Positive Zukunft mit Verity Corp.(VRTY)
komisches volk
na ja, mann muß ja nicht alles verstehen!
isch doch richtig oder!?
Zeitpunkt: 03.05.13 08:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers - Off Topic
Zeitpunkt: 03.05.13 08:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers - Off Topic
des konfusen Postings....habs auch selbst löschen lassen....pennystocks sind schon ziemlich verwirrend und Nerven zehrend ;)
FsmUns.....make it sustainable!
Die Welt nach Monsanto
Das Video im Link könnte auch betitelt werden, "Monsanto, Gift-Dealer in der Welt." Es ist eine komplette Dokumentation über die Entstehung dieser out-of-control Unternehmen und erforscht die Verschwörung mit Dioxinen verbunden, agent orange, Rindersomatotropin , Roundup und GVO-Kulturen. Auch wenn es fast 2 Stunden lang ist, ist es ein Muss zu sehen ', wenn man sich alle Beteiligten über die Sicherheit und Dauerhaftigkeit unserer Nahrung sind.
Weitere Infos und das Video auf den folgenden Link:
oder wird er sinken ?
In einer Telefonkonferenz will Northland heute Details der Umstrukturierung erklären (Webcast: http://storm.zoomvisionmamato.com/player/northland/objects/jzh74mb5/). Zudem ist am 3. Mai ein Treffen der Anleihen-Halter vorgesehen.
watergames ... bisserl durcheinander ;-) macht nix... bin auch bei sch... nl drin also von daher besteht interesse ;-)
Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of report (date of earliest event reported): May 1, 2013
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Nevada 333-147367 38-3767357
(State or Other Jurisdiction
of Incorporation)
File Number)
(IRS Employer
Identification No.)
47184 258 th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57107
(Address of principal executive offices)
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (360) 473-1160
Copy of correspondence to:
Marc J. Ross, Esq.
Thomas A. Rose, Esq.
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP
61 Broadway
New York, New York 10006
Tel: (212) 930-9700 Fax: (212) 930-9725
Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):
[ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425)
[ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12)
[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))
[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))
Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.
Appointment of Verlyn Sneller
Effective May 1, 2013, Verity Corp. (the “Company”) appointed Verlyn Sneller to the Company’s Board of Directors.
In 1989, Mr. Sneller started Feed Tech Company to work with farmers on soil and plant nutrition to improve livestock health and production. This resulted in reducing dependency on chemicals and fertilizers in the soils and antibiotics for animals as well. In 2004, and continuing through the present, Mr. Sneller became a plant and animal nutritionist for the Company’s subsidiary, Verity Farms, LLC using cumulative knowledge and experience to assist all Verity family farmers in production of crops and animals. Mr. Sneller uses only non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) seed and methods to nutritionally balance and regenerate the life in the soil to eliminate chemical residues in both the soils and crops and raise the nutritional standards of the crops. Methods of livestock production include a “never-ever” policy for antibiotics, hormones, growth promotants, and GMO feeds. Mr. Sneller received a BS in Agricultural Education from South Dakota State University - Brookings.
There is no understanding or arrangement between Mr. Sneller and any other person pursuant to which Mr. Sneller was selected as a director. Mr. Sneller does not have any family relationship with any director, executive officer or person nominated or chosen by us to become a director or executive officer.
Appointment of Edward J. Jakos
Effective May 1, 2013, Edward J. Jakos, CPA, was appointed Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary of the Corporation.
Mr. Jakos joined Verity Farms, LLC in 2012 as Operations Manager. From 2005 to 2012, Mr. Jakos was a Senior Accountant with CNA Surety. From 2000 to 2005, Mr. Jakos worked as an accountant for Great West Casualty Company. From 1986 through 2005, Mr. Jakos held various positions in financial and accounting matters. Mr. Jakos received a BS in Forestry from North Carolina State University.
There is no understanding or arrangement between Mr. Jakos and any other person pursuant to which Mr. Jakos was selected as an executive officer of the Corporation. Mr. Jakos does not have any family relationship with any director, executive officer or person nominated or chosen by us to become a director or executive officer.
Resignation of William M. Wright, III
On May 1, 2013, William M. Wright, III, resigned effective immediately, as an officer and director of the Company. In submitting his resignation, Mr. Wright did not express any disagreement with the Company on any matter relating to the registrant’s operations, policies or practices.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
Dated: May 2, 2013 By: /s/ DUANE SPADER
Duane Spader
Chief Executive Officer and President
in Berlin wissen die schon seit 3 wochen das am 02.05 zeichenumstellung ist/war .... aber die schaffen es nicht den Bid/ASK genau anzuzeigen wie traurig