Brent Crude Rohöl ICE Rolling
Auf den €uro schauen und überlegen was die politischen Ziele sind.
Das sollte doch eig auftrieb geben...
In Canada sogar -80!
Auf die Brent 50 warten und dann einsteigen?
Beim WTI gehe ich sicher bei 45 rein.
Sehe ich mir hingegen die Indikation der Deutschen Bank an ist dort kein Gap.
Nach was soll man denn nun gehen?
und dann bis in den 20ger Bereich und mehr! Was meinst du?
Bis dann,
wenn's so weitergeht sieht's nach win win aus... :D
Prices in my opinion are headed sharply lower as prices are trading below their 20 and 100 day moving as prices were consolidating over the last six weeks but you’re going to have to be patient in this trade as the 10 day high will not be lowered for another five days so continue to play this to the downside taking advantage of any rallies maintaining the proper amount of contracts risking 2% of your account balance on any given trade.
The U.S dollar is sharply higher again this week pushing many of the commodity markets including the S&P 500 lower which has been very resilient until recently as there seems to be a worldwide slowdown occurring as the commodity markets all look weak so continue to trade with the trend as I don’t know how low prices can go but I do think in my opinion prices are headed lower as whenever a commodity makes a new contract low that’s not a good sign if you are in a bullish position. TREND: LOWER –CHART STRUCTURE: POOR