Eurogas - Reloaded
Ich war ja schon etwas überrascht als Eugs das meldete:"Die Ausgleichsforderung ist von einer multinationalen Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in London exakt berechnet worden."
Die Schweizer Garde hat doch immer darauf hingewiesen , daß Eugs die Zahlen nur so hinschreibt und diese dann von z.B. BDO "blind " übernommen werden. HOHOHO welch ein Fachwissen :-)
Ich sach ma so- das Gebiss wird bald noch mehr runterklappen-bin auf den Kommentar vom "Staatsrechtler und Arbitrage-Spezialisten" Elvis gespannt.
..Wie genau will man diese Schadenssumme denn rechtfertigen? (Damit sind wohl diese läppischen 1,65 Mrd. $ gemeint)
…..Die Anwaltskanzlei ist ja vom Fond finanziert. Vielleicht hat ja der redegewandte Herr Rauball dem Fond das Blaue vom Himmel vorgejammert und diese in Grund und Boden geschwatzt, damit sie sein neues Finanzierungsmodell wohlwollend unterstützen.....
…...Und ich bin mir auch ziemlich sicher, dass man keinen Buchprüfer finden würde, der diesen Wert testieren würde.
…...Aber immerhin ein netter Versuch seitens Eurogas ihren leidgeprüften Aktionären solche Zahlen ums Maul zu schmieren um sie ruhig zu stellen und weiterhin mit tollen Versprechungen bei Laune zu halten...
Naja, elvis-lebt ist sich ja auch nur „annähernd“ sicher......
Ich bin höchst gespannt, was da rauskommt.
Offensichtlich erschien WR seine vormals Pi mal Daumen (wie im Sacheinlagevertrag :-)) angesetzte Schadenshöhe von 1,65 Mrd. $, doch „etwas zu niedrig“.
Wenn er nun durch redegewandtes Gejammer und Geschwätz den Funds, die Anwälte und insbesondere die Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft zu einer Korrektur seiner Vorab- schätzung, auf nun 3,2 Mrd. $ (ein fast Verdoppler!) veranlassen würde, wäre das doch optimal! Also ich hätte nix dagegen! :-)
115% der Summe abgeben.......
Das heitßt dann ja eigentlich nicht wie gewonnen so zerronnen, sondern, heut gewonnen, schon Konkurs.
Tja so kanns gehn. Frage mich immer noch, warum sich WR das an tut? Bei den Aussichten.
Und die 15% müssten ...... wir? Dann lieber a la Mr. "Da kommt nix mehr" - Ende und Out!
EuroGas wants the Slovak Republic 3.2 billion USD
04.13.2014 15:41:13 | Source: TA3
EuroGas increases their claims in a dispute with the Slovak Republic in a case of withdrawal of the mining area to mining talc Gemerskej field. Instead of the compensation over one and a half billion dollars, calls for almost twice the amount.
Merkwürdig, dass sich die ganzen Arbitrageklage-Spezialisten andersWO überhaupt noch nicht zu diesen EuroGas-News von heute morgen aus der Slowakei äußern...bis auf Menglovator (der wieder mal krampfhaft versucht, irgendwelche neuen Nebenkriegsschauplätze zu eröffnen, indem er uralt-Postings anderer User ausgräbt) herrscht da absolutes Schweigen im Walde...schon komisch, da doch andere News wie Insolvenz, Schuldenaufruf etc. auch immer sofort fachmännisch kommentiert, interpretiert und beurteilt werden...
Denn ich glaube, wenn man sich mal etwas anstrengen würde, dann kann man doch sicherlich auch an den heutigen EuroGas-News aus der Slowakei noch so Einiges schlechtreden, oder?
Zu welchen Kurs die Aktie im Depot steht und an welcher Börse gehandelt werden kann ! "
Ich glaube eine Entscheidung wird in Kürze fallen :)
EuroGas almost doubles compensation claim against Slovakia
14 Apr 2014
Flash News
EUROGAS is upping its claim in the ongoing dispute with Slovakia for taking a talc quarry site in Gemerská Poloma in Košice Region away from the company, the TASR newswire reported.
Instead of the initial sum of $1.65 billion (€1.18 billion), the company is now demanding nearly double that - $3.2 billion.
According to EuroGas board chairman Wolfgang Rauball, the new calculation is due to a re-evaluation of deposits in Gemerská Poloma.
"The current owner of the deposit – the company Eurotalc - estimated the deposits in 2012 to be enough for 80 to 100 years of extraction. Based on this information, we've increased the qualified estimate of a loss we incurred by the taking away of the quarry site from us," said Rauball, as quoted by TASR.
EuroGas representatives should meet with Finance Ministry officials to look into the possibilities of settling the dispute in the next few days, TASR wrote.
Rauball says EuroGas has new proof at its disposal that Rozmin, a subsidiary of EuroGas, lost the quarry site in 2004 in contravention of the law. He said that the company has come into possession of several documents, pieces of information and correspondence that confirm that the taking away of the quarry site was a targeted corruption initiative and involved bribery vis-a-vis then Economy Ministry officials, including erstwhile minister Pavol Rusko, TASR reported.
According to Rauball, the new evidence has been obtained from one of the world's largest producers of talc. He declined to provide the producer's name, however.
"Unless an out-of-court settlement with Slovakia's representatives is reached, we'll submit this evidence, including its source for arbitration at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in Washington," said Rauball, as quoted by TASR.
Slovakia received an ultimatum from EuroGas to address EuroGas's moves by January 31, 2014. Shortly before the deadline, the Finance Ministry sent a letter to the company in which, according to Rauball, Slovakia demonstrated a willingness to settle the dispute. As a result, the threat of arbitration has been averted for now.
EuroGas has been indicating its plans to take legal action against Slovakia since 2010. Its subsidiary Rozmin claims that the Slovak authorities illegally deprived it of the quarry deposit in Gemerska Poloma. Rozming has been engaged in a multi-year dispute concerning mining rights with a company called VSK Mining. This company has invested in the mining site since 2008 based on a decision of the District Mining Office in Spišská Nová Ves (Košice Region).
At first, in 2011, EuroGas demanded compensation of €500 million. One year later, a company called EuroGas Inc., registered in the US, also began claiming compensation. The overall amount has climbed to $1.65 billion. EuroGas asserted that its rights related to a trade agreement between the erstwhile Czechoslovakia and the US from 1991 have been violated. The Slovak Finance Ministry last year denied that any agreement had been broken.
The talc deposit in Gemerská Poloma was discovered accidentally during a search for tin in 1985. The talc from the deposit has high levels of purity, with experts viewing it as one of the most important ones in the world. The largest producer of talc worldwide is China, but significant deposits are also located in the US, Brazil and India, while Finland is a significant producer in Europe. In view of the wide-ranging options for the industrial use of talc, mainly in the pharmaceutical, chemicals, cosmetics and paper industries, demand for this raw material is steadily rising on the market.
EuroGas ups compensation claim as new information emerges on talc deposit
By Siobhan Lismore-Scott
Published: Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Reports suggest that the dispute over the Gemerská Poloma talc deposit will be settled in a matter of days, which would finally draw a line under the matter which has dragged for several years. EuroGas has said that it is seeking a settlement – or it will immediately initiate legal action at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ( ICSID ) in Washington DC, US.
Austria’s EuroGas GmbH said this week that it is increasing its compensation claim for losses relating to a talc-magnesite deposit in Slovakia, to $3.2bn — double the original amount.
The claim, which is against the Slovakian authorities, concerns a deposit which was owned by EuroGas subsidiary Rozmin...
War bestimmt ein Staatsgast dort.