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142148 Postings, 9111 Tage seltsam#49 - und warum haben wir dann keine Wehrpflicht?

22.02.14 17:39

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiiwir sind nicht die Ukraine

22.02.14 17:41
ausserdem hat K.-T.v.u.z.G. sie ausgesetzt  

142148 Postings, 9111 Tage seltsambeim Thema "Wehrpflichtabschaffung"

22.02.14 18:15
hatte ich mein kleines Kind gefragt, was es davon halte.
Gute Sache! (hatte Wehrersatzdienst gemacht)
Söldnerarme ist also sicherer?
Großes Grübeln....  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwii"Willkommen im Volksmuseum der Korruption"

22.02.14 23:51
Ukraine: Wie das Volk Janukowitschs Residenz erobert - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Wiktor Janukowitschs Luxus-Datscha Meschigorje war ein Symbol für Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft in der Ukraine. Jetzt haben die Demonstranten das Anwesen gestürmt - aber nicht geplündert: "Warum sollten wir zerstören, was uns gehört?"
noch ausführlicher

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiiund so hat nicht Steinmeier und seine Crew,sondern

22.02.14 23:58
das Volk selbst gewonnen...
Die Leute auf dem Maidan-Platz, denen die von Steinmeier und Klitschko etc ausgehandelte Vereinbarung nur Pfiffe und Buh-Rufe und Mißtrauen wert war, haben es mit ihrem Druck vermocht, den verhassten Chef-Korrupti, der auf sein Volk mit Scharfschützen schießen ließ, zu verjagen. Und sie wollen mit den Wahlen nicht bis Weihnachten warten, vielmehr soll voel früher, nämlich am 25. Mai gewählt werden.

Einzig die Freilassung Timoshenkos (die selbst auch massenhaft Kohle in der Schweiz gebunkert hat...), kann sich der "erfolgreiche Chefdiplomat" noch anrechnen...  

7513 Postings, 6473 Tage Päfke Müllerja blablabla

23.02.14 00:11
alles zum Wohle des ukrainischen Volke  

7513 Postings, 6473 Tage Päfke Müllerich freu mich schon auf das

23.02.14 00:13
Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA...

dann dürfen wir bald gechlortes Hühnchen fressen oder genmanipulierten Mais..alles supi..unsere Zukunft sieht rosig aus  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiiEgoist ?

23.02.14 00:30
45 mio Ukrainer suchen auch ein besseres Lenem...  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwii...Leben...

23.02.14 00:31

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiiTrotz Kompromiss: Ukraine am finanziellen Abgrund

23.02.14 00:37
Trotz Kompromiss mit der Opposition: Die Ukraine am finanziellen Abgrund - Finanzportal Nachrichten -
Die vom Bankrott bedrohte Ukraine hat sich zwischen alle Stühle gesetzt: Rating-Agenturen sehen rot, Russland zieht die Daumenschrauben an.

2129 Postings, 5529 Tage whiskyandcokeEuromaidangäste in Kertsch

23.02.14 01:10

1171 Postings, 4881 Tage floaJetzt sollten sich

23.02.14 01:45
die Nazis in der EU ein Beispiel nehmen wie man einen Putsch gegen eine demokratische Regierung insziniert... Siehe Ukraine ... Schulungsvideo...

1171 Postings, 4881 Tage floamit Timoschenko

23.02.14 01:49
einer Kriminellen ist die Ukraine in der EU gut bedient.... Das passt....  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiidie Nazis kommen in den Knast

23.02.14 02:02
sowas können wir nicht gebrauchen  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiiso erlernte man in Lemberg am Konservatorium das

23.02.14 03:47


2129 Postings, 5529 Tage whiskyandcokeMaidanhelden

23.02.14 10:58

Ukrainisches Volk grüsst Maidanhelden.

7239 Postings, 5456 Tage sebestieSteinmeier spielt im Stromberg-Film mit

23.02.14 13:05

3326 Postings, 4924 Tage schakal1409#28,,,

23.02.14 17:57
Wegen der Krim.....
Dort is ja die Schwarzmeer-flotte

3326 Postings, 4924 Tage schakal1409Es is moch nicht,,,

23.02.14 18:01
vorbei,,,,,war ja olympia und da wird putin nichts machen,,
jetzt is olympia vorbei,und jetzt wird neu gemischt,,,wetten...

mfg schakal1409  

7567 Postings, 4280 Tage ProletariusPolitikos#1 also nochmal revue usw

24.02.14 16:45
frag ich mich langsam was der steinmeier da überhaupt ausgehandelt hat?  

29684 Postings, 5088 Tage finalees geht um Natoverschiebungen

24.02.14 16:51

10616 Postings, 5629 Tage rüganerInzwischen muss man die Noten für Steini deutlich

04.03.14 08:43
nach unten korrigieren.
Viele Anfängerfehler.
Z. B. ist der russische Teil der Bevölkerung garnicht an der Übergangsregierung beteiligt.

Die Geister, die ich rief ....

Man stelle sich mal vor, an einer deutschen Regierung wären die Bayern nicht beteiligt.  

129861 Postings, 7627 Tage kiiwiimittlerweile denke ich, er wäre besser zuhause ge-

04.03.14 09:39

das sind doch alles nur lächerliche hohle Gesten: Backen-aufblasen, dann zischend Luft ablassen


856 Postings, 5624 Tage RobinWThe US has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukra

04.03.14 11:28
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 02, 2014

According to the New York Times, “The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space.” ( After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face Battle for Credibility,, March 1, 2014, emphasis added)

“Flowering Democracy, Revolution”?  The grim realities are otherwise. What is a stake is a US-EU-NATO sponsored coup d’Etat in blatant violation of international law.

The forbidden truth is that the West has engineered –through a carefully staged covert operation– the formation of a proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.

Confirmed by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by Washington: “We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”

The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi” is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary. It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Composition of the Coalition Government

We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party.

The Cabinet is not only integrated by the Svoboda and Right Sector (not to mention former members of defunct fascist UNA-UNSO), the two main Neo-Nazi entities have been entrusted with key positions which grant them de facto control over the Armed Forces, Police, Justice and National Security.

While Yatsenuyk’s Fatherland Party controls the majority of portfolios and Svoboda Neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok was not granted a major cabinet post (apparently at the request of assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland), members of Svoboda and the Right Sector occupy key positions in the areas of Defense, Law Enforcement, Education and Economic Affairs.


there follow according Picters

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland together Neo Nazi Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok (left)

Andriy parubiy.jpgAndriy Parubiy [right] co-founder of the Neo-Nazi  Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) was appointed Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU). (Рада національної безпеки і оборони України), a key position which overseas the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. The RNBOU is central decision-making body. While it is formally headed by the president, it is run by the Secretariat with a staff of 180 people including defense, intelligence and national security experts.

Parubiy was one of the main leaders behind the Orange Revolution in 2004. His organization was funded by the West. He is referred to by the Western media as the “kommandant” of the EuroMaidan movement. Andriy Parubiy together with party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is a follower of Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera, who collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during World War II.  Reuters / Gleb Garanich

Neo-Nazi march honoring Stepan Bandera

In turn, Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the Right Sector delegation in the parliament, has been appointed Parubiy’s deputy Secretary of the RNBOU.

Yarosh was the leader of the Brown Shirt Neo-Nazi paramilitary during the EuroMaidan “protest” movement. He has called for disbanding the Party of the regions and the Communist Party.

Dmytro Yarosh speech at Euromaidan (Centre)

The Neo Nazi party also controls the judicial process with the appointment of  Oleh Makhnitsky of the Svoboda party to the position of prosecutor-general of Ukraine. What kind of justice will prevail with a reknown Neo-Nazi in charge of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine?

Cabinet positions were also allocated to former members of the Neo-Nazi fringe organization Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defense (UNA-UNSO):

“Tetyana Chernovol, portrayed in the Western press as a crusading investigative journalist without reference to her past involvement in the anti-Semitic UNA-UNSO, was named chair of the government’s anti-corruption committee. Dmytro Bulatov, known for his alleged kidnapping by police, but also with UNA-UNSO connections, was appointed minister of youth and sports.

Yegor Sobolev, leader of a civic group in Independence Maidan and politically close to Yatsenyuk, was appointed chair of the Lustration Committee, charged with purging followers of President Yanukovych from government and public life. (See Ukraine Transition Government: Neo-Nazis in Control of Armed Forces, National Security, Economy, Justice and Education, Global Research, March 02, 2014

The Lustration Committee is to organize the Neo-Nazi witch-hunt against all opponents of the new Neo-Nazi regime. The targets of the lustration campaign are people in positions of authority within the civil service, regional and municipal governments, education, research, etc.  The term lustration refers to the “mass disqualification” of people associated with the former government. It also has racial overtones. It will in all likelihood be directed against Communists, Russians  and members of the Jewish community.

It is important to reflect on the fact that the West, formally committed to democratic values, has not only spearheaded the demise of an elected president, it has instated a political regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.

This is a proxy government which enables the US, NATO and the EU to interfere in Ukraine’s internal affairs and dismantle its bilateral relations with the Russian Federation. It should be understood, however, that the Neo-Nazis do not ultimately call the shots. The composition of the Cabinet broadly coincides with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland ” recommendations” contained in the leaked telephone call to the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

Washington has chosen to spearhead Neo-Nazis into positions of authority. Under a “regime of indirect rule”, however,  they take their orders on crucial military and foreign policy issues –including the deployment of troops directed against the Russian federation– from the the US State Department, the Pentagon and NATO.

The World is at a dangerous crossroads: The structures and composition of this proxy government installed by the West do not favor dialogue with the Russian government and military.

A scenario of military escalation leading to confrontation of Russia and NATO is a distinct possibility. The Ukraine’s National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU) which is controlled by Neo-Nazis plays a central role in military affairs.  In the confrontation with Moscow, decisions taken by the RNBOU headed by Neo-Nazi Parubiy and his brown Shirt deputy Dmytro Yarosh –in consultation with Washington and Brussels– could potentially have devastating consequences.

However, it goes without saying that “support” to the formation of a Neo-Nazi government does not in any way imply the development of “fascist tendencies” within the White House, the State Department and the US Congress.

“The flowering of democracy” in Ukraine –to use the words of the New York Times– is endorsed by Republicans and Democrats. It’s a bipartisan project. Lest we forget, Senator John McCain is a firm supporter and friend of Neo Nazi Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok (Image right).  

856 Postings, 5624 Tage RobinWUkrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War

04.03.14 11:43

Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War

By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, March 03, 2014
Néo-nazis Ukraine

When inmates run the asylum, anything is possible. Chaos is likely.

Obama’s Ukrainian allies include a rogue’s gallery of societal misfits. They’re militant fascists. They’re thugs. They’re criminals.

They’re illegitimate putschists. They’re hate-mongering anti-Semites. Combined they represent mob rule.

They make mafia bosses look saintly by comparison. They threaten world peace. They vowed to fight.

Illegitimate prime minister/Washington favorite Arseny Yatseniuk said “(m)ilitary intervention would be the beginning of war and the end of any relations between Ukraine and Russia.”

Illegitimate president Olexander Turchynov ordered Ukrainian military forces mobilized. Reserve forces were activated.

Full combat alert was ordered. Yatseniuk said: “This is not a threat. This is actually the declaration of war to my country.”

“If President Putin wants to be the president who started the war between two neighboring and friendly countries, between Ukraine and Russia…he has reached this target within a few inches. We are on the brink of disaster.”

Ukraine putschists want NATO intervention. Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s rap sheet includes numerous high crimes.

He disgracefully accused Russia of threatening European peace and security.

Poland’s President Bronislaw Komorowski nonsensically said his country “could feel threatened by a potential Russian military intervention.”

Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister Stephen Harper recalled his ambassador to Russia.

“We call on President Putin to immediately withdraw his forces to their bases and refrain from further provocative and dangerous actions,” he said.

He warned about “negative” Canadian/Russian relations.

On March 1, Canadian cabinet ministers discussed ongoing Ukrainian events. They issued a statement, saying:

“We join our allies in condemning in the strongest terms President Putin’s military intervention in Ukraine.”

“These actions are a clear violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. They are also in violation of Russia’s obligations under international law.”

On Saturday, Obama and Harper spoke by phone. They agreed to “coordinate closely.”

On June 4 and 5, plans call for holding the 40th G-8 summit in Sochi, Russia. Whether it’s held remains in doubt.

Canada pulled out. So did Britain and France. On Sunday, UK Foreign Minister William Hague issued a statement, saying:

“The UK will join other G8 countries this week in suspending our cooperation under the G8, which Russia chairs this year, including meetings this week for the preparation of the G8 summit.”

US news media said Obama’s preparing to cancel his participation. Washington already suspended involvement in preparatory meetings.

John Kerry is an unindicted war criminal. He said Russia risks losing its G-8 status if its Crimean policy remains unchanged. He threatened measures to isolate Moscow.

Russia’s lower house Duma Committee for International Affairs head, Alexei Pushkov, said Western attempts to do so won’t work.

It’s “impossible,” he stressed. Attempted isolation is a “doomed” strategy, he said.

On Sunday, AP reported ”(h)undreds of armed men in trucks and armored vehicles surround(ing) a Ukrainian military base in Crimea…”

Soldiers inside are prevented from leaving. Many Ukraine Crimean-based forces shifted sides. They reject Kiev putschists.

On Sunday, Russia’s media reported rallies supporting Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities.

Demonstrators carried Russian flags. They chanted “Russia and Ukraine are brothers forever” and “Crimea, Russia is with you.”

Rally organizers expressed concern for their Ukrainian compatriots. “We don’t abandon our people,” they said. They endorsed sending Russian military forces to protect them.

On March 2, said “Ukrainian radical activists are conducting organized searches of residences of former government officials…”

They’re handing over so-called documents found to America’s military. A Russian citizen identified only as Vladislav said he spent three days with neo-Nazi Right Sector extremists.

He took part in raids.”They load buses with the self-defense troops and go to MPs’ dachas in the suburbs, to their apartments, and break down their doors,” he said.

“They take (so-called) documents and hand them over to special people who check them.”

He saw men he called American military. They were in uniform. Germans were involved. They took what was found.

Right Sector radicals stole valuables. They were “handed over to intendants to be sold.”

Money raised would be used to buy weapons, he said. He mentioned “foreign mercenaries” involved in earlier Kiev violence.

On March 2, headlined “Ukraine nationalist leader calls on ‘most wanted’ terrorist Umarov ‘to act against Russia.’ ”

Caucasus Emirate group head Doku Umarov is Russia’s most wanted criminal. He’s charged with murder, kidnappings and treason.

He’s a Chechen Salafist. He’s linked to Al Qaeda. He’s called Russia’s bin Laden. He threatened terrorist attacks during Sochi’s Winter Olympics.

He claimed responsibility for attacking Domodedovo airport in 2011 as well as Moscow’s 2010 metro bomb incident.

He supports efforts to topple Syria’s Assad. He self-appointed himself Russian North Caucasus emir.

He was involved against Russia in both Chechen wars. It’s unclear if he’s still alive.

In mid-January, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said Russian forces killed him. Whether true or false isn’t known.

At the time, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said:

“I think that until proof of death is presented for certain terrorists, the special services must list them as alive.”

“When such proof is presented, (their names will) be taken off the list of the living.”

Umarov last appeared alive in a summer 2013 video. He hasn’t appeared in others since then.

Neo-Nazi Right Sector leader Dmytry Yarosh wants Umarov’s help against Russia. He posted his message on the Right Sector’s VKontakte social network page.

He said “many Ukrainians with arms in their hands” supported Chechens against Russia. It’s “time to support Ukraine now.”

He called on Umarov “to activate his fight…” He wants him to “take a unique chance to win” against Russia.

He’s openly fascist. “I’ll be fighting Jews and Russians till I die,” he said earlier.

He calls Russia Ukraine’s “eternal foe.” He said war between both countries is inevitable.

He openly supports Chechen militants. He backed Georgia’s 2008 aggression against South Ossetia.

Aliy Totorkulov chairs the Russian Congress of Peoples of the Caucasus. He calls Yarosh wanting Umarov’s help the “guts of the so-called new Ukrainian authorities.”

“Extremists, nationalists of all stripes, flooded the peaceful republic threatening it with chaos and violence,” he added.

Yarosh’s “hands are stained with blood.” Radicalized “Maidan sponsors” and forces supporting Caucasus instability reflect “single-center” extremism.

“We strongly support the the deployment of Russian troops to resolve the situation in Crimea as well as provide assistance to other Ukrainian regions, where the population rejects nationalism and asks (Moscow) for help and protection,” he stressed.

Right Sector officials are the worst of a bad lot of rogue elements running things in Ukraine.

They’re gun-toting, radicalized terrorists. Imagine them and likeminded extremists in charge of Ukraine’s government.

Imagine the damn fool in the White House embracing them. Next thing you know he’ll be calling them freedom fighters.

They’re cold-blooded killers. State terrorism reflects neo-Nazi Ukrainian governance. Democracy is verboten. Fascist criminals run things.

They belong in prison. They’re valued US allies. Obama bears full responsibility for elevating them to power. Perhaps we’ll all end up paying for his lawlessness.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”

Visit his blog site at

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