was ist los
Aber wahrscheinlich ist da heutzutage auch alles anders...
Meine Divi letztes Jahr war nicht verkehrt, trotz roter Zahlen.
Und da sich das allgemeine Kinobusiness insgesamt erholt, kann sich ja auch der Werbevermarkter mit erholen.
Und dann schauen wir mal...
Ja sicher.
Würde dennoch empfehlen, sich mit dem terminus "chapter 11" zu beschäftigen...
Ich bin halt ein Cleverle, und lasse andere die Arbeit machen, gell? ;-)
Was ich nicht weiss, macht mich nicht heiss.
Da kann man ganz gelassen von der nächsten Dividende träumen.
Über Dividende freu ich mich immer. Kann man ja dann prima in eine Goldmine investieren.
Mal beobachten.
Neue 10jahrige Vermarktungsvereinbarung wurde mit Regal getroffen.
Daher wohl der Kursanstieg.
NCMI besitz 100% an NML
Hast Du schon gerechnet, was das etwa pro Aktie bedeutet?
Bericht vom April.
Ich bin auf die Rechnung gespannt.
Ganz sicher weiß ich, welche Anteile ich habe. Und wenn ich es einmal vergessen habe, dann schau ich in mein Depot.
Und dabei auch den RS beachtet und berechnet, wie der sich auswirkt?
Hier der relevante Passus aus dem Plan:
"4.3 NCMI 9019 Settlement
Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 and Section 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code, the provisions of the Plan shall constitute a good faith compromise and settlement by and among the Debtor, NCMI, and the Consenting Creditors (the “NCMI 9019 Settlement”), pursuant to which, in exchange for NCMI’s agreement to (i) affirm its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreements (other than the Regal ESA, if such agreement is terminated), including NCMI’s continued performance under the Tax Receivable Agreement and CUAA, to preserve the Up-C Structure on and after the Effective Date, (ii) take all necessary corporate actions to facilitate the Restructuring Transactions, (iii) cause the issuance of the New NCM Common Units, in its capacity as manager of the Debtor, to the Holders of Secured Debt Claims as set forth herein, (iv) make a capital contribution of all existing NCMI cash on hand as of the Effective Date (in an estimated amount of approximately $15 million) into Reorganized Debtor (the “NCMI 9019 Capital Contribution”), (v) issue to the Holders of Secured Debt Claims (including the Blocker Entities) or their designee(s) Preferred Shares entitling the Holders thereof to voting rights equal to the economic interests held by such Holders in the Reorganized Debtor; (vi) enter into a new tax receivable agreement with holders of New NCM Common Units that opt to not make an NCMI Election and that do not participate in a Blocker Merger; (vii) enter into the Director Designation Agreements, and (viii) comprise the New Board of NCMI pursuant to Article 4.19 hereof, NCMI shall receive (a) the NCMI Unit Reallocation and (b) for itself and its officers and directors, the protections afforded to plan participants under Section 1125(e) of the Bankruptcy Code.
Pursuant to the NCMI 9019 Settlement and in accordance with the Restructuring Transactions Memorandum, on the Effective Date or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, the Holders of the Secured Debt Claims, after receiving the initial allocation of the New NCM Common Units pursuant to the Plan, shall be deemed to reallocate approximately 11.5% of the initial total New NCM Common Units to NCMI (the “NCMI Unit Reallocation”), which amount shall be adjusted based on the amount of the NCMI 9019 Capital Contribution (which, for the avoidance of doubt, excludes the $500,000 additional contribution that NCMI will make directly into the GUC Cash Pool, for which NCMI will not receive any New NCM Common Units) made on the Effective Date, subject to dilution by the equity issued pursuant to (i) the Post-Emergence Management Incentive Plan and (ii) New NCM Common Units issued after the Effective Date to counterparties to the ESAs pursuant to the CUAA, if any, and subject to the Structuring Considerations.
After giving effect to the NCMI Unit Reallocation, the percentage of the total New NCM Common Units
deemed issued to NCMI shall be further adjusted by the additional units deemed issued to NCMI pursuant to the NCMI Secured Debt Claims. Following the calculation of such percentage, and fixing the number of New NCM Common Units actually issued to NCMI to equal the number of outstanding shares of NCMI Common Stock as of the Effective Date (without giving effect to the Structuring Considerations) the actual number of New NCM Common Units issued to the parties other than NCMI shall then be calculated (the “Other NCM Common Units”). The Other NCM Common Units redeemed or exchanged in an NCMI Election or owned by a Blocker Entity prior to a Blocker Merger shall also be held by NCMI and correspond with the shares of NCMI Common Stock issued in such transactions."
Danke vorab, denn mir ist es nicht ganz klar geworden.
"(iv) make a capital contribution of all existing NCMI cash on hand as of the Effective Date (in an estimated amount of approximately $15 million) into Reorganized Debtor (the “NCMI 9019 Capital Contribution”),"
"(v) issue to the Holders of Secured Debt Claims (including the Blocker Entities) or their designee(s) Preferred Shares entitling the Holders thereof to voting rights equal to the economic interests held by such Holders in the Reorganized Debtor;"
plan shall reserve for officers and directors of the Reorganized Debtor (including management of the Reorganized Debtor employed by NCMI) up to 10% of the shares of NCMI Common Stock on a fully diluted and as-converted/exchanged basis with structure and grants to be determined by the New Board"
Das Ganze ist ein verschachtelter debt-to-equity swap.
Eine Bewertung m.E. derzeit völlig unmöglich...