Calypte und die Zeit nach AIDS2004 in Bangkok

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2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_ICalypte wird seinen Weg machen

01.10.04 23:10
Das ist keine Durchhalteparole, wie joelu dass wieder zitieren wird, sondern meine persoenliche Meinung. Calypte haelt in der letzten Zeit seine Aussagen (Ame, Magic ...) - und die Auftraege werden auch noch folgen ...  

2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_IHab heute um 7000 Stück erhoeht ;-) o. T.

01.10.04 23:11

4719 Postings, 7747 Tage leobmwhallo Leute !

01.10.04 23:59

warum schreibt ihr eigentlich so viel obwohl man nur warten muß ?

es wurde alles über Caly in vielen Threads gesagt, und bloß weil ein "paid basher"

hier auftaucht macht ihr euch einen Kopf ?

einfach die nächsten Jahre genießen.

Does this sound like some people we know"
By Tom Martin
aka "Steve Tracy"
aka "Firebird_1965"

Today I want to come clean about something I feel very badly about. I cannot undo some
of the things I have done, but hopefully this message will prevent other such occurrences
in the future.

I am a paid basher.

Yes, it is true. Today is my last day at this company; I?m moving on to a new job. But
before I go, I want to explain a few things because this just isn?t right and I won?t feel
good about myself until I expose this sham. It?s hurt too many people and I don?t want it
on my conscience anymore. I can no longer live with a lie.

I work for a company called Franklin, Andrews, Kramer & Edelstein in Stamford, CT.
Basically, it?s a Boiler Room much like the one in the movie of the same name. The
idea behind my group is to bash the price of a company?s stock down low enough to
where the group of investors who retained our company?s services can buy the stock
really cheap and perhaps even take it over all together.

There are approximately 70 people at the company divided into several groups. My
group, consisting of 5 people, is responsible for BIFS. While I probably shouldn?t give
any names of anyone working here now, what the heck, I?m leaving here, so what can
they do ? sue me? Ha! I can tell you that GUTTWRENCH was part of my group until he
left last week, as was Richardphx. Others who have been part of this include early
bashers like Epiphonics and Simontaz. You may be interested to know that some
hypsters, such as Amato7 and BIFWATCHER, have also been part of the scam (more
on that later).

There are several companies engaged in the bashing business ? ours is not the only
one. However, I can tell you that not every basher in here is a paid basher. Having done
this for two years, I can usually tell who is a paid basher and who is merely someone
having a little fun. While unpaid bashers have a different motive than someone like me,
they can be unwilling accomplices to helping me achieve my ultimate goal and they also
spread rumor and confusion throughout a room, which also helps me.

What is that goal? Well, I am merely a cog in a much larger machine, so my bosses
never really explained the big picture to me, but I?d say essentially, GUTTWRENCH was
right. There are several companies who are quite familiar with SWOMI and who are
deathly afraid of it.

There are three types of bashers here at Franklin, Andrews, Kramer & Edelstein:
Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner. An Advanced-level basher (also known as a
Silver Tongued Devil) would spread false or misleading information about the company.
They would deal in facts, countering every longs post with articles, news reports and
opinion surveys that gave a negative impression about the company.

An Intermediate-level basher (also known as a Serpent) would try to weasel their way
into the confidence of longs and create doubt using rumor or innuendo.

Finally, a Beginner-level basher (also known as a Pitchfork) would attempt to create
confusion in the room by distracting other posters with satire, name calling and
pointless arguments. The idea was to make sure no serious discussion of the stock
could take place. A Pitchfork was usually a basher, but not always. Sometimes, we
would throw in a hypster Pitchfork such as Amato7 or BIFSWATCHER to create the
illusion of an argument going on. What was really funny (in a perverse way, I guess) was
that Amato7 and I sat next to each other, laughing the whole time.

I was a Pitchfork. I was paid a base wage of $12 an hour for my services. I was given a
$1 bonus for every post over 100 per day as well as a monthly bonus of $100 for every
penny the stock had dropped from the previous month. I was also paid a bonus for
bashing on weekends. While this may not sound like much, I made a decent, though
dishonorable, paycheck.

Each of us sat in a small half-cubicle in a cluster with our teammates. Each group
(usually five people) was made of three beginners (two who would bash and one who
would hype), one intermediate and one advanced level basher. Occasionally for some
of the hotter stocks, one of the beginners would be replaced by an intermediate
depending on how much the stock was rising. BIFS was a low-level stock, meaning it
got the 3-1-1 configuration.
Somehow, I get the feeling that
JPACK2 may have worked for a basher company or
knows someone who does because the "Basher Handbook" he occasionally posts is
eerily similar to the one we actually use. While not a word-for-word match, I?d say it is
about 90 percent the same. We do have certain rules that we follow.

First, we have to develop a character and stay within that character in order to build a
"following." My character, "Firebird_1965," was a sarcastic, obnoxious supporter of free
speech, but only when it came to bashers.

Next, we had to follow certain guidelines on what we could say. We were urged to have
an "answer" to every long?s question, but we were to frame that answer in a way that
ridiculed the questioner for asking such a question. However, we were never to use
profanity or vulgarity because that would cause people to ignore us. We were to make
fun of people, but in a civil way. The idea was to get "play," i.e. ? reaction from other
posters. The more play we got, the more the room would be disrupted. Ignored posters
get no play. One exception would be the hypster ? since they were "defending" the
stock against our onslaught, they got a little more leeway. People would side with the
hypster because they thought he was real since he appeared to be on their side, but
was really on ours, setting us up to disrupt the room. Padelcars is quite good at this and
gets paid very well.

I?ve worked on BIFS, TSRG, MXII for about three months now. In addition to the Firebird_1965 alias,
I?ve used a few others on the BIFS and several other boards as well. I stuck with
Firebird_1965 because it was the one that got the most play from other posters.

In closing, I feel absolutely terrible about this. It?s just awful how I?ve been part of a scam
designed to cheat honest, hard-working people out of their investments all for the
benefit of a few wealthy people who already have enough money to last a lifetime.
These greedy people MUST be stopped. That?s why I?m posting this before I leave. I
want to make up for some of the damage I?ve done. I can?t live with this lie anymore. You
can?t imagine how hard it is to look at myself in the mirror each morning knowing my job
is to cheat and lie.

I have to go now, I?m too broken up to continue. I hope this confession can make up for
my sordid deeds; I would urge everyone who reads this to copy and repost it as many
times as you can. Only by shining the light of truth can we drive these rats back into the
darkness from whence they came. Believe me, they don?t want publicity.

Tom Martin
aka "Steve Tracy"
aka "Firebird_1965"


2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_IHey Leo, du sagst es... Genau deshalb wird man

02.10.04 00:04
hier von mir zukuenftig nicht mehr viel hoeren. Du machst es richtig ;-)

Fuckin´Mad Greetz

4719 Postings, 7747 Tage leobmwhallo Kade !

02.10.04 00:15
das war zwar von einer anderen Aktie - aber das Prinzip ist immer gleich .

jedoch wir wissen schon was wir machen .

wir sehen uns Kade !


2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_ILeo ;-) Cheers o. T.

02.10.04 00:47

1506 Postings, 7392 Tage joeluvielleicht investierst du zuviel kohle in

02.10.04 00:49
marode scheißwerte?

angeblich sind ja viele nur mit spielgeld dabei. das das nicht so ist zeigt kade deutlich, der permanent nachkauft. wie fett bist du mit deinem mischkurs im minus junge?

armer kerl. kein wunder, das du immer so gereizt bei kritik an caly reagierst.

wenn das ding hier in die hose geht, werden einige von euch von der brücke springen....und das ist kein spaß mehr.

ich werde versuche zu verhindern, dass noch andere solche unsummen in diese abzockerfirma investieren. trinity wird euch den schneid abkaufen. das gbt ein böses erwachen...

kade, komm mal zu dir.du wirst schon sehen. wer bald die meisten % hat...

armer kerl...hoffentlich kommst du irgendwann mal zur besinnung. aber je tiefer du im sumpf steckst, umso mehr investierst du...diese spirale endet irgendwann im großen knall...  

2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_Ijoelu, noch wach ?

02.10.04 01:02
Mach Du erst mal richtig Kohle, dann koennen wir ueber grosse Investments weiter diskutieren- vorher wuensche ich dir alles Gute Deine Ziele zu erreichen.

Wie laufen die Lebensversicherungen ?  ;-)  

2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_I#2132 joelu, ja vielleicht, aber vielleicht kann

02.10.04 01:25
ichs mir leisten ?!
Vielleicht sind für mich 30000 soviel wie fuer Dich 3000 ... Schon mal darueber nachgedacht ?

Vielleicht kaufe ich zusammen mit Lucky in einem Jahr mit unseren Calypte-Gewinnen Deinen Augrid-Drecksladen komplett auf ?!

Vielleicht bekommen wir ihn dann komplett fuer 30000 ?!

Vielleicht machst Du deine Augrid-Verluste wenigstens wieder zu einem geringen Teil wett, wenn das Teil kurzzeitig nochmal gen 0,002 steigt- was durchaus passieren kann.

Fragen ueber Fragen ...


1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrike8Millionen Dollar für Tajikstan

04.10.04 08:34
TAJIKISTAN: AIDS Global Fund Allocates $8 Million to Tajikistan to Fight AIDS
Galina Gridneva; Valery Zhukov

ITAR-TASS (09.30.04) - Friday, October 01, 2004
On Thursday, Tajikistan's national AIDS director said the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has approved more than $8 million for the country's AIDS fight. The aid is well timed, said Amirdzhon Mirzoyev, as the country's number of patients has passed an estimated 300 in recent months. In addition to transmission by drug users, Mirzoyev is concerned about migrants who return infected from Commonwealth of Independent States, jeopardizing their family. Tajikistan plans to establish a network of laboratories and modern anonymous testing and treatment clinics, he said.

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrike70,36 Millionen Dollar für Uganda

04.10.04 08:37
Global Fund gives Uganda 70 million dollars to fight AIDS

Fri Oct 1, 2:06 PM ET   Health - AFP

KAMPALA (AFP) - The Global Fund on Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria will give Uganda 70.35 million dollars (56.7 million euros) to fight AIDS (news - web sites) in the country, following an agreement signed in Kampala.

AFP/File Photo

Yahoo! Health
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Ugandan treasury official Mary Muduli and the fund's representative Joseph Balidawa signed the deal for the money, which will be used to to procure anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs and assist AIDS orphans, a finance ministry statement said.

About one million people in Uganda are infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS, while almost a similar number have died since the disease was first diagnosed some 22 years ago.

Some 120,000 Ugandans are currently in need of the life-prolonging drugs, but only 25,000 have access to them.

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


1506 Postings, 7392 Tage joelukade, leider werdet ihr augrid

04.10.04 12:38
nie kaufen können, weil eure kohle in absehbarer zeit nur noch die hälfte wert ist. möchte nicht wissen, wie oft du schon nachgekauft hast und wie hoch dein mischkurs ist. das tust du hier besser auch nicht kund.

ich wiederhole mich gerne: wenn das ding, was abzusehen ist, den bach runtergeht, springen hier einige von der brücke. und das finde ich nicht mehr lustig. auch du wirst 30.000 € nicht verkraften können. erzähl mir nicht, dass du ausreichend kohle hast. dein nachkaufen ist doch schon verzweifelung,um den einstiegskurs zu drücken, um dann vielleicht iregendwann bei einem kleinen hype doch noch mit einem blauen auge rauszukommen.

nur wer soll dir deine teile abkaufen?

hoffentlich hast du glück.

da hilft nur noch beten...

trinity räumt vor caly ab, sofern diese jemals alle ihre produkte zur marktreife bringen können...  

1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrikeSchön geschrieben Joelu

04.10.04 12:43
Ich werde nicht von der Brücke springen !
Schöne Grüße von Lucky an Joelu

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


1268 Postings, 7512 Tage MischaIch auch nicht. :O)

04.10.04 12:45

1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrikeHallo Mischa du alter

04.10.04 12:51
Lebensversicherungsversprecher , grins
Na alles ok bei dir?

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


2202 Postings, 7495 Tage Kade_Ijoelu, mach Dir um mich mal keine Sorgen ... o. T.

04.10.04 13:24

1268 Postings, 7512 Tage MischaAlles bestens Lucky.Ich verspreche kein Leben.

04.10.04 13:46
Ich sichere es ab. Grins. ;O)  

4012 Postings, 7921 Tage standingovation*ggg* hoch auf dem thron sitzt der grösste clown o. T.

04.10.04 14:41

1506 Postings, 7392 Tage joelu...und ich rückversichere es micha...(grins) o. T.

04.10.04 14:42

1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrikeCalypte ist dabei, Joelu!

04.10.04 17:24
Monday October 4, 10:04 am ET

DUBLIN, Ireland, Oct. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Research and Markets ( ) has announced the addition of Point of Care Diagnostic Testing -- World Markets to their offering.
(Logo: )
This report examines of the worldwide Point of Care Diagnostic testing sector in a quantitative, business and market oriented treatment. Focusing on new technologies, new markets for near patient diagnostic products and new attitudes of patients and healthcare providers, this report is a sourcebook of data and analysis about the fastest growing sector of the $21 billion worldwide diagnostic industry whose products are transforming the practice of medicine.

The Point of Care Diagnostic Testing World Markets report describes products segments that are poised for a major new phase of growth fuelled by the availability of new technology platforms an the demand for more efficient medical service.

Near patient tests, including those for blood glucose, pregnancy, ovulation, coagulation, cholesterol, drugs, infectious disease and various urine components, are in high demand as physicians and patients realize their potential for promoting improved health care.

The POC market for diagnostic tests in the United States increased at a phenomenal compounded annual growth rate, and many parts of the world market grew at comparable rates, with Germany as the leader in Europe and high rates of growth in rest of the world including Asia and Japan. This report examines market sizes and growth rates for important country markets in Europe and Asia, including China.

This report examines the three basic factors have driven the market for Point of Care diagnostic testing products, and looks at the POC market's two general segments: the hospital market and the physician's office. The POC market encompasses a large variety of IVD products ranging from moderate sized instrumented diagnostic systems serving larger institutional uses to single- use, disposable tests for individual home use.

This report discusses Point of Care Diagnostic product industry trends that are believed to influence POC testing, including demographic changes, reimbursement policies, regulations, and the availability of clinically valuable tests that will increase growth in this diagnostic category. Detailed discussions of regulatory requirements for point of care diagnostic products for the U.S., Japan, and the EU are presented.

The report also includes discussions of Competitive Outlook, and Market Strategies. It also covers specific at point of care testing areas such as Glucose Monitoring, Pregnancy Testing, Hepatitis Testing, Drugs of Abuse Screening Testing, Infectious Disease Testing, HIV, Coagulation Testing and Fertility Testing.

There is also an important discussion of the emerging technologies for point of care diagnostics and the implications of molecular biology and genomics for new rapid diagnostic tests. Exiting new technology areas such as Protein Sequencing, DNA Sequencing and The Human Genome Project are placed into the context of their impact on rapid diagnosis.

Market Trends and Forecasts in point of care diagnostics such as the move to electro-detection for rapid glucose analyzers, Mergers and Acquisitions of Diagnostic Companies, emerging rapid tests for infectious disease, Rt-pcr, new cardiac monitors and more are reported in detail, and the strategies of the key industry players is discussed.

Finally, this report summarizes the business developments of over 100 companies from all parts of the world that market and manufacture point of care diagnostic products. Key merger and acquisition data are included.

The Point of Care Diagnostic Testing World Markets report is constantly updated, so that all important developments throughout the current year are included in the report.

This report provides not only the factual details of the rapid diagnostic testing segment, but answers, "why it is significant" and "what does it mean for your company". A leading expert in diagnostic testing and marketing wrote the report.

1. Overview
2. Introduction
3. Point of Care Testing: Market Segment Analysis: Size, Growth, Share
4. Point of Care Testing: Reagents and Equipment
5. Point of Care Testing: Hospital Issues
6. Business Trends In The Industry
8. Corporate Profiles

-- Abaxis
-- Lifescan Inc.
-- Orasure
-- Bayer
-- Nova
-- Savyon Diagnostics
-- Spectral Diagnostics Inc.
-- Biosite Diagnostics
-- Abbott Laboratories
-- Instrumentation Laboratories
-- MedMira Laboratories
-- Diametrics Medical Inc.
-- Radiometer
-- Chiron Diagnostics
-- Gen Bio
-- Ely Labs
-- Orgenics
-- BioMerieux Vitek, Inc.
-- Cortec Ltd.
-- Ani Biotech
-- Sybron International Corporation
-- Optical Sensors Inc.
-- Worldwide Medical
-- International Medical Inovations
-- Cardiovascular Diagnostics Inc.
-- Abaxis Inc.
-- Carter-Wallace Inc.
-- Chemtrak Inc.
-- Cholestech Corp.
-- Hemocue Inc.
-- Binax
-- Selfcare Inc./Inverness Medical
-- Johnson & Johnson
-- Accumetrics, Inc.
-- First Medical, Inc.
-- Response Biomedical Corp.
-- Compucyte Corporation
-- Caliper Technologies
-- Diagnostic products Corporation
-- Murex Corporation
-- Princeton BioMeditech Corp.
-- American Biogenic Sciences
-- New Horizons Diagnostics
-- Beacon Diagnostics
-- Saliva Diagnostics
-- Calypte Biomedical
-- Meridian Diagnostics
-- Quidel
-- Biomerica
-- Diagnology
-- Biostar
-- Actimed Diagnostics
-- Empyrean Diagnostics
-- S.T.C. Technolgies
-- Trinity Diagnostics
-- Genzyme Diagnostics
-- ImmunoScience
-- Cygnus Therapeutic Systems
-- Seradyn Clinical Diagnostics/Apogent
-- Adeza Biomedical Corporation
-- Array Medical
-- TransMedica
-- Bioscan, Inc.
-- American Bio Medica Corp.
-- GDS Diagnostics
-- Home Access Health Corp
-- Pharmatech Corporation
-- Thoratec/International Technidyne Corp
-- Int'l Immunodiagnostics
-- Avocet Medical
-- SpectRx, Inc
-- Helena Laboratories
-- Technical Chemicals & Products
-- Roche Diagnostics
-- Simplex Medical Systems
-- Biex Inc.
-- Point of Care Technologies
-- LXN Corp (Inverness Medical Technology)
-- American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc.
-- Lifestream Diagnostics
-- PanBio Corp
-- Phillips Medical Systems
-- Jiangnan Biotech. Co., Ltd.
-- Minimed, Inc
-- Meretek Corporation
-- AVOX Systems
-- Dade Behring
-- Chongquing Sungene Pharmaceutical Co.
-- Medical Services International
-- Therasense, Inc.
-- Pharmanetics
-- Kehua Biotech
-- LifePoint, Inc.
-- Avitar
-- Cozart Biosciences
-- Enterix, Inc.
-- Kyowa Medex Co., Ltd.
-- Iatron
-- Denka Seiken Co., Ltd.
-- Accurex Biomedical, Pvt., Ltd.

9. Market Trends & Forecasts
10. Corporate Directory

For more information visit

Laura Wood
Senior Manager
Research and Markets
Fax: +353 1 4100 980

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


1506 Postings, 7392 Tage joeluja, sie sind dabei, als eine von 101

04.10.04 17:43
firmen. also was ist jetzt daran irgendwie besonders oder besonders exklusiv?  

1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrikeFür eine Firma, die deiner Meinung nachJoelu

04.10.04 17:52
"UNGLABWÜRDIG "ist, und für eine Firma die deiner Meinung nach nur einen Weg kennt und zwar nach unten, ist diese Meldung doch Gift für dich oder?
Grüße Lucky

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


1963 Postings, 7629 Tage LuckyStrikeund das es heute wieder nur nach unten geht

04.10.04 17:54
0.400 1400 11:35:21
0.390 10000 11:34:59
0.390 27000 11:34:15
0.390 1000 11:33:25
o.390 1000 11:19:33
0.390 5000 10:58:23
0.390 100 10:39:58
0.380 2800 10:15:28
0.380 4000 10:11:17
0.380 4000 10:10:37
0.390 10000 10:01:15
0.380 500 09:59:57
0.390 3000 09:54:17
0.390 2000 09:41:40
0.390 2000 09:40:54
0.380 15700 09:31:59

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


5411 Postings, 8827 Tage BiomediUnsere Geduld muss doch endlich belohnt werden. o. T.

04.10.04 18:01

1506 Postings, 7392 Tage joelulucky - natürlich wird caly hier und auch mal

04.10.04 18:13
öffentlich gelisted. cataldo ist ein sehr geschickter PR-fuchs, sonst hätte er euch auch nicht unmengen seiner aktien angedreht.

gift für meine darstellung wäre, wenn caly ganz alleine irgendein produkt vertreibt und das von unabhängiger seite aus bestätigt würde....

so aber sehe ich keinen widerspruch in meinen aussagen

Time & Sales most recent  next page
Rec. Time Action Price Volume
11:49:02 AM Ask 0.4  45800  
11:49:02 AM Bid 0.39  8400  
11:49:02 AM Trade 0.39  1600  
11:43:02 AM Ask 0.4  43300  
11:42:58 AM Ask 0.4  44800  
11:42:58 AM Trade 0.4  300  
11:41:04 AM Ask 0.4  43300  
11:41:04 AM Trade 0.39  10000  
11:39:16 AM Bid 0.39  10000  
11:39:16 AM Ask 0.4  43700  
11:39:16 AM Ask 0.4  23700  
11:39:16 AM Trade 0.4  1000  
11:35:20 AM Bid 0.39  20000  
11:35:20 AM Trade 0.4  1400  
11:34:58 AM Ask 0.4  18200  
11:34:58 AM Trade 0.39  10000  
11:34:14 AM Ask 0.4  19600  
11:34:14 AM Trade 0.39  27000  


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