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302 Postings, 6503 Tage sellongoodnewsKurs

08.08.12 12:48
ich denke, dass derartige Meldunngen:

Source: Post-Courier

Me’ekamui reaffirms stand

THE ME’EKAMUI Tribal government backed President Momis’ call on misleading information on the operational status of the defunct Panguna mine.

This followed middlemen signing agreements without following procedures and not consulting the Autonomous Bougainville Government(ABG) and the Me’ekamui Government’s respectively on the re-opening of the mine.

Traditionally elected President of the Me’ekamui Government of Unity Philip Miriori said that all of the land and natural resources are on customary land and there is no land registration.

Mr Miriori said that there is no survey or deeds on the land and people have come to our country to pay people large amount of money and have them sign documents that contain bogus information to mislead investors.

He said that the Panguna legal action against Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL)-RioTinto is in the courts and BCL is not mining anywhere on Me’ekamui land.

“Their bogus licences are expired and until all issues are resolved, they can hype their stock exchange in free speech but they won’t be mining on our land.” Mr Miriori said. According to Mr Miriori the customary tribal land is under the auspices exclusively of the Me’ekamui Government.

Miriori is one of the land owners as well as Vice President Takaung and has not signed any authorisation for using their property nor do they have the governments signed and sealed signature upon any document to date.

“This is simply a stock hype with no foundation or basis in reality,” Mr Miriori said.

“Desperate people do desperate things.”

“This action is totally irresponsible and can’t be achieved without permission of the Me’ekamui Government,” he said.

The Me’ekamui will not sanction this stock hype attempt at deceiving the unsuspecting public, the only true statement was there are no geological reports to substantiate anything because people are only dealing with blank paper.

...den ein oder anderen nach wie vor abschrecken. Ggfls. hilft die ein oder andere Stelliungnahme zu derartigen News  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro"I stand tall with the principles.............

08.08.12 12:53

448 Postings, 6507 Tage bockaufbocMegamui

08.08.12 12:57
Miriori schreibt von Boc und meint Morumbi...Oder wie soll man das mit dem Stock Hype verstehen ?

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroAustralian High Commissioner to PNG,............

08.08.12 13:26
........... His Excellency Ian Kemish and Head of AusAID PNG, Ms Stephanie Copus-Campbell (far right), with the Hon Melchior Dare, General Uma, and members of the Me'ekamui at Morgan Junc1on.

Nach Ian Kemishs Besuch in Panguna und anschliessenden Gesprächen mit Peter O`Neill in POM letztes Jahr kam es auch Anfang August zu einem Meeting zwischen den Beiden im Government House in PNG. (Noch vor der offiziellen Bestätigung O`Neills als PM u. VOR der Vorstellung seines Kabinetts)

Man kann davon ausgehen dass bei diesem Meeting die Wünsche Australiens bez. Kabinettsbildung u. der politischen Roadmap der nächsten 5 Jahre abgeklärt wurden.Das Interesse Australiens an Bougainville und der Pangunamine  wurde mit  Ian Kemishs Besuch
eindeutig dokumentiert,da sollte es schon verwundern wenn diese "Issue" nicht auf der Agenda gestanden hätte.

Isolierte Interviews von ein paar angepissten Meekamuis, welche sich von Momis Statement zu Morumbi auf den Schlips getreten fühlen sollten daher nicht überbewertet werden.Letztlich geht es allen nur um $$$$, u. davon gibt es genug wenn Panguna wiedereröffnet. ;-))))))))

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroThe Meekamui`s..............

08.08.12 13:38
are not the true representation of majority Panguna landowners it`s just a minority using the media to promote their intetest!!!

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroAktueller Kommentar..........

08.08.12 14:25
..........von C. Kabui (Bruder vom Ex Präsi Joseph K. ) zum Meekamui Statement im FOB

145 Postings, 6456 Tage p2205Peter O’Neill’s 2012-2017 Cabinet

08.08.12 20:10
After a brief wait, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has finally revealed his 33-Member National Executive Council (NEC) – or Cabinet.

The line up is heavily dominated by O’Neill’s winning People’s National Congress which boasts 13 Ministers. This is followed by Don Polye’s THE Party which has 4; William Duma’s United Resources Party has 3.

795 Postings, 6104 Tage upholmProfitflaute bei Rio Tinto

08.08.12 20:46

Mittwoch, 08. August 20122012-08-08 11:38:48

Preise für Eisenerz verfallen
Profitflaute bei Rio Tinto

Als Bergbaukonzern bekommt Rio Tinto die maue Weltkonjunktur zu spüren: Die Preise für Eisenerz fallen immer weiter – und Rio Tintos Gewinne sacken dramatisch ab. Von unprofitablen Geschäftssparten will sich der Erzriese daher bald trennen.

Die gesunkenen Preise für Eisenerz und hohe Kosten drücken massiv auf die Profite des australischen Rohstoffkonzerns Rio Tinto. Im ersten Halbjahr sackte der Gewinn auf vergleichbarer Basis um 34 Prozent auf 5,2 Mrd. US-Dollar ab, wie der zweitgrößte Eisenerz-Produzent mitteilte. Damit schnitt Rio Tinto besser als erwartet ab. Analysten hatten im Schnitt 4,9 Mrd. US-Dollar vorausgesagt. Die Aktionäre bekommen trotz des Gewinneinbruchs eine höhere Zwischendividende von 72,5 US-Cent, 34 Prozent mehr als vor einem Jahr.

Der Bergbaukonzern bekommt die schwächelnde Weltkonjunktur zu spüren. China ist der größte Abnehmer von australischem Eisenerz. Die Wirtschaft der Volksrepublik wächst derzeit so langsam wie seit drei Jahren nicht mehr - das drückt auf die Preise. "Wir rechnen bis zum Jahresende mit Verbesserungen bei der chinesischen Wirtschaft", erklärte Rio-Tinto-Chef Tom Albanese. Auch der brasilianische Wettbewerber Vale - weltgrößter Eisenerz-Produzent - hatte Ende Juli sein schlechtestes Quartalsergebnis seit zwei Jahren vorgelegt. Der operative Gewinn von Xstrata brach im ersten Halbjahr um 42 Prozent auf 2,45 Mrd. US-Dollar ein.

Trotz des Gewinnrückgangs hält der Konkurrent von Anglo-American und Xstrata daran fest, im laufenden Jahr 16 Mrd. US-Dollar zu investieren, um neue Minen zu erschließen. Zugleich kündigte der Rio Tinto an, an der geplanten Abspaltung des Diamantengeschäfts festzuhalten. Die verschiedenen Optionen seien weit fortgeschritten. Kurzfristig bleibt Rio Tinto vorsichtig, hält die langfristigen Wachstumsaussichten aber weiter für gut.

Quelle:, rts/dpa


15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroK100m fund delay confirmed

09.08.12 04:51

Autonomous Bougainville Government has confirmed this newspaper report regarding the K100m promised by the National Government for Bougainville.
President of ABG John Momis, when commenting on yesterday’s Post-Courier article titled, Government Witholds B’ville K100m, said the story reflected the current position with regard to the release of the first tranche of funds promised to Bougainville for High Impact Projects (HIPs), agreed jointly by the ABG and the National Government at the JSB of February, 2011.
Since that date there have been much discussions and exertions by both governments but despite almost a year and a half of discussions, the ABG and the people of Bougainville have not benefitted from a single toea of the funds promised.
The president was careful to note that the current impasse is not political but represents more of a bureaucratic stand-off. He noted that it was un-becoming for the bureaucracy to continue to impose needless conditions on the ABG. It would seem as if the National Government bureaucracy was constantly moving the bar required to access the funding.
He stressed the point that the ABG was an Autonomous Government and should not be treated as if it was a mere bureaucratic entity. The JSB Decision and the joint obligations of the Bougainville Peace Agreement had to be mutually respected.
For the record, all of the funding proposals for the utilisation of the first K100m have been carefully prepared, reviewed and costed in joint exercises by officials of the ABG and officials of the National Government departments and submitted to the appropriate entities in Waigani.
He says it is therefore a misstatement to say that projects have not been fully identified or submitted to Waigani.
For the first K100m, the ABG has identified some 77 projects, all fully costed and with cash flow projections. Mr Momis noted that ABG had done its homework.
Moreover, the ABG, through the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) has established a Project Management Unit (PMU) in the Office of the Chief Administrator to implement and monitor HIPs and have put in place all of the necessary mechanisms to receive the funds.
He stressed that the unavailability of the first K100m has caused undue hardship on the people of Bougainville. Included in the K100m is the annual Restoration and Development Grant of K15m which is a commitment under the Bougainville Peace Agreement and which the ABG had previously received at the start of each financial year. Because this grant has now been included in the overall funding framework of the HIP its non-availability means that important work that would have been carried out in the districts of Bougainville in consultation with COEs and district administrations has come to a virtual standstill. Projects such as construction of aid posts, classrooms and water systems and other district projects have not been able to proceed. This has resulted in considerable hardship for people in remote villages throughout Bougainville.
The remaining K85m would be utilised on the 77 identified and approved projects. Of this sum, funds have been also earmarked for peace and reconciliation activities, various economic projects, infrastructure projects, including feeder roads and for a shipping vessel for regular shipping services to the atolls. While in themselves, these smaller projects may not be regarded as “macro projects” in the definition of HIPs, they are of high impact value to the people of Bougainville coming out of the crisis.
The remaining funds to be advanced over the next four years would be applied to a few selected HIPs which will have residual value for all Bougainvilleans. The development priorities will be set by the ABG.
President Momis stressed that Bougainville had a lot of “catching up” to do and time was not on its side. The people of Bougainville will soon have to make a political decision on its future and they must see that there are concrete benefits accruing from an autonomous relationship with the National Government.
Lastly, the President noted that his Minister of Finance, Albert Punghau and the Chief Administrator Lawrence Disin recently met with Secretary Steven Gibson of the Department of Finance and was given assurance that the funds would be released. The Chief Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc directed the release of funds to Bougainville and further directed officials that the usual PIP policy guidelines would be applied to the use of these funds.
President Momis noted that the funding for 2012 was also approved by an Act of the National Parliament and by an Act of the Bougainville House of Representatives. It is the law of the land and should be respected if the Rule of Law and good governance are to prevail.
He urged those who would wish to play games to stop. He noted that officials of the National Government departments, in particular, the Department of National Planning, Finance and the Chief Secretary for Government have been working well with the ABG side to draw down the Restoration and Development Grant and to the HIP funding to implement progress on Bougainville.
“This is a serious matter that affects the lifeblood of the people of Bougainville and too much time has been wasted in needless pursuits,’’ said Mr Momis.

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroO’Neill delays cabinet line-up

09.08.12 04:52

Leo Dion is deputy PM


PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has appointed East New Britain Governor Leo Dion as the Deputy Prime Minister.
In a surprise move which will generate a wide range of reactions from across the nation, Mr O’Neill announced Mr Dion’s appointment at the Government House, despite not living up to his promise of announcing ministerial portfolios for his 22 other Members that were appointed and sworn in yesterday, most of them relatively new.
Among them is woman parliamentarian and Lae MP, Loujaya Toni.
Mr O’Neill said he would announce the portfolios today. The decision to have members sworn in without portfolios irked a few MPs and some elite members of the nation who eagerly waited for the announcement. This was a commitment Mr O’Neill made last Sunday.
“Today concludes our formal line-up of Cabinet, which is a total of 33 as required by our law,” Mr O’Neill said.
“Let me take this opportunity to thank all the leaders of the coalition partners and especially the leader of THE Party (Don Polye), the second biggest party on the floor of Parliament, for agreeing to one of their members becoming the Deputy Prime Minister of the country,” he said.
“Today’s ministerial line-up, as many of you will notice, has got a fresh (outlook)… but I am certain that they will perform to their very best and to the expectations of our people. We will perform to our very best and I think today is a great start to making sure that Papua New Guineans are served…”
Mr Dion said it was a hard call to accept the second top position but assured everyone present that with his experience, he will do his best for the people.
It was reported on the social media yesterday that “Although Leo Dion is a quality choice too – he has the experience, respect and leadership qualities required – from the perspective of purely the numbers’ game which is so crucial in PNG politics, it is a rather illogical decision, and one that must have been made with a few distractions in mind – most importantly in this instance – the idea of ‘regionalism’.”
MPs sworn in as Ministers yesterday and Rimbink Pato, David Arore, Paul Isikiel, Richard Maru, Dr Fabian Pok, Nixon Duban, Jimmy Miringtoro, Tommy Tomscoll, Loujaya Toni, Kerenga Kua, Paru Aihi, Mark Maipakai, Justin Tatchenko, Michael Malabag, Jim Simatab, Byron Chan, Francis Awesa, Benny Allen, Davis Stevens, Steven Pirika Kamma and Boka Kondra.
The 10-member caretaker cabinet still remains and they include Don Polye -Treasury and Finance, Correctional Services, Labour, Industrial Relations, Immigration and Transport; Patrick Pruaitch - Housing, Urban, Provincial and Local Level Government and Forest; William Duma – Petroleum and Energy, Defence, Tourism and Art Culture and Autonomy and Autonomous Region (including Bougainville Affairs); Sir Puka Temu - Public Service, Agriculture and Livestock, Foreign Affairs and Trade; James Marape - Works, Implementation, Lands and Physical Planning, Education, Research and Science and Technology; Charles Abel - Commerce and Industry, Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs), Justice and Attorney General, Communication, Information and Technology; Mao Zeming – Fisheries, Marine Resource, Health, HIV Aids, Family Affairs , Youth Religion and Gender; Ben Micah –Public Enterprises, Sports and Pacific Game and Mining; and John Pundari - Environment, Climate Change and Civil Aviation.  

448 Postings, 6507 Tage bockaufbocRio tinto an Board

09.08.12 06:30

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoey3 offizielle Nachrichten an der ASX

09.08.12 07:39
Was ist denn da los?  

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyund wieder stellt man die gesuchten

09.08.12 08:11
Stücke zur Verfügung
aber besser könnten die Nachrichten nicht sein,und der Nebensatz aus dem gekauften Meekamui Statement-Aktivitäten in Arawa- stimmen also  

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeySK 0,84 AUD = rund 0,72 Euro

09.08.12 08:14

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyheute war auch BCL Board Meeting

09.08.12 08:26

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeygekauftes Meekamui Statement

09.08.12 08:33
kann mir einer erklären warum sich ein Meekamui zu einem Aktienkurs äussern sollte?  

1025 Postings, 4833 Tage antares0650Nachrichten ASX

09.08.12 08:41
man rüstet personell mit erfahrenen Persönlichkeiten auf für den Fall X(= Big BOCBang) auf....  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroIn die Nähe der Pangunamine..........

09.08.12 09:51
The Autonomous Bougainville Government is focussed on returning its seat of operations to
Arawa, where services including banking, communications, airport, roads and public health have
been recently up‐graded ;-)))))

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroWeitere Kommentare zum Meekamui Statement

09.08.12 11:00 FOB

Besonders lustig die Ansicht von Vicky J. der grünen Aussi Emmanze BOC u. allgemeinen Mining Gegnerin,Ex J. Kabui Freundin u. persönliche Feindin von Axel u. dem ESBC.

Bei ihrem Post handelt es sich übrigens um die einzige Gegenstimme zur Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine im gesammten Thread (Vor ein paar Jahren war das durchaus anders,damals gab es von den Board Members, welche einen Querschnitt durch die B`viller Bevölkerung darstellt durchaus auch Zustimmung für Vicky u. ihre Anti-BOC Thesen.Es hat also  ein fundamentaler Wandel in der Insel Population hin zu BOC u. Pro Mining stattgefunden)

Nach der vollen Breitseite von Eric T. u. P.C. dem Sohn von Ex BOC CEO herrscht ihrerseits nun wieder Funkstille. ;-)))))))))))

Auch die mit dem Meekamui Statement verflochtenen Interessen hinsichtlich Murumbi u. Invincible Resources werden thematisiert.Ganz allgemein besteht die Auffassung dass deren Deal sich von den Lo`s "Lizenzen" ausstellen zu lassen illegal ist. Diese "Lizenzen" werden vom ABG u. von der (AU dominierten) Mineral Resources Authority nicht anerkannt u. wieder gecancelt werden.

Zudem wird die wohl begründete Meinung vertreten dass ein "Meekamui Governement" da nicht gewählt u. selbsternannt illegat ist u. nicht den geringsten Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung geniesst. Auch ist "General" Sam Kauona nicht von den Lo`s mandatiert mit Morumbi über "Miningrights" zu verhandeln, ganz davon abgesehen dass die "Miningrights" noch immer im Besitz von PNG sind.

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroEvents of significance to the company...........

09.08.12 12:31
..............have occurred recently.

Gleich nach der Veröffentlichung dieser Meldung (15:30) begannen die Käufe der "First-Moovers) aus dem ASK.Wieder kann man feststellen dass nach 15:43 unter dem dann aktuellen Kurs wieder schnell "gedeckelt" wurde.Das durchaus sehr positive Statement dürfte erst morgen allgemein bekannt werden.

Today: 09-Aug-2012
Time(AEST) Price Volume Value Condition Codes
16:10:15 0.8400 8,582 7,209
16:10:15 0.8400 1,418 1,191
15:57:26 0.8350 25,732 21,486
15:43:57 0.8450 2,850 2,408
15:43:47 0.8450 17,150 14,492

In July, BCL Management visited Bougainville, and held fruitful talks with landowner
representatives from all the key communities with a direct stake in the Panguna mine.
The exchange of views was positive and constructive, supporting the view of the Autonomous
Bougainville Government President John Momis that the great majority of Bougainvillean’s are in favour of a re‐start of operations at Panguna. Talks are on‐going.
The smooth passage of the PNG National election and the formation of a new government headed by Prime Minister Peter O’Neil including many experienced and pro‐development leaders is also seen as positive for the re‐negotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
The Bougainville Copper Foundation is facilitating an extension of broadcast radio services to all
points in the region, enabling a new and effective form of communication for the people of
The Autonomous Bougainville Government is focussed on returning its seat of operations to
Arawa, where services including banking, communications, airport, roads and public health have
been recently up‐graded.
Within the company, President of Rio Tinto’s international copper operation, Mr Jean‐Sebastien
Jacques, has joined the board of Bougainville Copper Limited. The Chairman Mr Peter Taylor
believes that Mr Jacques, who is a senior executive within the Rio Tinto group, will bring
significant expertise and experience to the Board .
Rio Tinto expertise, together with that of outside experts, continues to be applied to the upgraded Order of Magnitude Study defining the parameters of a re‐started Panguna operation.

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroNYSE-Traded Copper ETF Faces Uphill Battle

09.08.12 15:43

Plans to launch copper exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are facing greater challenges as opposition to the proposed ETFs gathers strength. But if plans to start up physically-backed copper ETFs are derailed, will it be to the detriment of the red metal market as a whole or will the losers be the investment groups planning them?...........................................

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroRohstoff-Experten: Goldpreisziel 2.300 Dollar pro

09.08.12 17:49

Bei Reserven von +10 Mill oz. u. einer Produktion von 500 000 oz /Jahr nach der Wiedereröffnung müsste sich BOC dann eigentlich in BOG umbenennen. ;-)))))

Beim Potenzial bedienen sich die Blanchard-Experten einem gängigen Wert: So liegt die Prognose für den Goldpreis bei 2.300 Dollar pro Unze. Dieser Wert entspricht dem aktuellen Dollarwert des 1980 erzielten Rekordhochs von damals 850 Dollar pro Unze.

Ausgehend vom aktuellen Niveau bei rund 1.600 Dollar ist also noch genügend Luft nach oben. Und vor allem ist es noch nicht zu spät für Goldfans jetzt in den Markt einzusteigen. Eine Diskussion ist auf jeden Fall aktuell nicht mehr zu hören – auch das wird als gutes Zeichen von den Experten gedeutet:

"Im vergangenen Jahr stritten sich schon Experten darüber ob nun Google oder der Goldpreis als erstes die Marke von 1.000 Dollar erreichen würde." Bei dem aktuellen Goldpreis und einem Kurs von rund 640 Dollar bei der Google-Aktie ist diese Diskussion doch etwas realitätsfern.

Erfolgreiche Investments
wünscht Ihnen
Heiko Böhmer
Redaktion „Rohstoff-Giganten“

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyMeinungen zum neuen Board-Mitglied?

09.08.12 17:57

396 Postings, 4762 Tage BOC-KoalaDer Großaktionär erwacht aus dem Winterschlaf

09.08.12 18:07
Ich denke BOC ist an dem Punkt angelangt jetzt die Wiedereröffnung anzugehen oder es für immer bleiben zu lassen. Entweder es klappt oder das Loch Panguna bleibt wie es ist.

Die Zeit irgendwelche Dinge im Hintergrund zu tun ist vorbei. Jetzt geht es nur noch mit Öffentlichkeit. Büro in Arawa und und und

Ich denke dass sich in nicht all zu ferner Zukunft die Zahl der Gehaltsempfänger bei BOC erheblich vergrößern könnte. Derjenige der die Fäden zieht, könnte das neue Board-Miglied sein.

RT sagt jetzt mehr denn je, was der Peter zu tun und zu lassen hat.  

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyBougainville braucht die Panguna für die Unab

09.08.12 18:33

The newly elected Regional member for Bougainville, JOE LERA says Bougainville needs more revenue if it wants to independently run its affairs.

He says currently Bougainville is sourcing out between 9 to 10 million kina per annum adding this was not enough. He said Bougainville needs about 1 billion kina per annum to run alll its program.

The regional member says that the only avenue currently for Bougainville to source all the funds it needs is to re-open the Panguna mine and also establish other additional industries. He added that Bougainville has rich mineral resources. That can source more than enough funds to sustain it as a country on its own.

Mr. LERA said that the opportunities were there but it all would depend on the political will by its leaders.  

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