AIG und die Zukunft

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Neuester Beitrag: 19.11.23 18:30
Eröffnet am:14.10.08 09:11von: AnanasAnzahl Beiträge:26.192
Neuester Beitrag:19.11.23 18:30von: SpaetschichtLeser gesamt:3.082.719
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:152
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380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiPS: Zähle mich dazu. :D

11.03.10 11:06

7774 Postings, 5702 Tage FischbroetchenFangen aber früh an

11.03.10 11:10
Last: $ 36.04 Pre-Market
High: $ 36.04
Volume: 500 Pre-Market
Low: $ 36.04

29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11$40

11.03.10 11:14
AIG Options

Wenn man sich einmal die Calls und Puts bei AIG ansieht,
dann stehen m.E. die $40 im Fokus der Anleger und Trader.

Am größten ist das Volumen und das Open Interest bei
den Calls mit einem Strike von $40.

Volumen: 37.944
Open Interest: 15988

Prev Close: .32$
Last Sale:   .88$
Change:     .56$ (+175%);qm_page=44272&qm_symbol=AIG

Sehr zuversichtlich stimmt mich auch der Call mit einem
Strike von $45. Obwohl es bis zu $45 noch eines Kursanstieges
von ca. 40% bedarf ist das Volumen und Open Interest sehr

Open Interest: 5680

Prev Close: 0.12$
Last Sale:   0.31$
Change:     0.19$ (+158%);qm_page=19019&qm_symbol=AIG  

380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiWiderstand

11.03.10 11:15
Der nächste Widerstand müsste bei 36,95$ liegen? Bis dahin warte ich noch. Gehts drüber, bleibe ich noch eine Weile drin .:D

380 Postings, 5818 Tage Wuergibis 39,95$

11.03.10 11:16

29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11@Jefferson

11.03.10 11:16
Doch habe gestern in den sauren Apfel gebissen und
wieder zu $36.41 gekauft nachdem mir die Geier meine
shares am Vortag zu $32.85 (Verkauforder) abgenommen

380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiDer Widerstand

11.03.10 11:22
bei ca 40$ dürfte eine erste Feuertaufe für unsere AIG sein.

29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11Mein Tipp für heute

11.03.10 11:25
1. Vorbörslich hohe Umsätze
2. Kursrückgang bis auf $34.80
3. Erholung beginnt 30-45 Minuten nach Handelsbeginn
4. Dann relativ schneller Anstieg in den Bereich von $37.50 - $39.20
5. Schlußkurs um die $38.80
6. Tagesgewinn von ca. 7%

Ich kann mich auch täuschen.  

380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiRückgang bis auf 34,80$ ?????

11.03.10 11:28
Willst wohl billig rein ? :D

845 Postings, 8334 Tage AF314Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr !

11.03.10 11:29

845 Postings, 8334 Tage AF31429€ heute?

11.03.10 11:33
ich bin dabei, und ich denke Rico hat recht.
Zudem habe ich vor, vor nächsten Freitag einmal aussteigen.

845 Postings, 8334 Tage AF314Der nächste Freitag ist Hexensabbat

11.03.10 11:41

29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico1140%

11.03.10 11:48

JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM), the second largest U.S. lender, posted the third best gain in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, as shares climbed 1.20% to $42.93. The stock benefited of strength in the sector, amid bullish comments from well known Rochdale Securities analyst Dick Bove. The analyst said that two to three years from now, bank dividend payouts are going to be back up around 40%.

Für mich heißt dies, daß die amerik. Wirtschaft -und damit sicherlich auch AIG- auf einem guten Weg ist und man in einigen Jahren die $ erntet, die man jetzt gesät hat.


29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11$45.30 (Die heutige Analyse von VektorVest)

11.03.10 12:13

Detailed Analysis Capital Appreciation Value: Value is a measure of a stock's current worth. AIG has a current Value of $45.30 per share. Therefore, it is undervalued compared to its Price of $36.24 per share. Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates. Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitability increase, and when interest and inflation rates decrease. VectorVest advocates the purchase of undervalued stocks. At some point in time, a stock's Price and Value always will converge. RV (Relative Value): RV is an indicator of long-term price appreciation potential. AIG has an RV of 1.43, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. This indicator is far superior to a simple comparison of Price and Value because it is computed from an analysis of projected price appreciation three years out, AAA Corporate Bond Rates, and risk. RV solves the riddle of whether it is preferable to buy High growth, High P/E stocks, or Low growth, Low P/E stocks. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RV ratings above 1.00.

RS (Relative Safety): RS is an indicator of risk. AIG has an RS rating of 0.90, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RS is computed from an analysis of the consistency and predictability of a company's financial performance, debt to equity ratio, sales volume, business longevity, price volatility and other factors. A stock with an RS rating greater than 1.00 is safer and more predictable than the average stock in the VectorVest database. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks of companies with consistent, predictable financial performance.
RT (Relative Timing): RT is a fast, smart, accurate indicator of a stock's price trend. AIG has a Relative Timing rating of 1.79, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00.  RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements over one day, one week, one quarter and one year time periods. Once a stock's price has established a strong trend, it is expected to continue in that trend for the short-term. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00. RT will explode from bottoms, dive from tops, and reflect changes in price momentum. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RT ratings above 1.00.
VST (VST-Vector):  VST is the master indicator for ranking every stock in the VectorVest database. AIG has a VST rating of 1.44, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. VST is computed from the square root of a weighted sum of the squares of RV, RS, and RT. Stocks with the highest VST ratings have the best combinations of Value, Safety and Timing. These are the stocks to own for above average, long-term capital appreciation. VectorVest advocates the purchase of safe, undervalued stocks rising in price.

Recommendation (REC): VectorVest gives a Buy, Sell, Hold recommendation on every stock, every day. AIG has a Buy recommendation. REC reflects the cumulative effect of all the VectorVest parameters working together. These parameters are designed to help investors buy safe, undervalued stocks rising in price. They also help investors avoid or sell risky, overvalued stocks falling in price. VectorVest recommends that investors buy high VST-Vector, Buy-rated stocks in rising markets.

Stop (Stop-Price): Stop is an indicator of when to sell a long position or cover a short position.  AIG has a Stop of $29.11 per share. This is $7.13 below AIG's current closing Price. A stock's Stop is computed from a 13 week moving average of its closing prices, and is fine-tuned according to the stock's fundamentals. High RV, high RS stocks have lower Stops, and low RV, low RS stocks have higher Stops. In the VectorVest system, a stock gets a 'B' or 'H' recommendation if its Price is above its Stop and an 'S' recommendation if its Price is below its Stop.
GRT (Earnings Growth Rate): GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year. AIG has a forecasted Earnings Growth Rate of 27.00%, which VectorVest considers to be excellent. GRT is computed from historical, current and forecasted earnings data. It is updated each week for every stock in the VectorVest database. GRT often foretells a stock's future price trend. If a stock's GRT trend is upward, the stock's price will likely rise. If GRT is trending downward, the stock's Price will probably fall. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks whose GRT is rising and is greater than the sum of current inflation and interest rates, as shown weekly in our investment climate report.
EPS (Earnings per Share):  EPS stands for leading 12 months Earnings Per Share.  AIG has a forecasted EPS of $-18.17 per share. VectorVest determines this forecast from a combination of recent earnings performance and traditional fiscal and/or calendar year earnings forecasts.
P/E (Price to Earnings Ratio): P/E is a popular measure of stock valuation which shows the dollars required to buy one dollar of earnings.  AIG has a P/E of -1.99. This ratio may be deemed to be high or low depending upon your frame of reference. The average P/E of all the stocks in the VectorVest database is 85.20. P/E is computed daily using the formula: P/E = Price/EPS.
EY (Earnings Yield): EY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. EY is related to P/E via the formula, EY = 100 / (P/E), and may be used in place of P/E as a measure of valuation. EY has the advantages that it is always determinate and can reflect negative earnings. AIG has an EY of -50.14 percent. This is below the current average of 1.17% for all the stocks in the VectorVest database. EY equals 100 x (EPS/Price).
GPE (Growth to P/E Ratio): GPE is another popular measure of stock valuation. It compares earnings growth rate to P/E ratio. AIG has a GPE rating of -13.53.  High growth stocks are believed to be able to justify high P/E ratios. A stock is commonly considered to be undervalued when GPE is greater than 1.00 and overvalued when GPE is below 1.00. Unfortunately, this rule of thumb does not take into account the effect of interest rates on P/E ratios. The operative GPE ratio of 1.00 is valid when and only when interest rates equal 10%. With long-term interest rates currently at 4.22%, the operative GPE ratio is 0.18. Therefore, AIG may be considered to be overvalued.
Dividend Information
DIV (Dividend): VectorVest reports annual, regular, cash dividends as indicated by the most recent payments. Special distributions, one-time payments, stock dividends, etc., are not generally included in DIV. AIG does not pay a dividend.
DY (Dividend Yield): DY reflects dividend per share as a percent of Price. AIG does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Yield rating. . DY equals 100 x (DIV/Price). It is useful to compare DY with EY. If DY is not significantly lower than EY, the dividend payment may be in jeopardy.

DS (Dividend Safety): DS is an indicator of the assurance that regular cash dividends will be declared and paid at current or at higher rates for the foreseeable future. AIG does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Safety rating . Stocks with DS values above 75 typically have RS values well above 1.00 and EY levels that are much higher than DY.

DG (Dividend Growth Rate): Dividend Growth is a subtle yet important indicator of a company's financial performance. It also provides some insight into the board's outlook on the company's ability to increase earnings. AIG does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Growth rating .
YSG (YSG-Vector): YSG is an indicator which combines DIV, DY and DG into a single value, and allows direct comparison of all dividend-paying stocks in the database. AIG does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a YSG rating . Stocks with the highest YSG values have the best combinations of Dividend Yield, Safety and Growth. These are the stocks to buy for above average current income and long-term growth.
Price-Volume Data
Price: AIG closed on 3/11/2010 at $36.24 per share
Open: AIG opened trading at a price of $36.24 per share on 3/11/2010.
High: AIG traded at a High price of $36.24 per share on 3/11/2010.
Low: AIG traded at a Low price of $36.24 per share on 3/11/2010
Close: AIG closed trading at price $36.24 per share on 3/11/2010. (Close is also called Price in the VectorVest system)
Range: Range reflects the difference between the High and Low prices for the day. AIG traded with a range of $0.00 per share on 3/11/2010.
$Change: AIG closed unchanged  from the prior day's closing Price.
%PRC: AIG's Price changed 0.00% from the prior day's closing price.
Volume: AIG traded  shares on 3/11/2010.
AvgVol: AvgVol is the 50 day moving average of daily volume as computed by VectorVest. AIG has an AvgVol of 13,786,009 shares traded per day.
%Vol: %Vol reflects the percent change in today's trading volume as compared to the AvgVol. %Vol equals ((Volume - AvgVol) / AvgVol ) * 100.  AIG had a %Vol of -100.00% on 3/11/2010
CI (Comfort Index): CI is an indicator which reflects a stock's ability to resist severe and/or lengthy price declines. AIG has a CI rating of 1.15, which is good on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. CI is quite different from RS in that it is based solely upon a stock's long-term price history. VectorVest advocates the purchase of high CI stocks.
Sales / Market Capitalization Information
Sales: AIG has annual sales of $52,535,000,000
Sales Growth: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. AIG has a Sales Growth of 999.00% per year. This is excellent. Sales Growth is updated each week for every stock. It is often useful to compare Sales Growth to Earnings Growth to gain an insight into a company's operations.
Sales Per Share (SPS): AIG has annual sales of $390.48 per share. SPS can be used as a measure of valuation when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.
Price to Sales Ratio (P/S): AIG has a P/S of 0.09. This ratio is also used as a measure of valuation. Here, too, it is useful when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.
Shares: AIG has 134,000,000 shares of stock outstanding.
Market Capitalization: AIG has a Market Capitalization of $4,875,000,000. Market Capitalization is calculated by multiplying price times shares outstanding.
Business: Amer Int'lGrp, (AIG) American International Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides insurance and financial services in the United States and internationally. It operates in four segments: General Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement Services, Financial Services, and Asset Management. The General Insurance segment underwrites various business insurance products, including large commercial or industrial property insurance, excess liability, inland marine, environmental, workers compensation, and excess and umbrella coverages. This segment also offers various specialized forms of insurance, such as aviation, accident and health, equipment breakdown, directors and officers liability, difference-in-conditions, kidnap-ransom, export credit and political risk, and professional errors and omissions coverages. The Life Insurance and Retirement Services segment provides individual and group life, payout annuities, endowment, and accident and health policies, as well as retirement savings products consisting of fixed and variable annuities. The Financial Services segment offers aircraft and equipment leasing, capital market transactions, consumer finance, and insurance premium financing. The Asset Management segment operations comprise investment-related services and investment products, including institutional and retail asset management, broker-dealer services, and institutional spread-based investment business. The company was founded in 1967 and is based in New York, New York.
Business Sector: AIG has been assigned to the Insurance Business Sector. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.
Industry Group: AIG has been assigned to the Insurance (General) Industry Group. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.


380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiNa dann

11.03.10 12:16
steht ja einem Anstieg auf über 40,00$ nichts mehr im Weg. :D  

380 Postings, 5818 Tage Wuergifast 14000000

11.03.10 12:22
gehandelte Aktien im Tagesdurchschnitt der letzten 50 Tage. AlleAchtung!!  

380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiDanke für diesen Artikel.

11.03.10 12:26
Schön so etwas zu lesen. :D   

380 Postings, 5818 Tage WuergiUmsatz pro Aktie

11.03.10 12:31

Sales Per Share (SPS):  AIG has annual sales of $390.48 per share. SPS can be used as a  measure of valuation when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.


Umsatz = nicht gleich Gewinn !!

Trotzdem schon der Hammer!


29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11Das ist mir schon klar

11.03.10 12:36
Den Wert sehen sie ja auch bei $45.30.  

29693 Postings, 5996 Tage Rico11@Wuergi

11.03.10 12:50
Auch das Wachstum ist bombastisch !

Sales Growth: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. AIG has a Sales Growth of 999.00% per year. This is excellent. Sales Growth is updated each week for every stock. It is often useful to compare Sales Growth to Earnings Growth to gain an insight into a company's operations.  

2129 Postings, 5682 Tage whiskyandcoke@Rico:

11.03.10 13:08
Sell on good news ?

12254 Postings, 5775 Tage goldfather@whiskyandcoke

11.03.10 13:21
kann gut sein, es wird weiter hoch gehen, aber vielleicht nicht heute.  

1020 Postings, 5702 Tage Nero.Hallo AIG Gemeinde!!

11.03.10 13:34
Als wir die 27euro durch waren habe ich mir überlegt zu verkaufen aber habe es nicht getan weil ich gesehen habe das es nicht so grosse Gewinnmitnahmen gab.Das hat mir gesagt das die Leute wo eingestiegen sind überzeugt sind und dabei bleiben.So wie ich die news anschaue sieht es nicht schlecht aus.Die Leute haben wieder vertrauen bekommen.  

647 Postings, 5610 Tage AndorT.Hallo an alle

11.03.10 13:38
55 $ war das hoch 2009 , wir sind jetzt bei 35,92 $.
Wenn ich mir die Finanz werte so anschaue Deutsche B. Grade bei ca 52 euro hoch 2009 56 euro.
Habe wir auch noch Luft nach oben ,ist mir schon klar das es wieder mal runter geht mit AIG.
Aber jetzt noch nicht DAX geht auf 6000 zu .Aixtron wieder über 25 euro schaut alles ganz okay aus.
Glaube geht erst mal rauf .
Weniger Leerverkäufe auf Stadt Beteiligte Unternehmen sind voll okay für uns.
Die lassen uns mal ein bisschen in ruhe bis der Gewinn groß genug ist
und sie uns dann England  oder was auch immer auf Auge drücken um Gewinne mit zu nehmen.  

12254 Postings, 5775 Tage goldfatherAIG für Anfänger

11.03.10 13:38
und ich bezeichne mich als Anfänger, heisst einfach long, also lang laufen lassen. Dazu noch die Grundregel 2 "Niedrig kaufen, hoch verkaufen" und natürlich Grundregel 3 "niemals Geld verlieren"  ;-)

..... dann kommt der Erfolg.  

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