.
„Engpässe und Unterbrechungen der Versorgungskette schränken ein, wie schnell die Produktion auf den kurzfristigen Nachfrageanstieg reagieren kann. Infolgedessen liegt die Gesamtinflation deutlich über dem langfristigen Ziel von 2 %", sagte Powell und bezeichnete die Versorgungsengpässe als „größer und länger anhaltend" als erwartet.
Der Zeitpunkt einer ersten Zinsanhebung nach der Corona-Krise hänge vor allem von der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ab, sagte Powell. Sollte eine Anhebung angezeigt sein, werde die Fed nicht zögern. Setze sich die gute Entwicklung am Arbeitsmarkt fort, sei Vollbeschäftigung am Arbeitsmarkt im zweiten Halbjahr 2022 möglich. Vollbeschäftigung ist neben Preisstabilität das zweite Ziel der Federal Reserve.
Zu China nur soviel als sie 2015 ihre Kohlebergwerke geschlossen haben wollten sie 300 Kernkraftwerke bauen und nachdem sie 6 Jahre nichts auf die Kette gebracht haben wollen sie jetzt 150 bauen. Bitte schickt mir eine Packung Glückskekse die haben mehr Informationsgehalt.
UUUU +14,27%§Energy Fuels Inc.
API.CN +13,43%§Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.
AAZ.V +12,50%§Azincourt Energy Corp.
LAM.TO +12,50%§Laramide Resources Ltd.
PTU.V +12,00%§Purepoint Uranium Group Inc.
UEX.TO +11,58%§UEX Corporation
CVV.V +10,61%§CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.
VO.V +10,34%§ValOre Metals Corp.
GXU.V +10,00%§GoviEx Uranium Inc.
BSK.V§+9,26% Blue Sky Uranium Corp.
CUR.V +8,61%§ Consolidated Uranium Inc.
DML.TO +8,18% Denison Mines Corp.
AEC.V§+8,00% Anfield Energy Inc.
GLO.TO§+7,99% Global Atomic Corporation
FCU.TO +7,69%§ Fission Uranium Corp.
hätte ich noch mehr uran nehmen sollen??? ;-)
Russland, Ungarn, Polen und morgen wahrscheinlich Großbritannien sowie Brasilien haben schon die Zinsen angehoben aufgrund der sich weltweit breit machenden Inflation.
Des Weiteren haben die weltweiten Negativzinsen den niedrigsten Stand seit Anfang 2020 erreicht.
Aktuell sind die FED und die EZB hinter der Kurve und wollen noch keine Zinsen erhöhen.
Eine schöne und ausführliche Analyse wie ich finde.
Hier ist Gold ganz klar der Inflation vorausgeeilt. Mittlerweile sind jedoch die Inflationserwartungen stärker angestiegen als Gold so das es nur noch eine Zeitfrage ist wann Gold als Wertspeicher und Währung der Inflationserwartungen und der Inflation selbst folgen wird.
Trotz Inflation sind die AISC um satte 16 Prozent zum Vergleichsquartal 2020 gesunken und um 5 Prozent zum 2 Quartal 21.
Dazu eine Rekordproduktion. Also genau das Gegenteil von Agnico Eagle die deutlich höhere Kosten im Quartal hatten.
Ich bin weiterhin gegen die Fusion zu diesen für uns Altaktionären schlechten Kondition.
Kirkland Lake Gold EPS beats by $0.05, beats on revenue
Nov. 04, 2021 1:58 AM ETKirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (KL)By: Meghavi Singh, SA News Editor
Kirkland Lake Gold (NYSE:KL): Q3 Non-GAAP EPS of $0.91 beats by $0.05; GAAP EPS of $0.96 beats by $0.13.
Revenue of $667M (+5.4% Y/Y) beats by $34.88M.
Press Release
Gold sales of 372,100 ounces and an average realized gold price of $1,791 per ounce.
Production 370,101 ounces compared to 339,584 ounces in Q3 2020 and quarterly record production of 379,195 ounces the previous quarter
Operating cash costs per ounce sold of $438 compared to $406 in Q3 2020 and $431 in Q2 2021
AISC per ounce sold of $740, 16% improvement from $886 in Q3 2020 and 5% better than $780 the previous quarter.
Company targeting top half of production guidance (1.3M – 1.4M oz); On track to achieve op. cash costs/oz guidance ($450 – $475/oz) and AISC per/oz guidance ($790 – $810/oz).
SSR Mining hatte ja auch über gute Zahlen und mit einer starken Produktion geglänzt wie ich es am Rande mitbekommen habe. Vielleicht kann ein investierter mal dazu berichten.
Das fehlt hier bei uns im Thread meiner Meinung nach das wir uns kaum mit Minen und deren Zahlen beschäftigen. Es geht darum die guten Minen von den schlechten und dem Durchschnitt zu unterscheiden und nur in die besten zu investieren.
Nov. 03, 2021 6:05 PM ETSSR Mining Inc. (SSRM)7 Comments7 Likes
Taylor Dart profile picture
Taylor Dart
Long/Short Equity, Gold, Gold & Precious Metals, Value
Contributor Since 2016
"A bull market is when you check your stocks every day to see how much they went up. A bear market is when you don't bother to look anymore."
- John Hammerslough
- Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor. All articles are my opinion - they are not suggestions to buy or sell any securities. Perform your own due diligence and consult a financial professional before trading or investing.
SSR Mining released its Q3 results this week, reporting quarterly production of ~186,900 gold-equivalent ounces at all-in sustaining costs of $1,006/oz.
These solid results have pushed year-to-date production to ~583,300 gold-equivalent ounces, and the company made a surprising move, pulling its cost guidance down to $1,020/oz.
With trailing-twelve-month free cash flow of more than $400 million and an aggressive buyback program, SSR Mining continues to be one of the most attractively valued names sector-wide.
Based on SSR Mining's industry-leading reserve life at Copler and recent trend of under-promising and over-delivering, I would view any pullbacks below $15.15 as low-risk buying opportunities.
Mining in Northern Nevada
gchapel/iStock via Getty Images
The Q3 Earnings Season for the Gold Miners Index (GDX) has finally begun and the results to date have been mixed, with decent production results being overshadowed by inflationary pressures. SSR Mining (SSRM) was the most recent company to report its results and deviated significantly from the norm, lowering its cost guidance to $1,020/oz ($1,080/oz previously) and revealing aggressive share buybacks in the quarter, returning more than $70 million to shareholders through buybacks alone. Based on SSR Mining's industry-leading reserve life at Copler and a recent trend of under-promising and over-delivering, I would view any pullbacks below $15.15 as low-risk buying opportunities.
SSR Mining
(Source: Company Presentation)
SSR Mining ("SSRM") released its Q3 results this week, reporting quarterly production of ~186,900 gold-equivalent ounces [GEOs] and quarterly attributable gold production of ~141,000 GEOs. This solid performance was driven by another strong quarter at Copler (~66,400 attributable ounces), and a great quarter from the company's Puna Mine, with silver production up sharply to ~2.18 million ounces. Production was down on a sequential basis at the company's Seabee and Marigold mines, but it's worth noting that both mines were coming up against outstanding performance in the most recent quarter. Besides, though production was down, SSRM reported record tonnes moved at Marigold and record daily throughput at Seabee. Let's take a closer look at the quarter below:
SSR Mining quarterly GEOs produced
(Source: Company Filings, Author's Chart)
As shown in the chart above, we've seen a significant increase in production from SSR Mining since its merger of equals with Alacer Gold (OTCPK:ALIAF), and the company has seen a dramatic improvement in capital returned to shareholders. This is evidenced by SSRM declaring a dividend earlier this year and announcing an aggressive share buyback program. The buyback program called for up to 10 million shares to be repurchased. Unlike other producers that have announced aggressive programs, but barely followed through on them, SSRM has not wasted any time taking advantage of dips in its share price. This is evidenced by the company repurchasing ~4.81 million shares in Q3 alone at an average price of $16.20 per share and more than 8.8 million shares year-to-date. Based on a float of ~221 million shares as of the end of Q1, this translates to a 4% buyback, which is one of the largest buybacks I've seen sector-wide this year.
In some instances, I would be a little critical of a share buyback program this aggressive, but for SSRM, it's more than justified. This is because the stock has spent most of the year trading at a double-digit free cash flow yield with operations printing cash each quarter despite the recent softness in the gold (GLD) price. During the most recent quarter, SSR Mining reported revenue of $322.9 million and free cash flow of $129.2 million, pushing year-to-date free cash flow generation to $306.2 million. Despite its dividend payments and aggressive buybacks, net cash is still sitting at more than 10% of the company's market cap at more than $400 million. This provides SSRM the opportunity to continue its share buyback program opportunistically if the company's share price continues to languish and even increase the program next year. Let's take a look at the company's operations below:
SSR Mining quarterly gold production by mine and total
(Source: Company Filings, Author's Chart)
As shown in the chart above, SSR Mining saw an increase in production at its three gold operations in Q3, with production at Marigold up ~6% year-over-year to ~52,000 ounces. All-in sustaining costs in the quarter were elevated at $1,307/oz, but this was mostly related to higher capital expenditures of ~$26.0 million vs. $16.5 million in the year-ago period. As noted previously, Marigold moved a record ~25.4 million tonnes of material, an impressive feat driven by shorter haulage cycles and increased loading fleet capacities. It's worth noting that production would have been higher in the period if not for unplanned maintenance of the carbon strip vessels. This gold inventory will be poured in Q4, translating to a slight boost to production next quarter.
Moving to Copler, the Turkish mine had another very solid quarter, producing ~83,000 ounces on a 100% basis (~66,400 attributable ounces), up more than 8% from Q3 2020 levels. The increase in production was driven by higher throughput and higher grades for sulfide ore, with sulfide production coming in at ~66,700 ounces, up from ~57,000 ounces in the year-ago period. Given the much higher production, all-in sustaining costs came in at industry-leading levels of $714/oz, down from $796/oz last year. This translated to an AISC margin of $1,079/oz at the operation, only down slightly from $1,106/oz in Q3 2020, despite the weaker gold price. SSRM noted that it expects the flotation plant to be bright online as soon as the final permit is received, with construction completed on time and budget in Q3.
SSR Mining photo
(Source: Company Presentation)
Finally, at Seabee, SSRM saw a 12% increase in production year-over-year, though the mine was up against very easy year-over-year comps due to the voluntary shutdown last year, given that Seabee is a fly-in, fly-out operation. During the quarter, the mine processed ~91,200 tonnes of material at an average grade of 7.70 grams per tonne, translating to ~22,600 ounces produced. Despite higher capital expenditures in the period, Seabee was able to see a sharp decline in all-in sustaining costs on a year-over-year basis ($898/oz vs. $988/oz), benefiting from more ounces sold. Notably, production was lower sequentially; the mill processed a record of 1,400 tonnes per day in September and averaged 991 tonnes per day despite mill maintenance. This would have been a much better quarter for the Manitoba mine if not for the lower grades and mill maintenance. Let's take a look at the financial results:
SSR Mining quarterly gold price
(Source: Company Filings, Author's Chart)
As shown in the chart above, SSRM saw only a 10% decline in all-in sustaining cost margins in Q3, which is much better than the declines we've seen sector-wide. The significant declines on a sector-wide basis are due to most companies coming up against very difficult year-over-year comps, given that the gold price posted a record high in Q3 2020 and is since sitting more than 10% lower. However, given SSR Mining's ability to drive costs lower on a year-over-year basis despite inflationary pressures, AISC margins came it an impressive $786/oz. Due to the ability to keep costs well below FY2021 guidance, SSR Mining has revised its cost guidance to $1,020/oz at the mid-point, which would translate to costs more than 3% below the industry average this year. This is very impressive, given that most companies look like they will come in at the high-end of their guidance ranges.
SSR Mining FCF
(Source: Company Filings, Author's Chart)
Moving over to quarterly sales, we saw SSRM's revenue increase 43% year-over-year, which is no surprise given the addition of a 4th asset in the merger (Copler). Looking at free cash flow, we saw yet another quarter of more than $100 million in free cash flow generation, with year-to-date free cash flow sitting at ~$306 million. On a trailing twelve-month basis, free cash flow hit a new high above $400 million. For a company like SSRM with a market cap below ~$3.4 billion (211 million shares at $15.75), this is a dirt-cheap valuation.
This undervaluation is corroborated by SSR Mining's annual earnings per share, which is expected to increase more than 20% year-over-year to $1.66 (FY2020: $1.30). At a share price of $15.75, this leaves the stock trading at below 10x earnings despite sitting on more than $2.00 in net cash. Looking ahead to FY2022 and FY2023, even if the gold price doesn't increase and stays below $1,900/oz, SSR Mining should be able to post moderate growth in annual EPS due to shrinking its float with its buyback program. As noted earlier, nearly nine million shares have been repurchased since Q1 of this year, translating to a more than 4% reduction in the share count.
SSR Mining EPS
(Source: YCharts.com, Author's Chart)
As shown in the chart below, while SSR Mining has seen a violent correction over the past year, minimal technical damage has been inflicted on the long-term chart. This is because the stock has simply pulled back to re-test the top of a multi-year base breakout (2012-2020), and to date, continues to find strong support in the important $14.80 - $15.20 region. Typically, these back-tests of major breakout levels can provide buying opportunities, so I see no reason to be bearish on the stock, despite the more than 40% correction in the gold price since Q3 2020. Given the strong zone of support between $14.80 and $15.20, pullbacks towards this level should provide low-risk buying opportunities, supported by the strong fundamental outlook. In summary, I would view any pullbacks below $15.15 as low-risk buying opportunities.
SSR Mining stock chart
(Source: TC2000.com)
While this has been a mixed quarter for the sector, SSR Mining has put up another very solid quarterly report and is one of the only producers revising its cost guidance lower this year. This is certainly a welcome deviation from the trend we've seen this year, speaking to rigid cost controls, but also the company's ability to under-promise and over-deliver. If we combine this with an aggressive buyback program to help support the share price and drive production and cash flow per share growth, SSR Mining continues to be one of the best buy-the-dip candidates out there sector-wide. At a double-digit free cash flow yield, and less than 10x earnings, I would view any pullbacks below $15.15 as low-risk buying opportunities.
Zu Golden Tag kann ich nix sagen.
Bin in keinem der 3 Werte investiert...
Hier sieht man es ganz eindeutig. Am teuersten sind die Reits mit knapp 50 Prozent und am günstigsten sind die Gold und Silberminen mit ca 15 Prozent
Auch wenn wir den realen Cash Flow mit dem Consumer Price Index vergleichen auf Jahressicht auf Sektorenebene, sind die Gold und Silberminen der einzige Sektor mit einem positiven Cash Flow der laut Graphik immer größer wird.
Diese ganzen Fakten werden in Mainstream so nicht präsentiert und auch nicht wahrgenommen. Warum wohl? Die Kabalen haben daran kein Interesse meiner Meinung nach.
Ich sage dazu nur eins. Aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben.
Alexco ist ein sehr interessanter Wert jedoch bin ich hier nicht im Bilde was gerade da ab geht.
Golden Tag ist sehr aussichtsreich und sehr günstig bewertet im Peer Group Vergleich. Hier bin ich auch investiert. Stehen trotz großer Resourcen erst am Anfang. Müssen erst mal Studien erstellen und das Explorationspotential ist hier sehr groß. Man hat neue Targets gefunden und die letzten Bohrungen war zum Teil schöne High Grades gewesen. Kurs hat sich in letzter Zeit stabilisiert würde ich sagen.
Wer noch was solides sucht mit Potential auf eine große Mine in der Zukunft mit 10 Millionen Unzen Silber Äquivalent Produktion und aktuellem Cash Flow kann in Gogold investieren. Hier bin ich investiert und der Kurs ist sehr gut gelaufen und hält sich aktuell in der Nähe des Alltimehöchststände.
Guten Morgen zusammen, welche große Mine seht ihr derzeit als guten Invest? Natürlich mit Hinblick auf Kurspotenzial und auch Dividende.
Ich bin in mehreren kleineren Explorer (Silber, Gold und Lithium) investiert und möchte nun eine größere Position aufbauen. Barrick Gold?
Wenn Interesse vorhanden, könnte ich hier beim nächsten mal die einwahldaten einstellen
Große chinesische Einzelhändler haben Preiserhöhungen für Nahrungsmittel angekündigt. Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food, Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar Industry sowie Chacha Food haben die Preise bereits im letzten Monat um bis zu 18 % angehoben.
Goldkinder das Viedo mit Firefox ist gut. Sie haben ja weitere Targets entdeckt und werden diese in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten bebohren. Ziel sollte hier sein eine 2 Rupertdiscovery zu finden.
Man sieht auch schön an der Karte das S2 Resources hier in Lappland auch einige Liegenschaften hat die aktuell verbohrt werden. Die ersten Ergebnisse waren in Ordnung allerdings haben die Längen noch gefehlt. Sind ja noch am Anfang der Exploration in diesem sehr interessanten Gebiet.
Kirkland Lake Gold 2975 prozent plus Dividenden auch wenn nur kleine
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Gold Royaltie 591 prozent
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Blackrock Silver 76 prozent
Condor Gold 55 prozent
Gogold Resources 596 prozent
Gran Colombia Gold 102 prozent
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New Found Gold 402 prozent
Nova Minerals 153 prozent
Podium Minerals 75 prozent
Sokoman Minerals 65 prozent
Sylvania Platinum 130 prozent plus dividenden auchgwenn nur kleine
Tudor Gold 315 prozent
E2 Gold 95 Prozent
Bewusst nur Aktien aus dem Edelmetallsektor hier aufgelistet