Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
Der alte J.L. sagte: er glaube Lynas bräuchte rd. 50 m3 pro min.
Antworten von Savshenko auf die Anschuldigungen von Badykijeva:
Hab leider keine Zeit zum Übersetzten. Versucht mit Google. Sorry.
21/09-2012 / Incidents
Chinese citizen dies in traffic accident in Naryn province, Kyrgyzstan
20/09-2012 / Politics
China goes on with peaceful expansion in Kyrgyzstan through various projects – Ismail Isakov
10/09-2012 / Business
China to allocate Kyrgyzstan an additional grant of CNY 10 M and computer hardware
04/09-2012 / Business
Trade turnover between China and Kyrgyzstan reaches $ 2, 140 B in 2012
04/09-2012 / Society
Bishkek plans to build Chinese language school on grant
03/09-2012 / Business
Sapar Isakov: Visit of Kyrgyzstan’s president to Urumqi – new phase in energy sphere
03/09-2012 / Business
China stands ready to build several plants in Kyrgyzstan
03/09-2012 / Business
Almazbek Atambayev: Grant and credit aid of China to Kyrgyzstan increases annually
14/08-2012 / Incidents
A citizen of China lost in mountains of Kyrgyzstan
13/08-2012 / Crime
Kyrgyzstan’s secret services stop the work of three Chinese companies
......meine loginche Schlussfolgerung daraus ist: ich denke nun zu wissen, wonder der Wind wehte. Stans hat die Soviets sicherlich unter oben angeführter Beispiele auf ihrer Seite und ich denke, dass Putin sicherlich nicht gegen Stans intrigiert (Putin &Co). Eine sehr interessante Schlussfolgerung für mich persönlich als Unterstreichung meiner Annahmen bzgl der Russen. Heißt aber auch, dass Khyrghiztan fast mit Sicherheit an die Chinesen verloren gehen wird, außer die Russen wachen auf.
Was ist für die Russen interessant? Sicherlich wäre kontradiktiv Kyrgiztan als angrenzendes Land zu China und Tibet den Chinesen in die Hände fallen zu lassen...auch für den Westen nicht gelegen. Als Rohstoffoerderndes Land sicherlich strategisch nur insofern interessant als es China zu erschweren auf die Rohstoffe frei zugreifen zu lassen. Für Russland (außer mittelfristig HREOs) nicht von rohstoffstrategischer Bedeutung;auch für den Westen nicht. eh Kazachstan da die Nähe genug liegen.
ALSO: glaubt ihr dass ich da einen Gedankenfehler gemacht habe wenn ich Sage: die Russen stehen voll hinter Stans?
25/09-2012 15:48, Bishkek – news agency , by Irina DUDKA
“In Kyrgyzstan, most mining companies finish work before the stage of production,” Minister of Economy and Antitrust Policy Temir Sariyev stated at today’s conference to discuss the situation in the mining industry.
According to him, as a result only a small group of people and companies, but not the state gain profit.
As of today, 906 licenses have been issued, and 546 of them –for field development. And with it 2, 015 thousand licenses have been revoked for the years of independence, 958 of them for development. “The process of revoking happened constantly during 20 years, since licensing system is not transparent and made corruption possible,” the Minister said.
He stressed the result of this work was the fact that no major or medium mining project except for “Kumtor” had been put in operation for 20 years. However, with the introduction of a new Law on Subsoil the situation must change, since it implies penalties for licenses withholding.
Recall, the Law on Subsoil entered into force on September 17, 2012.
Yoda’s last words were, “Luke, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father’s fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi, will you be. Pass on what you have learned.”
Yoda is one of the most powerful Jedi of the Jedi Order ever. Yoda is a master of “The Force” and is capable of incredible feats. Although at nine hundred years old he was able to do incredible jumps and is able to wield a lightsaber with great skill. Master Yoda is also well known for his great wisdom. Which he uses on the troubled Jedi Anakin Skywalker (Episode III Revenge of the Sith). He is also famous for riding on backs of notable heros such as Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker. He was wise beyond his years. He eventually died of old age (Episode VI Return of the Jedi).
Nachfolgend Auszüge aus einer Übersetzung Ru – Eng aus SH (> relaXL, LooseChange2012)
September 25th, 2012
In the Great Hall of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic held an enlarged meeting of the hardware on the current status, problems and development of the mining industry of the country with the participation of Prime Minister Jantoro Satybaldiyeva.
We need to run as many companies for field development, which will ultimately reduce the impact on the economy of the Kumtor project.
If all planned projects in the mining industry have worked successfully, the revenue would have been higher by several times. This is our unrealized potential to increase salaries to doctors, teachers, repair and construction of schools, hospitals, roads, and the creation of new jobs.
What should I do more? Should establish personal liability of officers, including the heads of local government and regional administrations. We are now preparing the amendments to the Administrative and Criminal Codes.
In conclusion, the Minister T. Sariev said that today's event is a very important event.First, it is a signal to business, to foreign investors that the government is aware of the problems of the mining industry and has already taken concrete measures and will continue to consistently and systematically to work in this direction. Second, it is a signal to civil society, local communities that will build a transparent system of governance mining, decisions will be taken in the interests of all stakeholders. Third, it is a signal for government agencies, local government and district administrations that must radically change the style and methods of work with investors, enforce the law. Fourth, it is a signal offenses as well as investors who want to profit at our expense, and the officials and the public, which prevent normal operation. They will apply the most stringent measures. Fifth, it is a signal to law enforcement authorities to ensure the safety and protection of investors.
The successful solution of the problems hindering the development of the mining industry, constructive and fruitful work of all stakeholders will allow us to achieve concrete results: an increase in direct investment, start-up of new fields, creating jobs, increasing incomes and the development of the regions, significant and sustained economic growth, a significant increase in income tax and non-tax payments, which will increase the salaries, pensions and social security benefits.
Ich meine gelesen zu haben das MOLY (Oder war es LAMP) 50m3/min! Wasserverbrauch haben.? Das ist schon ein kleines BAECHLEIN. CA 20 Schwimmbecken ... Und das Abwasser verdunsted?."..hahaha.
Jetzt bloss nicht zu laut atmen...
Stans Energy to resume work on Kyrgyz rare earth mine
LONDON (Metal-Pages) 26-Sep-12. Canadian company Stans Energy expects to resume exporation work at the Kutessay II rare earth deposit in Kyrgyzstan, following negotiations after resolving a temporary issue over its licence in the country. Stans Energy, which also owns the Kashka rare earth plant in Ak-Tuz, had announced on 11 ...
(relaXL, SH)
Da muß doch etwas im Busch sein, vielleicht Trendwechsel bei den Verkaufspreisen? Hat jemand diesbezüglich neue Nachrichten?
26 Sep 2012
Stans Energy to resume work on Kyrgyz rare earth mine
LONDON (Metal-Pages) 26-Sep-12. Canadian company Stans Energy expects to resume exporation work at the Kutessay II rare earth deposit in Kyrgyzstan, following negotiations to resolve a temporary issue over its licence in the country.
Stans Energy, which also owns the Kashka rare earth plant in Ak-Tuz, had announced on 11 September that it had had to temporarily stop exploration work on Kutessay II by order of the Kyrgyz State Geological Agency. The agency claimed the company had failed to submit a firm proposal for the gratuitous transfer of a stake in its local subsidiary Kutisay Mining to the state. The work suspension order was valid until 29 September.
Stans Energy had put forward a proposal in July to form a public-private partnership on the basis of its Kyrgyz subsidiary. It was not, in fact, required by law to transfer any set percentage of its business to the state. There is also no such requirement under the new Kyrgyz mining legislation which came into force on 17 September.
In the run up to the September leadership elections, which led to the formation of the new coalition government in Kyrgyzstan, Stans Energy suffered a smear campaign by a local politician, the company told Metal-Pages, and the work stoppage was issued illegally by the old administration of the State Geological Agency (SGA). The company's management, which travelled to Kyrgyzstan this month, has been encouraged by negotiations with the new administration.
"A new director of the SGA has been appointed as have new committee members. We are working with them to resolve any outstanding issues." Stans Energy's spokesman David Vinokurov told Metal-Pages. The company is pursuing a court case in Kyrgyzstan, due to be heard in October, against the agency, which had been slow to act on company's development proposals for Kutessay II rare earth and Kalesay beryllium deposits.
Stans Energy holds a 20-year mining licence and had the terms of its licence agreement extended in July to give it more time to negotiate a framework for a PPP and to prepare the Kutessay mine for production. However Ak-Tuz-born MP Nurzhan Badykeyeva, reported to have been lobbying on behalf of third party interests, called in recent months for Stans Energy's licence to be withrawn. The basis for her campaign was a claim that the Canadian company had been too slow to implement mine development proposals under the terms of its 20-year licence.
According Stans Energy, any slowdowns in project development have been due to the previous government's own inaction, as the company was forced to wait six month for a decision on mine development after it submitted the required documentation under its Licence Agreement at the end of December 2011. Stans Energy finally got the green light for Kutessay II on 15 June. "We immediately commenced our 2012 exploration campaign to further delineate blind ore bodies what we discovered in our 2010 campaign" Vinokurov said, "Keep in mind we acquired the project in December 2009."
Undaunted by delays
The work stoppage issued at the end of August prevented the company from completing the 10th drill hole it had planned. "We have finished drilling 9 of 10 holes and a full analysis will be published in the coming weeks," Stans Energy's spokesman added. "These 'claims' are untrue, slanderous and are being promoted by people with ulterior motives. As we move closer to production we have come under attack by people who wish to steal our project." The new coalition government appears more supportive of the company's plans, he told Metal-Pages however.
Stans Energy projects in mineral rich Kyrgyzstan could go some way to break China's monopoly on rare earth production. In contrast to a number of prospective western miners at early stages of exploration and without proven processing technology, the Canadian company's portfolio of historic production assets in Kyrgyzstan make it an integrated rare earth miner and processor, with decades of Soviet-era production, exploration and research behind it.
Kutessay, Kyrgystan's largest and commercially developed deposit, had historially produced 80% of the Soviet Union's rare earths, with resources split equally between light and heavy rare earth elements. The mine and associated Kyrgyz Chemical Metallurgical Plant in Ak-Tuz (now renamed Kashka Rare Earth Plant) produced all 15 rare earth elements to up to 99.99% purity, along with lead, zinc, copper, tin, bismuth, molybdenum and thorium. Other metals present on Stans Energy's licences include niobium, tantalum, hafnium and beryllium.
Kutessay's JORC resource currently stands at 46,500 tonnes TREO, but drilling recently uncovered a potential extension to the historic deposit. "We discovered a blind orebody within Kutessay itself and the goal was to find more and to further delineate this and the relationship between the blind orebody and the known mineralised zone," Vinokurov said. Close to 50 exploration targets were found in the old Soviet records on the Aktyuz ore field that hosts the deposit, and drilling has focused on some priority targets and defining the boundary of the known mineralisation.
Meanwhile Stans Energy is modernising the Kashka rare earth plant in preparation to enter commercial production in 2014. In July the plant produced 50kg of dysprosium oxide between 99.5% and 99.95% purity.
Once fully operational, the plant is expected to have the capacity for 1m tpy raw material throughput to produce 1,500 tpy of rare earth oxides, and there are plans in future to progress to production of rare earth metals and alloys.
The projected Capex for the project is between $250m and $350m. Stans Energy currently has $14m in cash, and is proposing to raise finance through issue of equity to a consortium of investors, the company's spokesman told Metal-Pages. It has been in discussion with potential customers in Japan, Korea, Europe and North America. The company expects to have a bankable feasibility study completed by Q2 or Q3 2013.
Gruß, mad.
China Jan-Aug 2012 cerium oxide exports up 94.32%
China Jan-Aug 2012 neodymium oxide exports down 62.69%
China Jan-Aug 2012 erbium oxide exports down 65.72%
China Jan-Aug 2012 dysprosium oxide exports down 83.23% (that's the stuff we make!)
China Jan-Aug 2012 europium oxide exports down 61.75%
China Jan-Aug 2012 yttrium oxide exports down 64.19%
Read more at;s=HRE&t=LIST#DUdCRckQY4c
Dysprosium oxide prices are up 190% same time last year!
Read more at;t=LIST#9i3YpZ3EYYTtrGzW.99