Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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933 Postings, 4568 Tage LOFPerklärt zumindest den schwachen Aktienkurs von RTG

22.01.20 15:57

15640 Postings, 6357 Tage nekroABG President refutes RTG claims

23.01.20 03:21

93 Postings, 6847 Tage Gulliver333Kernzitat des Artikels...

26.01.20 19:50
"Andere Vertreter von Landbesitzern wollen die Rückkehr des ursprünglichen Unternehmens Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL), das damals zur britisch-australischen Rio-Tinto-Gruppe gehörte. Dieser Schritt ist aber sowohl für die SMLOLA als auch für die autonome Regierung ausgeschlossen: Die BCL habe zu viel Leid verursacht."

Solange das ABG kein Interesse an BCL zeigt, wird der Kurs wieder langsam gen Süden trippeln....!  

933 Postings, 4568 Tage LOFPFragen

27.01.20 08:14
In welchem Artikel oder Interview steht, dass die Regierung nicht nicht BCL möchte?
Welche Quelle zitiert „der Standard“?
Das die SMOLA bisher nicht mit BCL wollten ist ja klar. Gab ja auch Jahre Kohle und Versprechen von RTG und Co. Diese Meinung könnte sich schnell ändern.
PNG will BCL.
Einige Landeigner, die es verstanden haben auch.
Und dann gab es ja noch den Satz:“better the Devil you know...“
Schauen wir mal.
BcL hatten alle bei 6 Cent abgeschrieben.
Vielleicht gibt es weitere Überraschungen!?


222 Postings, 4894 Tage Koud.heBougainville Panguna mine

27.01.20 11:26
Bougainville president accuses mining company of lying to Australian stock exchange
26 JANUARY 2020 AT 23:34
Papua New Guinea Mine Watch  /  ramunickel

Bougainville’s Panguna mine, for which RTG Mining is seeking an exploration licence.

John Momis says his government ‘will not rest’ until Australian-linked miner seeking licence for Panguna mine is banned for life from Bougainville and PNG

Kate Lyons | The Guardian | 24 January 2020

The president of the autonomous Bougainville government has accused an Australian-linked mining company of lying to the Australian Securities Exchange over its plans to reopen one of the world’s largest copper mines.

In a scathing statement, John Momis, the president of the autonomous Bougainville region, accused the Australian-linked RTG Mining of “lies and deceptions” and said his government “will not rest until all RTG and their executives are banned for life from Bougainville and Papua New Guinea”.

Momis was referring to a statement issued by RTG Mining to the ASX on Tuesday in which the company sought to clarify recent press reports, which have alleged that RTG staff are banned from entering Papua New Guinea.

In December, after the results of a referendum that saw almost 98% of Bougainvilleans vote in favour of independence from PNG, Momis issued a warning banning people affiliated with certain foreign mining companies, including six from RTG and one from Kalia Group, from entering Bougainville. Momis said they were creating “disharmony” in the region and that he had sought the assistance of the PNG prime minister and office of immigration and border security to assist with keeping them out of Bougainville.

However, RTG clarified in its statement to the ASX that its executives were “not banned from travel to Papua New Guinea” and emphasised that “the national government currently [have] constitutional authority over border control for the country”.

RTG is seeking to secure an exploration licence at the Panguna mine in Bougainville. The Panguna mine was at the heart of the brutal civil war in the region that saw an estimated 20,000 people killed between 1988 and 1997. The mine, which once provided 45% of Papua New Guinea’s export income, has been mothballed since the conflict began, but there has been talk about reopening it.

Among the companies in talks about resuming mining in Bougainville are RTG, which is listed on the Canadian and Australian stock exchanges, ASX-listed Kalia, Bougainville Copper Limited, a former subsidiary of Rio Tinto that ran the Panguna mine in the 1970s and 1980s, and Caballus Mining.

Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest has also expressed interest in mining in Bougainville, with the Sydney Morning Herald reporting that representatives of his mining company, Fortescue, travelled there in 2019 to explore “potential opportunities”.

There are disputes over land rights at the Panguna mine site, but RTG is the joint venture partner of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA). RTG wrote in their statement to the ASX that the members of the SMLOLA “are the customary landowners who own the minerals at the Panguna Mine under the Bougainville Mining Act”.

However, Momis said the SMLOLA was established under an old system and that the autonomous Bougainville government considered its claims over the mine “illegal, null and void”.

There are concerns that disputes over land rights at the mine site might reignite tensions in the region. The Bougainville government enacted an indefinite moratorium on renewing the licence of BCL, a controversial mining company, in January 2018 over fears it could reignite violent civil conflict. However, since then, the government has shown signs that it was in favour of restarting mining in the region.

Despite voting for independence from PNG, the question of how an independent Bougainville would support itself hangs over the vote, with some experts saying it is impossible for Bougainville to become financially independent without a strong mining industry and that it would take much longer for other mining projects to be established and become profitable than it would take to reopen Panguna.

The autonomous Bougainville government and RTG Mining were contacted for comment.  

933 Postings, 4568 Tage LOFPKalia, RTG, und Caballus sind noch kleiner

27.01.20 12:20
von der Kapitalisierung als BCL
Warum haben die keinen großen Produzenten an der Hand?
Ich sehe BCL bei den 4 vorne  

1334 Postings, 6356 Tage Traderevil...#LOFP....da sind wir schon 2..mindestens...:-))

27.01.20 16:02

2882 Postings, 1912 Tage LupenRainer_HättRi.Darf ich mal in die Runde der schon länger

11.02.20 08:39
an BOC interessierten und investierten fragen:

Welche Prognose/Vermutung habt ihr, wann es hier mal losgehen könnte?
Wie stehen die Chancen momentan, dass sich BOC gegenüber den anderen Minern durchsetzt?

1334 Postings, 6356 Tage Traderevil.....#22134.....

11.02.20 12:24

.....wenn es stimmt das Ungeduld ein schlechter Ratgeber ist ....dann stimmt es absolut bei dieser Aktie die zu einem höherem Anteil von *politischen Entscheidungen* abhängt und dazu noch  bei dieser komplizierten Gemengelage , in einem ganz besonderem Maße. ;-))

109 Postings, 5125 Tage Uraktionär#22134

11.02.20 13:29
jede vermutung oder prognose wäre unseriös,denn es kommt bestimmt ganz anders!!  

703 Postings, 6182 Tage Tom0001#22134

11.02.20 21:02
Totalverlust bis Hauptgewinn alles drin.   Aus heutiger Sicht stehen wir m.M besser da, als es schon mal der Fall war. Auf den Kurs brauchst nicht schaun - der ist Spielball von denen:  

2882 Postings, 1912 Tage LupenRainer_HättRi.Danke fuer eure Antworten!

11.02.20 21:06
Na dann, auf ein weiteres "Abwarten!"  

177 Postings, 6042 Tage huescaEs kann auch passieren,

15.02.20 07:48
... dass man es nicht mehr erlebt.  

179 Postings, 2756 Tage x-y-zFlieg mal hin

15.02.20 09:38

179 Postings, 2756 Tage x-y-zKeine 3. Amtszeit für Momis

24.02.20 09:28

179 Postings, 2756 Tage x-y-zPeter Quodling the son of Paul Quodling (BCL)

26.02.20 19:41

Peter Quodling: No the thing that started the crisis was government incompetence and greed. Back in 87 as I recall, Momis then a govpng mp came to my dad (with a ratbag advisor in tow) and demanded what amounted to bribes for momis to hand out. That was illegal, and it was pointed out as such to momis - he had already promised people that money. the rest is history. fast forward to modern day. Momis did a deal with a philipino (eric guttierez) - this guy is as shonky as they come, even duterte the despot describes him as a thug. he owns the company that this geo worked for. Momis also did a deal with another shonky called calabus mining. they promised him some money (not much) in return for carte blanche to mine anywhere in bougainville - which would have meant changing the laws, which he tried to do. The latest is that he is about the end of his second and last term, and he was trying to railroad through the constitutional changes to get a third term - no doubt so that he could close on some of these under the table back room deals.

History repeats itself - Momis came demanding K14M - Ona later demanded K10Bn (far more than had ever been made), Kabui ratted out the people of bougainville for K21M from a canadian mob called invincible, Momis has sold out to the philipino, and now calabus. I am reminded of the man who said to a woman - will you sleep with me for a million dollars. SHe said yes - he said "how about $50" - she said "what do you think I am" - he said, "that has been established, we are just negotiating price.... "

The crazy thing is that ABG is a significant shareholder in BCL, a legitimate company (not one of these cayman island registered fly by nights) - It is the only entity that the ABG should be using. It is the only one with the credibility to get the funding needed to reestablish. But, Momis remains pigheaded...


104 Postings, 4792 Tage bolloQuodling

27.02.20 08:17
hat die Verhältnisse wohl sehr genau getroffen.


138 Postings, 5660 Tage sonne798BOC could be a big WINNER this year !

28.02.20 10:37

1334 Postings, 6356 Tage Traderevil....ann-preliminary-final-report......

02.03.20 08:43

......"ResultsFor the  year  ended  31  December  2019,   the  Group  recorded  a  loss  of  K8.6  million compared  to  a  loss  of  K10.6  million  in  the  previous  year.  Realised  gains  on  sales  of  investments for the year of K4.1 million are not recorded in the income statement but are reported by a transfer directly to retained earnings in Shareholders funds.".......

1334 Postings, 6356 Tage Traderevil.......ann-preliminary-final-report.......

02.03.20 08:53

...... PDCL was established to  promote  economic  opportunities,  particularly  associated  with  Panguna’s  future  redevelopment.   PDCL   openly rejects   the   validity   of   the   Special   Mining   Lease   Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA). While vocal, SMLOLA is afforded no status under the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 in representing landowners nor does it own mineral rights.On 22nd January 2020, Bougainville’s President John Momis declared that landowner associations  including  SMLOLA  null  and  void.  The  ABG had  earlier  in  March  2019  rejected  a  Panguna  development  proposal  from  the  SMLOLA  and  its  nominated  development partner RTG Mining Inc.Community Projects and EngagementThe Company maintained an active presence in Bougainville throughout 2019 through...........

468 Postings, 4850 Tage macoubaBC or the the treasure island ....

13.03.20 11:42

15640 Postings, 6357 Tage nekroTransfers remaining BCL Shares......

13.03.20 11:59

666 Postings, 5779 Tage havannaWichtiges Indiz

13.03.20 18:26
Schön dass die Shares nun übertragen sind, nun wird es sich die Regierung zweimal überlegen, ob sie BCL aus dem Rennen nehmen und sich damit selbst enteignen...

Gut für BCL wäre es, wenn Momis eine dritte Amtszeit bekommen würde!

1334 Postings, 6356 Tage Traderevil..@ havanna..und die Episode mit dem aussie.....

14.03.20 10:01 breeder ein taktisches Spielchen bleibt..;-)

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