AquaLiv Technologies geht durch die Decke
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Eröffnet am: | 06.12.11 20:34 | von: Global-Invest | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.798 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 00:51 | von: Sophiampfna | Leser gesamt: | 620.760 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 68 | |
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6 Mio $ zahlt doch Duan Spader aus der Portokasse ? lol
Das Resümee des 10Q...1zu1 kopiert: As of December 31, 2012, the Company did not have and continues to not have sufficient cash on hand to pay present obligations as they become due. In addition, due to current economic conditions and the Company’s related risks and uncertainties, there is no assurance that we will be able to raise additional capital on acceptable terms, if at all, to meet our current obligation over the next 12 months. Because of the foregoing, the Company’s auditors have expressed substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.
Falls ihr das so nicht ganz versteht empfehle ich den Google Übersetzer. Wer bei dem Bericht glaubt das es heute auch nur annähernd grün wird, dem ist nicht mehr bei zu kommen.
Und jetzt für die Leute, die gleich wieder peinlich berührt sind. Ich bin kein basher, sondern einfach nur realistisch und leider auch selbst investiert.
Das kann böse enden hier im Thread!
The Company’s financial statements have been presented on the basis that it is a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. At December 31, 2012, the Company had a retained deficit of $9,253,073 and current liabilities in excess of current assets by $1,508,387. During the three months ended December 31, 2012, the Company incurred a net loss of $6,017,605 and negative cash flows from operations of $566,320. These factors create an uncertainty about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary if the Company is unable to continue as a going concern.
The Company’s continuation as a going concern is dependent upon its ability to increase revenues, decrease or contain costs and achieve profitable operations. In this regard, Company’s management is focused on the development and expansion of the Company’s technology, including water filtration and purification, bioinformation and life sciences, the deployment of its technology platform in the agricultural and medical fields, and the licensing of patents, as well as exploring strategic acquisitions in the technology field. Should the Company’s financial resources prove inadequate to meet the Company’s needs before additional revenue sources can be realized, the Company may raise additional funds through loans or through sales of common or preferred stock. There is no assurance that the Company will be successful in achieving profitable operations or in raising any additional capital.
Die Corporation zwischen Verity und Aistiva läuft gerade erst an und es sind exponentiell wachsende Fortschritte zu verbuchen.
Auf etwas längere Sicht gesehen ist man nicht sehr schlau, wenn man seine Anteile zu derzeitigen Niedrigstpreisen verschenkt!
Nicht umsonst werden keine Pakete mehr abgeladen!
The Company anticipates revenues to increase in future quarters due to the acquisition of Verity Farms II.
google übersetzt
Das Unternehmen erwartet einen Umsatz in den kommenden Quartalen aufgrund der Übernahme von Verity Farms II zu erhöhen.
die vergangenheit konnte nicht berauschend sein, wie denn auch
Plan of Operation
With the recent acquisition of Verity Farms II, the Company is committed to the sustainability of the “family farm” and a way of life for the American family farmer. Verity Farms II, through sustainable “bio-diversity best practices” soil management programs, decrease chemical dependency and reduce the application of genetic engendered products and byproducts in food production. With the acquisition of Verity Farms II, the Company is now a vertically integrated premium natural food producer and purveyor utilizing innovative and proven food production methodologies that enhance the overall health benefits in plants, animals and human beings while improving taste and fortifying essential nutrition value.
Recent advancements in AquaLiv, Inc.’s technology uncovered a new field of biological information science. With direct applications in the industries of water purification, environmental science, agriculture, animal husbandry, personal use products, and medicine, AquaLiv, Inc. is ready to expand its innovative product offering. While the economy has slowed in recent years, recent sales campaigns have produced positive results for AquaLiv, Inc.
The technology industry, especially as it applies to the small business sector, has slowed drastically during recent years and our business has changed focus. New service orders for both remote desktop and VoIP products have been slow since acquisition. Management is working to close down Focus Systems to focus more on its core business and reduce further liability.
Focus Systems, Inc.
Remote Desktop and Cloud Computing
Focus System’s Remote Desktop services provide authorized remote users the ability to connect to resources on an external network owned and managed by Focus Systems from any Internet-connected device. The remote user may access their account from their own device or one leased or purchased from Focus Systems. Once connected, the remote user has access to a number of software packages, made available through Focus Systems as a Microsoft product reseller, for a monthly fee. The remote user may also request that other software packages be installed to the user’s virtual server and maintained by Focus Systems. The Company believes that there are inherent benefits of operating in a completely portable desktop office environment. Access to central data and shared recourses can increase productivity and reduce cost for businesses. The remote environment is controlled, managed and updated by Focus Systems from a centralized location, further reducing operating costs for its customers.
VOIP Phone Service
VoIP phone service is a method for taking analog audio signals (similar to the kind you hear when you talk on the phone) and turning them into digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet. This allows VoIP service to replace traditional landline service for business and residential customers. Since VoIP phone service is digital, companies can run both data and voice over the same network infrastructure greatly reducing costs. This reduction in cost is experienced in both the initial start-up phase, as well as the ongoing maintenance and services fees associated with phone service. Company management believes that the trend away from traditional phone service to digital VoIP services will continue to grow.
Revenues generated from remote desktop, VoIP phone service, and other services for the three months ended December 31, 2012 were $1,922 and included service to approximately 20 users.
du liest die Beibackzettel von Medikamenten auch immer und gehst dann davon aus das du alle beschriebenen - möglichen - Nebenwirkungen bekommst ? Eben! Erstmal ist der 10q eine bestätigungen der bisherigen Aussagen, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. AQLV jetzt anhand dieses Reports tot reden zu wollen geht genauso fehl wie ein herbeireden von 0,2 $. Beides nicht glücklich. Aber sind auch nur meine Gedanken und Eindrücke.
ihr jedes wort in dem bericht auf die goldwaage legt?! wartet doch mal ab was die tage passiert... meiner meinung ist das die ami´s die kurse angeben wenn die endlich aufwachen und mehr volumen kommt dann wirds hier auch wieder aufwärts gehn
Mein Tipp: Wer nicht ueberzeugt ist, steigt aus und die anderen freuen sich auf die Zukunft (mit ganz anderen Berichten)
Hier (OTC-Wert) gibt es nur Hopp oder Topp.
das 2012 7mrd. € umsatz durch bioprodukte gemacht wurden in Deutscheland und das die biobauern gar nicht mehr nachkommen... Da Amiland vielzahl größer als deutscheland is seh ich nur grüne zahlen hier! Wenn ich in mei depot schau klar kommt mir grad des kotzen aber wie schon von Ro gesagt wurden wir investieren in die zukunft und so wirds auch sein