Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroReframing Rio+20: revisiting children in PNG

21.06.12 06:56

Angela was born on the island of Lihir in Papua New Guinea – just as a huge goldmine was about to open, transforming the islanders' lives. Now 19, Angela is finishing exams at her school, 500 miles from Lihir. But she misses home and is thinking of taking a job in the goldmine.

Angela's story is one in a 20-year documentary series that tracks the lives of children around the world. The film has been produced by tve, as part of a multimedia project, Reframing Rio

3 Postings, 5020 Tage Higge# nekro 11746

21.06.12 07:33
... und dabei ist es völlig unerheblich, ob die VK-Order in Australien oder in Deutschland eingestellt wird, oder zählt nur die Börse in Sidney?  

220 Postings, 5562 Tage peter_skiAktionärsregister

21.06.12 08:17
Saxo lehnt grundsätzlich ab, eine Eintragung vorzunehmen oder vornehmen zu lassen.

Die sagen, dass die Anzahl von Aktien bei irgendeinem "nominee" liegen. Aber eine Verleihung fände nicht statt.

Wenigstens habe ich bei der BW-Bank Stuttgart ein Verkaufslimit von € 28,99 einstellen können.

Schöne Tage und gute Kursgewinne noch!!  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekro@Higge

21.06.12 08:19
Faktisch sicher sein kann man wohl nur wenn man im Aktionärsregister eingetragen ist.

Aber schaden kann es jedenfalls nicht

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroXstrata puts Frieda River copper stake on the bloc

21.06.12 08:21

June 21, 2012 · 4:54 pm

Xstrata puts Frieda River copper stake on the block

By James Regan and Sonali Paul | Reuters

Global miner Xstrata Plc has put up for sale a stake in the Frieda River copper project in Papua New Guinea, potentially worth more than $2 billion, as part of a review of its development projects worldwide.

Like other major miners under pressure to conserve capital amid uncertainty over global growth, rising costs and falling commodity prices, world no.4 copper producer Xstrata has flagged it may slow down project spending.

Xstrata has not yet decided whether to sell all or part of its 81.8 percent stake in Frieda River, an Xstrata spokeswoman said.

   “As part of this process we are assessing the interest of other investors in the Frieda River Project in Papua New Guinea”

Merrill Lynch is advising Xstrata on the potential sale.

A critical concern for any buyer would be the cost of the Frieda River project, last estimated at $5.3 billion.

That cost could fall if it secures natural gas for its power supply, a key factor in a delayed feasibility study that Xstrata has committed to deliver to its partner, Australian-listed Highlands Pacific , in December.

Chinese companies, possibly including Metallurgical Corp of China (MCC), could be interested in Xstrata’s stake, analysts at broker Euroz have said. MCC is Highlands Pacific’s partner on the Ramu nickel project in PNG.

Three analysts on average value Highlands Pacific’s 18.2 percent stake in Frieda River at A$477 million ($486 million), which would imply Xstrata’s 81.8 percent stake may be worth about $2.15 billion.

Xstrata already has projects under construction designed to boost its copper output by more than 60 percent to 1.5 million tonnes a year over the next three years, including its Antapaccay project in Peru, due to start producing in the second half of this year.

The company’s attempt to sell the Frieda River stake suggests it may prefer to back the Tampakan copper and gold project in the Philippines, which it is looking to develop with Indophil Resources .

Frieda River has an estimated resource of 12 million tonnes of copper and 18.5 million ounces of gold, and could produce 246,000 tonnes of copper a year, according to a pre-feasibility study in 2010.

Highlands Pacific said on Thursday it hoped to seal an agreement in the next two days to sell a cornerstone stake in the company to PNG Sustainable Development Program Ltd (PNGSDP), a large investment company with strong ties in Papua New Guinea, which could assist in future development.

PNGSDP is the majority shareholder in Ok Tedi Mining Ltd, operator of the Ok Tedi copper mine, once owned by BHP Billiton.

Highlands Pacific shares were on a trading halt pending the outcome of talks with its potential PNG backer.

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroBOC - Frieda Vergleich

21.06.12 08:57
Three analysts on average value Highlands Pacific’s 18.2 percent stake in Frieda River at A$477 million ($486 million), which would imply Xstrata’s 81.8 percent stake may be worth about $2.15 billion.

Frieda River has an estimated resource of 12 million tonnes of copper and 18.5 million ounces of gold, and could produce 246,000 tonnes of copper a year, according to a pre-feasibility study in 2010.

InSitu Wert Frida       +-120 Bill.
InSitu Wert Panguna  +- 40 Bill.

Wert BOC Panguna +800 Mill (2 USD/Share) + 7 Lizenzen + Cash + Infrastruktur

A critical concern for any buyer would be the cost of the Frieda River project, last estimated at $5.3 billion.

Panguna +- $ 3 billion

Kein Zufall also dass BOC im letzten Jahr auf den fairen Wert von 2,20 AUD gestiegen ist bevor die Nominees & Custodians mit ihren Manipulationen begannen.

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFP@ nekro

21.06.12 10:02
Sind deine Aktien im Register eingetragen? Bzw. an alle, welche Bank hat die Eintragung durchsetzen können?

Übrigens Kurs heute 0,55 zu 0,58 und in Sydney sind nur noch 2000 bis 0,80 AUD drin.
Das wären dann schon wieder 0,65!


15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekro@LOFP

21.06.12 10:16
Nur meine in AU bei André West (jetzt CMC Markets) gehaltenen Shares sind eingetragen.

Ich warte auf Infos von Tom ;-))))

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroPolling will commence on Monday 25th June, 2012.

21.06.12 10:40

1158 Postings, 6517 Tage sumoey@nekro

21.06.12 11:59
Was sind bei dir die 800 Mill (2 USD/Share)?

Für die angebotene Mine müßte also jemand 8 Mrd. USD in die Hand nehmen? Das nenne ich mal 'ne Hausnummer. Kann,oder will das übrhaupt jemand bezahlen?,außer durch Aktientausch vielleicht?
Sollte die Mine von Xstrata eine open pit Mine werden?

Im Moment würde eine produzierende Panguna Mine  rund 3,280 Mrd. USD kosten.

Wenn das Kupfer aus der Panguna wirklich gefördert werden soll,kann ich mir dies eigentlich nur unter Rio Tinto vorstellen.
Auf Grund der niedrigen Kosten lohnt sich die Investition nach wie vor.  

795 Postings, 6109 Tage upholm@LOFP #11757

21.06.12 12:10
Meine Bank (Commerzbank) konnte die Eintragung  nicht umsetzen, es wurde auf die Nominee verwiesen. Leider konnte man mir aber auch nicht sagen wer der nominee ist.  

220 Postings, 5562 Tage peter_skiupholm

21.06.12 12:14
Dann so lange insistieren, bis der Name rausgerückt wird.

Das werde ich auch bei Saxo machen. Ansonsten gehe ich dort weg, da es mir auch nicht möglich ist, einen sehr hohen Verkaufskurs einzugeben.  

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFP@ upholm und @ peter_ski

21.06.12 13:26
Sie wollten oder konnten den Nominee nicht sagen!? ;-)

Bei Saxo habe ich schon längt das Knto aufgelöst.
Man hat mir vor einem guten Jahr noch angeboten maximal 100000 BCL Aktien leer zu verkaufen. Ich denke, die stecken da auch mit drin.
Jetzt soll es wohl nicht mehr gehen und man hat die Margin für den Hebelhandel auf BCL extrem angezogen.

Eine Limitverkaufsorder kann man nur 25% über dem aktuellen Kurs einstellen! ;-)
Das ist ein Witz! Bei fast jeder anderen Bank kann man Limit zwischen 5-30 AUD & EUR einstellen. In Sydney ist nur wichtig, dass die Anzahl der Aktien für solch eine Summe nicht zu hoch ist. Meine Erfahrung ist, dass bis 100000 Stück keine größeren Probleme auftreben, darüber lehnen die Makler wegen angeblicher Manipulation oder Irreführung ab.

Ich würde zu einem Broker wie S-Broker gehen und das Depot von Saxo übertragen lassen. Bei Comdirect und Consors läuft das auch, doch die besten Erfahrungen habe ich mit der langweiligen Sparkasse (S-Broker) gemacht.

Viel Erfolg  

164 Postings, 4802 Tage navigators@sumoey

21.06.12 14:29
Rio Tinto Plc arbeitet sich stetig nach oben. Sehr interessanter Titel!  
Angehängte Grafik:

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroTop 10 Copper Producers of 2011

21.06.12 15:00

RIO auf Platz 8, würde mit einer produzierenden Pangunamine auf Platz 5 vorrücken.

220 Postings, 5562 Tage peter_skiLOFP

21.06.12 15:15
Bitte mir mitteilen, wie das geht mit der Übertragung von Saxo nach S incl. Kosten.

Ich habe ja die Shares bei Saxo an der ASX und nicht in Frankfurt. Kann das denn so bleiben?

Besten Dank schon jetzt!  

1158 Postings, 6517 Tage sumoeywenn sie so weiter machen,verarmen sie noch mehr

21.06.12 15:45
* Xstrata flags exit from Papua New Guinea copper project

* Latest setback to country's once-mighty copper sector

* Move comes ahead of contentious national elections

By James Regan

SYDNEY, June 21 (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea on Thursday suffered the latest in a series of setbacks as the impoverished nation tries to re-establish itself as a world class supplier of copper after a major producer said it might sell out of a big mining project.

Swiss-based Xstrata said it was considering a whole or partial sale of its 81.8 percent interest in the Frieda River copper project in western Sandaun Province after investing $200 million in pre-development work.

Xstrata said it was considering exiting Papua New Guinea as part of a wider review of its worldwide Papua New Guinea on Thursday suffered the latest in a series of setbacks as the impoverished nation tries to re-establish itself as a world class supplier of copper after a major producer said it might sell out of a big mining project.copper assets.

The move comes just three weeks after Canada-based Nautilus Minerals warned that its plans to mine copper in territorial waters off Papua New Guinea might be scrapped unless an ownership dispute with the government can be resolved.

Once Papua New Guinea's top export revenue earner, copper mining has been reduced to a small number of lodes, the biggest of which is nearly depleted.  
Political rivals seeking ways to sustain economic growth for the South Pacific nation and ease concerns of political instability are making foreign investment in new copper mining projects lynchpins of campaigns ahead of a national election that starts on Saturday to decide the next prime minister.

Still, targets to boost annual copper output by around a half-million tonnes within several years and by even more in later years now appear stretched.

"The issue of country risk for Papua New Guinea has become a significant talking point," Ken MacDonald Chairman of Highlands Pacific, which owns a minority stake in the Frieda River project, said recently.

"The lack of constitutional and political certainty, threats to judicial independence and conflicting policy statements, some of which would be seriously detrimental to investment in this country, are issues which need to be resolved," he said.

To date, other than the now-jeopardised deal with Nautilus, there has been little headway in starting new mines, with copper production set to decline for the tenth year running in 2012.

"There is a lot of copper in Papua New Guinea that is not getting mined," said Greg Anderson, head of the country's Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.

China's largest importer of copper concentrate, Tongling, agreed to buy over a million tonnes of copper ore a year from Nautilus before the dispute with the government erupted.

Copper mining in PNG under the control of sector behemoths BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto supplied millions of tonnes to smelters in Asia and Europe in the 1980s and 1990s. Neither company has mined in Papua New Guinea for years.
The first blow came in 1990 when Rio was run off the restive Bougainville Island by residents who wanted to reintroduce an agrarian society and secede to neighbouring Solomon Islands, forcing Rio to abandon its giant Panguna copper mine there.

A decade later BHP relinquished ownership in the Ok Tedi mine to a government trust following claims by landowners over toxic mine waste disposal into local tributaries.

The Panguna mine still holds the potential to annually produce 200,000 tonnes of copper, which would provide a higher yield than BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam mine in Australia, the world's fourth-largest known copper deposit.

But considerable deterioration has occurred in the intervening period, due to a lack of maintenance along with vandalism and militant action, making it near-impossible at this stage to venture a restart date.  

1158 Postings, 6517 Tage sumoey@11756

21.06.12 15:48
Ich glaube der faire aktuelle Wert liegt mMn bei fast 3 AUD.  

1335 Postings, 6516 Tage TraderevilRohstoff-Knappheit bedroht Deutschlands Industrie.

21.06.12 15:55
........ auch beim Handel mit Massenrohstoffen wie Kupfer oder Erzen zieht die aufstrebende Wirtschaftsnation China immer größere Teile des Welthandels auf sich. In den vergangenen zehn Jahren ist Pekings Anteil von niedrigen zweistelligen Prozentsätzen auf 40 bis 50 Prozent gestiegen, "Der Industrie droht eine Rohstofflücke", warnte der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI). Zusätzlich fürchtet die Industrie die Folgen der Energiewende in Deutschland. Die Autoren der Sandfire-Studie kommen zu dem Schluss: „Den deutschen Energie- und Rohstoffunternehmen droht das Schicksal der Rüstungsindustrie: Der Heimatmarkt schrumpft, und auf dem Weltmarkt sind andere schneller.“........

Quelle :  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroThe race begins

22.06.12 03:56


The race   begins!

Who will be the next Prime Minister?

Which one of these Party leaders  will return to form the next Government ......


15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroO’Neill may return as prime minister

22.06.12 04:00


NATIONAL pollster Mell Research and Marketing Ltd (MRML) says the O’Neill-Namah Government’s free education policy is a vote winner and predicts it will bring the current regime back into office after the 2012 pollSs.
MRML managing director Michael Mell has also announced their poll results indicate that Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s People’s National Congress Party (PNC) will win the most number of seats and he stands a good chance of winning the top post to serve his first full five-year term as Prime Minister.
The company boss also predicts that Mr O’Neill’s three major coalition partners - his deputy Belden Namah’s PNG Party, Don Polye’s THE Party and William Duma’s United Resources Party - will also perform very well at the polls.
Mr Mell revealed his latest nationwide poll findings to the Post Courier yesterday, just 24 hours before Papua New Guinea’s 4.8 million voters begin to flock to a total 9, 800 polling locations throughout the country to cast their votes starting tomorrow, Saturday June 23.
“PNC will win the 2012 national election and the Governor General will call on the party to form the next Government with Peter O’Neill tipped to retain the Prime Minister post,” he said.
Mr Mell said the predictions are based on a nationwide opinion poll conducted in all the 111 parliament seats.
“The results are showing that Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s PNC will win over 30 seats, ahead of all the other (45) political parties contesting the election. The results are also indicating that THE Party, PNG Party and URP will also perform very well,” he said.
“This means that the current O’Neill-Namah coalition Government will collectively win the 2012 election. Their free education policy will bring them back into office in this election,” Mr Mell said.
Under the Organic Law on Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates, the party that wins the highest number of seats will be called upon to form the Government.
In the last seven general elections since the first one was held in 1977, no single party has ever won a clear majority to form a one-party government and it will be the same in this election.
It is therefore important that party leaders explore their options on which parties they will align themselves with for possible political marriages in order to cement their positions ahead of the “numbers game” to form the next Government in August.
Mr Mell will publish his nationwide poll results in the Post-Courier on Monday or Tuesday next week.

222 Postings, 6359 Tage reinhold_tabris11768

22.06.12 12:26
ich bin auch deiner Meinung. Allerdings wird es noch bis Oktober 2012 dauern , bis sich da unten was in positiver Richtung bewegt. Bei dem derzeitigen Spielchen mit dem  Kurs sind sicher auch einige aus diesem Bord mit dabei.  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroThe World bank.......

24.06.12 10:40 now funding the post of CEO for mining!!!

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekro‘Frieda River perfect for OTML’

25.06.12 03:51

Papua New Guinea mining and resource analyst Brian Gomez believes Xstrata’s plan  to sell out of Frieda River and Highlands Pacific making an approach to PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) are interlinked, reports The National (aka The Loggers Times).

“The two developments I believe are interlinked,” he said when asked to comment on the issue.

“Highlands Pacific made an approach to PNGSDP probably after they became aware that Xstrata were wanting to sell out of Frieda River.

“I feel the writing was on the wall last January when Xstrata got approval to delay completion of the feasibility study and I told people at the time I thought they were buying time to decide on their options.

“They already have significant expansion of copper production underway in South America with further expansion or greenfields projects in Philippines, PNG and South America.

“It seemed unlikely they would proceed at the same time with both Tampakan in the Philippines and Frieda River because of the huge cost of development of each of these.

“Now with the uncertainty in the global climate they are becoming a bit more cautious.

“Frieda River is a perfect fit for Ok Tedi. Both are similar type of deposits. So if PNGSDP/Ok Tedi can do a deal, Ok Tedi could take over the running of that project.”

Ok Tedi Mining Ltd (OTML) is now 100% owned by the people of PNG through PNGSDP (63.4%) and PNG government (36.6%).

This month, it announced a net profit of K1.2 billion in 2011 from total sales revenue of K4.5 billion. This was a drop from the 2010 profit of K2 billion from sales revenue of K5 billion, according to managing director and chief executive officer Nigel Parker.

PNGSDP was established in 2002, when BHP Billiton divested its 52% shareholding in OTML.

PNGSDP has the task to support and promote sustainable development through projects and initiatives to benefit the people of PNG, especially the people of Western province.

PNGSDP is also a substantial financial institution with the function of investment of its Long Term Fund and Development Fund so that it can support a high level of development expenditure in Western Province and PNG in general.

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroNoah Musingkus Words to Bougainville and the World

25.06.12 13:36


Extracted from UV-Stract Updates in Face Book It is my pleasure to address the SIWAI

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 26.06.12 14:19
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