HITI nun größter Cannabis Einzelhändler in Kanada
Wenn man vom Ziel 1 Milliarde MK ausgeht, wären das dann 1,58 CAD / Aktie
bzw. 2,22 zum aktuellen Kurs von 0,71 CAD
"While High Tide isn't opting for a full-scale move to bricks-and-mortar U.S. locations just yet, the company's focus is affixed to its e-commerce strategy, said Raj Grover, the firm's CEO. Right now, roughly 23 per cent of the company's sales come from the U.S. with more expected once the Smoke Cartel deal closes, he added.
He told BNN Bloomberg in an interview that several U.S. cannabis retailers have already reached out to High Tide directly for potential partnership opportunities.
"I can't even get more products in the U.S.," Grover said. "We have unlimited demand right now."
Dial-In Information
US/CANADA Participant Toll-Free Dial-In Number: (833) 570-1148
US/CANADA Participant International Dial-In Number: (914) 987-7095
Conference ID: 7898014
Startet demnach bei uns um 14:30
Bei allen guten Zahlen klingt das am besten :-).
Würde bedeuten man wird voraussichtlich die Einnahmen 2021 nochmals verdoppeln. Womöglich wird es sogar noch mehr bei der Expansionsstrategie.
Natürlich nur meine persönliche Meinung und keine Empfehlung.
Aber ich lehne mich mal zurück :-)
Bin bei dir, der Ausblick ist/war viel interessanter als die letzten reinen HITI Zahlen.
Was da noch fehlt
"The Company has been actively following developments in the U.S. cannabis sector, and while it appears that further liberalisation regarding the federal regulatory and legislative environment is possible, our immediate strategy does not rely on regulatory change. Despite this, we remain just one transaction away from entering the bricks and mortar retail market in the U.S. when federally permissible. High Tide believes it is very well positioned to take advantage of the growing ancillary and hemp derived CBD markets and estimates its current revenue run rate in the U.S., pro forma for the Smoke Cartel acquisition, to be over $25 million today. The Company is in discussions with various parties across the federally permissible ecosystem in the U.S. which could help further expand its operations – and believes that its current financial health and application to list its shares on the Nasdaq may help accelerate its growth."
Ich denke mit den neuen Stores etc. sind wir dann im Q2 bei ca. 40 Millionen CAD + die 25 Millionen von Smoke Cartel.
Also 183 Millionen plus für 2021 (ohne weitere Stores/Merger/Zukäufe)
Geld ist da :)
"Cash on hand as at October 31, 2020 totaled $7.5 million. The Company’s cash balance has subsequently increased to approximately $38 million as of today."
Alles aus dem Link oben.
Für mehr Details (alle Berichte) bei SEDAR schauen
Ab 08.03 geht es bei den Behörden weiter.
Korrektur zu Smoke Cartel, die haben "nur" über 7 Millionen USD Umsatz
Soll auch noch dieses Montag dazukommen.
Q2 wird sehr spannend :)
Wer will, wer hat noch nicht? :)
Paar Tage nicht da und die News reißen nicht ab :)
Hier noch die Nasdaq NEWS
"We were the first Canadian cannabis retailer to pursue this prestigious listing on Nasdaq and we believe it will allow us to greatly expand our shareholder base, enhance shareholder value and accelerate our already aggressive M&A initiatives in Canada, Europe and the United States," said Raj Grover, President and Chief Executive Officer of High Tide. "We are currently in several discussions with potential acquisition targets in these jurisdictions and look forward to updating the market soon," added Mr. Grover.
also in so 5 Wochen sollte die Sache durch sein.
Plus mögliche weitere Zukäufe, Geld ist ja da und der Aktien Kurs macht es auch möglich.
Smoke Cartel Übernahme nun auch durch
The Company will now release its financial and operational results for the quarter ended January 31, 2021 after market close on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.