Nordex Akte X
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Provokation, bitte einstellen
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Provokation, bitte einstellen
Direct drive
Nordex has chosen the direct drive route, for maximum reliability. The company therefore takes the opposite view to that of Vestas, which has opted for a geared drive for the same reason. The Nordex view is that failures in a direct-drive system's electrical components may happen more often but that repairing heavyweight mechanical components causes more lost days overall, especially in the case of a gearbox breakdown which most often involves bringing out a jack-up vessel.
'Our point of view is that with the direct-drive you have mechanically fewer components, which means fewer components to fail,' says Thomas Karst, chief executive of the newly-formed Nordex Offshore GmbH. 'If you look at the statistics, the gearbox still represents a large proportion of the problems that arise.'
'Out at sea in particular, we must do everything we can to optimise the technical reliability of the turbine. With cost structures differing to those in the onshore market, we are able to implement a more complex drive system, namely a direct drive,' says Thomas Richterich. To partner the direct drive train Nordex has opted for a permanent magnet generator coupled with a full power converter, the whole designed to harness wind speeds of around 10 m/s, and substantially lighter than formerly used. Nordex is engineering this drive design in conjunction with experienced suppliers and is therefore placing its reliance in proven technology.
Nordex has not yet settled on any maker for the PMG for the new machine, but says it is currently working with various suppliers to deliver the entire generator-converter system as it further develops the turbine design. Only system suppliers able to deliver the entire generator/converter system and who are already market leaders in this area, says Nordex, are being considered.,MKT201005318000,Google.html
Wind Auf!!!
CEO AEDB, Mr. Arif Alauddin narrating the steps required for development of the wind power project, said that a lot of grid code was required to be changed for evacuation of power to national grid which was changed for the first time in the history Pakistan. He appreciated NEPRA for quick processing of FFC case in shortest possible time, and NORDEX for not only supplying turbines but also being EPC Contractor of the project. Only a few years ago, the wind energy sector of Pakistan had little attraction to the investors and suppliers.
Du solltest dich schämen!
fakt ist das vestas gerade verprügelt wird und sich bei nordex erst zeigt wohin der weitere weg geht.
von den gemeldeten aufträgen sieht es nunmal bei nordex besser aus im moment. auch die personaldecke gestaltet sich günstiger und nordex hat schon letztes jahr mit einem kostenoptimierungsprogramm angefangen ( soll nach aussage richterrich 15% bringen)....bei vestas wird gerade erst damit gestartet.
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:32
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Reine Spam-ID
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:32
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Reine Spam-ID
Sorry nochmal dass ich mit den negativen Klattenbildchen immer alle hier genervt habe!
Jeder hat die wahl ob er sich hier mit ID´s oder mit dem Thema beschäftigt!
Ihr müsst selber entscheiden welchen Weg ihr gehen wollt!
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Provokation
Zeitpunkt: 23.06.11 17:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Provokation