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World Bulletin / News Desk
Iran and major world powers are to release a joint statement over their talks on Tehran's nuclear program, but will not sign a deal, Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has said.
Iran's chief negotiator said Thursday both sides had made significant progress in the talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, after a deadline for a preliminary agreement of March 31 had been extended, but could not reach a final agreement.
He said: "There will not be a deal to be signed today.
"If things goes well, there will be an official joint statement."
U.S. officials also said progress he been made in the negotiations but it would not be appropriate to end the talks suddenly when the meetings being held were "productive."
Despite talk of "progress," both sides said they continue to disagree on critical issues.
Nuclear stockpiles
Und im Jemen haben die Huthis den Palast in Aden eingenommen.
Prost-Mahlzeit. Das scheint jetzt doch was Größeres zu werden...
Wie jetzt wieder nach oben kommen, ohne die Longhorns zu füttern :o)
Bin gespannt auf die Nachrichten der nächsten Stunden.
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da muss Harald her
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Und auf keinem der nahmhaften Sender kommt davon etwas.
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