AFC Energy Aktie mit viel Potential
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ABB ist ein Global Player. Denke jetzt werden Kurse jenseits des 1,- EUR wahrscheinlich
Wed, 16th Dec 2020 07:00
RNS Number : 7705I
AFC Energy Plc
16 December 2020
The information communicated within this announcement is deemed to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.
16 December 2020
AFC Energy PLC
("AFC Energy" or the "Company")
Strategic Partnership with ABB
AFC Energy (AIM: AFC), a leading provider of hydrogen power generation technologies, is pleased to announce the signing of a strategic partnership with ABB, a world leader in electrification and digitalisation technologies, operating in over 100 countries
● ABB and AFC Energy to develop and launch a bespoke high power EV charging product for distribution through ABB's market channels from the second half of 2021.
● ABB entered the EV-charging market in 2010, and to date has sold more than 17,000 ABB DC fast chargers across 80 countries.
● The strategic partnership aims to leverage respective company technologies with regards AFC Energy's zero emission, high efficiency fuel cell technology alongside ABB's energy storage and market leading DC high power EV charge points.
● Each company is to invest into a Commercialisation and Marketing Agreement, and Joint Product Development Agreement to showcase the supply of secure, reliable and flexible on-site power generation in ultra-rapid EV charging.
● Global EV charging market is expected to exceed US$140bn by 2030 with power network upgrades necessary to facilitate this level of deployment forecast to exceed £50bn in the UK alone.
AFC Energy today announces the signing of the Company's first strategic collaboration with a global OEM, ABB, a leading provider of electric vehicle charge points, electrification and digitalisation technologies. The suite of agreements that underpin the strategic partnership consist of a Commercialisation and Marketing Agreement and a Joint Product Development Agreement.
The Commercialisation and Marketing Agreement will focus efforts on the joint marketing and deployment of integrated high power EV charging systems across key ABB markets including:
● Private vehicle hubs;
● Charge point operators;
● Logistics hubs and distribution centres;
● Public and private urban transportation (including bus depots);
● Marine (including port and marina charging); and
● Vertical Take off and Landing Craft (VTOLs).
Under the agreements, AFC Energy is afforded a Right of First Refusal across multiple years, to supply H-PowerTM fuel cell systems into ABB's high power EV charging network of international customers where customer or site power demands are absent or require further resilience.
Both companies will jointly market the integrated product across the key addressable markets and will collaboratively develop a communications strategy for system branding and deployment.
The Joint Product Development Agreement ("JPDA") defines the activities to be undertaken jointly by ABB and AFC Energy in designing principles of system operability, proof of concept testing and productization ready for customer sales. The final stage of work under the JPDA is expected to be competed in the second half of 2021.
The JPDA will deliver a fully autonomous, high power EV charging system capable of deployment in the UK, Europe, United States and elsewhere, building on the system launched by AFC Energy in December 2019 and showcased across the UK earlier this year.
ABB, having deployed a sizable market share for its rapid DC charge points across more than 80 countries, is increasingly engaged with its customer base to address the lack of power available from grid connections as the charge rate of EV charging infrastructure increases. These challenges, based on assessments from ABB and AFC Energy, suggest that once system utilisation starts to exceed a relatively modest level through the rapid growth in EVs, the use of batteries as a mere buffer between grid and vehicle fall short of customer expectations.
The JPDA stems from several months of discussion between the two companies regarding the technology and market for ultra-rapid EV charging infrastructure and the inherent grid challenges that exist across several of these use cases.
The system will provide a secure, efficient, flexible and reliable local power supply, with zero emissions, leveraging at first the AFC Energy HydroX-Cell(L) series of fuel cell systems, and then adding the higher power density "S" series of fuel cells when launched in late 2022.
With this collaboration comes the ability to quickly scale up and further reduce costs, validating the recent investments made by AFC Energy into large scale manufacturing of fuel cell stacks and systems, consolidating the role of alkaline systems as a preferred hydrogen based technology in distributed power generation.
ABB provides an immediate global footprint for large scale deployment of the AFC Energy fuel cell in high power EV charging applications. The DC fast charging system will have applications for commercial and logistics carriers, marine and urban transport. Sustainable solutions are also being developed for other growing segments like data centers and utilities to enable optimized carbon footprint
The agreements do not license ABB or AFC Energy's background technology and reflects a commercial model for system deployment leveraging the mutual capabilities of both companies working in partnership. There is no exclusivity afforded to either company under the agreements.
Frank Muehlon, Head of ABB's global business for E-mobility Infrastructure Solutions at ABB, said: "ABB has led the way in e-mobility solutions and is proud to have played a key role in driving EV adoption rates across the world. This partnership with AFC Energy allows us to continue to push the boundaries of e-mobility, specifically targeting off-grid applications and thus enabling a much wider reach of e-mobility based on clean energy.
"At ABB we believe that sustainable development means progress towards a healthier and more prosperous world today and for future generations. It is through innovative applications of technology such as this partnership with AFC Energy that we can enable a low-carbon society. AFC Energy is uniquely positioned with their cost effective alkaline based fuel cell technology, which makes it a perfect match."
Adam Bond, Chief Executive Officer at AFC Energy, said "Today marks an historic milestone in the commercialisation of our proprietary hydrogen fuel cell as we commence a long-term relationship with ABB. As one of the world's leading suppliers of rapid EV charging infrastructure, this strategic partnership is fully aligned with AFC Energy's go to market strategy with ABB providing strong and credible access to key customer channels both in Europe and overseas".
"Our strategic partnership with ABB will bring to market a unique, zero emission solution that brings together world leaders in electrification and alkaline fuel cell technologies to support and enable deployment of future high power EV charging infrastructure as a key step along the way to the full decarbonisation of mobility and transport across the globe as we continue to drive down costs and further increase manufacturing scale underwritten by emerging global market opportunities".
"Bei ABB selbst habe ich noch nichts gefunden was auf Brennstoffzellen Technologie bei den E-Tankstellen hinweist. Sie arbeiten bei Brennstoffzellen in Schiffen und Autos mit, aber nicht in E-Tankstellen.
Einen Partner für die Erzeugung von H2 haben sie:
Fehlt vielleicht noch ein Partner bei der Brennstoffzelle :)"
Mein Wunsch wurde erfüllt, passiert selten :D
PPS mit diesen 15,7% Free Float und festen Verträge mit der DB scheint mir eine weitere unterbewertete Aktie zu sein. Aber mal sehen.... im 2021 wird hier bei AFC bzw PPS und allen anderen H2 Werten sehr sehr viel passieren.
Hab’s gerade gelesen! Ist euch allen klar, was das für eine „Hammer- Meldung“ ist? Wenn einer ABB kennt, ist das für AFC ein Ritterschlag!!
Der Kurs von AFC müsste jetzt heftig nach oben reagieren. Viele kleine AFC‘ler werden natürlich direkt Gewinne mitnehmen ( selbst schuld ), allerdings wird sich Kurs auf deutlich höheren Niveau einpendeln!!
RNS Number : 7706I
AFC Energy Plc
16 December 2020
The information communicated within this announcement is deemed to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.
16 December 2020
AFC Energy PLC
("AFC Energy" or the "Company")
Director Share Options
AFC Energy (AIM: AFC) announces that, in line with its existing share option agreement with CEO Adam Bond (the "Original Award"), five tranches of options have vested and conditions on the remaining four tranches have been adjusted to reflect the significant increase in share capital and change to business strategy.
The Original Award (dated July 2015) was in nine tranches. Tranches 1 to 3 each representing 1,000,000 options were exercisable subject to various share price targets. Under the terms of the Original Award these target prices have been adjusted to 42.5p, 64p and 85p (respectively) to take into account the change in the Company's share capital since July 2015. In addition, the Remuneration Committee has added a retention clause to these options such that a specified number of shares should not be sold between the date of exercise and the first anniversary of these revisions. This holding requirement is reduced by the number of shares necessary to meet the tax liability arising from the exercise of the options ("Retention Requirement").
Tranches 4 to 9 of the Original Award were exercisable dependent on the achievement of certain operational performance measures. The Remuneration Committee has determined that, save in respect of the Tranche 7, these conditions have either been achieved, or a comparable measure achieved.
In addition, under the terms of the Original Award, the Remuneration Committee has adjusted the strike price of the Original Award from 51p to 22p, in line with the increase in Company's share capital since July 2015.
The 6,000,000 options currently held by Mr Bond represent approximately 0.88 per cent. of the Company's existing issued share capital.
2020-12-16 07:35:00
Die Vereinbarung ist laut AFC die erste strategische Zusammenarbeit mit einem globalen Erstausrüster (OEM) in der Größenordnung von ABB

Der Ladegerätemarkt soll in zehn Jahren einen Wert von 130 Mrd. Euro haben
AFC Energy (LON: AFC) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit dem Schweizer Elektrosystemgiganten ABB geschlossen, um Produkte für den Markt für Ladegeräte für Elektrofahrzeuge zu entwickeln.
Durch die nicht exklusive Vereinbarung werden die beiden Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, um ein maßgeschneidertes Hochleistungs-EV-Ladegerät zu entwickeln, das ab der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2021 über die Marktkanäle von ABB verkauft wird.
AFC sagte, dass es seine Brennstoffzellentechnologie mit ABB liefern wird, das das Energiespeicher-Know-how und die marktführenden DC-Hochleistungs-EV-Ladestationen bereitstellt.
ABB hat bereits ein Vertriebsnetz aufgebaut und seit seinem Markteintritt im Jahr 2010 1.700 Einheiten in 80 Ländern verkauft, so AFC.
Das an der AIM notierte Unternehmen fügte hinzu, dass diese Vereinbarung die erste strategische Zusammenarbeit mit einem globalen Erstausrüster (OEM) wie ABB ist.
Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung hat das Unternehmen das Vorkaufsrecht, H-Power-Brennstoffzellensysteme in das Hochleistungs-EV-Ladesystem internationaler Kunden von ABB zu liefern, wenn ein neues System erforderlich ist.
Die Aufladung von Elektrofahrzeugen wird in den kommenden Jahren voraussichtlich enorm zunehmen, da elektrisch betriebene Autos, Busse, Schiffe und möglicherweise sogar Flugzeuge in großem Umfang eingesetzt werden.
Prognosen gehen von einem globalen Jahresmarkt von 130 Mrd. USD bis 2030 aus, wobei der britische Markt allein auf 50 Mrd. GBP geschätzt wird.
In einer Erklärung sagte Adam Bond, CEO von AFC Energy: "Heute ist ein historischer Meilenstein in der Kommerzialisierung unserer proprietären Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzelle, da wir eine langfristige Beziehung mit ABB aufnehmen.
"Als einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Infrastrukturen für das schnelle Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen ist diese strategische Partnerschaft voll und ganz auf die Markteinführungsstrategie von AFC Energy ausgerichtet. ABB bietet einen starken und glaubwürdigen Zugang zu wichtigen Kundenkanälen in Europa und Übersee."
Frank Muehlon, Leiter der E-Mobility-Infrastruktur bei ABB, fügte hinzu: „Diese Partnerschaft mit AFC Energy ermöglicht es uns, die Grenzen der E-Mobilität weiter zu erweitern, insbesondere auf netzferne Anwendungen abzuzielen und so eine viel größere Reichweite der E-Mobilität zu ermöglichen auf saubere Energie.
Denn da bin ich auch gut investiert, da ich sie im Verhältnis auch als unterbewertet ansehe...
Die Extreme E Serie wird nächstes Jahr mMn nochmal zu einem höheren Bekanntheitsgrad von AFC beitragen.
Wenns dann noch so gute News wie heute gibt kann man uns alle nur beglückwünschen. :D
Vorher gebe ich auch kein Stück ab. Werde eher in der nächsten Konsolidierungsphase nochmal nachlegen.