Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
Die Bohrergebnisse werden sicherlich interessant werden. Habe das Gefuehl Stans hat diesen Zeitpunkt a gewartet, bevor Sie die PFS abliefern. Hab gerade in Erfahrung gebracht, dass diese nun doch noch vor der BFS herausgegeben wird. Nun, wird es vielleicht doch noch vor dem Jahresende zum grossen Hosenrunterlassen.
Genau #2286 kettl, die Idee war ja hier zu investieren, weil Stans ^außerhalb+ china's einzigen sein werden, die diese hreo produzieren... ab 2013 .. oder jetzt schon im Testlauf.. irgendwie rafft das aber keiner *meine damit die Investoren...*
Oder es ist wirklich so, dass Stans sich diese News* aufspart, bald werden wir sehen...
Gehe darum von steigenden Preisen in dem Hreo segment aus, weil china die für sich selbst behalten wird...
• Owns a 20-year mining licence for the only past producing HREEs mine in the world located outside of China, named Kutessay II
• Known and proven metallurgical process (this is extremely valuable as rare earth mining is very complex)
• Recent purchase of the HRE production complex previously used for Kutessay II. It produced 80% of the total REEs for the former USSR for 30 years
• Among the highest ratios of HREEs (scarce, high value) to light rare earth elements (LREEs - abundant, lower value) in the world at approximately 50/50
• Complete infrastructure of roads, power, rail, and water on site
• Low cost, open pit mining operation.
• The mine has a relatively low grade of Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO), however, because it has such a high ratio of the more valuable Heavy Rare Earths, by historical estimates, its rock-value works out to an attractive $265 USD/kg (not accounting for any by-product revenues).
• There is an existing licensed storage area for the radioactive by-products that come from Kutessay II. Every other HREE deposit around the world will have to locate a disposal site for their radioactive by-products and that licensing process takes years to obtain.
• The Kyrgyz government is supportive in bringing Kutessay II back into production
• Scientific & Geological partners with REEs expertise
• Kutessay II is one of the only REE deposits in the world that can help fill the imminent HREE supply shortage in the coming years.
Immediate Objective:
Stans Energy’s goal is to be the world’s largest, low-cost HREE developer outside of China by revitalizing its 100% owned, former REEs mine, Kutessay II.
Investor Materials:
Stans has recently created an introductory video for investors to better understand the company, and rare earth mining. Please take a moment and view the link below:
Neben den von David erwähnten Vorteilen, hat er vergessen, dass wir von der Investitionsseite auch eine weltweit einzigartige ABSOLUTE LOWCOST /max PROFITABLE ANLAGE haben. Wie ich immer sagte: SMALL, BUT BEAUTIFUL. Absolute (noch) SUPERLATIVE in SHAREHOLDERVALUE. Es kommt nicht darauf an der Größte zu sein, wie LYNAS mit 2 MILLIARDEN SHARES, sondern was an Profit auf die einzelne Aktie abfällt. Wenn STANS 1 Jahr produziert hat, was auch immer noch an Investitionen anfällt, wird schuldenfrei Profit geschrieben und Vergrößert... €>15, dazu stehe ich noch immer. Und wenn der SP Anfang der nächsten Woche noch bei 0.5 € rumzockelt, kaufe ich nach....
gruß , T;-)
Ich bin doch nicht etwa ????? Hahaha
• The Kyrgyz government is supportive in bringing Kutessay II back into production
Das freut mich...
• There is an existing licensed storage area for the radioactive by-products that come from Kutessay II. Every other HREE deposit around the world will have to locate a disposal site for their radioactive by-products and that licensing process takes years to obtain.
Stans ist soweit...
Dann schaffen Sie das auch
- Wie wird das Zeug gelagert? Sicher vor Austrägen ins Grundwasser oder in die Luft?
- Ist Stans mit dem Kauf der Anlagen oder über die Abbaulizenz auch für die Altlasten verantwortlich? (Wie verantwortungsvoll wurde wohl zu Sowjetzeiten mit strahlenden Abfällen umgegangen?)
Auch in Kirgistan wird irgendwann Umweltbewusstsein entstehen!
mir persönlich ist das was in der vergangeheit war nicht so relevant. ich vertraue hier auf stans mm und adequate lösungen der company. stans macht mit sicherheit nicht die selben fehler wie lynas. und wenn doch - na dann guten nacht brunhilde :(
rumort es denn auch an anderen ecken der gerüchteküche? gibt es neuliche statements in bezug auf anstehende news?
Viele kleine Bausteine finden ihren Platz ... ;-)
Chief economists of Kyrgyzstan reported in Tokyo on investment climate and business conditions in the country
Bishkek, October 15/ Kabar /. First Vice Prime Minister Joomart Otorbaev in Tokyo made a report on "Investment climate and business environment in Kyrgyzstan".
The Information Policy Department of the Kyrgyz Government’s Office reports that, during the visit of the Kyrgyz delegation headed by the First Vice Prime Minister to Japan on October 12, a round table is held in Tokyo to attract investments in the Kyrgyz economy.
In his speech J. Otorbaev told that stability and public safety is provided in Kyrgyzstan, the government took strong measures to combat corruption and optimize investment climate. Thanks to these efforts, there has been a growth in business activity of foreign investors.
He called Japanese companies to expand their presence in Kyrgyzstan, which is today acts as a major shopping center in the region. As the most promising field for investments J. Otorbaev named such areas as mining, metallurgy, hydropower, tourism, manufacturing of organic products, transportation and logistics services.
It should be noted that J. Otorbaev’s report, the presentation of chairman of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Zina Asankojoeva about the features of the banking system of Kyrgyzstan, as well as explanations of Finance Minister Olga Lavrova on introduction of public-private partnership in Kyrgyzstan were of great interest of participants of the round table. The forum was attended by over 80 representatives of Japanese academic and business communities, government and NGOs.
Frik Els | May 5, 2012
Comment on Article
This month China will start forcing rare earth producers out of business if they don’t qualify for new value-added tax permits being allocated.
It’s China’s latest bid to curb resource plundering, dangerous artisanal mining and widespread pollution.
China produces over 95% of the world’s REEs used in a variety of industries including green technology, defence systems and consumer electronics and the country's monopoly is currently before the World Trade Organization for arbitration.
A recent report by state news agency Xinhua paints a particularly grim picture of China's rare earth industry which belies the notion, held by many in the West, that China's crackdown has more to do with managing supply and extracting lofty profits than it is about cleaning up a notoriously dirty business.
To the contrary, according to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, repairing the environmental damage in Ganzhou in Jiangxi province, the epicentre of rare earth mining in the country, will cost a total of 38 billion yuan ($6 billion).
That compares to the profits of the province's rare earth industry of 6.4 billion yuan last year.
Xinhua reports via China Daily on the plight of Zhang Yang'e a 73-year-old farmer near the city of Ganzhou:
A green hill where the mine was built has been scraped and turned into a cratered landscape not unlike that of the moon, with piles of rock tailings nearly as high as Zhang's two-story house.
Trees on the hill have been toppled and topsoil has been removed. Chemicals have been pumped into holes drilled in the ground to help recover the rare earth metals located there, Zhang said.
Similar open-pit mines can be found dotting the densely wooded hillsides of Longnan county, which is about a half-hour drive from Dingnan. Plastic pipes and chemical holding tanks can be seen at the foot of the hills. Some of the tanks are filled with a bright blue liquid, while others contain a dark brown solution.
To exploit rare earth metals, some miners use a chemical extraction process that involves digging several holes of just a few feet in depth and feeding pipes into the holes. A concentrated mixture of chemicals is then pumped through the pipes, sinking into the clay below and leaching out rare earth metals as it passes.
It seems incredible that such a low-tech method is used to harvest minerals that are used in some of the world's most technologically advanced products.
Continue reading at China Daily.