Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
v.a. wenn jemand newaroundhere ist , empfehle ich die karibik. da kann man als explorer-investor laut schreien . es juckt keinen weil es dort meines wissens keine minen gibt.
Nehmt mich nicht ernst Leute ))
“It is necessary to stop political corruption in Kyrgyzstan,” candidate for Prime Minister Zhantoro Satybaldiyev stated at the enlarged session of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure and Human Rights.
According to him, if we eradicate this phenomenon, corruption is a common understanding of the term will be reduced by 50 percent. “Do not put pressure on ministers, who came from the coalition factions, so that they bring right people in their departments. Then there will be no political corruption,” Zhantoro Satybaldiyev explained.
He also added that he is satisfied with neither proposed composition, nor government structure. But he has to work with nominated ministers. “Now I just have no time to deal with management reshuffle. Give me a year to work,” Mr Satybaldiyev stressed.
Recall, the confirmation of Prime Minister’s appointment, program and government structure is on today’s agenda.
Weiß jemand eine Internetseite mit Insidertrades von Australien - insb. Lynas, Northern Min und Arafura und Iluka?
Insider China rare earth?
Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass man sich, solten die Spatzen Recht behalten, nach möglichen geopolitischen Verwerfungen überhaupt an eine konstruktive globale Zukunftsarbeit machen kann. Und das zudem zeitnah. Im Grunde verstärkt diese mögliche Doppelkrise die Rohstoffengpässe, denn viele Projekte werden mangels Cash kollabieren, nicht weiter entwickelt oder wandern schlicht in andere Hände.
Gruß, mad.
Kyrgyzstan has twenty rare earth sites, located in the Issyk-Kul, Talas, Chu, Jalalabad and Osh regions.17 The majority of them, however, require additional geological studies. The main site now under exploitation is that of Kutesay-2, in the Chu region, which produced 80% of Soviet rare earths (about 750 tons per year after recovery losses), most of which were headed for the Soviet nuclear program between the 1960s and the Union’s collapse. In 2009, Stans Energy Corporation, listed in Toronto, acquired a license to exploit this mine for twenty years. In 2011, it announced the purchase of the Heavy Rare Earth Element Processing Complex situated close by,18 and an investment of US$5.5 million for buying the factory’s railway terminal, situated about 21 miles from the mine, the aim being to boost exports to China.19 Stans also intends to increase its production to 2,000 tons per year; the mine is particularly interesting as it contains the five most profitable rare earth metals (neodymium, europium, terbium, dysprosium, and yttrium).
Kyrgyzstan suffers, however, from its image as an unstable country with a legal framework that is too uncertain for foreign investment and subject to the political hazards of the moment. This limits Bishkek’s ability to attract the necessary funds. Thus, several Japanese companies have shown interest in the rare earths but are hesitating on further involvement. An agreement has been signed with Tokyo, according the terms of which the Geology Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan has committed to draw up a report on the available resources of rare earths for the Japanese.20 The report is due to be delivered sometime in the second half of 2012. South Korea, which is heavily reliant on rare earths for its production of high technology, has also shown interest in the Kyrgyz sites and has launched a prospection program.21 The visit by Posco holding’s representatives to Kyrgyzstan in May 2012 confirmed South Korean interest.22,_August_2012.pdf
(> icigar, SH)
Newstechnisch ist alles möglich, denkbar, dass man sich bereits mit der Regierung einig wäre. Für die Nennung eines strategischen Partners wäre es mir zu früh, da gibt es noch genügend andere Baustellen. Doch wer weiß.
Gruß, mad.
Sorry for the delay as I was at the mine site. A new coalition has been formed and a new prime minister has been selected to govern the coalition. No election had taken place. This transitory period has slowed the progress of the government, however our negotiations are proceeding with the State Geological Agency.
wie ich vermute oder zu glauben meine
und wie ich glaube , ihre strategie nachvollziehen zu können (ABER: ich buddle nur im dunkeln, also reine vermutung...):
werden sie jetzt nicht pfs bringen (wäre deplaziert)
werden sie nicht ppp agreement bringen (zu früh, deadline ist ende septpember)
sondern den
gamechanger. der geld mit bringt und das mining weitgehend durchfinanziert. wie in ffm erzählt.
und dieser game changer wird so gross und wichtig sein, dass es stans position in den verhandlungen mir der kg regierung wesentlich verbessert.
das wäre die logik - strategisch gedacht au`s sichth des stans ' managements.
mal schauen , ob und ob es so passiert.
muß also doch noch irgend etwas wichtiges kommen.
anschnallen , oder Augen zu und durch ................