QUEST MINERALS+MNG (WKN: A0M92C) Produktionsstart? ;-)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Highlights from the Quest Teleconference
After much hype and anticipation, Quest Minerals & Mining Inc. (OTCBB: QMNM) conducted their investor update teleconference this past Tuesday. All in all, I think the general consensus is that Quest's CEO was quite sincere in his dialogue. For those of you that missed the call, here are some highlights from my perspective:
The Pond Creek mine will soon (next 30 days) be into full production mode (1,500 - 2,500 raw tons per day) and updates will come next quarter. Please keep in mind that, at least to my knowledge, raw tons do not always translate into "marketable" tons. My guess is that 60%-70% of the raw tonnage will be used to fulfill contracts. I will check my estimate with Quest and get back to you all on that.
Chapter 11 - Quest aspires to move out of Chapter 11 in the next 90 days. The CEO seems to be pretty confident that between cash flow from mining operations and money from investors, bankruptcy will soon be a thing of the past. On another note, Management believes that its strategic decision to enter into bankruptcy proceedings for its Gwenco subsidiary essentially kept the company alive and strengthened its position by protecting it from lenders for a period of time and allowing it to begin generating cash flow to help pay back loans.
The Cedar Grove mine will be in full-production mode by the end of 2008. To the best of my knowledge, management expects almost identical output here as at Pond Creek.
Quest expects to be profitable from an operational perspective by the end of the 3rd quarter and also noted a massive increase in interest from private/public investors.
The Stock (Not From Teleconference)
With four consecutive red closes under our belt this week, today is looking like a 5th with the stock down about 11% as of 1PM ET. With no hard financial data to review, maybe investors are still taking profits off the table or just simply protecting themselves from the downturn now that they know production numbers - which should move the stock in my opinion - are still aways off. Remember, many got in below a penny, thus making even $.014 a fairly attractive exit point. Particularly as the stock continues to drop presenting the opportunity for investors to potentially buy back in low before production data is released.
In my opinion, the move upwards just prior to the call may have been some investors anticipating tangible production figures, which will come next quarter as stated above. In the meantime, any positive developments could indeed breathe life back into the stock. Besides production numbers, news on Quest's progress in getting out of Chap 11., hiring on additional workers, reaching full production at Pond Creek, and receiving additional financing should all be forthcoming.
Labels: QMNM.ob, Quest and Coal, Quest Coal, Quest Minerals and Mining Corp
Posted by: joegoog23 Date: Friday, August 01, 2008 6:35:19 AM
In reply to: slb5150 who wrote msg# 8597 Post # of 8603
I'm off to North Carolina today and will be visiting the mine on Monday as I said before. I'll provide you guys a link to my blog where i'll have as many pics and 20 second video clips from my phone as we can get.
Will also get pics of Eugene and whoever else is there and a local newspaper so the bashers can see the date. Maybe i'll have Eugene hold the paper if it'll stop the extreme bashers.
Should have everything posted on Tuesday and will provide link for here, Stockhouse & Yahoo boards.
Gonna tll him i'm there on behalf of all three boards plus my blog which i would think represents a VERY large chunk of shares.
würde ja noch zukaufen, aber dann müsste ich langsam 'ne adhoc veröffentlichen...:-)))
Also, so blöd das klingt ... aber hier scheinen viele Personen zu sein - bei denen der Kopf aus geschaltet ist - wenn's um Geld geht. Wenn man denen im Hochhaus im 10 Stock sagt - gehe aus dem Fenster - oben auf dem Dach liegen 1 Mio USD ... dann springen die ohne nachzudenken aus dem Fenster. Daher sage ich lieber vorher - eyh, denke nach - könnte auch wehtun.
Unten nach dem Aufgeschlagen beschuldigen sie Dich dann trotzdem - dass sie nun platt sind und ich verantwortlich für deren Sprung bin und ich obendrein ein Betrüger bin - da sie die 1 Mio USD auch nicht haben. Anstatt dass die erst einmal kurz nachdenken und einmal vorher kurz aus dem Fenster schauen und dann dabei die Feuerleiter auf's Dach sehen ... ;-)
Also danke für den Tipp. Ich werds beherzigen.
Viele Grüsse,
Manche Menschen sind ja wirklich komisch...
Grüß an alle
Na klar darfst Du den Satz in Dein Footer nehmen, dient ja dem eigenen Schutz (hoffentlich;-).
PS: Wobei natürlich solche Sätze nun kein Freifahrtschein ist ... wenn Du aktiv falsche Informationen verbreitest - denn dann ist und bleibt es IMHO "Vorsatz" und Du kannst belangt werden.
Also, man sollte immer zweimal überlegen - was man öffentlich schreibt :-)
@heshes: Danke und ausserdem: ich bin ne GUTE, ich würd nie was tun, was jemandem Schaden könnte. Getreu dem Motto, Was du nicht willst, das man dir tu, das füg auch keinem andern zu.
Viele Grüsse,
hier die Seite - probiermal ob es bei Dir klappt:
So sah es bisher Intraday aus:
Viele Grüsse,
vielleicht steigt der Kurs, weil alle erst jetzt die guten News der Telko verdaut haben? :)
Keine Ahnung - aber hast Du als alter Fuchs nicht eine Erklärung?
Viele liebe Grüsse,
Es gibt keinen roten Freitag ... das ist den Shorties wohl zu gefährlich - also lassen sie zum WE die Zügel locker ...