Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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By Online Editor
3:36 pm GMT+12, 16/08/2012, Papua New Guinea
A two day royal visit by Prince Charles in November as part of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations may cost Papua New Guinea about K100 million (US$47 million).
But the Post-Courier was not able to confirm this either from Government House or the department and ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Prince Charles and his entourage are scheduled to arrive in Port Moresby on November 4 and return to London the next day.
The Post-Courier understands that he is scheduled to travel to Wewak to officially open the Prince Charles Stadium in East Sepik Province before flying back to his home country.
But Foreign Affairs Chief of Protocol Jimmy Ovia told the Post-Courier that preparations were still being carried out and meetings have been held to discuss the royal visit and celebrations.
Ovia said meetings are now being held to finalise a budget for the important event, but he did not elaborate.
He said money was now the main issue as they had to put everything in place well before Prince Charles and his party arrives.
The budget the Government is now looking at includes operational costs for Government House, security and accommodation. It is believed Grand Papua and Airways Hotel are two options.
“PNG has to come up with a budget to host the royal visit in November,” Ovia said. “The main issue is the money to fund the security and other operations for the visit. The dates have not been set yet but the visit is in November.”
But the Post Courier was told last night that the tentative dates for the visit were November 4th and 5th and one of the highlights would be to travel to Wewak to officially open the Prince Charles stadium. It is also understood that the Royal travel will be on their private jet.
A source said yesterday that the Government House at Konedobu needed to be renovated and preparations completed well before Prince Charles and his entourage arrives.
am besten immer ein Foto einstellen,jetzt sieht man nur das aktuelle Orderbuch
"Dear Mr Tom0001,
ASIC Reference XXXXX/12
Thank you for your correspondence of 27 July 2012.
ASIC values the information we receive from the public, and reports of misconduct such as yours assist ASIC in working to build confidence in the integrity of the capital markets.
ASIC conducts an assessment of every report of misconduct we receive. The issues you have raised will receive careful consideration, and have been recorded on our internal intelligence database.
In determining which matters we will select for further action, consideration is given to the availability of evidence, and a range of factors, including the likely regulatory effect of any available action.
As ASIC is precluded from commenting on operational matters, we are unable to provide further details regarding what, if any, action we may or may not take in relation to the concerns you have raised.
If you require any information on our role as a market supervisor, or enforcement action taken by ASIC, please visit ASIC's website at
Please note that ASIC will only contact you again in relation to your report of misconduct if we require further information or evidence to assist in our enquiries.
Yours sincerely,
Dieses mail habe ich heute zu Handelsbeginn ASX erhalten. Da stellt sich mir die Frage, ob die "internal intelligence" die Ursache für das heutige Handelsgeschehen an der ASX war....
Leider heute keine Trades in AU ;D(((((((((((((((
Prince Charles’s visit to PNG cost K100m
By Online Editor
3:36 pm GMT+12, 16/08/2012, Papua New Guinea
....für die Kohle hätte eigentlich die Chefin *Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth* vorbeischauen müssen. Hoffentlich drückt die Wahl der Gäste nicht den Stellenwert dieses Teils des British Commonwealth im Buckingham Palace aus. Die Leader (Häuptlinge) von PNG könnten das vielleicht missverstehen und sich neue Freunde suchen. ;D))))))))))))))9
The National, Thursday 16th August 2012
MOROBE Mining Joint Ventures has paid a total K37.5 million in royalties for Hidden Valley mine to the Morobe provincial government, various local level governments and landowner groups since 2009.
However, the miner has no say on how the money should be spent.
The Morobe government receives 36% of royalties and has received about K13.5 million to date.
The balance is shared among LLGs and landowner groups...........
kpl. auf Quelle:
Don Polye said the move would avoid duplication and unnecessary delay and wastage in the implementation and delivery of services.
Vielleicht kommt es bei der 1 Parlamentssitzung nächste Woche zu dem "Unexpected" Ergebnis dass die Ueberweisung (eines Teils?) der längst überfälligen 100 Mill. Kina an Boug. ja endlich auf den Weg gebracht werden. Damit wäre die chronische Geldnot des ABG beendet u. die geplanten Projekte könnten konkretisiert werden.
Polye: Overhaul govt functions
The National, Wednesday 15th August, 2012
TREASURER Don Polye says logical streamlining of functions in key government departments is being considered.He said the move would avoid duplication and unnecessary delay and wastage in the implementation and delivery of services.“We must ensure that government departments established for a specific core function focus on that specific function and effectively deliver the particular service to our people,” Polye said.He said departments such as health and education should concentrate on the delivery of those services. “They should not be wasting time in calling for tenders and looking for contractors when a new hospital, health facility or classroom is to be built,” the treasurer said.He said building of all government-funded infrastructure in the country was previously carried out by the Department of Works and they could easily be re-engaged to meet all requirements.“It’s cost-effective and less time-consuming as the expertise and resources are available in all major centers in the country.”Polye said the current situation meant funds such as K50 million for Central City construction and K100 million for Bougainville were still sitting there as there was too much confusion and clash between departments on how best to utilise the funds and implement the projects.
He said the Department of Works should execute and implement projects while other departments would only plan.Polye revealed O’Neill is also considering the transfer of National Planning functionsto the Department of PM and NEC.He said such a move was logical as the PM could then ensure the delivery and execution of the plans for effective implementation of projects.
War das vielleicht eine Überreaktion?
Find out here what people said on re-opening the Panguna mine and Bougainville Copper Limited...
"…that the only avenue currently for Bougainville to source all the funds it needs is to re-open the Panguna mine …"
newly elected Regional Member of Parliament for Bougainvil
"…the meeting with Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) was a step forward. It was a very good meeting because we agreed at once some decisions that BCL has to meet..
…most people in mine-affected areas and all of Bougainville, we would very much want BCL to come back before it decides to come to Bougainville and help us with our economic recovery on Bougainville.."
Chairwoman and spokesperson of the Panguna landowner group
"It was the first time that all the landowners were represented in the group that talked with us. In the past we had other big meetings but not all landowner groups were represented. But this time it was good. The landowner groups represented all the groups that have been listed as the legitimate landowners, which include Mekamui, of course.
“I was not completely surprised. I was very happy because we had been doing a lot of work, the administration has been doing a lot of work liaising and talking with the landower groups and insisting that landowners must come to an agreement to work together…"
President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) and Head of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG)
"BCL will come and re-open the mine but need to tidy up a lot of things before they come and re-open the mine. We all agree that BCL will come back because they have learned their mistake. We have learned our mistake and, maybe, we can start on a new slate…"
Interim Chairman of the key umbrella group, the Panguna Landowners
"The re-entry into Panguna by any best bidder or Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) can be made possible by the end of 2012…"
Vice President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB)
"The people of Panguna commend this government for tackling this problem head-on and which the former Somare-led government had for a long time failed to address in an effective and honest way…
…in preparation for the re-opening of the Panguna mine."
Deputy Chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association
"… both parties had agreed to re-negotiate the BCA with the Bougainville Copper Ltd, the national government and any other interested developer.
The decision to re-negotiate the BCA was reached on the consensus that mining would be allowed at Panguna and the BCA must not be reviewed but re-negotiated because the agreement was drawn up by parties which were no longer present at the negotiation table…"
President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) and Head of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG)
“(Autonomous Bougainville Government) President Momis supports the vision of returning to mining at Panguna and has publicly stated he believes the majority of the Bougainville population also supports reopening the mine.”
Company Secretary of Bougainville Copper Limited
a love or rural life and people and a strong belief in social equity and justice.
In 2005, he happened to be introduced to the charismatic President Joseph Kabui of Bougainville, got on well with him and was invited to visit the autonomous province to assist in any way he could.
Ashton took up the offer and, when he arrived in Bougainville, was assigned by Kabui to review foreign entities seeking to gain an early foothold in Bougainville following the tragic civil war.
Ashton decided to start by looking at an outfit called Invincible, purportedly a Canadian resources company.
“I provided Kabui with a report on Invincible,” Ashton says, “in which I found very strong circumstantial evidence that it was at best opportunist, even fly-by-night….
“More disturbingly, it was not the native Canadian company it represented itself to be, but one which originated in Russia. It had been backdoor listed on the Toronto stock exchange and was funded through a secret Cayman Islands trust with links into Russia…”
Ashton was alarmed about the deal Kabui’s new Bougainville government might be about to do with a company that lacked transparency and had such obscure associations.
“I have always held a belief that one should not get into bed with any entity without first being able to look under it and with Invincible that was impossible.”
Ashton submitted his report – “which was received rather coolly” - to later find out that Invincible had funded President Kabui’s election by a reported $US2 million.
He was disappointed but undeterred.
Ashton began to establish a joint venture with some Bougainvillean investors to import quality rice to be fortified, packed and distributed within Bougainville, providing a solid local industry and providing good returns.
The competitive advantage of the business was that it would sell wholesale directly from the factory; which no other company could do.
The Bougainville end of the project was relatively easy once Ashton gained the trust of potential investors.
He says: “The business model is predicated around raising trade finance of K550,000 for nine months, secured against government title land with buildings and plant to the value of approx K1.2M.”.
OK, good, productive idea. Not a great capital cost. Socially and economically desirable in a province struggling to reassert itself. So what’s the problem?
“It revolves around what appears to be an unofficial embargo on providing credit to Bougainville by finance institutions based in Port Moresby,” Ashton explains.
“The National Development Bank gave conditional approval, the condition being that we provide security outside Bougainville.
“We had investors in the province, but this condition really raised the bar. And on such a modest investment, too.
“In the case of another potential investor, the CEO of a major finance organisation was keen to go ahead but was outvoted by his fellow directors.”
Ashton is puzzled at this negative response, which he equates to an embargo.
“Bougainville is a far safer environment than Moresby, Lae or the Highlands. Expats and nationals walk everywhere, even at night, through Buka, Arawa and Buin,” he observes.
“The BSP bank in Buka is built of fibro and gyprock and has a couple of unarmed security guards by day, who are more interested in sleeping or chatting up young ladies!”
So there’s a potentially profitable, viable, eminently socially desirable project ready to go in Bougainville – but it lacks what is basically short term trade finance to fire it up.
“We need K550,000 loan for nine months and as a sweetener we are offering a generous free carried equity position in the operation.”
That’s the deal.
Anyone out there interested.
If you want to obtain further information, you can email Tim at
BOC Bougainville Copper Limited FPO 1K
8 9.1%
4:10 pm
§Prev. Close
Trade No. Time Price Volume Value Conditions
1 8§3:52:12 pm 80 10,000 $8,000
2 7§3:50:39 pm 80 130,166 $104,133
3 6§3:50:39 pm 80 8,800 $7,040
4 5§3:50:39 pm 80.5 7,000 $5,635
5 4§3:50:39 pm 81.5 5,000 $4,075
6 3§3:49:26 pm 82 50,000 $41,000
7 2§2:19:01 pm 85 10,000 $8,500
8 1§12:52:44 pm 83 50,000 $41,500
Hat jemand das Orderbuch?
als solche entlarvt, und damit manchem unbedarften Anleger den einen oder anderen Euro gerettet.
Wie richtig er i.d.R. liegt und wie sehr er mit seinem Engagement den Nerv der Gauner, Betrüger oder auch nur Zocker trifft, zeigt deren Reaktion. hehehehe
Da diese Pusherei immer weniger funktioniert und sie argumentativ keine Chance gegen ihn haben, reagieren sie reflexhaft mit Meldung u. Löschung seiner Posts.
Endlich hat es nun mal einer geschafft, Nekro sperren zu lassen.
Dies zeigt nur die Hilflosigkeit dieser potentiellen Gangster. hehehehe
Tja, Lemmingfängerei wird, auch dank Nekro und vieler anderer, immer schwieriger.
Und ich bin mir sicher, er wird weitermachen!!!! hehehehe
Feines und professionelles Benehmen geht in meinen Augen jedenfalls anders. Sachliche Beiträge mit Spamming lächerlich zu machen hat für mich keine Klasse.
Bin selbst verwundert, wie er sich hier zusammen reissen kann. Es steht völlig außer Frage, dass er in diesem Thread hier einen guten Job macht.
Nur: Man sollte auch hier bei einer korrekten Darstellung bleiben. Danke.
hier schlägt man echte Kapriolen ... hi hi hiiiii
An einem der letzten Tage (vorgestern?) über 500 Trades in AU mit teilweise Mini-Stückzahlen;
gestern 0 Umsätze;
heute 271000 Stücke in 8 Trades
(2 x 50 K und 1 x 130 K) ; (zuletzt mit 80 AU-Cent).
Wurde da in dieser Größenordnung tatsächlich gedrückt ... oder wollte da einer wirklich verkaufen?????? Das ist mir nun nit ganz klar.
80 AU-Cent ./. 1,183 = 0,676 €.
... und nun kauft einer ganze 142 Stück zu 0,739 € in FRA.
Wenn man dieses sieht und "lustigerweise" die Rechnung "weiterspinnt" ...
davon ausgeht, der Käufer hatte "nur" 10 € Gebühren ... (10 € ./. 142 Stück = rd 7 Cent)
... so bezahlte er rd 0,809 € pro Share ... (???) .... oder über 13 Cent über Aussikurs.
Wieviel Prozent sind dieses mehr?????
Meine Rechner versagen ...........
Aaaaber der Kurs darf ruhig kurz noch ein wenig weiter gen Süden laufen, dann bekomme ich meine nächsten Stückchen noch ein wenig billiger ... hoffe ich zumindest ...
allen ein sonniges, schönes Weekend
So, zurück zu Bou1. Ich verfolge diesen Wert inzwischen ebenfalls, um ein mögliches Invest zu überprüfen.
1 8§3:52:12 pm 80 10,000 $8,000
2 7§3:50:39 pm 80 130,166 $104,133
3 6§3:50:39 pm 80 8,800 $7,040
4 5§3:50:39 pm 80.5 7,000 $5,635
5 4§3:50:39 pm 81.5 5,000 $4,075
6 3§3:49:26 pm 82 50,000 $41,000
7 2§2:19:01 pm 85 10,000 $8,500
8 1§12:52:44 pm 83 50,000 $41,500
Click for BOC course of trades today
daher kauft vielleicht auch einer bei tradegate 10k zu fast 0,74 Euro
auch kann man wieder sehr schön sehen,das die ganzen Verkaufsorders aus dem Ausland kommen,denn jetzt sind sie im Orderbuch gelöscht
meinst du VERkaufsorder ???
Für mich fehlt vor allem der Rest der größeren Kauforder bei 80 Cent
oder siehst du mehr wie meinereins
ich halte diesen Absatz ...
Man kann in einem Börsenforum auch die Regeln einhalten und sich standesgemäß benehmen. Geht in anderen Börsenforen auch. Liegt aber wohl daran, dass dort die Boardregeln das fachliche Miteinander deutlicher unterstützen..... für völlig richtig, nur diese Forderung passt zu 200% auf die übrigen user wie falke, aditi... und wie sie sonst noch heißen mögen. Von Fachlichkeit und Sachlichkeit war bei diesen Usern extrem wenig zu merken. Meine Meinung. ;D)))))))))
......hergerr, I would say BOC is very important to Rio.
Alan Kohler on Inside Business yesterday said Rio is not as diversified as it used to be - it is 90% iron ore and aluminium is a "basket case". The iron ore price has dropped from $180/tonne to $116/tonne and consequently Rio's result is down 34%.
The Bougainville mine can produce at 600,000 ounces of gold per annum and the copper content is worth twice what the gold is worth.
It has been reported that the Bougainville mine is the third largest copper deposit in the world.
Rio has seconded the president of its copper operation to the board of BOC so I would say they are taking the re-opening of Bougainville very seriously.
The wheels have begun to turn.
Quelle :