Calypte!!! Was seht Ihr als ... Fortsetzung

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Neuester Beitrag: 18.11.03 22:12
Eröffnet am:06.10.03 09:50von: Kalli2003Anzahl Beiträge:2.29
Neuester Beitrag:18.11.03 22:12von: MoneyworksLeser gesamt:60.019
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:88
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5410 Postings, 8821 Tage BiomediSagt mal echt, was soll denn bei Caly Negatives...

09.10.03 22:09
pasieren koennen? Lieferengpass schliesse ich weitgehend aus, da die Antikoerperproduktion in Versuchstieren (meist Kaninchen, die sich bekanntlich schnell vermehren) durchgefuehrt wird. Spezifitaet und Sensitivitaet sind durch FDA und zuletzt durch die chinesischen Resultate abgesichert. Der Bedarf ist bekanntlich riesengross. Es gibt keine unblutige Alternativmethode (Caly hat das Patent). Geld ist von verschiedenen Geldgebern vorhanden bzw. zugesagt. Magic als Promotor kann auch nicht schaden...  

4719 Postings, 7741 Tage leobmwdas ist echt unglaublich

09.10.03 22:11
man kann ja schon bischen was ab - aber wehe ich geh dadrüber / aua weh oh neee /

wie vor 20 Jahren : nie wieder trinke ich soviel Alk. - aber anscheinend hat man nichts gelernt !!

Und morgen dann wieder Bäume ausreißen --- !  

4719 Postings, 7741 Tage leobmwBiomedi mach Dir doch keinen Kopf !

09.10.03 22:16
Die werden jetzt schön gesund steigen und steigen und steigen ....

Die Zeit der 50 % am Tag sind vorbei ( ohne Who ) aber das ändert nichts , dauert nicht lange dann kosten Sie 2 / 3 / 4 ..... und bis??

Also kein Kopf machen - geht schon !

Aktuell : 1,40 USA  

40576 Postings, 7965 Tage rotgrünKlar,

09.10.03 22:18
nach so einem Saufgelage ist das der Standartspruch. Nie wieder Alkohol, hahaha, bis zum nächsten Anlass, der schnell gefunden ist, grins.
Gutes Nächtle Allerseits  

5410 Postings, 8821 Tage BiomediWir haben schon nen harten Job Freunde! o. T.

09.10.03 22:22

4719 Postings, 7741 Tage leobmwwißt Ihr was mich am meisten freut ?

09.10.03 22:28
Das die ganzen Mießmacher und Neider diesmal kein Recht hatten und auch in Zukunft keine Chance haben - deshalb sind die auch so ruhig -

Leute was für eine Aktie = Schulterklopf !!

für alle die am Anfang dabei waren - Schade man hätte bei Preisen um 0,12 alles reinsetzen können - aber wer weiß was kommt ?

für alle die bei 1,2 oder so reingegangen sind - in nicht so langer Zeit werdet Ihr euch über einen riesen Gewinn freuen !!  

4719 Postings, 7741 Tage leobmwFreut - wie Freude - nur mit t ! /ja ich weiß o. T.

09.10.03 22:29

1294 Postings, 7700 Tage kramich weiss,was dich froit*g*

09.10.03 22:35
me is nachwievor am ball,wennauch ich halt ne pos mal rauf und mal runner fahre
basepic steht;)
prost kram


5410 Postings, 8821 Tage BiomediJa, den Winter im Sueden verbringen, mit SL sicher

09.10.03 22:36
heitshalber; im Fruehjahr zurueckkehren, am Flughafen ins Netz schauen und gleich wieder verschwinden in sonnige Regionen...  

749 Postings, 7705 Tage ipollitKann mir mal einer das mit MSITF erklären?

09.10.03 23:01
was sind pink sheets????

bei MSITF passt eigentlich gar nichts zusammen...
gigantische Aufträge, jetzt schon in der Gewinnzone, mehrere Rapid-Tests in Markt (HIV1/2, TB, usw.), bester Test in der Entwicklung (Multi-Test: Blut, Urin und alles andere)...
aber MK tendiert mit Kurs gegen Null


Auszüge aus der HP... viel Phantasie oder real?

Medical Services International Inc.

Aufträge: teilweise fest, teilweise geschätzt

Congo: The Company projects that it will sell approximately 140,000 VScan™ test kits for the month of August, 2003.

India: they estimate that the market potential for the VScan™ HIV test kit is 1,000,000 test kits per month.

India&Thailand: The agreement requires Global Connect Technologies to purchase a minimum of 5.0 million VScan™ rapid test kits for India and 500,000 VScan™ rapid test kits for Thailand during the first year of the contract.

Nigeria Production Facility Fully Operational: It currently has the capability to produce 6,000,000 test kits per year and can easily be expanded to produce 10,000,000 per year when necessary.

Vietnam: It is reasonable to expect that there will be a market of up to 500,000 of its VScan HIV 1& 2 test kits per year in Vietnam.

Manufacturing Plant in Mexico: This facility will have the initial capability to supply 3,000,000 test kits per year.

Congo: The Company anticipates that there will be a demand for in excess of 500,000 HIV test kits per year from the Congo.

West Africa: Based on the excellent test results obtained to date in West Africa and the need for a rapid test kit for HIV1&2, it is reasonable to expect that the Company will supply in excess of 2,000,000 test kits for HIV1&2 in West Africa. West Africa has a population of 165 million people with a high incidence of HIV. It is reasonable to expect that the West Africa market will require 3 to 4 million rapid test kits per year.

Nigeria: Nigeria has a significant HIV problem and the results obtained are an important step in the registration process. Once registration is obtained it would be reasonable to expect orders of 3 to 4 million HIV Test Kits per year.

China: As the registration procedure is finished our distributors in China have indicated that it is reasonable to expect orders of over 2,000,000 test kits per year, which will generate revenue of approximately $4,500,000 U.S. per year.

June 12,2002 - Medical Services International Inc. (Pink Sheets:MSITF) is pleased to announce  that it now has contracts to supply over 1,300,000 VScan(TM) Rapid Test Kits in the next year.
It is projected that these contracts will generate a minimum of $3,120,000 U.S.D. in revenue to Medical Services International Inc. Based on requests for samples related to independent testing, the Company anticipates that additional contracts will be signed to supply another 1,500,000 test kits in the next year. The existing contracts relate to the HIV Test Kits only. Additional testing is being done on the Tuberculosis (TB) Test Kits. Initial results are excellent, and there is substantial interest in these kits. The Company projects that it will supply in excess of 800,000 TB Test Kits in the next year.

Entwicklung: oder Rapid-Urin-Test am Markt?

April 28, 2003
Medical Services International Inc. is pleased to announce that it has developed a new rapid multitest VScan test kit for HIV 1&2. The new rapid multitest kit can be used for detection of HIV 1&2 using BLOOD, BLOOD SERUM, PLASMA, SALIVA, URINE. No other rapid test kit currently available on the market has this capability. Prior to the development of the new rapid multitest kit for HIV 1&2 a different test kit was required for blood products, saliva or urine.

Previously, the rapid test kits using blood products have been the most reliable and used by most agencies doing testing. If an individual refused to give a sample of blood there were very few alternatives that were available or as accurate as the blood test. This would result in incomplete testing in an area. With the new VScan rapid multitest kit for HIV 1&2 the individual being tested will have the option of using SALIVA OR URINE rather than blood and know that the accuracy of the test kit is as good as if blood had been used. The new VScan rapid multitest kit for HIV 1&2 is accurate greater than 99% of the time in under 15 minutes.


EDMONTON, Canada, August 27, 2002 -- Medical Services International Inc. is pleased to announce
that through its ongoing research and development that it has developed a rapid test kit for HIV using urine.

Previously, Medical Services International Inc. has reported about its VScan™ Rapid Test Kits for HIV using blood and saliva. As part of the ongoing R & D program, Medical Services International Inc. has developed a VScan™ Rapid Test Kit using urine as the medium for testing for HIV. Initial test results show the sensitivity of the urine VScan™ Rapid Test Kit to be greater than 90%. As the Company finalizes the testing of this kit it is felt that the urine test kit will reach a sensitivity of greater than 99%. The Urine VScan™ Rapid Test Kit will be ready for market in October 2002.

This kit fills the void in the marketplace for those people that find pricking their fingers for a blood sample a difficult procedure.


Most current results (unaudited) are for the 6 months ending December 31st, 2002 -
Medical Services International Inc, had a profit of $290,145 on revenue of $663,610 versus
a profit of $288,622 on revenue of $493,476 last year.

MK: ??

Shares Outstanding as at Dec.,  31, 2002: 558,293,853
Best Bid: 0.0029 (5000 shares)  Best Ask: 0.0032 (5000 shares)

TRADE DATA Last Sale: 0.0028
Change: +0.00

Percent Change: +0.00
Tick: Down  
Daily High: 0  Daily Low: 0

Opening Price: 0  Volume: 0  
Annual High: 0.0550
Annual Low: 0.0001  
Dividend: 0.000 Earnings/Share: 0.00
Previous Close: 0.0028  P/E ratio: N/A
Yield: 0.00    
  Beta Coefficient: 1.11
Last Trade Date/Time: 10/08/2003  

=========> MK von 1,7 Mio. USD ??????????????


sind die pink sheets sowas wie eine imaginäre Gag-Firmen, oder was stimmt hier nicht ????????????????????????

(haben ja angeblich den Rapid-Urin-HIV1/2-Test, den calypte noch nicht hat!?)


mfg ipollit ?


32 Postings, 7670 Tage Damien@ipollit

10.10.03 00:58
pinksheets is a leading provider of pricing and financial information for the over-the -counter (OPTC) securities market


207 Postings, 8678 Tage Cash-moneyläuft doch alles nach plan!

10.10.03 09:40
würde mich nicht wundern wenn wir heute über 1,50$ schliessen. Nächste Woche werden die 1,40 die untere begrenzungsmauer sein !

Und das beste: die mega hammer-news (WHO, Magic Johnson, weitere aufträge)kommen noch!!!!

Ich freu mich schon auf nächstes Jahr wenn ich calys rapid test in den händen halte und den packungsbeilage lese ;o) *trääuum*


32217 Postings, 7916 Tage BörsenfanMorgen, oder fast schon Mahlzeit Leute!

10.10.03 10:55
Ich freue mich tierisch, dass ich gestern wieder eingestiegen bin. Habe heute nen Tag frei, bin auf 70%, der Firma geht es Scheiße, wie so vielen, freiwillige Maßnahme, 1 Jahr Kündigungsschutz. Nun wird weiter in Sachen Börse geschaut!

Gruß Börsenfan  

749 Postings, 7705 Tage ipollit@Damien

10.10.03 11:26
und was heißt "over-the-counter (OPTC) securities market"?

Angenommen die Zahlen wären so korrekt und nicht frei erfunden, dann hätte MSITF dieses Jahr ein KGV von 3 oder drunter und nächstes Jahr vielleicht von 0,2... wenn die Schätzungen für Indien mit 12 Mio. Stück pro Jahr Realität würden, wäre alleine dadurch (ohne weitere Umsätze) das KGV bei 0,12 !!!! ????

vor kurzem wurde die FDA-Zulassung beantragt...

warum ist die MK nur bei 1,7 Mio ???? - muss doch einen Grund haben...  

749 Postings, 7705 Tage ipolliteine Kommentar am Rande

10.10.03 11:35
Kommentar von "presidio2" lol... liest sich aber ganz nett

By: presidio2
10 Oct 2003, 12:11 AM EDT
Msg. 20698 of 20714

The pull back is over.
Two very positive fundamental changes in the way Calypte has been trading recently have happened this week. First, on the monday open, the price fell through the support level of 1.20 very rapidly down to an intraday bottom of 1.12. However, this fall was on a laughable trickle of just 40k volume. Normally this sharp crack of support should trigger waves of panic selling, but it simply didn`t. There was simply no warrants at all for the price to move that way with no sellers. The only reasonable conclusion to draw is the MMs wanted cheap shares and wanted the weak hands out. There wasn`t any left though, this was the last reaction bottom but a also a higher low than the .98 bottom - starting a new uptrend. The MMs simply had no one else to buy from at those levels and have no choice but to take it higher now. Also it must be noted from monday`s low, we retraced the decline 100 percent back to 1.20 at one point during the day. This is in contrast to the usual action of consolidating close to the days lows before breaking down further which cypt was starting to make a pattern of. Monday marked the end of that. Additionally, during Monday, the initial MM induced shakeout attempt was only on 40k in v0lume. Only untill the bottom was hit at 1.12 and we started climbing higher, did volume significantly rise.
Secondly, Today marked the first day in a while that Calypte has coiled in a tight range for an extended period of time and has broken out higher from the range. Lately, when the Bollinger bands have been contracting, CYPT has been taken lower. Not today. Today this pattern and the pattern of the news being sold into has been bucked signalling the end of this retracement. The last hour of trading was fantastic as the rally to 1.40 was on a very steep curve signalling extremely strong demand going into tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a breakout day. Look for a gap above 1.40 tomorrow morning and a swift move higher. The evening will give people a chance to see the breakout and that identification will be evident tomorrow. 1.40 is the key resitance level we need to focus on and is already severely weakened. Once we gap above it, new investors will pile on seeing this as their last chance to get cheap shares before the major breakout comes at 1.75.

Technicaly we look outstanding and a clear bottom has been put it on with volume comfirmation. We have a perfect doulble bottom on the RSI 50 line as well. The RSI 50 line is excellent for marking support on uptrending stocks such as Calypte. Right now, we`re beginning the breakout phase of a flag continuation pattern and getting volume confirmation which will only increase tomorrow. The pullback was very healthy in testing the support at 1 as well as the 200 day MA. Only testing the 200 and not the 50 is a signal for how vibrant of stock CYPT is. Keep in mind back when they announced they werent going to have to shutdown a year ago the stock screamed from the R/S adjusted .75 to 6 bucks. Then it had a similar pullback to 4 before catupulting to 12. When this happened CYPT had a much higher burn rate, non existent market penetration and acceptance, uncertain financing, a new marketing team that needed time to completely switch the focus of the plan from selling to domestic insurers, to marketing globally where the big bucks are. Right now we have everything working for us. CYPT`s market penetration and acceptance is growing exponentially. Everyone who learns about us is interested. It`s just a matter of time. Reduced burn rate as the Almeda plant has been consolidated into the rockwell plant near DC allowing overlapping jobs to be cut and easier location to contracts from the US gov. CYPT`s biggest problem that never allowed them to reach their potential was the fact that they had scientists trying to market a product, now they have a highly experienced and effective marketing team led by Tony and Jay.

Everything is right for the breakout tomorrow and the PR blitz should only continue. We should here from Dutton and Oppenheimer any day now which will get us lots of attention plus news from the WHO, new contracts, news about Rapid Urine, and the Magic show. I`m fully invested at .15-.16 but have used income from my business to add my position during the pullback. If you`re on the sidelines, I`d higly recommend pulling the trigger ASAP tomorrow becuase this is it. We start trading briskly higher tomorrow. The games are over.

4515 Postings, 8569 Tage RealerWieder NEWS draussen!

10.10.03 12:23

749 Postings, 7705 Tage ipollitkann keine finden !? o. T.

10.10.03 12:27

44 Postings, 7685 Tage Fortuna68@ realer

10.10.03 12:28
wo genau hast du welche gefunden ?
danke und Gruß


5952 Postings, 8625 Tage grenke@ ipollit

10.10.03 12:31
pink sheets waren früher die Kurszettel, glaube das 1 mal die woche offizielle Kurse erstellt wurden, diese wurden dann auf Pinkfarbenden zettel geschrieben.

gruß Grenke  

4515 Postings, 8569 Tage RealerHab folgende email von Caly bekommen:

10.10.03 12:33
Investor Alert

A Form SC 13G regarding Calypte Biomedical Corp. has been filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Click on the following hyperlink to view this filing:

Please Note: The hyperlink for the filing may not retrieve the filing if
the address extends to more than one line. If this should occur, please
copy the full text of the address for the filing into the address box in
your web browser. happy and smile


4515 Postings, 8569 Tage RealerUnd wieder die Frage

10.10.03 12:34
was zum Geier ist ein:SC13G??? happy and smile


1294 Postings, 7700 Tage krampink sheets

10.10.03 12:35

40576 Postings, 7965 Tage rotgrün???

10.10.03 12:37

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When filing a SC13G (Schedule 13-G), are duplicate filings required (e.g., by both the issuer and the stockholders)?  

Your Answer: Answer last updated: 04-25-03  

Schedule 13G is a much abbreviated version of Schedule 13D that is only available for use by a limited category of "persons" (such as banks, broker-dealers, and insurance companies). They can use Schedule 13G only when they've acquired the securities in the ordinary course of business -- and not with the purpose or effect of changing or influencing the control of the issuer.

As with Schedule 13D, the "beneficial owner" of the securities is the person (broadly defined) who should file Schedule 13G (electronically using the SEC's EDGAR system).



5952 Postings, 8625 Tage grenkejep ist besser, hatte den link nicht, danke kram o. T.

10.10.03 12:38

4515 Postings, 8569 Tage RealerNa dann ist SC13G doch

10.10.03 12:39
GEIL!!!! happy and smile


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