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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.23 08:08
Eröffnet am:04.11.09 16:04von: squalidAnzahl Beiträge:3.736
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.23 08:08von: aktienmädelLeser gesamt:890.896
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825 Postings, 6254 Tage fishbetso ist's

10.08.11 11:13

So lange das politische und wirtschaftliche umfeld nur mit nullzinspolitik in den griff zu bekommen ist, gibt es doch nichts besseres als sabinchen. Wer trennt sich in solchen zeiten von einer vermögenden frau, auch wenn sie nicht zu einem passt ? Ich bin jedenfalls nicht so dumm. 


1401 Postings, 7263 Tage Cuba MaßNo Cash

10.08.11 13:51
Ja, so ist das leider in solchen Foren. Ich bin aber sicher kein Basher. Dann wär ich nämlich auch kein Aktionär mehr. Sabina ist sogar hinter Hecla meine zweitgrößte Aktienposition. Ich finde sie immer noch sehr interessant, aber fakt ist eben:
"Viel Phantasie raus, dafür Sicherheit rein" Eine erneute Finanzkrise würden sie durch den Deal vermutlich besser wegstecken als ohne".

@markus: Du hast recht, Sabina profitiert zwar noch von steigenden Silberpreisen, aber natürlich längst nicht mehr in dem Ausmaß wie vor dem Verkauf. Es wäre natürlich viel spannender gewesen, sie hätten die Mine über Kredite und Cash Flows selber versucht hoch zu ziehen. Man kann ja auch mit kleiner Produktion anfangen und die Mine mit Hilfe der Cash Flows erweitern.

Was ich bis jetzt auch noch nirgends finden konnte ist, was mit dem ganzen Zink, Kupfer und Gold auf Hacket River passiert. Gehört das jetzt alles Xstrata? Wenn nicht, dann müsste in den Meldungen eigentlich Silber-Äquivalent stehen. Wenn nur Silber steht, geh ich davon aus, alle Beiprodukte sind weg.

Naja, wir werden sehen wie das ausgeht. Meine erste Reaktion auf den Verkauf war jedenfalls nicht: "Juhu, wir haben einen großen Partner", sonder eher: "Scheiße, Hacket River ist weg"  

120 Postings, 5457 Tage VO2006man oh man

22.08.11 09:02
Sabina fängt sich leider noch immer nicht! Gold und Silber weiterhin in Richtungen all time highs! eine neie resourcenschaetzung wäre mal wieder interessant.  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26abwarten die fängt sich schon wieder

22.08.11 09:12
da hats andere schlimmer erwischt und die fördern schon....

Wirtschaftsnews - von heute 07:17

Gold bald bei 5.000 Dollar, Kursziel bei Silber 200 Dollar
Petaluma 22.08.2011 ( Der kanadische Informationsdienst „The Gold Report“ führte Freitag ein hoch interessantes Interview mit der Legende im Goldminen-Sektor  Rob McEwen, der in diesem Zusammenhang etwas abenteuerlich anmutende Kursziele für Gold und Silber nannte.

Nach Auffassung von McEwen könnte der Goldpreis bis 5.000 Dollar je Feinunze laufen. Bei Silber kann sich der Experte Notierungen oberhalb der 200-Dollar-Marke vorstellen. Als Begründung verweist der Experte auf die historische Preisentwicklung bei den beiden Edelmetallen. Während der letzten großen Edelmetall-Rallye zwischen 1970 und Anfang der 1980er-Jahre verteuerte sich das Metall der Könige von 40 auf 800 Dollar je Feinunze. Das ergibt einen Multiplikator von 20. Bedenkt man, dass Gold Im Jahr 2001 zeitweilig um 250 Dollar je Feinunze gehandelt wurde und geht man davon aus, dass sich die Geschichte wiederholen wird, kommt man auf die besagten 5.000 Dollar.

Silber-Kurs-Schätzung sogar eher konservativ?

Das genannte Kursziel bei Silber stellt sich bei genauerer Betrachtung sogar eher konservativ dar: Das langfristige Verhältnis zwischen dem Gold- und Silberpreis liegt bei 1:16. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Eine Unze Gold entspricht dem Gegenwert von 16 Unzen Silber. Dividiert man die 5.000 Dollar durch 16, kommt man auf einen Silberpreis 312 Dollar, so dass 200 Dollar McEwen zufolge nicht zu hoch ergriffen erscheinen.

Bezüglich des Geschehens an den weltweiten Finanzmärkten wird zwar immer wieder darauf verwiesen, dass sich die Geschichte wiederholt. Doch ganz so einfach ist es leider auch nicht. Die Welt verändert sich laufend und über längere Zeiträume ist die Erde oft eine völlig andere. Von daher erscheinen die Berechnungen von McEwen zumindest gewagt und Anleger sollten sich bei ihren persönlichen Kurszielen für Gold und Silber vielleicht doch lieber etwas mäßigen.  

368 Postings, 5653 Tage tilcoxujujuj

23.08.11 10:08
Ich finde ein sehr interessanter link....falls nicht schon reingestellt.  

368 Postings, 5653 Tage tilcoxzu #932

23.08.11 10:12
SEITE 12 der PDF DATEI!!!!!  

120 Postings, 5457 Tage VO2006ausverkauf

24.08.11 16:32
In Übersee findet heute wieder ein Ausverkauf statt! Zur Zeit ist Sabina anscheinend wirklich nicht mehr interessant! Ganz egal wie sich derMarkt entwickelt sie wandert immer weiter Richtung Süden!  

825 Postings, 6254 Tage fishbetwo siehst du einen ausverkauf ?

24.08.11 17:49
bei diesem geringen volumen verabschieden sich die zittrigen, hoffentlich geht's noch tiefer, so richtig ja nicht, damit ich mir noch ein paar gönnen kann.  

120 Postings, 5457 Tage VO2006stimmt

24.08.11 20:23
Das volumen ist gering aber es reicht um den kurs nach unten zu drücken  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26so ein hoch und runter

25.08.11 22:08
achterbahn isn scheiß dagegen...  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26news

25.08.11 22:19
August 25, 2011
Sabina Gold & Silver Reports Continued Positive Results at Back River and Wishbone Gold Projects, Nunavut


 New discoveries reported at Wishbone Gold and Goose Neck targets
Umwelt drilling continues to expand the deposit
Hole 11GSE075 at Umwelt returns 13.43 g/t Au over 24.40 m including 34.40 g/t Au over 8.25 m including 72.80 g/t Au over 3.0 m
Hole SWB11-07 at Wishbone -- Bullwinkle / Lucky 7 target returns 71.30 g /t Au over 1.5 m and 3.35 g/t Au over 14.65m including 6.45 g/t Au over 4.50 m
Hole 11GSE087 at Goose Neck target returns 3.44 g/t Au over 10.25 m

Vancouver, BC -- Sabina Gold & Silver Corp (SBB.T) is pleased to announce additional assay results from holes drilled as part of the 2011 exploration program on its targets at the Goose property and new results from exploration drilling on the Wishbone property at its 100% owned Back River Project in Nunavut, Canada.

The 2011 drilling campaign at Back River has two objectives: 1) to expand and extend the existing deposits at Umwelt and Llama, and 2) to make new discoveries using the Company's exploration tool box focussing on open pit targets on the Goose and George claim blocks, as well as the Wishbone claims that were retained after the Hackett River transaction.

A new discovery has been made on the Wishbone claim block adjacent to the Back River assets. The Bullwinkle - Lucky 7 target is approximately 30 km southwest of the George claim block and is from the first drilling of a new regionally extensive horizon that can be traced for over 60 km. Drilling at the target intersected two zones of mineralization in hole SWB-11-07. The first zone consists of an altered fault gouge zone with shearing and quartz veining with up to 5% pyrite and pyrrhotite. This zone graded 71.30 g/t Au over 1.50 m. A second zone consisting of silica rich breccia fragments in a dark quartz-feldspar-biotite-pyrrhotite matrix graded 3.35 g/t Au over 14.65 m including 6.45 g/t Au over 4.50 m.

At Goose, a new tool box discovery has been made at Goose Neck South, located 1.3 km southeast of the Umwelt deposit. Hole 11GSE087 returned 3.44 g/t Au over 10.85 m in silicified and sulphidized iron formation and is similar in style to that of the Umwelt deposit.

The Umwelt deposit at Goose continues to expand. Most significantly, new assay results from Umwelt Hole 11GSE075 returned 13.43 g/t Au over 24.40 m including 34.40 g/t Au over 8.25 m which included 3.0 m grading 72.80 g/t Au. Separate intervals returned values of 1.57 g/t Au over 5.45 m and 4.25 g/t Au over 1.00 m. This hole is 50 m north of the southernmost drill hole at Umwelt and is the deepest to-date at a vertical depth of 640 m. Additional assay results have also been returned for Umwelt Hole 11GSE052 (reported previously on July 18) which has increased the width of the mineralized zone by an additional 7.00 m. This hole now grades 10.19 g/t Au over 33.00 m including 27.16 g/t Au over 9.00 m. Umwelt has been traced for 1.4 km along strike and an increase in resources is anticipated as a result of this year's drilling.

"Our work at Back River continues to be successful. In our 2011 campaign, we have extended and expanded our Umwelt deposit and we have made a number of new discoveries, at Goose, George and now on the Wishbone claim block." said Tony Walsh, President & CEO "As we apply our "tool box" to other claim blocks, including Wishbone, we are very encouraged by the success we are having in identifying gold structures. While not all the discoveries we make will be of the nature and size we are looking for, our success rate in finding gold on the limited number of targets tested this year is excellent. We have years and years of targets still to test on these prospective land packages and we are confident that we will continue to find gold."

There are currently nine drills operating at Back River and Wishbone. Seven drills are operating on the Goose property, where two drills are shifting from resource expansion to focussing on the numerous untested targets within the 5 km corridor containing the Goose, Llama and Umwelt deposits. Two rigs are operating on the Wishbone property. The current phase of drilling on the George property is now complete, with numerous assays still pending.

To date, at Back River (Goose and George) a total of 160 holes and 51,000 metres of core have been drilled in 2011. At our Wishbone Gold project, we have drilled 6,830 metres in 26 holes. Many assays from both projects are still pending.


Drilling is underway on the Wishbone project that is located 30 kilometres southwest of George in a similar geological setting for gold. To date, three holes have returned significant gold intersections. Assays are pending on 10 of the 26 holes.

Hole SWB-11-07 drilled on the Lucky 7 target in the Bullwinkle area in the northern portion of the project intersected two zones of mineralization. The first graded 71.3 g/t Au over 1.50 m in a fault structure and a second breccia zone returned 3.35 g/t Au over 14.65 m including 6.45 g/t Au over 4.50 m. Drilling in the Bullwinkle area is continuing and we will be aggressively following up this discovery and the regionally extensive feature that can be traced for over 60 km.

Drilling in the Rocky area in the southern portion of the Wishbone project has also intersected significant gold mineralization over wide widths. Assays for two holes have been received: Hole SWB-11-10 returned 1.07 g/t Au over 34.15 m including 2.26 g/t Au over 8.40 m including a higher grade section that returned 5.97 g/t Au over 1.85 m. A second separate interval in the hole graded 1.04 g/t Au over 7.20 m. Hole SWB-11-11, located 375 metres northeast of hole 10, returned 0.83 g/t Au over 26.2 m including 1.19 g/t Au over 8.90 m and a separate zone that graded 0.92 g/t Au over 6.4 m including 2.46 g/t Au over 1.80 m. These intersections occur in strongly pyrrhotite mineralized silicate and oxide iron formation. A Max-Min EM anomaly asssociated with the mineralization can be traced for over 1.0 km. Assay results are pending on additional holes drilled in this area.  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26schon wieder gute news

31.08.11 20:24
August 31, 2011
Sabina Gold & Silver Reports More Positive Results at Umwelt on the Back River Gold Project, Nunavut


 Umwelt drilling continues to expand the deposit - strike length now 1.15 km with a 1.5 km plunge length and remains open at depth
Hole 11GSE099 returns 14.62 g/t Au over 13.85 m
including 27.56 g/t Au over 5.00 m
Hole 11GSE089 returns 7.32 g /t Au over 24.40 m
including 54.54 g/t Au over 1.55 m

Vancouver, BC - Sabina Gold & Silver Corp (SBB.T) is very pleased to announce new assay results from holes drilled as part of its 2011 exploration program at the Umwelt deposit on the Goose property at its 100% owned Back River Project in Nunavut, Canada.

The 2011 drilling campaign at Back River has two objectives: 1) to expand and extend the existing deposits at Umwelt and Llama, and 2) to make new discoveries using the Company's exploration tool box focussing on open pit targets on the Goose and George claim blocks, as well as the Wishbone claims that were retained after the Hackett River transaction.

There are currently five drills working on the Umwelt deposit at Goose and this drilling continues to demonstrate the high quality nature of the deposit. Umwelt has now been traced from surface to the south for a 1.15 km strike length and 1.5 km plunge length which is an increase of 600 m of strike length and 800 m of plunge length. Significant new assays have been returned for 4 holes across the southern 750 m strike length of the deposit.

Hole 11GSE099 drilled on section 4700N, located below drilling completed in 2010 and at the base of the pit generated for the initial 2011 Umwelt resource by Roscoe Postle Associates (RPA), returned 14.62 g/t Au over 13.85 m including 27.56 g/t Au over 5.0 m. This new intercept has the potential to effectively increase the size of the proposed pit and will be followed up with additional holes testing for further extensions.

Hole 11GSE074 located on section 4300N and near the centre of the resource expansion holes drilled in 2011 returned 5.47 g/t Au over 29.00 m including a higher grade section that graded 9.33 g/t Au over 12.00 m.

Holes 11GSE089 and 11GSE092 drilled on section 4150N some 200 m north of the southernmost section drilled to-date also intersected significant zones of mineralization. Hole 11GSE089 returned 7.32 g/t Au over 24.40 m including 54.54 g/t Au over 1.55 m. This mineralization is within altered and sulphidized oxide iron formation. In addition, a separate interval associated with quartz veining in a felsic dike within the antiform core greywacke returned 41.46 g/t Au over 1.00 m. Hole 11GSE092 returned a number of mineralized intervals including 7.28 g/t Au over 18.35 m which included 15.86 g/t Au over 2.25 m and 17.42 g/t Au over 3.0 m. Other intervals include 3.61 g/t Au over 10.50 m and 7.90 g/t Au over 1.75 m. A significant number of assays are still outstanding for this hole.

The Mineral Resources for Umwelt, as calculated by RPA in March 2011, consist of Indicated Resources of 4,601,311 tonnes grading 6.08 g/t Au for 899,758 ounces of gold and Inferred Resources of 1,066,868 tonnes grading 6.43 g/t Au for 220,525 ounces of gold. These resources were calculated prior to this year's drill campaign and the strike and plunge length of the deposit has essentially been doubled with this new drilling.

"Our work at Back River continues to be successful. In our 2011 campaign, we have extended and expanded our Umwelt deposit and we have made a number of new discoveries, at Goose, George and on the Wishbone claim block." said Tony Walsh, President & CEO. "Recent drilling at Umwelt continues to demonstrate the remarkable continuity and high grade nature of the deposit. We are targeting to complete sufficient drilling on these new extensions of Umwelt to bring as much of the mineralization to resource as possible."

There are currently nine drills operating at Back River and Wishbone. Seven drills are operating on the Goose property, where two drills are shifting from resource expansion to focussing on the numerous untested targets within the 5 km corridor containing the Goose, Llama and Umwelt deposits. Two rigs are operating on the Wishbone property. Many assays from both projects are still pending.


Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is an emerging precious metals company with district scale, world class undeveloped assets in one of the world's newest, most politically stable mining jurisdictions: Nunavut, Canada.

Sabina's primary properties consist of the Back River Gold Project as well as the Wishbone Claims, a vastly prospective grass roots project and the Hackett River poly metallic project all in Nunavut. The Company has announced a proposed sale of Hackett River and certain claims in the Wishbone greenstone belt to Xstrata Zinc Canada Division (Xstrata). The process to close the transaction with Xstrata is well underway and is expected to close in September.

Quality Assurance

Mr. Doug Cater, P. Geo, and Project Manager, Back River Project of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is a Qualified Person under the terms of NI43-101 and has reviewed the technical content of this press release for the Back River Project and has approved its dissemination.

Mineral resources for Llama and Umwelt deposits were generated by Roscoe Postle Associates (RPA) in March 2011. These are all posted on

Diamond drill core was sent to TSL Laboratories in Saskatoon, Sask. Quality control is monitored on a continual basis and utilizes a system of standards, blanks and duplicates to ensure analytical accuracy. The protocols and procedures used in 2011 are the same as those used in earlier campaigns by Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. and have been deemed appropriate in the above noted 43-101 compliant resource reports.

For further information please contact:

Peter Manojlovic, Vice President Exploration:
1 888 648-4218

Forward Looking Statements

Statements relating to exploration, pre-feasibility work and future operations at the Back River Project and the expected results of this work are forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation of certain Provinces in Canada. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," 'projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling results may also be deemed to be forward looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Sabina's operations and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in Sabina's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2010.

Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina's management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements should management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, change.This news release has been authorized by the undersigned on behalf of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.

Tony Walsh, President & CEO
930 West 1st Street, Suite 202  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRoje4,99CAD

08.09.11 15:42
Kurz vor Ausbruch!

Heute wird die 5,5 zurückerobert.  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeAusbruch!

08.09.11 16:38

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRoje5,11

08.09.11 16:45

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26wie sagt man so schön

08.09.11 17:29
sell in mai and go away,but remember be back in september...das gilt vorallem für rohstoff und co... vieleicht haben wir nen goldigen herbst...  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeRichtig!

08.09.11 17:32
Es ist Minenzeit!  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeund weiter up

08.09.11 17:57
Tippe mal heute SK 5,50 in CAN  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26sie ist wieder auf dem richtigen weg

08.09.11 19:38
korektur und bodenbildung wie aus dem gibts erstmal nur eine richtung und die folgt dem gold und silberpreis...  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeBingo!

08.09.11 19:42

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeSchau Dir mal an wann wir bei 3,70€ letztes Jahr

08.09.11 19:43
standen und welchen Goldpreis wir dann hatten!

Nun die Super NEWS vom 31.8.11

Da sind wir wieder ganz schnell bei 5,50€ !  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26sehe ich genauso

08.09.11 20:27
bei sabinchen mache ich mir eigentlich keine großen sorgen,die wird ihren weg schon gehen...und vieleicht wird morgen auch wieder mal sabina tag,so zum wochenausklang...mich kotzt nur an das es mich ausgestopt hat als runter ging und ich jetzt 3000 weniger im depot hab da der ehofte wiedereinstiegskurs nicht erreicht wurde und 25% abgeltungssteuer bezahlen mußte...konnte aber wenigstens die meisten von meinen ausgestopten wieder zurück ins nest holen...  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojeWar es nicht letztes Jahr so, dass

08.09.11 20:30
Freitags immer Sabina Tag war?  

331 Postings, 5645 Tage zack26letztes jahr

08.09.11 20:39
war nich nur freitags sabina tag, letztes jahr war sabina jahr... und ich bin guter dinge das das nächste jahr ähnlich verläuft, hab bis jetzt noch keine gefunden die diese "krise" besser auf die reihe bekommt... korektur,klar muß sein nach so nem anstieg, aber man muß sich auch wieder fangen können und sabinchen hat schon öffter bewießen das sie das kann... fühl mich schon ganz fluffig wenn ich an 2014 denke...  

3845 Postings, 5148 Tage DeRojevollste Zustimmung

09.09.11 09:54

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