NEOMEDIA / GAVITEC - Mobile Marketing
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
TecCom Selects NeoReader For TecIdentify
Last October, NeoMedia Technologies, the global leader in camera-initiated barcode transactions for mobile devices, announced that they had been selected by TecCom, the leading B2B platform for the automotive replacement part market, to help identify if security coded automotive parts are genuine.
The first IT platform to check the authenticity of auto parts is now fully available in Version 1.2. Many well-known manufacturers will add this new security feature in the form of a 2D barcode to their packaging. Any person anywhere in the world can now check products bearing the CLEPA security code at any time of day or night. TecCom supports the European automotive suppliers' association (CLEPA) in the fight against product piracy.
The first to use the production system is Continental Teves, Federal Mogul and TRW will soon follow with their first product lines. Each product will carry a worldwide unique identification number in the form of a data matrix barcode. With this it can be unmistakably authenticated. Other security measures like holograms, seals or color codes depend on immediate recognition. It is necessary for the user to know in advance how to recognize the features. CLEPA follows a different method with its security code: identification using an IT solution: TecIdentify. Checking is based on intelligent test algorithms that cannot be copied and a standard database that is protected from unallowed access.
To use TecIdentify a customer needs an Internet PC with a scanner or a camera phone equipped with the NeoReader to check auto parts and get an immediate answer. The research of visible security features needed to achieve the same level of security is no longer needed.
The TecCom solution TecIdentify serves as the central authentication service for all who want to check a part's authenticity: manufacturers, customs, traders, garages or drivers. “Many of our first movers used this year's Automechanika in Frankfurt to explain the problems of product piracy to their customers. TecIdentify is a natural fit. That TecIdentify won the Automechanika Innovation Prize in the Category IT & Management shows the high visibility of this topic,” says Jürgen Buchert, CEO of TecCom GmbH.
"NeoMedia’s mission is to enable the global market to realize the ease, convenience and simplicity of 2D barcode technology," said Iain McCready, CEO of NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. "By extending the reach of our technology to the mobile handset, we are able to add increased flexibility and portability to our 2D barcode offering, while reducing the cost of existing fixed location scanning solutions. Our work with TecCom reflects the practicality and adaptability of our technology and demonstrates the vast range of commercial applications for 2D barcode systems."
Saturday, February 14, 2009
NeoMedia Launches Innovative New Website
THURSDAY 19.02.09 (12:00-16:00)
Conference Session : Mobile Advertising - Moving to the Strategic Level
Last Price (USD)
$ 0.0079
▲ 0.0062 (364.71%)
Bid 0.0075
Ask 0.0079
Volume 142,127,056
Day's Range 0.0021 - 0.0079
Last Trade:16:01:14 EST Feb-18-09
Honeywell Teams With Gavitec On Area-Imaging Solution For Mobile Ticketing
February 18, 2009
Honeywell and Gavitec AG - mobile digit, a leading provider of mobile ticketing technologies, today announced the availability of XELIA, an area-imaging solution that scans bar codes directly from mobile phone and PDA displays.
The alliance combines Honeywell's Adaptus® Imaging Technology platform with Gavitec's specialized software and purpose-designed hardware solutions to provide a product that delivers optimal reading performance of bar codes on digital displays. This technology serves a rapidly emerging market worldwide, as consumers purchase tickets or request product information and coupons online. Bar-coded data is then sent directly to their mobile phones or PDAs via SMS.
The process, known as mobile ticketing or m-ticketing, marks an important step in the digital evolution, as paper tickets and coupons are replaced with an electronic message sent directly to a mobile device. Consumer convenience and satisfaction increases as misplaced or stolen tickets become a thing of the past. By delivering improved efficiency and cost reduction, m-tickets and m-coupons are an attractive option for concerts, sporting events and entertainment complexes in addition to trains and other forms of public transportation.
"Mobile technology and communications has become part of our everyday lifestyle, therefore m-ticketing is a natural evolution in this trend," says Dr. Christian Steinborn, CEO, Gavitec AG - mobile digit. "The key to an effective m-ticketing or m-couponing program is deploying the right technology infrastructure. Honeywell's Adaptus Imaging Technology platform is the ideal data collection technology to power our solution because of its aggressive read rates and ability to accurately decode poor quality bar codes. These features are critical in environments with lots of unknown variables that can affect how a bar code is displayed - the exact same conditions where mobile bar codes operate. Combined with our hardware and software design, we feel confident that Gavitec delivers a best-in-class solution."
Gavitec will produce and distribute XELIA, a bar code reader that incorporates Adaptus Imaging Technology to enable high-performance reading of 2D bar codes, including Data Matrix and Aztec codes, from electronic displays. As mobile ticketing gains momentum, 2D bar codes are the preferred type due to their small size and improved readability over basic linear bar codes.
"We are excited to work with Gavitec on an innovative solution like XELIA," says David Gantt, Global OEM Sales Leader, Honeywell Scanning & Mobility. "As the uses of bar code technology become more diversified and companies use bar codes in more creative ways, 2D bar codes and area-imaging technology are becoming the solution of choice for many applications - m-ticketing is a true example of this phenomenon."
Honeywell International is a $35B diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell's shares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges. For additional information visit
a) werden ggf. weitere NEWS (z.B. Lizenzvereinbahrungen / Cooperationen ...) vermeldet ?
b) wird ggf. der Kursaufschwung von CD-Holdern dazu genutzt, um Obligationen einzutauschen - was sich dann natürlich extrem negativ wieder auf den PPS auswirkt ?
Im Grunde erwarte ich heute (nach einer weiteren positiven Kursentwicklung zu Beginn des US-Handels) einen massiven Kursverfall wg. Gewinnmitnahmen! Nur weitere News (siehe eingangs erwähnt) werden dem Kurs helfen...
PS: Kenner der Materie (mit Weitblick) wissen, wie diese Patent-Entscheidung zu bewerten sind ;0) ax
NeoMedia wins the patent battle for the indirect code
Posted by Cian on Feb 19, 2009 17:53
We published a video interview ( ) with Iain McCready, CEO of NeoMedia, about this yesterday, but it really merits a closer look. NeoMedia has announced that the US Patent and Trademark Office has ruled in favor of NeoMedia’s patent dispute. Without getting too technical, the patent is for certain aspects of using id codes found on ordinary “articles of commerce” to access remote computers on a network - or “mobile barcoding” to you and me.
NeoMedia will be licensing the technology to others, in order to drive innovation and interoperability in mobile barcode applications and services for the advertising industry.
From the release:
“This is excellent news for NeoMedia as it allows us to move forward with our vision to create strong partnerships and synergies to align all companies for the next growth phase,” said Iain McCready, chief executive officer of NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. “We are committed to building a fully involved and collaborative ecosystem of agencies, mobile operators, and vendors who recognize the potential of mobile barcode advertising.”
“We are pleased that this patent has withstood the intense scrutiny of the PTO’s re-examination process, in which numerous additional prior art references were considered in detail by the PTO Examiners before confirming all ninety-five claims as being patentable”, said Tony Barkume of Barkume & Associates, P.C., patent counsel for NeoMedia. “The approval indicated by the PTO in its Notice of Intent to Issue a Re-examination Certificate has confirmed the strength and validity of the ‘048 patent in the face of such a heightened challenge.”
What we think?
In short: we like it. A lot. Bena will be writing a more in-depth “what we think” for this when we have more time post-WMC!
heute ist wie ax bereits in Posting 214 angesprochen ein wichtiger Tag,
die Voraussetzungen sind alles andere als gut, der Dow Future taxt gute 1,5 % im Minus...die Shorties alles in ihrer Hand
dennoch denke kann es gut moeglich sein, dass neom heute ueber die 0,007 laeft, der 5 Tageschart sieht nicht schlecht aus, kommt es zu einem Run, knallt das Ding durch die 0,01 US Cent, aber dazu muessen schon ordentliche Pakete her, die Dilution scheint weiterhin ein Problem zu sein
ich bin gespannt,achja Dow heute auf 11 Jahrestief, holla
Die Mobilfunk-Branche fängt nach Ansicht des Yahoo-Managers Marco Boerries erst an, für den Verbraucher interessant zu werden. "Wir stehen noch ganz am Anfang der Entwicklung", sagte Boerries, gegenüber dpa auf dem Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Boerries betreut bei dem amerikanischen Internet-Konzern den Aufbau mobiler Dienste. Eine der nächsten großen Herausforderungen werde es sein, das Mobiltelefon tatsächlich nahtlos mit dem Internet zusammenzuführen. Dafür müsse auch die Öffnung der verschiedenen Systeme und Plattformen vorangetrieben werden.
kommen News zu bereits angesprochenen Kooperationen werden die 0,01 US Cent schnell genommen
Was denkt ihr?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Barkume Wins Patent Reexam For NeoMedia
Barkume and Associates has successfully defended the ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 6,199,048, System and Method for Automatic Access of a Remote Computer Over a Network. All pending claims of the patent under reexamination have been indicated to be patentable by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) in its decision issued earlier this week.
Reexamination is a process in which any member of the public may request the PTO to reconsider if a patent should have been granted, in view of new information that was not considered when the PTO first examined the patent. In an ex parte reexamination the requesting party submits this "newly-discovered prior art" to the PTO, which decides if it justifies reexamining the patent. In this case the PTO decided to reexamine the '048 patent, but ultimately agreed with us that that the patent was not invalid.
...(weiter siehe LINK)