Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.03.25 18:08
Eröffnet am:29.09.07 14:50von: nekroAnzahl Beiträge:25.571
Neuester Beitrag:02.03.25 18:08von: loghoLeser gesamt:6.327.551
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15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroProjections for copper demand boosted............

19.10.12 13:07

933 Postings, 4718 Tage LOFP@ Peter Ski

19.10.12 13:59
Nur warum kommt Saxo nicht in die Gänge?
Warum überträgt Saxo die Aktien nicht?
Warum hat Saxo in den letzten Monaten kontinuerlich die MArgin auf CFDs gekürzt?
Warum sind seit neustem die Bougainville Aktien gar nicht mehr beleihbar bei Saxo, bei anderen Banken aber weiterhin schon?
Sehr merkwürdig.
Ich würde keinen Tag warten und Druck machen ohne ENDE!!!
Vielleicht sind gar keine Aktien im Depot, sondern stehen nur fiktiv im Auszug?  

1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650Beleihung

19.10.12 16:49
also wie schon gesagt: Eine Beleihung in Österreich unmöglich..... hatte die Aktien bei 2 verschiedenen Banken - bei keiner nur einen CEnt Beleihung möglich...  

1158 Postings, 6507 Tage sumoeyhatten wir das schon?

19.10.12 17:13
THE AUTONOMOUS Boug­ain­ville Government has considered the Panguna Re-Opening Process and Negotiations as its highest priority.

Speaking in Kokopo on Wednesday this week during the one-day Joint Supervisory Body meeting between the ABG and the National Government, ABG President Chief Dr John Momis said they hope the issue will be treated as a special agenda on all future JSB meetings until the matter was concluded.

He said the brief that was presented to the JSB detailed the administrative actions taken jointly by the ABG and by the appropriate National Government Departments to deal with the Panguna Re-Opening Process.

A meeting between ABG and the National Government Technical Officers (Joint Technical Officials Meeting) which was held two days before the JSB meeting recommended that a Joint Panguna Review Coordination Group to be established and that the ABG was preparing itself and the landowners to negotiate on this matter.

A full brief by the ABG and the National Government on the progress of the Panguna re-opening process and negotiations was presented during the JSB meeting.

Amongst the conclusions and records of the JSB was the Panguna Negotiations which stated that the JSB noted the establishment of the Panguna Co-ordination Committee within the ABG for the Panguna reopening process and fully endorsed the work streams and the cooperative relations between the ABG and the National Government.

The JSB also agreed for the state to commit its support to the process for the reopening of the Panguna Mine.

Dr Momis also said under the JSB Agenda item Mining, Oil and Gas, the ABG was working on its own mining legislation and drafting instructions has been approved for a Bill for a transitional ABG Mining Act.

He said the main reason for this step being taken was to emphasis that it was the ABG that sets mining policy for Bougainville and that all stakeholders must obey the law.

“This includes foreign companies, some of which so far have failed to even consult either the ABG or lawful PNG authorities about their mining related activities in Bougainville. This ABG legislation will hopefully put a stop to this practice in an emphatic way,” he said.  

448 Postings, 6502 Tage bockaufboc5k

19.10.12 17:24
So,schnapp mir dann noch 5 k in Berlin .Kann mir nicht vorstellen dass es noch günstiger wird
Market Cap 227mio ....bei den Assets

666 Postings, 5929 Tage havannaVerwendung des Etats für 2013

19.10.12 23:02
K500m for projects


K500 million special intervention funding from the National Government to the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) will be used for high-impact (HIP) projects on Bougainville.
This was endorsed by both the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and ABG president John Momis after the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting in Kokopo, East New Britain on Wednesday.
The first batch of K100 million from the K500 million over a five-year period to ABG was presented by Mr O’Neill to Mr Momis in Port Moresby last month.
The JSB meeting in Kokopo noted and endorsed the joint approach by the National Government and the ABG on the identification, prioritisation and utilisation of the K500 million special intervention fund.
The JSB noted that Mr O’Neill and Mr Momis discussed the issue of the HIP and endorsed the following projects for 2013:
nSealing of Buka Ring Road;
nSealing of Kokopau-Buin Road;
nBuin-Siwai Road;
nAropa airport upgrading/sealing and terminal;
nKieta port upgrade;
nArawa Hospital;
nArawa and Kieta water supply and sewerage;
nBougainville power upgrading;
nArawa township redevelopment projects (including ABG Administration and Government Headquarters; and
nBougainville Bridge program (Arawa-Buin).
The JSB also endorsed the approaches regarding the establishment of the Joint Program Management Unit in the ABG to oversee project implementation.
Prime Minister O’Neill in his address to the JSB said that he was glad that the first batch of K100 million was now in the hands of ABG government.
“Let’s get our acts together and make the most of this money. Let our people of Bougainville feel and see developments to their lives.” Mr O’Neill said.
“We need to exercise prudence in the management of this fund and ensure that relevant PIP expenditure guidelines are followed, including compliance with the approved 2012 Development Budget books.
“Transparency and accountability are very important principles we need to adhere to for they will increase the level of trust and confidence our people of Bougainville will have on us.
Mr O’Neill and Mr Momis reaffirmed their commitment to the process of the implementation of the autonomy arrangements in the interest of peace, prosperity and development in Bougainville.
The two leaders emphasised the need for closer consultation at all levels and were satisfied with the spirit of cooperation and thanked all parties involved on the process before signing the Joint Statement on the conclusions and records of JSB.  

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroWeihnachts -/- Ostergeschenk??

20.10.12 12:31

He  said that the ABG was also working on mining Policy that they hope to  pass through the parliament in December or at the March session.


20 October 2012

By Aloysius Laukai

ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS is happy at the outcome of the JSB meeting held in Rabaul this week.
Chief Momis described the meeting as the best JSB meeting the region has had since 2005.
He was speaking to reporters in Buka this morning.
President MOMIS raised many issues discussed at the JSB which among  others starts with the setting up of the Bougainville Public Service  which will go with the Public Finance Management Act to manage  Bougainville’s funds.
He said that the ABG was also working on mining Policy that they hope to  pass through the parliament in December or at the March session.
The President also announced a special committee on reopening of the  Panguna mine which will be headed by RAYMOND MASONO the former Deputy  Administrator Policy.
On the ONE HUNDRED MILLION KINA allocated by the National Government,  Chief Momis said that this year’s funds have been appropriated by the  ABG however next year’s funds will specifically for High Impact  Projects.
On the issue of Businesses by foreigners, the President said that once  laws have been enacted no outsider would be allowed to operate canteens  and stores that are only for Bougainvilleans.
On the question of foreigners marrying Bougainvilleans to operate  businesses, President Momis says that this law was currently being  reviewed.



703 Postings, 6332 Tage Tom0001Saxo Bank

20.10.12 15:39
der Artikel ist zwar schon ein Jahr alt - dennoch bezgl. der aktuellen Vorkommnisse vielleicht aufschlussreich und richtungsweisend....

"JP Morgan Allegedly Telegraphed Silver Price Smashes Using Massive FAKE TRADES on Saxo Bank Platform.......

.....8. Saxo combination
More than twenty five additional instances of this manipulative selling occurred appeared following the highly unusual appearance of a fake trade on the Saxo Bank Silver and FOREX trading platform. JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank assisted Saxo in providing this trade platform. However, this Saxo trade platform repeatedly published a fake trade through March 2010 that did not appear on the trade platform e-signal. ......

......9. It was highly unusual for Saxo Bank to let a fake trade repeatedly appear on the Saxo Bank platform......."

Der Artikel lässt # 13302 "Vielleicht sind gar keine Aktien im Depot, sondern stehen nur fiktiv im Auszug?" gar nicht so unplausibel erscheinen.  

1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650pezz88 #13279

20.10.12 16:39
das glaubst aber auch nur du.... da geht schon noch einiges...., wenn Not am Mann ist...bei dem Geplänkel ist es aber noch nicht notwendig, schon andere Positionen aufzulösen und zuzukaufen...wichtig ist, dass neue, feste Hände zugreifen.....  

140 Postings, 6503 Tage pezz88antares...

20.10.12 21:09 ist nun fast 8 Jahre her, dass wir hier bei BOC eingestiegen sind.

Ende 2004 hat Sven L. die Story aufleben lassen. Viele sind seit dem Tag dabei, haben mehr Tiefen als Höhen erlebt und haben nachgekauft, wenn mal wieder die Meinung rrusierte, dass es "morgen" losgeht.

Ich persönlich habe mehr nachgekauft, als verkauft, was im Nachhinein natürlich falsch war, aber hinterher ist man ja immer schlauer...

Mittlerweile ist die Nachrichtenlage viel bester als in den letzten Jahren, nur der Kurs ist ziemlich unten und entspricht nun gar nicht den Realitäten. Vielleicht ist dieses aber auch nur wieder ein Wunschdenken... Geduld ist, wie in den letzten Jahren so oft von Nöten.  

Neue feste Hände, oder Alte, die noch bereit sind mehr zu investieren werden in der Zukunft gebraucht, um steigende Kurse zu generieren!

Bei den richtigen, offiziellen Melden, werden die sicherlich kommen, nur wann wird das sein?  Ich möchte gerne von meinen Anteilen noch selber partizipieren und nicht meine Erben...


Es bleibt weiterhin spannend, ich kann nur hoffen, dass das nicht eintreten wird:  

"es bleibt ein großes erdloch, wo nichts gefördert wird"


15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekro#13308

20.10.12 23:59
Das ist ja wohl der Beweis dass Saxo dem Umfeld der JPM Trickys zuzurechnen ist.

Da erstaunt es nicht dass Saxo zuerst die Grössen der CFD Positionen reduziert u. danach den Beleihungswert der Böcke auf 0 gesetzt hat.

Dadurch mussten dann etliche Böcke in AU zum Verkauf gestellt werden, was bei einem dünnen OB zu kaskadenartigen Zwangsverkäufen geführt haben kann.

521 Postings, 5210 Tage xxxraphaelxxxDas sehe ich genau so

21.10.12 10:33
Es sollte für Leute wie Saxo sehr leiht sein, solche Depots zu identifizieren. Und ja, ich musste auch Bar nachschießen um keinen Margin call zu erhalten. Und zwar innerhalb eines Tages!  

1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650Beleihung

21.10.12 17:39
ich erlaube mir hinzuweisen, dass mit Basel III die Beleihung noch problematischer wird.
Ich empfehle eine generelle Beleihquote von max. 30% und diese nicht auf einzelne Werte sondern immer auf das gesamte Aktiendepot. Somit dürfte der Nachschuß immer umgangen sein und man schläft ruhiger...Noch besser wäre es keine Beleihung durchzuführen. Da kann man auch bei extremen Kursschwankungen ruhig schlafen....  

521 Postings, 5210 Tage xxxraphaelxxxOB BOC

21.10.12 23:42
also heute müssen dann wahrscheinlich die 500+ von LOFP getauscht werden...
von der linken in die rechte tasche.
das OB sieht jedenfalls mal wieder vielversprechend aus  

1528 Postings, 6503 Tage CCLSC70c

21.10.12 23:52
Soll da heute zur Eröffnung in AU direkt ein "größeres Paket" zu 70c getauscht werden?  

140 Postings, 6503 Tage pezz88ASC...

21.10.12 23:59
...ihr seht aber auch in allem etwas Positives!  

1158 Postings, 6507 Tage sumoey@pezz88 sie hatten aber recht

22.10.12 08:46
alle Shares zu 0,70 AUD wurden bedient,und mit 3k wurden noch 0,67 AUD bedient  

1158 Postings, 6507 Tage sumoeydie Chinesen lassen sich auch Zeit

22.10.12 08:54
Chiefs query ABG MOUs with China

AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government president John Momis has been challenged to explain and update the people of Bougainville on the seven agreements that were signed in China early last year, resulting in the formation of the Bougainville China Cooperation Committee (BCCC).
Vice president Patrick Nisira heads that committee, but Mr Momis spearheaded the MOUs signed between China and ABG which include:
* Honghua Group – the Global Second Largest Manufacturer of Oil Drilling Platforms (this company supplied drilling platforms to LNG Project) and Hengsen Chemical – a famous company in China;
* Tongling Nonferrous Group – the Second Largest Copper Mining Company in China;
* Hunan Hydro & Power Design Institute – the Second Largest Institute in China;
* Sun Innovation Group Company – a famous multi-industrial company based in Hongkong (they came by the private jet); and
* Hosia Engineering Design Company and Ruike Construction Company Developed and had BEC approve on mid July 2011 the Package Strategy for Establishing Comprehensive Economic Structure and System in Bougainville.
Bougainville and Buka island chiefs in a statement over the weekend had also called on Mr Momis to update the 300,000 people of the island on the status of the Kokopau Modern Town which was widely publicised last year and which has never been talked about since it was published nationally and internationally.
“We only know that according to Bougainville China Economic Cooperation (BCEC) Strategy report, companies from China who visited to help Bougainville in its economic prosperity, specifically help build up Strategic Partnership with China to secure Chinese Government aid, attract Chinese investment and achieve direct trading access to China to cut off middlemen, achieve full autonomy by implementation of Bougainville Peace Agreement to allow the people to compare the autonomy and full independence before referendum and see Bougainville China Cooperation as a strategy to achieve the full autonomy,” the chiefs said. Today, we have heard of nothing.”
Because of Bougainville’s low revenue income, lack of capacity (Government and economy), low employment rate (25 percent employed formal sectors) and big fiscal gap (K93,566,500 in 2010) ABG’s legal arm approved BCCC on June 12, 2011.
“This economic system was said to enable Bougainville to accelerate economic growth, achieve economic independence and support Bougainville social welfare development but it is not doing that, we are going the other way,” they said.
The BCEC report also detailed that BCCC over the last 12 months had:
- Established Bougainville Public Investment Corporation Limited – 100 percent ABG owned company. (This business arm provides a legal position for ABG to go into any joint venture and creates the second source of revenue for the goal of ABG fiscal self-reliance).
- Established Bougainville General Development Corporation Limited – 52 percent ABG & 48 per cent Chinese investors. (This company will serve as a headquarter company and play a leadership role in establishing every industrial development capacity company in JV with Chinese investors);
- Established Bougainville Import & Export General Corporation Limited – 60 percent Bougainvillean & 40 per cent Chinese investors.  

1158 Postings, 6507 Tage sumoeyWas macht eigentlich die BCL Blechhütte in Arawa?

22.10.12 09:00

933 Postings, 4718 Tage LOFPAktionärsregistereintrag jetzt da! 612773 Stücke

22.10.12 11:14
Anbei das Dokument.
Name natürlich unkenntlich gemacht.
Ich hoffe, andere ziehen jetzt nach!?
Viele Grüße  
Angehängte Datei: _unbenannt_.pdf

396 Postings, 4757 Tage BOC-Koala@LOFP

22.10.12 11:32
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum gelungenen Eintrag.
Jetzt fehlt nur noch die Anmeldung für den 707er Club. ;-))  

1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650@LOFP

22.10.12 12:25
herzlichen Glückwunsch!

da bist aber sehr weit vorne......  

104 Postings, 4942 Tage bollotrade in USA

22.10.12 16:03
1000 Stck


1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650NADAQ

22.10.12 16:52
da hat scheinbar einer seine ADR eingetauscht .....  

1025 Postings, 4828 Tage antares0650@LOFP

22.10.12 16:59
da bist jetzt an 13. Stelle im Register.
180 k fehlen dir an die Nr. 12; dann hast mehr als die ABN-AMRO-Bank....und stößt sie vom 1. Dutzend Platz...
Toll, wenn der Big BOC Bäng eintritt klingelt es bei dir aber kräftig...  

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