Positive Zukunft mit Verity Corp.(VRTY)
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Hilft jetzt aber auch nix... heißt dann ja das es noch ewig dauert ..... und da der Informationsfluss bei Verity so prickelnd ist...... denke da rutscht der Kurs noch gewaltig ab. Sch..eibenkleister :-(.
was es bringen wird!Erlich und konsequent!
It’s no secret our financial results have not been where we would like for our investors. However, Verity is completing a necessary ‘Right-sizing’ to bring our cost more in line with the realities of our current business.
Zeitpunkt: 20.11.14 08:35
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 2 Tage
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Sticheleien gegen den NBT bitte einstellen. Bitte nur dann Bezug zum NBT nehmen, wenn dies sachlich geschieht und konstruktiv zur Aktiendiskussion beiträgt. Sperre wird sukzessiv erhöht und knüpft an die Moderation mit Sperre vom 29.10.14 an. Regelverstöße bitte einfach melden.
Zeitpunkt: 20.11.14 08:35
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 2 Tage
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Sticheleien gegen den NBT bitte einstellen. Bitte nur dann Bezug zum NBT nehmen, wenn dies sachlich geschieht und konstruktiv zur Aktiendiskussion beiträgt. Sperre wird sukzessiv erhöht und knüpft an die Moderation mit Sperre vom 29.10.14 an. Regelverstöße bitte einfach melden.
We apologize for the lack of publicized news. There has been nothing solid to write about as of yet. Verity Corp has been extra busy as it has moved its headquarters from Sioux Falls, SD to it's farm distribution warehouse near Oldham, SD, and also moved the Verity Farms operation offices, personnel, and inventory from Sioux Falls to it's farm distribution warehouse in Orange City, IA. This contributed and coincided with some personnel changes also. We were renting a location in Sioux Falls.
Now we are waiting at the edge of the fields to compile the yield data from this year's harvest. Early Indications have been good, to very good. For years we have helped farmers improve soil and plant health. This year we have been able to add yield improvements as well. This was not widespread success because of the timing of the release of the products, and subsequent limited implementation.
I try to be unbiased and realistic when I convey that I am hopeful, and anticipate that the results of this year will lead to a steady increase of interest in the Verity Soil & Plant Health Programs.
Again, we have not made any news releases yet, because we do not have complete results to share. Verity is eagerly waiting to share good news as soon as possible.
I thank you for your investment and faith. I strongly urge you, and every consumer, to be consistent and deliberate with choices to purchase the best quality food and ingredients possible, as well as verify what is true. Please continue with Verity to support growers, farmers, and consumers in their quest for quality products, and accurate information.
Jeremy S.
Verity Farms - True to the Source, Healthy: Water, Soil, Plants, & Animals
3480 440th St. Orange City, IA 51041 Office: (712) 737-2010
Wenn ich mir die News so anschaue , ein großes Lob dem Management.
Hier werden wir noch viel Freude haben.
Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht beauty
Jim White, President and CEO of Verity Corp, said, "A number of key accomplishments have taken place to position Verity the Company and Verity the Brand. Verity reduced its debt by $2,900,000 and restructured and consolidated its primary notes with more favorable terms. This will position us to build on the Brand equity for Verity and exploit our success in working with both crop and livestock producers to minimize dependency on chemicals.
2014 has in many ways been a year of validation. We introduced new products to aid in the production of animals as well as Aqua Farm production. We introduced proprietary products for waste management. Our most impressive validation (our early results) comes from the most recent refinements made and put to use in our Row-Crop protocols. The results will be the talk of the industry!
It’s no secret our financial results have not been where we would like for our investors. However, Verity is completing a necessary ‘Right-sizing’ to bring our cost more in line with the realities of our current business.
We have positioned Verity for FY-2015. Our management team has worked hard to reduce the debt and will continue to do so. We have validated our product and service at every level. We have restructured our primary notes to allow us to exploit our success and deliver to the market what they have been asking for – sustainable products that reduce chemical dependency and provide a nutritious, high-quality, affordable food source.”
- See more at: http://veritycorp.com/news/verity-corp-files-10-q#sthash.p46L8NZC.dpuf
K10 für das gesamte Jahr eventuell mit 4.Quartal
1.Quartal 01-03 +6 Wochen Frist Veröffentlichung bis 15. Mai
2.Quartal 04-06 + 6 Wochen Frist Veröffentlichung bis 15. August
3. Quartal 07-09 + 6 Wochen Frist Veröffentlichung bis 15. November
4.Quartal 10-12 + 6 Wochen Frist Veröffentlichung bis 15. Februar
K10 mit oder ohne 4.Quartal für das ganze Jahr.
Wo liegt mein Denkfehler?
über 30,000 $ mehr cash..