▶ TTT - Donnerstag, 13.03.2008
Ausserdem rechne ich - so wie Du- mit gewissen Kursmanipulationsversuchen.
Die Citibank macht das heute schon den ganzen Tag auf ihre Weise; ich komme einfach nicht mehr an mein Konto, so daß ich möglichen Kursbewegungen tatenlos zusehen muss.
Wenn ich handeln könnte, würde ich shorten - klar.
Nun ja, wird sich bald zeigen, ob ich Geld gewonnen oder verloren hätte ....
Ich baue jetzt sukzessive die Positionen aus, abhängig von den weiteren Entwicklungen.
Eine weitere Posi werde ich nach 13:30 Uhr kaufen.
Falls der Dax wider Erwarten dreht, habe ich noch Zeit genug, wieder auszusteigen. Bei KOs ist das so eine Sache ....
Senkung der Leitzinsen um 100 Basispunkte... lächerlich..
Ihr kommt auf ideen...
und short zu gehen vor nächster woche do halte ich für riskant
Purchases dropped 0.6 percent last month, led by declines at auto dealers and restaurants, after a 0.4 percent gain in January, the Commerce Department said. Purchases excluding autos declined 0.2 percent.
The biggest job losses in five years and record fuel costs are eroding consumer confidence and spending, which accounts for more than two thirds of the economy. The report may prompt more economists to join a growing number that includes Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. predicting a recession is at hand as Americans cut back.
``The combination of slower job growth, tighter credit conditions and lower home values continue to weigh heavily on the consumer,'' John Silvia, chief economist at Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte, North Carolina, said before the report. ``Economic activity stalled out in the first quarter.''
A Bloomberg survey of 79 economists forecast total retail sales would rise 0.2 percent, following an originally reported 0.3 percent gain the prior month. Sales excluding autos were also forecast to rise 0.2 percent.
Today's report showed sales at automobile dealerships and parts stores fell 1.9 percent, the most since June.
Industry figures earlier this month showed cars and light trucks sold at an annual pace of 15.3 million vehicles in February, little changed from a three-year low of 15.2 million reached in January.
Continued claims rose 29K to 2.831 mln in the week of February 23.
The fall off is somewhat encouraging as it leaves the lowest level in six weeks.
However, the 4-week average of 360K is high and just 2K below the average at the start of the 1990 recession. Average at 373K at start of 2001 recession.
The 4-week average of continued claims reached the highest level since Hurricane Katrina and well above level at the start of last two recessions.
The claims figures by themselves don't suggest a rebound after the decline in January payroll growth.
Seasonal adjustment provided some volatility early in the year as early January lows of 300K compared to the 370K+ levels in late January and February. The curent 360K 4-week average is in line with the 362K average at the start of the 1990 recession. Continued claims (a better read on hiring) also reached the highest level since the damage from the 2005 hurricane. The claims figures by themselves suggest a larger decline in payrolls than January showed. Claims provide a nearly real time read on layoffs and the labor market as the employment report reflects the broader combined read of layoffs and hiring. A 360+K level for the 4 week average has been present at the start of the last two recessions -- 362K in 1990 and 373K in 2001.
sind 100 Basispunkte laecherlich. Hast du gewusst, dass Bernanke im Januar 125 Punkte senken wuerde? Nein, haettest du auch gesagt, utopisch !
Ausserdem hat Bush nicht mehr allzuviel Zeit oder soll er einen Truemmerhaushalt hinterlassen mit den Aktienkursen all am A... Die zwei werden alles versuchen, die Wirtschaft ans Laufen zu bringen und eine Rezesion abzuwenden. Daher heute bis Dienstag noch fallende Kurse.
die FED stemmt sich gegen den crash, das ist für mich ein eindeutiges zeichen, habe gerade volle kanne short nachgekauft u. warte jetzt ab, bis die tore sich öffnen.....