Lithiumstar AVZ Minerals eröffnet 68 % im Plus
Stay long stay strong
Original Veröffentlichung ist referenziert.
Seite 57 und 58 wird auf den Sonderfall DRC eingegangen.
Rot auch in Europa. Auf niedrigem Preisniveau. Offenbar traut niemand der Sache. Warum?
Was für das E-auto die Batterie ist,ist doch für den Verbrenner der Tank ! ?
Ergo Tank gleich Batterie
und Stom gleich Penzin/Diesel
Für mich eine schräger vergleich.Wo sind die Rohstoffe,Aufwendungen für den strom.
Falls es auf unter10 eurocent runterkommt nehme ich wohl nochmal ein paar. Also Charles immer schön weiter das rot anbeten, vielleicht überzeugst du noch ein paar, danke!
@holders einfach weiterhalten. Hier sollte sich in nicht zu ferner Zukunft ein weiteres rerating kommen. (auf dann mcap größer 500mio)
Kurz gesagt, EV ist kein Allheilmittel, vor allem wenn wenn man nicht aus alten Fehlern lernt. (Kriege, laxe Umweltstandards etc. in der Erdölproduktion). Zumal ein hinwegsehen und aufschieben von Problemen in die Zukunft, uns ja in die jetzige Position gebracht hat.
Gleiches Muster wie beim Tabak Skandal aufgedeckt durch Jeffrey Wigand.
Erkenne da noch das Muster im Kirchen Skandal was ja noch durch Herrn Woelki zurückgehalten wird, aber anderes Thema und ist ja noch nichts bewiesen.
Ähnliche Herausforderungen birgt natürlich auch die EV Technik mit ihrer kompletten Wertschöpfungskette über die gesamte Lebenszeit.
• Nine vertical Reverse Circulation holes drilled for piezometer installation
around the perimeter of the Stage 3 Life of Mine open pit were sampled
• New mineralised pegmatite intersected in five holes, three of which are
• The high-grade intersection in hole MO20RCP02 resulted in the northeastern limit of the Roche Dure pegmatite being extended by about 90
metres to the south east
• The new intersection in hole MO20RCP02 is outside the current pit
design, demonstrating the potential for likely extensions to the existing
pit design as more information becomes available
• The new pegmatite intersected in hole MO20RCP09 on section 7600mN
and outside the current pit design was previously unknown and not
mapped at the surface where there is poor to nil outcrop
Resources Roadhouse Explorers Presentation
AVZ Minerals (AVZ) has received results from several new mineralised zones at its Manono Lithium and Tin Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The mineralised zones are situated within five of nine piezometer holes drilled at the Roche Dure pit to observe water table movements.
Of the five holes where mineralised pegmatite was intersected, three are significant.
Stand-out results returned grades of up to 1.79 per cent lithium oxide and 1174 parts per million tin.
Additionally, a new intersection in one of the holes is outside the current pit design which shows there's potential for extensions to the Roche Dure open pit into the nearby Kyoni pegmatite mineralisation.
Further, the high-grade intersection in the same hole resulted in the northeastern limit of the Roche Dure pegmatite being extended by roughly 90 metres to the southeast.
"These unexpected results confirm the excellent prospects of extending the Roche Dure open pit into the neighbouring Kyoni pegmatite," Managing Director Nigel Ferguson said.
"It is very encouraging to note a significant and thick 2 per cent lithia zone near the surface that can be optimised to provide a possible high-grade feedstock for start-up mining operations," Nigel added.
AVZ Minerals completed a definitive feasibility in April last year, however, it will now update its mining optimisation study using the new data collected since then.
AVZ Minerals reports Manono drilling results
Nine vertical reverse circulation holes drilled for piezometer installation around the perimeter of the Stage 3 Life of Mine opencast were sampled.
New mineralised pegmatite intersected in five holes, three of which are significant.
The high-grade intersection in hole MO20RCP02 resulted in the northeastern limit of the Roche Dure pegmatite being extended by about 90 m to the south east.
The new intersection in hole MO20RCP02 is outside the current pit design, demonstrating the potential for likely extensions to the existing pit design as more information becomes available.
The new pegmatite intersected in hole MO20RCP09 on section 7600mN and outside the current pit design was previously unknown and not mapped at the surface where there is poor to nil outcrop.
Was sollen die Bohrergebnisse bringen, wenn es keine Offtakes bei der Ressource gibt? Dann bleibt das Zeug im Boden.
Geschrieben von bombersmadd
- Nigel confirming they are negotiating with the Government for an additional 15% ownership to take us to 90% for example was mentioned in the first few minutes (I missed that on the day).
Naja ich denke ein Schritt nach dem anderen, erst müssen die 75% gesichert sein.
das könnte evtl. der Grund für den TH sein ;)....habe ich aus dem HC-Forum:
[b]March 8 (Reuters) - Shenzhen Chengxin Lithium Group Co Ltd 002240.SZ :
Source text in Chinese:
Erstmal in Ruhe abwarten aber ich denke da wird was kommen vor Börsenstart heute Nacht .