COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH)

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4847 Postings, 5551 Tage PjöngjangWaMu Shareholder Objects To Bankruptcy Attys' Fees

04.07.12 10:24
Law360, New York (July 03, 2012, 8:16 PM ET) -- A Washington Mutual Inc. shareholder sharply objected Tuesday in Delaware bankruptcy court to Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP's request for almost $77.4 million in attorneys' fees for its representation of the debtor, saying the firm was charging exorbitant rates and padding the hours it billed.

Shareholder David Shutvet said Weil's blended attorney rate of $882 an hour was well above the appropriate rate that should have been applied using the so-called Laffey Matrix fee range established by the case Laffey v. Northwest Airlines Inc., which allows...  

2969 Postings, 4814 Tage Sos137Fees Reduced in Lehman Brothers Case

04.07.12 10:39
Fees Reduced in Lehman Brothers Case | JD Journal
  A Manhattan federal judge decided to cut 31 percent from the fees being sought by two law firms that won $516 million in securities settlements

411 Postings, 4647 Tage Depot_OLI1stundensätze

04.07.12 12:29
eigentlich würde auch reichen, wenn man nicht nur die stundensätze kürzt, man koennte ja auch mal nachfragen, wie manche anwälte überhaupt auf die erbrachten stunden kommen......vermutlich haben die auch nachts, wenn sie geträumt haben abgerechnet....

429 Postings, 4858 Tage jk75Wan WMI neu handelbar...

04.07.12 13:15


wann ist nochmal der Tag X wann man die WMI neu Aktien handeln kann?




31925 Postings, 5054 Tage charly503hiDepot_Oli,

04.07.12 13:22
vor allem braucht es 4 Jahre lang, dabei immer noch kein Ende abzusehen, ob das mit der geklauten Bank rechtens gewesen ist!
Da kann Geld verdient werden ohne Ende. Man muß nur die Beweise gut verstecken,gut abtarnen, dat lohnt sich dann richtig.
Habe erst kürzlich einen guten Satz lesen müssen.
Das einzige was die USA gut herstellen kann ist das was aus der Notenpresse kommt! Greenbacks

31925 Postings, 5054 Tage charly503und Depot_Oli, hast Du Dich denn auch nicht

04.07.12 13:27
an die Empfehlungen hinsichtlich vom Lektüre verschlingen über Börse und deren Spielwiesen gehalten und vielleicht auch nur die B.. gelesen? Hier meinte ich nicht die vom Kostolany, welche sehr lehrreich die Börsen erklärt.
Was aber hat WAMU mit Börse zu tun?
Besser, was hat das erlernte mit Börse oder Werten wie WMIH zu tun?
Frage ich mich schon Wochen, nach der freiwilligen Abgabe in die  Hände meiner Sparkassenbrooker. Doch die können auch nichts machen.  

6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deRomney bunkert Millionen in Steueroasen

04.07.12 13:40
Romney bunkert Millionen in Steueroasen

Wieder soll ein Bock zum Gärtner gemacht werden....

Aber die wollen ja immer nur das beste für das Volk..

Wie immer, meine pers. Meinung  

411 Postings, 4647 Tage Depot_OLI1@ charly

04.07.12 13:46
du bist hier der einzige der sich ständig beklagt, dass man in deutschland nicht handeln kann. sicherlich wird die neue wmih nicht an der deutschen börse gehandelt, was aber nicht heißt, dass du die nicht verkaufen kannst. ich bin selber bei der sparkasse mit meinem depot und konnte schon vor wochen kaufen und verkaufen. allerdings über nyse, dazu braucht man nur ein feld anklicken. ...was die empfehlungen von lektüre angeht. wenn man in diesem forum lange genug liest, lernt man mehr ( was amerikanisches insolvenzrecht etc ) angeht, als aus den meisten büchern. Was den informationsgehalt angeht hier im forum, auch da ist es so, dass ich mich recht gut informiert fühle, wenn ich nur daran denke, dass wir hier mehr infos hatten, als die meisten angestellten von irgend welchen banke. setzt allerdings voraus, dass man auch die werthaltigen ( muss jeder für sich selber entscheiden, welche das sind..) posts liest.


11 Postings, 5046 Tage saragossapfandi

04.07.12 15:41

Ich reagiere hier immer nur auf dieses elende Geheule. Nach 4 Jahren. Aber keine Sorge, lang tu ich mir das nicht mehr an. Jede Nachbetreuung hat mal ihr Ende. Redet über WMIH oder macht es ohne mich.


ich lese schon seit geraumer Zeit komentarlos aber höchst interessiert mit.

@pfandi - super Beiträge

Eine "Nachbetreuung" nicht erforderlich.  WMIH wird meines Erachtens zweifellos eine Sackgasse. Kommt auf den Betrag an - aber ich bin über meine nichterteilten Realeases nicht traurig (geht allerdins nur um einen geringen Betrag).



31925 Postings, 5054 Tage charly503hI Depot_Oli, guter Beitrag,

04.07.12 20:20
einen Einwand habe ich dazu, wenn es erlaubt ist.
Ich jammere nicht, wenn es so rüber kommt tut es mir nicht mal leid weil falsch angekommen, ich stelle es mit Bedauern fest. Habe in meiner Filiale angefragt und die Antwort war definitiv. Verkaufen lohnt nur ab 10 000,- bei Ihnen ihr kleines nunmehr gewordenes Invest, würde ich nicht empfehlen. Und vor allem, rechnen sie mit weiteren Verlusten schon bei den GEBÜHREN!!Weil... aber nicht schon wieder!
Wie gesagt hatte ich nur eine Abfrage dort getätigt, bin ich doch über das Verfahren an sich nicht glücklich. Für die Bearbeitung mußten DIE Dinger der Bank überlassen werden...und das wars.
Natürlich habe auch ich VON DER UNGEHEUREN Vielfalt der Beiträge geistig profitiert, kommt aber im Prinzip auf's selbe raus, weil ich mir auch ohne Börsenlektüre die Dinger ins Depot gelegt habe. Damals kannte ich so gut wie nix darüber, nur, in meinen Augen glänzte Gewinn, welchen ich kurz zuvor woanders verloren habe.
Alles Gute dann
der charly  

6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deTemplate for future use.... von govinsider

04.07.12 21:27

1114 State Street
Suite 211
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

June 27, 2012

Dear Fellow Signature Stockholder:

I have previously sent you proxy materials and a GOLD proxy card asking you to support the independent and experienced nominees of the GOLD slate (the “GOLD Slate Nominees”) in their effort to redirect Signature Group Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”). I believe that:

•We as stockholders cannot and should not sit idly by and let the current Board and management pursue a financial course that clearly is not working.
•We cannot let the current Board continue to execute a strategy that will fail to fully utilize the Company’s principal asset—its more than $800 million in Net Operating Losses (the “NOLs”). With no present material taxable income the Company cannot benefit from the NOLs, which are now wasting away as they have started to expire under U.S. and California tax laws.
•We cannot let the Company become a long-term job pool for a few at the expense of the true owners of the Company—its stockholders.
•We cannot let the Board lose sight of its main focus—maximizing value for stockholders.
Despite assurances that management has the “right business plan” and that the Company is well positioned for growth, after two full years the only things that appear to be growing are management’s bank accounts. During that same period stockholders have suffered through a nearly 50% decline in the price of the Company’s stock. Enough is enough. There is a better way.


Our plan is simple: (1) target a limited number of significant transactions that could promptly unlock the value of the NOLs, (2) abandon management’s current failed plan to create a complex operating entity and (3) eliminate unnecessary compensation and other expenses. We are looking to maximize the value of the Company to benefit all stockholders.

I. Target a Limited Number of Significant Transactions that could PROMPTLY Unlock the Value of the Company’s over $800 million in Current NOLs.

Under management’s current “plan,” the Company’s most valuable asset, its NOLs, appears to be an afterthought. In fact, stockholders have little chance of realizing any value from the NOLs under management’s plan if the NOLs are saved to shelter the Company’s possible (though improbable) earnings in 2020 or 2030, as management seems committed to doing. Management has already acknowledged in the Company’s financial statements that management’s current “plan” will not reap the tax benefits of a substantial majority of the NOL’s.[1] On the other hand, the GOLD Slate Nominees:

•Recognize that NOLs have a limited life—they expire over time.
•Recognize that NOLs have a high immediate value to merger partners or other companies that have taxable income to be sheltered NOW—the Company does not presently have and, according to management’s estimates, will not likely have enough taxable income to unlock the full NOL value.
•Intend to engage an investment banking advisor to provide strategic advice and merger partner identification.
•Intend to execute an effective plan to timely utilize the NOLs soon after their election to the Board and before the NOLs expire.
II. Abandon Management’s Current Failed Plan to Create a Complex Operating Company through a Series of Small Transactions and Acquisitions.

While the Company’s primary asset remains unutilized, stockholders are stuck watching management attempt to produce a quilt-like enterprise cobbled together through a series of small unrelated transactions and acquisitions. In our opinion:  

12760 Postings, 5075 Tage ranger100nicht zu vergessen

04.07.12 23:20

12760 Postings, 5075 Tage ranger100Sorry Chelsea - Funktastatur macht öfter Murks..

04.07.12 23:25

80430 Postings, 5533 Tage Lou2009danke ranger :-)

05.07.12 00:33
du weißt, das ich glücklich bin, dass du mir Arbeit abnimmst, mit dem Einstellen der Informationen hier.
Hmmm, diese blöden Untersuchungen, die jetzt eigentlich "NUR" der Auftakt zu den Abschlußuntersuchungen sein sollten haben möglicherweise was blödes hervorgebracht. Eine Verengung der der Nierenarterie. Auf jeden Fall scheint was mit der rechten Niere nicht zu stimmen.
Es wird erst mal wieder Untersuchungen geben.
Eigentlich war ab Mittwoch nach der eigentlich "letzten " Abschlussuntersuchung geplant, noch 2 Besuche bei Wamuanern zu machen. Das steht momentan in den Sternen - danke demjenigen, mit dem ich jetzt schon mal telefoniert habe zwecks Verständnis.

Wir weden sehen wie es weiter geht. Im schlimmsten Fall muß noch mal eine Operation folgen.


10 Postings, 4572 Tage Ordinateurmmh..

05.07.12 16:50
bin ich hier richtig, oder beim Tierarzt? Hilfe überall nur Katzen..  

31925 Postings, 5054 Tage charly503hallo Freunde,

05.07.12 20:28
es wird immer besser!
Ford Knox soll leer sein! Kongressabgeordneten soll Zutritt verweigert worden sein. Unter den Twins sollte auch ne Menge gewesen sein!Ist sicher noch da!
Man wie werden wir verarscht!

Die Gold-Dollar Bindung wurde zwar schon vor einiger Zeit aufgelöst, doch dennoch gibt es einem ein gutes Gefühl zu wissen, dass eine Währung zumindest ein bisschen abgesichert ist. Denn, was rechtfertigt sonst den Wert eines Dollars, wenn es nur noch bedrucktes Papier ist? Eine Antwort darauf findet sich z.B. in dieser Doku über Banken und den Geist des Geldes.
Wenn einer mehr sucht, der findet.
Bin es leid aufmerksam zu machen, bringt eh nur Zoff.
Gruß und tschüß  

31925 Postings, 5054 Tage charly503gestatten Euer Ehren,

05.07.12 20:37
kleiner Nachbrenner, ausserdem heisst das Ding Fort Knox!

Als endlich eine Antwort eintraf, beinhaltete diese dann zum entsetzen der Congressmen eine Ablehnung! Und das obwohl sie ja die rechtmäßigen Vertreter des Volkes sind, welches doch einen Anspruch auf die Warheit haben sollte.  

12760 Postings, 5075 Tage ranger100Heute nur etwas Text -Chelsea

05.07.12 23:14
July 5th

no pics today because Chelsea isn't doing so well. Whatever is going on with her BP is really bringing her down because today we went to the mall and she got sick after shopping in only one store. Tests have been done and we're waiting to hear from the doctors what to do next. It's just so sad to see her reduced to tears... The flip side though is that we were able to pick up a couple of things that fit her well and she looks so amazing and healthy! :)

Übersetzung: (ohne Gewähr)

5. Juli

Es gibt keine Bilder heute, weil es Chelsea nicht so gut geht.
Was auch immer mit ihr los ist ihr Blutdruck macht ihr schwer zu schaffen. Wir sind heute Einkaufen gegangen und sie fühlte sich schon nach dem Besuch des ersten Geschäftes krank. Die Untersuchungen sind erledigt und wir warten darauf von den Ärzten zu hören, was als nächstes gemacht wird. Es ist einfach so traurig sie in Tränen aufgelöst zu sehen...
Die Kehrseite ist aber, dass wir in der Lage waren ein paar Sachen zu holen die ihr gut passen und sie sieht toll und gesund darin aus! :)  

264 Postings, 5200 Tage waldlaeufer01Katze?????

05.07.12 23:15
Hier ist der Quotenhund

Gruß WL  

6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deRechtfertigung für die Banken ????

06.07.12 01:54

6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deNach der Zinssenkung lohnt sich Sparen nicht mehr

06.07.12 01:59

Nach der Zinssenkung lohnt sich Sparen nicht mehr


Logisch, die wollen an die 10 Billionen der Sparer.

Seit Jahren nichts mehr von "Bruttosozialprodukt" gehört. (Nur als Info)




6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deSteuern oder Islam ???? (OT)

06.07.12 02:13

Die Grünen wollen den Islam einbürgern

Die Grünen streben eine rechtliche Gleichstellung des Islam mit  Christentum und Judentum an. Muslime hätten damit wie die Kirchen  Privilegien beim Bau von Moscheen und könnten Steuern erheben.



6721 Postings, 5388 Tage odin10deSchäuble fordert einen europäischen Finanzminister

06.07.12 02:37

Schäuble fordert einen europäischen Finanzminister

"Der jetzige Zustand kann auf die Dauer nicht wirklich funktionieren"

 Frankfurt/Main (dapd). Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble findet, dass es seinen Posten auch auf europäischer Ebene geben sollte.

Europa brauche eine gemeinsame Finanzpolitik, sagte er der CDU-Politiker am Donnerstag im Sender HR-Info. "Und deswegen braucht man ein Parlament, eine Regierung und auch so etwas wie einen Finanzminister."

Schäuble will zudem das Europaparlament weiterentwickeln und mit mehr Befugnissen ausstatten. "Der jetzige Zustand, dass alle Entscheidungen mit Budget-Auswirkung durch die nationalen Parlamente verantwortet werden müssen, kann auf die Dauer nicht wirklich funktionieren", sagte er.

Da wäre doch sein Bruder sicherlich der beste Mann, oder ??????

Ist zwar auf den ersten Blick OT, aber durch solche Machenschaften auswirkungen auf die Steuern/Bürger haben.

Zu dem es bei Wamu heute eh nichts neues gibt.




155 Postings, 5263 Tage washington_guy@odin10de

06.07.12 08:51
weil es nichts zum WAMU gibt, mussest du nicht Mull hier rein posten  

1399 Postings, 5362 Tage Kesi231schon gepostet?

06.07.12 09:03

hier ein (schon einige Tage alter) Bericht über das angeblich existierende geheime P und A Abkommen zwischen FDIC und JPM mit ca. 118 Seiten...


Secret FDIC & JPMorgan Chase Bank 118 Page Purchase and Assumption Agreement for Washington Mutual Bank Uncovered


Piggybankblog posted 06/22/12

Piggybankblog posted picture

Cross linked with

Smoking Gun or Another Murder of Crows?  You be the judge.

QUESTION — Are the FDIC and JPMorgan Chase Bank and their attorneys keeping secrets and playing destructive games with the lives of good decent Americans across the land that results in their stealing homes and damaging forever lives and communities? Are they in fact hiding the true agreement (PAA) for the assets and liabilities of Washington Mutual Bank, the failed bank seized by the Office of Thrift Supervision and placed in Receivership with the FDIC who sold WAMU to JPMorgan Chase Bank NA on the very same day in September 2008?

Repeatedly homeowners in foreclosure and their attorneys have questioned the veracity of the 39 page Purchase and Assumption Agreement between the FDIC and JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA for Washington Mutual Bank that Chase, the FDIC, and their attorneys represent to be the real PAA. They have used this 39 page public document in courts of law to reap all of WAMU’s benefits without bearing any of its burdens in courtrooms, federal and state, throughout the United States.

Attorney Vernon Bradley of Sausalito, California, recently filed a lawsuit to stop a foreclosure action on behalf of the Plaintiff, Scott Call Jolley, against Chase et al in California Superior Court in Marin County, California and it is under appeal. This case and the revelations that have come to light through Appellant’s Opening Brief filed with the California Appellate Court points to the existence of a different “full copy” PAA that consists of 118 or so pages as revealed in the deposition and declaration of Jeffrey Thorpe, whose credentials make him a reliable witness. (see below excerpts from Appellant Brief.)

Appellant’s Opening Brief presents a strong argument that the FDIC and JPMorgan Chase Bank NA entered into an approximated 118 page “full ” Purchase and Assumption Agreement, rather than the “public” PAA being circulated through internet and the courts in foreclosure cases throughout the United States federal and state courts.

If in fact this 118 page PAA exists, can one conclude that the Respondents and their attorneys have perpetrated a possible fraud on the court and that this possible fraud extends to foreclosure lawsuits (past, present, and future) throughout the United States? And if so, what can be done to help these homeowners who were possibly victimized by judges who unwittingly relied on the purported 39 page PAA to seize and sell their homes? What will these judges have to say about this serious misrepresentation of the PAA if found to be true? Will these victimized homeowners be recompensed for the damage caused to them financially and personally? Will the courts take another look?

Below is information obtained through court proceedings. Please read this post in its entirety.


SCOTT CALL JOLLEY, Plaintiff and Petitioner/Appellant vs. CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Corporation and successor in interest to WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, F.A., a Washington Corporation; CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive,  Defendants and Respondents. Appellate Docket No. A134019 Marin County Superior Court Case No. CIV1002039


Appellant’s Opening Brief in Jolley vs. Chase Home Finance LLC et al filed by the Law Offices of Vernon Bradley in Marin County, California presents a strong argument that the FDIC and JPMorgan Chase Bank NA entered into an 118 page Purchase and Assumption Agreement, rather than the PAA being circulated through the courts in foreclosure cases throughout the United States federal and state courts.

The brief states:
“On April 19, 2010, Petitioner Scott Jolley‘s Complaint Case No. CIV1002039 was filed in the California Superior Court in Marin County, California. On April 20, 2010, Petitioner obtained a temporary restraining order prohibiting the scheduled trustee‘s sale and thereafter obtained a Preliminary Injunction continuing that relief upon posting a $50,000 bond with the Marin County Superior Court. Petitioner opposed a summary judgment motion brought by Chase and California Reconveyance. The Honorable Judge Duryee took the matter under submission after the hearing, on November 15, 2011, and grant summary judgment in favor of Defendants/Respondents on December 1, 2011. Judgment was entered the same day thereby immediately dissolving the preliminary injunction of August 20, 2011. On January 25, 2012, Petitioner filed this appeal along with a writ of supersedeas requesting an immediate stay to protect his real property against an impending foreclosure and trustee sale. Since the trial court seemed unreceptive to Petitioner’s need for a continued stay during the summary judgment hearing, Petitioner did not formally seek a stay from the trial court because such efforts were clearly futile and the law does not require a litigant to engage in such useless endeavors (please see the accompanying writ reply). Petitioner now files this opening brief along with a reply in support of the writ of supersedeas and stay.

“Petitioner Jolley and Washington Mutual Bank (.WaMu.) entered into a construction loan agreement which expressly provided that the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind the successors and assigns of Lender [WaMu].
“Surprisingly, Respondents now erroneously claim that Chase bears no successor liability for WaMu’s torts and contractual breaches arising from that agreement even though Chase continues to enjoy all of the associated benefits. Respondents mistakenly believe Chase is insulated from successor liability because WaMu subsequently went into FDIC receivership and Chase allegedly took all of WaMu’s assets from the FDIC under a Purchase and Assumption Agreement (PAA) that supposedly allowed Chase to reap all of WaMu’s benefits without bearing any of its burdens.

“However, under California and federal authority Chase is legally required to step directly into the .shoes. of WaMu, to take the place of WaMu, and to remain fully liable for all torts, breaches of contract and other .sins. committed by WaMu for several reasons.

“First, because the parties’ contract expressly provided that the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind . . . the successors and assigns of Lender [WaMu]. and the FDIC was statutorily required to step directly into WaMu’s shoes, all of the FDIC’s .successors and assigns. were also obligated to take WaMu’s assets subject to its burdens since the FDIC failed to exercise its special rescission powers and never issued any rescission notice to Petitioner as required by law (see below). As explained in the declaration of Petitioner’s expert, Jeffrey Thorne, the FDIC had opened an escrow and were supposed to send out notices of repudiation/rescission to Petitioner and other borrowers within 90 days or another reasonable time, but the escrow closed so quickly that the notices were never sent by the FDIC. Therefore, as discussed below, the FDIC always remained subject to the terms and conditions of Petitioner’s loan contract, including the requirement that Chase, as the .successor and assign. of the FDIC/WaMu must be bound by the contract and .take the place of. the FDIC/WaMu to bear all associated burdens.”

Appellant’s brief further asserts the following:

“Second, according the compelling deposition testimony and declaration of Mr. Thorne, the actual, full and complete PAA (118 pages) makes Chase liable for all torts and contractual breaches by WaMu in stark contrast to the identically named public document (34 pages) posted on the internet.”

“The record is full of competent and convincing evidence to support this fact, including, without limitation, the deposition testimony of Mr. Thorne (Thorne Depo,. CT 69-88, Pgs. 37, 70-73 ) as well as his sworn declaration (Thorne Dec,. CT 53-59). This evidence cannot be lightly dismissed since Jeffrey Thorne is a highly credible expert witness who swears under penalty of perjury that he actually read the real PAA and it does not absolve Chase of liability for WaMu. More specifically, Mr. Thorne’s declaration reads, in pertinent part, as follows:

“1. Currently I am employed as an asset manager for the FDIC through a contractor for the FDIC, RSM McGladrey Inc. I am intimately familiar with the procedures for taking over a failed bank and the required notices that must be given to insulate the buying bank from liability for the original loans of the failed banks.

“2. When Washington Mutual failed, I was involved in the takeover of Washington Mutual by FDIC and the escrow that was opened to sell Washington Mutual to Chase Bank. I was uniquely positioned to be involved in what was known as .Bank No. 26 takeover. as I had previously worked for Washington Mutual, heading their Construction Lending Department for 38 states.”

“4. Within the takeover procedures by the FDIC, the FDIC will enter into an agreement with the succeeding bank. In this instance the FDIC entered into an agreement with Chase Bank. But because of the nature of the transaction, the FDIC guaranteed 80% of the loans, while Chase only assumed 20% of the potential losses on the loans. Pursuant to the public part of the agreement with the FDIC, of which were approximately 39 pages, the balance of the contract and the complete agreement with the FDIC and Chase bank is 118 pages long which has not been made public. I am familiar with this agreement, I have read it, I was involved in the takeover of WAMU with the FDIC, and the balance of the agreement imposes liability on Chase for ongoing contracts with WAMU. Chase took liability for the ongoing contracts in return for getting an 80% discount on the loan‘s principal owed. Essentially, Chase Bank traded their right to cut off all liability on WAMU‘s end for money and a good deal.

“5. Chase assumed the rights and benefits owing to WAMU under its outstanding contracts with its customers. Because of the favorable guarantee from the FDIC, they also agreed to assume the liabilities flowing from the WAMU contracts.

“6. From 2002 to 2006, I was senior loan consultant for WAMU.”
Furthermore Appellant’s Brief states the following:
Mr. Thorne’s testimony is further bolstered by the FDIC’s tacit admission that the document exists, i.e., when Petitioner’s counsel sought the smoking gun document by subpoena, the FDIC’s agent told Petitioner’s counsel that the document could only be obtained after all parties and the trial judge executed a comprehensive stipulated confidentiality agreement and protective order barring dissemination outside of this case. That response indicates something is being hidden.

“More specifically, on or about November 7, 2011, a request of the full and complete PAA from responding party was made orally, responding party denied the existence of such document. On November 8, 2011, a request for the same document was requested from the FDIC. The FDIC refused to provide the document but alluded to its existence by requesting Petitioner provide for the specific portions in which he was seeking, and further advising that the FDIC would redact portions of this agreement. On or about November 8, 2011, a request by subpoena was made to the FDIC, and again the FDIC refused the request and asked Petitioner‘s Attorney to submit to a protective order with a stipulation from all parties. See emails C.T. 142 – 143. On November 9, 2011, Petitioner requested, in writing, the full 118 page contract from Responding party and asked Respondent’s counsel to sign the FDIC’s stipulation. These requests were immediately denied. Petitioner‘s Attorney was then forced to seek ex parte relief from Judge Duryee of the Marin County Superior Court to have all parties execute the stipulated protective order so that the true PAA could be obtained and to continue the jury trial until Petitioner had a fair chance to seek that dispositive evidence. Judge Duryee ignored these requests.

Perhaps because of Mr. Thorne’s unique qualifications and personal knowledge of the crucial facts, this is the very first case to bring this evidence to light. Previously, Chase mislead courts across the country with the abridged version of the PAA, so case law developed in reliance thereon cannot be deemed valid. It was also reversible error for Judge Duryee to accept the truth of matters asserted in the contested document, i.e., that Chase was absolved of liability. At the very least, Petitioner should be allowed a fair opportunity to finally overcome discovery stonewalling and obtain a copy of the document pursuant to CCP §437c(h), which reads: .If it appears from the affidavits submitted in opposition to a motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication or both that facts essential to justify opposition may exist but cannot, for reasons stated, then be presented, the court shall deny the motion, or order a continuance to permit affidavits to be obtained or discovery to be had or may make any other order as may be just. (emphasis added). Accordingly, it was reversible error to simply ignore Petitioner‘s request. Alternatively, Petitioner should have been allowed to have a jury of his peers evaluate the credibility of Mr. Thorne and Chase’s experts on this crucial factual issue.”

Apppellant’s Brief argues the following:
“Alternatively, Chase’s successor tort liability also exists under the general rule that a purchaser assumes a seller’s liabilities when (1) there is an express or implied agreement of assumption, (2) the transaction amounts to a consolidation or merger of the two corporations, (3) the purchasing corporation is a mere continuation of the seller, or (4) the transfer of assets to the purchaser is for the fraudulent purpose of escaping liability for the seller’s debts. Id. At 28. The .mere continuation. ground for liability exists due to Chase’s acquisition of all WaMu’s operating assets, its use of those assets and of WaMu’s former employees to maintain the same line of .financial products,. its holding itself out to customers and the public as a continuation of the same enterprise under a new name, its failure to provide:

“WaMu/FDIC with adequate consideration to meet claims of unsecured creditors (a factual determination subject to disputed material facts); the fact that one or more persons were officers, directors, or stockholders of both WaMu and Chase (a factual determination subject to disputed material facts).2 Id.

“2 The last two facts are based on Appellant’s information and belief. Further expert analysis of the underlying transactions will be required to verify these allegations. However, since expert discovery had not closed before summary judgment, the disputed nature of these facts should have been ground for denial of summary judgment.

.”Moreover, the powerful deposition testimony and declaration of Jeffrey Thorne created triable issues of material fact as to whether Chase defrauded and deceived Appellant and the general public by concealing the true purchase and assumption agreement wherein Chase retained full liability for WaMu’s torts and contractual breaches in exchange for other favorable terms. Mr. Thorne is uniquely qualified to present evidence on this issue and he had personally read the .smoking gun. document so Appellant was entitled to have a jury evaluate credibility regarding this crucial fact, which would clearly preserve Chase’s liability for WaMu’s misconduct.

Link to related documents: 

This is compelling information. Anyone have further information about these assertions should contact Vernon Bradley, Esq. in Sausalito, California or email this author.

Excerpt from the Deposition of Jeffrey A. Thorne:

13.  Q. BY MR. BRADLEY: Okay. Now, this 118-page
14.  document, can you again describe to me what its contents
15.  was?
16.  A. There’s two documents. They’re the same
17.  document. And it is the right to purchase a financial
18.  institution. That’s the purchase agreement. One of
19.  them is 35 pages long that is recorded and made public
20.  by the FDIC, and the other is a continuation of the 35
21.  pages up to the 118 pages that spells out an agreement
22.  between the purchasing institution and the FDIC as to
23. how they are to handle the customers upon the purchase
24. of the bank; i.e., how the foreclosures are to be
25. handled, work out agreements that they’re supposed to
[Page 71]
1.  make. Are they supposed to make an offer? They have to
2.  make certain offers in writing. They have to present
3.  them to the FDIC to Show that they’re working with them
4.  In good faith. They just can’t go in and just start
5.  foreclosing on everybody that’s not paying.
6.  Q. And it’s your testimony that there was such an
7.  agreement that Chase Signed with the FDIC when it took
8.  over WaMu, this document?
9.  A. Yeah, at the facility that I was at, that was
10.  one of the documents I had access to through my system,
11.  and I saw that document.
12.  Q. Okay. And then where would a copy of that
13.  document be? The first 32 pages, I think you said, were
14.  made public, but the balance of them were withheld from
15.  the public.
16.  A. Right. It would be at FDIC.
17.  Q. Okay. And could those be subpoenaed?
18.  A. I’m sure they could.
19.  Q. And you would refer to it as the right to
20.  purchase document?
21.  A. Right.

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