Culture Club
Social anarchism, sometimes referred to as red anarchism,[1] is the branch of anarchism that sees individual freedom as interrelated with mutual aid.[2][3][4][5][6][7] Social anarchist thought emphasizes community and social equality as complementary to autonomy and personal freedom. It attempts to accomplish this balance through freedom of speech, which is maintained in a decentralized federalism, with freedom of interaction in thought and subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is best defined as "that one should not withdraw from individuals and commit to the community what they can accomplish by their own enterprise and industry" and that "[f]or every social activity ought of its very nature to furnish help to the members of the body social, and never destroy and absorb them", or the slogan "Do not take tools out of people's hands".[4][8]
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Moin Zanoni, nochmal die Bitte, den Link auch in den Text einzubetten, sonst kann ich's seltenst ansehen/
...ausserdem fand ich das veränderte Bild, das dabei entsteht eigentlich auch ganz reizvoll.
Ein Stein ist ja im Gegensatz zum Fels etwas kleines, das sich bei diesem Bild dann bemerkenswerter Weise in der Brandung hält, ... genau wie dieser thread ;-)
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Paul Dwyer is a Scottish-English guitarist, arranger, music producer, and television host
of programs including Muzik ve Yol (The Road) & Music and Paul, born in 1963 in Liverpool, UK.
He started learning guitar at the age of 12 and completed his studies at Northern College of Music with Gordon Crosskey and John Williams. 21 After studying in Manchester, Paul Dwyer and his Friend Andy Blackburn performed in Istanbul and loved the city, where in 1988 they decided to stay and perform as a duo EndiPol (derived from Andy-Paul in Turkish accent). In 1996 they released an album in Turkish that became famous in Turkey. Andy Blackburn left Turkey, but Paul Dwyer stayed and founded a music production company named Selina.
Dwyer’s had the following to say about Turkey:
I have visited more than 75 cities in Turkey and traveled Anatolia for 4 years. I tried to sing a folksong of that region whenever I have visited each region. We would have musical quarrels with the Ashik and Ozans of these regions and I wanted to discover the lost folksongs of Anatolia... I consider myself as Turk and I’m proud to say it, my roots are from Scotland and Ireland but I lived in this country for almost 30 years now and my wife is Turkish, my children were born on this soil, I pay taxes and work in this country. These are the emotions and feelings I had over the years and it is impossible not to be influenced by Ataturk and the Republic. and now!