Wamu WKN 893906 News !
wäre echt lieb wenn da jmd ein paar sätze zu schreiben könnte,
danke im voraus!
As for JPM [If I we're Dimon]
1. Use Tarp money [that the gov't will not let you pay back] to buy all prefs. [they may be sucking them up now]. If you buyout the preferreds with money that is not even yours, then all you need to do is convert the commons. Issue a press release that stateS "We needed to get all of the holding company, so we can operate with those subsidiaries intact." Easy to do...
2. Convert all common shares to JPM (newly issued ones)PROBABLY A 1:4 SPLIT (estimated 450B shares added to 3.2 bil is only 3.7B when done. Put a stranglehold of [30 days] on all the shares, so if the price drops, you are still screwing the commons of WMI! Smile on Dimon's face. Use the press to make it seem like you [Dimon] are still Wall Street's Golden Boy and laugh all the way to the FDIC office, where you are going to finish negotiations {it's not like they haven't started) and collect a check to payoff all the commons you needed to convert and get rid of those pesky WMI shareholders. Offer them a nice buyout of their JPM stock and see which ones fall for your little trick! Put initial buyout funds back into account..
3. Make sure TPG [chinese investors] are taken care of when you purchase the holding company as not to ruffle any of Treasury's [Your pal Geithner's] feathers. Make sure that the deal is signed by JPM and WMI by May 20th, so all court cases will be settled and shredded. Admit no wrongdoing and get ready for the next bank the FDIC is gonna give you, because you helped them out of a PR nightmare.
You see the reprecussions of this whole thing will have a ten-fold effect on the banking industry, once the [real public] is made aware of what happened. Once the judge on May 20th orders an investigation into JPM [ unless we get a delay] for some reason, the rabbit is out of the hat and running around and no one can catch it. I feel strongly that JPM does not want a run on WAMU and Chase banks at the same time and will not let this PR nightmare catch legs. They just need to finalize the transfer of the funds for the FDIC settlement that will occur right after they buy WMI(wait for P.O.T.U.S. signature in Rose Garden)Look at how easy it will be for them to make it all disappear, virtually overnight.I mean if you have about 15B right now, you could buy lawsuits that are potentially worth double or triple that. Good investment for a smart economist mind.
JPM is not the only bank in our banking system. They will be forced by B.O. and the rest of the elite to squash this, take their lumps and move on and don't take a chance on screwing up our new artificial/government economy {Which I hope works} !!!
Posted by: eet2 Date: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:29:28 AM
das heißt käufe werden als verkäufe angezeigt ! von den market makern ...eine zur verwirrung dienende manipulation ...warum nur ;-)))
ich gebe hier kein stück ab ... setze noch einen abstauber denn diese aktie wird massiv unten gehalten... !
eigentlich sollte die Konso beendet sein, letzte Kerze zeigt einen unentschlossenen Markt, das bedeutet heute fällt die Entscheidung, entweder hoch oder runter, es ist also möglich, dass wir noch mal zum Kanal runter gehen um den Ausbruch zu bestätigen, genauso ist ein Ausbruch über den Trend der bei etwa
0,11 verläuft
größere order aus dem ask werden ungern bedient !
das selbe phenomän in franfurt bzw. stuttgart ! die makler halten den wert fest bis die säcke der inszenatoren , insider voll sind !
uns allen viel erfolg..
May 10, 2009, 3:00AM
I purchased preferred shares in Washington Mutual when it was in distress and lost money when it was confiscated by Sheila Bair. I have argued that it was the most extraordinary action made by government during this crisis and that an essentially solvent bank was confiscated.
In anger I posted my response to the WaMu takeover the day after it happened. I also purchased adwords on Google so that when you google Sheila Bair’s name you will get an advert linking to my blog and explaining why she should resign. It is no secret I dislike Sheila Bair.
Moreover there are law suits (whose basic premise I agree with) that JP Morgan whilst doing due diligence on Washington Mutual was also badmouthing them in the press and encouraging the regulator to take them over. [It is easier to sue JPM than the Federal Government.]
That said – we have a fairly comprehensive proof that JP Morgan did lie to regulators. The only issue is did they lie to regulators when encouraging them to confiscate Washington Mutual or did they lie when they were conducting the stress test? If they lied to Sheila Bair to get them to confiscate WaMu and she believed them then she must resign. But the alternatives I see are worse.
Detailing the JP Morgan lies
First you need to look at the document that JPM released when it took over WaMu.
....was haltet Ihr eigentlich davon.....
1) die Sache wird ausgestanden, dann aber.....
2) .....Wamu wird ggf. unter einer anderen ID weitergführt (an die Börse gehen) und alle bisherigen Aktien sind dann wertlos.....
3) ...und wir in den Arsch gekniffen........
ich habe kein stopp loss entweder wirds was oder alles wech ... ;-)))
in dem Dokument steht, dass weitere "Omnibus-Hearings"
innerhalb des Chapter11-Verfahrens terminiert worden sind.
Am Ende des Monats July beginnend wurden insgesamt drei
Meetings, etwa im Monatsabstand eingerichtet. Über die Inhalte
steht in dem Dokument nichts.
Bringt man die neuen Termine mit dem bekannten Zeitplan
zusammen läßt sich eventuell daraus lesen, dass die
"Chapter11-Phase" mindestens bis Ende September andauert.
Meine Meinung:
Überraschend finde ich das nicht; für eine schnelle
Entscheidung durch das Gericht sind die Sachverhalte zu
kompliziert. Das verkleinert das Risiko, dass mir meine
Aktien wertlos ausgebucht werden.
macht euch eine meinung,das ist die zukunft wo wir in kürze viel geld verdienen werden.
nicht nur meine meinung,selber ein bild machen.
einfach genial
bestimmt,sonst wär ich ja nicht reingegangen,loik.
Zu den Gerichtsverhandlungen: Generell würde ich sagen dass WaMu gewinnt, aber in den USA ist alles anders, besonders mit JP...