Kaufen wenn Kanonen donnern ?
Die gestern eingezeichnete Linie hat gehalten, nun geht es über die 1300 und immer höher ;-))
Achtung nur die Meinung meiner Glaskugel, nicht danach handeln - jeder muß selbst seine eigene Glaskugel befragen!!!
Angenehmes Wochenende - Euer 4Gold
Gold Resource meldet eine Produktion von 5,7 koz Gold und 398 koz Silber:
"Through the first half of 2017, the Company’s preliminary production numbers total approximately 12,443 ounces of gold, 825,560 ounces of silver, 514 tonnes of copper, 2,134
tonnes of lead and 6,820 tonnes of zinc.
The Company maintains its 2017 Annual Outlook of 27,500 gold ounces and 1,850,000
silver ounces, plus or minus 5%
Gold Resource meldet Quartalszahlen für Q2/17:
•5,696 gold ounces produced
•397,670 silver ounces produced
•$21.4 million net sales
•$0.9 million net income
•$272 total cash cost per gold equivalent ounce sold (after by-product credits)
•$770 total all-in sustaining cost per precious metal gold equivalent ounce sold
•$11.1 million base metal by-product credits, or $1,207 per precious metal gold ounce sold
•$0.3 million dividend distributions, or $0.005 per share for quarter
•$16.4 million cashand cash equivalents
Gold Resource meldet Produktionszahlen für Q3/17
- 6,465 ounces of gold
- 392,153 ounces of silver
- 291 tonnes of copper
- 1,449 tonnes of lead
- and 4,628 tonnes of zinc
Gold Resource meldet Zahlen für Q3/17
Für mich eigentlich fast uninteressant geworden aufgrund der geringen Fördermengen.
•$4.6 million net income, or $0.08 per share
•$31.1 million net sales
•$2 total cash cost per gold equivalent ounce sold (after by-product credits)
•$639 total all-in sustaining cost per precious metal gold equivalent ounce sold
•$18.0 million base metalby-product credits, or $1,707 per precious metal gold ounce sold
•$0.3 million dividend distributions, or $0.005 per share for quarter
•$15.8 million cash and cash equivalent
Gold Resource meldet Produktionszahlen für 2017
- 28 koz Gold
- 1,77 Moz Silber
- Prognose war 27,5 koz Gold & 1,85 Moz Silber +/-5%
Gold Resource meldet Zahlen für 2017
Gold Resource meldet vorläufige Produktionszahlen für Q1/18
- 6,647 ounces of gold,
- 425,884 ounces of silver
- 385 tonnes of copper,
- 1,615 tonnes of lead
- and 4,793 tonnes of zinc
Gold Resource meldet Ergebnisse für Q1/18
- $5.5 million net income, or $0.10 per share
- $28.6 million cash and cash equivalents (a $6.2 million increase)
- $32.2 million net sales
- 6,647 gold ounces produced
- 425,884 silver ounces produced
- Negative $316 total cash cost per gold equivalent ounce sold (after by-product credits)
- $347 total all-in sustaining cost per precious metal gold equivalent ounce sold
- $20.7 million base metal by-product credits, or $2,010 per precious metal gold ounce sold
- $0.3 million dividend distributions, or $0.005 per share for quarter
Gold Resources bekommt eine wichtige Umweltgenehmigung für sein Isabella Pearl Goldprojekt