Vestas -alles andere als flügellahm
Wer hat dafür eine schlüssige Erklärung?
Vielen Dank
Testing and commissioning works of the site’s Vestas V100 hardware are ongoing ahead of full operations...
Wundert mich, warum sie nicht gleich ihre eigenes Papiere empfehlen.
Die Sydbank rät zum Kauf, die Furcht vor Trump sei übertrieben
Ny ordrerekord er bedre end forventet
Ordreindgangen på 10.494 MW er væsentlig bedre end vores forventning på 9.900 MW, og
vi noterer også, at prisen pr. MW er højere, end vi havde estimeret – på trods af en meget
høj ordreindgang fra USA, hvor de lidt billigere supply-only ordrer fylder meget. Vestas’ ordrebeholdning på 8,5 mia. EUR ved udgangen af året er desuden langt bedre, end vi havde
modelleret. Det danner et solidt udgangspunkt for en stærk udvikling i de kommende år.
Serviceaktiviteterne leverer også bedre end ventet, med en omsætning, der er 10% højere,
end vi modellerede og en tilsvarende højere indtjening. Ordrebeholdningen inden for services
er øget til stærke 10,7 mia. EUR – en stigning på 20% fra udgangen af 2015.
Rank Manufacturer Commissioned Capacity New-build market share
1 Vestas 8.7GW 16.5%
2 GE 6.5GW 12.3%
3 Goldwind 6.4GW 12.1%
4 Gamesa 3.7GW 7.0%
5 Enercon 3.5GW 6.6%
6 Nordex 2.7GW 5.0%
7 Guodian 2.2GW 4.2%
8 Siemens 2.1GW 3.9%
9 Ming Yang 1.96GW 3.7%
10 Envision 1.94GW 3.7%
Die neue Unit SBU CHI mit Sitz in Beijing wird dann für China und die Mongolei zuständig sein, während der zweite Bereich SBU ASP mit Sitz in Singapur den restlichen Raum Asien-Pazifik (inkl. Indien) bearbeitet....
BNEF’s 2016 rankings show Vestas blowing away the opposition with 8.7GW installed, well ahead of the 6.5GW added by GE and 6.4GW installed by Goldwind, which suffered from a dip in the Chinese market.!NewsView
den Auftrag hatte Vestas Dezembar 2014 erhalten
When he became governor in 2000, the state had less than 200 megawatts (MW) of wind power. When he left there were over 14,000 MW, and there are over 20,000 MW today, after $32.7 billion of private investment. He created a pro-business environment and fostered that investment by supporting competitive markets, and the Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) transmission lines that tapped the low-cost wind power of West Texas. The result was a more diverse power grid that is more reliable, and that saves Texas consumers on their electric bills.The Texas success story with wind power has now become a model for America. --"
das klingt ja richtig gut
und inzwischen fragt man sich, wie niedrig die Preise noch gehen können 2020 sollte das Ziel $122 sein, in Dänemark und den Niederlanden waren es kürzlich schon $ 52 !
als nächste kommen Frankreich und Taiwan mit Planungen
"France will soon start adding significantly to the emerging industrial reality off Europe, with a further 1GW-plus in acreage being tendered in the coming months and a first 100MW of floating wind projects under way that would make a small but symbolically resonant contribution to ambitions of having 3GW turning by 2023.
Perhaps the surest sign offshore wind now has a place at the global energy table is oil
Another reason is Taiwan. Called an “emerging” offshore market, it might soon shrug off that moniker. The country’s government wants 4GW installed offshore by 2030, but with developer Dong Energy’s sights already trained on a multi-megawatt play, many are betting Taipei’s target will be overreached by some 3GW by then."
Fortum has placed an order for 14 V126-3.45 MW turbines with Power Optimised Modes to 3.6 MW, demonstrating the competitiveness of Vestas V126-3.45 MW in the Nordic region.!NewsView
" MHI Vestas is proud to be in a position to create over 400 production jobs at our facilities,” administrative director Jens Tommerup said in the press release.
Climate and energy minister Lars Christian Lilleholt said that the announcement reinforces Denmark’s position as a “global leader” in wind energy production.
...Denmark’s Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH:VWS) will supply the 300 units of V110 2.0MW turbines for the project, manufacturing components for them at its Colorado-based factory.
Xcel won clearance from the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to build the wind park in October 4....
hat Vestas noch nicht offiziell bekannt gegeben