Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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By Aloysius Laukai
The two-days Panguna negotiations Forum held at the Hutjena
Secondary School Hall this week has strongly recommended that the closed
PANGUNA Copper Mine be re- opened with BCL as their first partner.
The Regional forum for the North Bougainville Districts of
Buka, Atolls and Nissan ended with all the three districts supporting the
reopening of the Panguna Copper Mine by the old partner BCL .
In their seven Points recommendations all three districts
said they supported the reopening of the Panguna Copper mine only after a new
deal has been negotiated between all parties concerned.
They called on the ABG to make sure all parties are represented
when the new deal will be negotiated between the BCL, ABG and the PNG Government and of course the Landowners.
The Division of Mining organized this meeting to get the views from
the leaders and people of North Bougainville, Nissan and the Atolls District that includes the islands of
Carteret, Motlock , Tasman and Fead Islands. The forum was hailed a success.
Three more forums would be hosted in Central Bougainville
and South Bougainville to get the responses from these other districts.The two-day forum was broadcasted live on New Dawn FM, Bougainville's Community Radio Network.
By Aloysius
Minister for Natural Resources which covers mining, MICHAEL ONI says Panguna
leadership is united and ready to negotiate an agreement with BCL on how the
new mining agreement will be made.
He made
these remarks when responding to questions from the participants of the Panguna negotiation
forum in Buka yesterday.
MR. ONI said
that through the Panguna Communique signed by the late Kabui government the
people of Panguna are now ready to discuss their differences and find a common
ground to start negotiations.
said that the ABG is looking with working with BCL as it knows the issues the people of
Bougainville have been talking about in the few years. Minister Oni said other outstanding issues would be discussed during the negotiations.
He said that
the ABG through the mining division has been having meetings with the
landowners and would continue until everything is settled.
By Aloysius
President Chief JOHN MOMIS is showing example again by continuing his unification Programme which he announced at
his swear-in ceremony at his inauguration ceremony in June 2010.
He will be
reconciling with his captors in Tinputz tomorrow.
JOHN MOMIS was captured by BRA members in 1997 when he was the member for
Bougainville Regional in the National Parliament and was campaigning for the
1997 National Elections.
He was
campaigning after church on Sunday at the Tinputz Catholic Mission station when
he was captured by the rebels. Even all his close friends left him, but some
brave women argued with the captors but to no avail.
He was then
forced to walk the steep mountains for days to get to Francis Ona in Panguna.
He was later
released from PANGUNA and was picked up by a chartered Elicopter from Panguna.
reconciliation ceremony would be held at the Tinputz District office.
"ready to negotiate an agreement with BCL"
Also auch keine Chance das in Downunder darauf eine Reaktion erfolgen konnte.
Hier in Germany ist das Thema nur den Eingewehten dieses Boards bekannt und deshalb fehlen hier die Käufer. Außerdem ist Freitag Nachmittag nicht gerade der beste Tag für Neuinvestment vor dem Wochenende.
Ich erwarte wenn überhaupt eine Reaktion in AU.
Bitte abstimmen:
Heute nacht konnte man wieder schön beobachten wie der Kurs an der ASX bei 63 ct. gedeckelt wurde.
Richtige Bewegung wird m.M. nach erst in den Kurs kommen wenn BOC eine Ad-hoc Meldung veröffentlicht dass die BCA Review gestartet wird u. diese auch von Bloomberg etc. aufgegriffen wird. Bei steigender Nachfrage u. ohne Shares die auf ABLADEN warten ist der BIGBOCBANG dann vorprogrammiert. ;-)))))
Sollten ein paar kleinere "Early-Birds" aufspringen so wird wohl diesmal versucht bei 70 ct. zu deckeln, für "Grössere Vögel" ist ein Fangnetz bei 90 ct. installiert.
PS: Ein Vote auf HC kann trotzdem nichts schaden.;-)))
noch vor 12 Monaten wäre der Kurs um 20% angesprungen,und jetzt? hier stink's gewaltig zum Himmel
2) Ohne Vorgaben aus AU warten die meisten erstmal ab?
3) In den letzten Jahren gab es schon soviele positive Statements die sich alle im Nachhinein als BlaBla herausgestellt haben!
4) Erst wenn konkrete Schritte in richtung Wiedereröffnung sichtbar sind (Drawdown of Miningpower,Transfert of BCL Shares,Lifting of Mining Moratorium,Start der BCA Review etc.)
wird die grosse Masse der Investoren aufmerksam?
5) Bevor nicht Punkt 4 umgesetzt ist lässt sich der Kurs von den Trickys mit wenigen Stücken in jede gewünschte Richtung manipulieren.
wird die grosse Masse der Investoren aufmerksam?....
....aber gerade zu diesen einzelnen wichtigen Schritten kann ich mich an keinen einzigen Tag erinnern, an dem wir näher dran gewesen wären als zu dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt.
Die Länge des COUNTDOWN werden wir wohl nicht beeinflussen können aber hier in diesem Segment bestimmt ob mit einer Silvesterrakete oder mit einem Feuerwerk (zur Freude aller Beteiligten) gestartet wird. ;d)))))))
Hier sehe ich Potenzial um die Zeit zu verkürzen. Ich sehe konkret uns selbst in der Pflicht hier fördernd einzugreifen. Ich hab gestern abend eine Reihe von mails verschickt an australische Medien mit einem Verweis auf die New Dawn Veröffentlichungen und der Verbindung Rio - BCL. Jeder Einzelne von Euch kann das auch. Adressaten wären neben den AU Medien auch Wirtschaftsmedien, Aktienbriefe, Finanzmedien, Tageszeitungen, Nachrichtensender ... etc. in D, A, EU, R, CHN, J, CH, USA, GB, F, ...etc. Evtl. auch Fonds und institutionelle Anleger anschreiben.
Seid kreativ und aktiv und nehmt die Chance wahr einen oder mehrere Treffer zu landen. Lasst es uns gemeinsam versuchen, den Stein des Anstosses nach vorne zu rutschen.
Also auf gehts - ich zähl auf Euch und das Wochenende ist kurz!
Quelle: Radio New Dawn
by Aloysius Laukai in Tinputz
Reconciliation ceremony between ABG President Chief John Momis and the Tinputz former combatants starts shortly.
Pictured are UN team ready to witness the traditional ceremony at the Tinputz Catholic Mission.
This is where the President was taken hostage by the BRA members in 1997
Also lasst die dort unten erstmal Fakten schaffen bis das an die große Glocke gehangen wird.
ihr werdet doch nicht glauben, dass von den Betroffenen im paz. Raum keiner dieses Forum liest? ich habe schon mal an anderer Stelle geschreiben, dass wir hier etwas vorsichtiger sein sollten...
Unser "Baby" ist Spielball der Politik, der Mächtigen der Wirtschaft, der UN, usw. und jeder von den Beteiligten kocht sein Süppchen mit anderen Zutaten...
bleibt bitte bei den Fakten
Die Finanzierungsberater hängen doch schon lange in diesem Forum und warten auch darauf, dass Fakten auf dem Tisch liegen...kleine Positionen sind doch bei deren Kunden schon längst platziert...
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
The ABG President. Chief John Momis today forgave former BRA soldiers who nearly killed him 15 years ago.
In an emotional speech in front of more than 5 thousand people who gathered at the Tinputz Catholic Mission to witness the reconciliation ceremony he said that he has no hatred for these young soldiers who did this to him.
Mr. Momis was given the chance to speak if he so decided to as this part was the most emotional part of the reconciliation process announced the Master of Ceremony, Leonas Sambure.
The President then explained that he was well looked after during his nearly one week walk up the hills from Tinputz to Panguna to meet the late Francis Ona.
He said that after a lot of discussions with Mr. Ona and his group he was then allowed to return home after a month.
Mr. Momis also described the late FRANCIS ONA as a man of integrity and respect who also realized that the best option to persue his goal of attaining independence was to work with all Bougainvileans on both side of the conflict.
And the road map to reach this goal was through the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the vehicle was the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
President Momis was captured when he was campaigning to defend his Bougainville Regional seat in June 1997.
People from South Central and North Bougainville all gathered to witness this very important ceremony including representatives from the United Nations in New York and local NGO’s and development partners.
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
Former Bougainville Revolutionary Army General. Ishmael Toroama today congratulated the people of Tinputz and Buin for initiating the peace reconciliation between the people of Buin and Tinputz district.
He said for Bougainville to move forward it must complete all outstanding reconciliations and work with their mandated government, ABG.
On the ABG , MR Toroama called on the President to establish a political school where aspiring Bougainville politicians can be trained to replace aging politicians.
He said now that traditional ceremony has reinstated his chieftian leadership removed when they captured him by the fighters fifteen years ago he should prepare to pass on this leadership to the young generation.
On the law and order, MR Toroama called all former combatants to respect and look after government assets and properties.
He warned those still seizing vehicles that this year should be the end of these activities as this is not the reason for fighting this revolution.
Mr Toroama was speaking at the reconciliation ceremony in Tinputz today.
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
The Vice President of the Meekamui Unity Government in Panguna, Philip Takaung yesterday called on the ABG President Chief John Momis to stand firm and lead Bougainville into the future as the people of Bougainville including the Meekamu were behind him.
Speaking at the reconciliation ceremony. MR. Takaung said that it was very critical for all Bougainvilleans to work together as they have only one goal at the end of the day. He said that his group recognized his leadership and also called on other factions to rally behind this leadership to see Bougainville archieve its goals.
Before speaking, The Vice President of the Mekamui group showed remorse at what his soldiers did to the leader and bowed at the foot of President Momis in front of an very emotional crowd.
At this some people shed tears as this was one high level reconciliation since all reconciliations began.
This ceremony was arranged by the chiefs from Buin and Tinputz and was the first district to district reconciliations.