Poet Technologies - die Revolution in der Halbleiterbranche ?!?
Dr. Peralta has extensive experience in turnaround and pivot situations, most recently helping orchestrate POET Technologies Inc.'s successful pivot from a photovoltaic company to a fabless semiconductor company, whose monolithic III-V semiconductor platform is now disrupting the opto-electronic space.
NASA embraces Integrated Photonics Laser on a Chip,
Here is an extract from the article at:
Although integrated photonics promises to revolutionize space-based science and interplanetary communications, its impact on terrestrial uses also is equally profound, Krainak added. One such use is with data centers. These costly, very large facilities house servers that are connected by fiber-optic cable to store, manage, and distribute data. Integrated photonics promises to dramatically reduce the need for and size of these behemoths — particularly since the optical hardware needed to operate these facilities will be printed onto a chip. In addition to driving down costs, the technology promises faster computing power. “Google, Facebook, they’re all starting to look at this technology,” Krainak said. “As integrated photonics progresses to be more cost effective than fiber optics, it will be used,” Krainak said. “Everything is headed this way.”
Although I have not been able to determine a direct link to POET it all sounds rather familiar don't you think?.
Now that is announced with a cover photograph of Dr Krainak holdng a chip, one wonders whether more granularity might include some admissions on this front.
NASA umfasst Integrated Photonics Laser auf einem Chip,
Hier ist ein Auszug aus dem Artikel auf:
Obwohl integrierten Photonik verspricht auch ebenso tiefgreifenden weltraumgestützte Wissenschaft und interplanetare Kommunikation, ihre Auswirkungen auf die terrestrische Anwendungen zu revolutionieren, ergänzte Krainak. Ein solcher Einsatz ist mit Rechenzentren. Diese kostspielige, sehr große Einrichtungen Haus-Servern, die durch Glasfaserkabel verbunden sind zu speichern, zu verwalten und zu verteilen Daten. Integrated Photonics verspricht drastisch die Notwendigkeit und die Größe dieser Giganten reduzieren - vor allem, da die optische Hardware notwendig, um diese Einrichtungen zu betreiben wird auf einem Chip gedruckt werden. Neben Kostensenkung verspricht die Technologie schneller Rechenleistung. "Google, Facebook, sie sind alle in dieser Technologie zu suchen beginnen", sagte Krainak. "Als integrierte Photonik fortschreitet kostengünstiger als Lichtwellenleiter zu sein, wird es verwendet werden", sagte Krainak. "Alles wird auf diese Weise geleitet."
Ich habe zwar einen direkten Link zu POET nicht in der Lage gewesen, um festzustellen, es klingt alles ziemlich vertraut nicht denken Sie ?.
Nun, da ist mit einem Titelbild von Dr. Krainak angekündigt holdng einen Chip, fragt man sich, ob mehr Granularität könnten einige Eintritte an dieser Front sind.
Er könnte recht haben
Daumen drück!
Für mich heißt das nichts gutes.
Es geht mit dem Laden genau so weiter wie mit dem alten Management.
Sieht mal wieder sch..... aus.
Zeitpunkt: 12.02.16 11:46
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 60 Tage
Kommentar: Unterstellung - Wiederholte unbelegte Anschuldigung. Die Sperre knüpft an eine entsprechende Moderation mit Sperre vom 05.01.16 an.
Das wollte Poet diskutieren!
Wieder nur heiße Luft im Vorfeld.
Gibt wie immer nichts zu diskutieren.
dann braucht man am 16.02. auch nichts erwarten.
Ich rechne eher mit der Bekanntgabe , dass sie einen RS durchziehen.
ich bin immernoch überzeugt das wir hier was richtig gutes am start haben.
auch die letzten meldungen klingen für mich gut. aber mal abgesehen von den kurzfristigen kurssprüngen, die frage die sich mir stellt lautet eher: glaube ich an die idee und das produkt? und meine persnliche antwort darauf lautet: ja.
aber das muss natürlich jeder für sich selber entscheiden :-)
habe grade mal wieder nachgekauft.
euch allen gutes trading :-)
hat jemand die Audiokonferenz verfolgt?
Habe leider grade viel um die Ohren und wäre dankbar für eine Zusammenfassung.
Thank you for being with us today
This is second call – excited to present
Dr Suresh V with us
Safe Harbour
Since over our last call – thank you co-chairmen, Ajit and Peter – significant contributions a big part of our forward progress – thank you dr taylor
Excited – 4 months back full of excitement – busy – really heightened our optimism –
Analysed market
Established aggressive goals – to mainstream labs from IP to ……
Happy to note on track for commercialization goals – big strides – foundry relationships – etc
Lots of work still to be ton – tangible results in 2016 and since Sept spent a lot of time developing
Poised to develop and proven capabilities – and proof points
Data centres – pain point – National Resources Defense council – 9 billion for energy costs – each watt of heat can be worth a lot of savings – cooling etc
Single copper consumes 3 watts per end – 6 – optical 1 watt total – 10 – 100,000 servers – 100,000 coppers links – data communications primed for enabling low power, cost, size and this is the opportunity we are ready to address – we believe this process appropriately can enable the speed of light at the price point of copper
Post telecom wave of growth – long haul telecom – fueled by consumers – social networking, cloud etc – more tangible to the lay person – as we progress the telecomis influenced by mobility revolution – software as a service – apps – behind apps is the growing need for – cloud, megadata IOT big data – these are galvanizing the growth spurt – created a new and dynamic opticals market
Trend is towards integrated optronics – various forms – really smart way to design – photonics and optics – integration is the answer – now beginning to apply – pole position – future is bright
Working to expand the roadmap to include displays and sensing tech – advanced NRE and transfer POET to – also Joint Development in micro displays – augmented reality – head up displays – projection – contrast capabality – worldwide growth markets – both discussions at inception stage largely to highlight excitement
Expect results – we are achieving them
Is about more granular view – for next gen optics
1 consolidating in Sillicon Valley – completed move from TO and CON – maintain min presence in Toronto – design simulate – first order –
Establish supply – we have successfully – MBC and MOCDD – commercial – supply agreement Epitaxial
2 complete process tech transfer to fabricate – prev ANAD progress – operational uncertainty – signed with Wavetek – pur3elay owned by OMC third largest – Taiwan – established 6 inch GAas- experienced to meet POET’s high volume needs – transitioning cost delays but mitigating – results are promising – should still meet milestones
Refining business model – from licensing to products augmented with – team to launch products in targeted markets – discussions – parallel disc JD agreements in other market segment s- opportunistic discussions
3 leveraging our strong balance sheet – accelerate tiem to revenue – partner with gov’t companies etc – we started with – on plan on time and on budget and expect current cash to revenue and positive cash flow
Announced in September
Source of epitaxial – 1 inch to 6 inch x 7 waffers – got it done and with uniform characteristics
Foundry – through multiple cycles of learning – multi step fab flow – processes at foundry – 6 inch in 2016 is on track – on tract also integrated incorporate FET and _________ by second quarter – provide functioning prototypes by second half 2016 as per plan –
Light at the cost of copper
Security – nothing related to trading etc - legal
Questions -
Around mid year point next CC – more NRs along the way – steady stream – intend to keep share holders happy
Why withdraw from CC conference – regretted- focus on initiatives related to shareholders value – in high gear on a number of fronts.
When provide website updated – soon – second quarter – overhaul – design and content – information and appealing – sharper, better organized – updated dynamically – including video – better understanding
When revenue – not providing guidance – no precise timeline – as early as this year – NRE likely first –
Products – when can we expect first product introductions – optical engines – optical transceiver – active optical cables – will market and sell other pieces – vectors? – bullish about market penetration- on plan to complete devices in 3rd quarter – prototypes in second half – no precise rollout time but do expect _____
Can you explain POET AOC benefits and how customers use it – cables optics are hidden – both ends are optical and electrical – interchangeable with direct attached copper cable – any AOC has dramatically lower size, reach, electrical interference – cost…. AOC is three times more expensive than copper – so POET 4 distinctions – single chip on wafer – single chip enables novel level packaging techniques to be applied – less expensive fibre – costs not to scale with number of channels –
Complete cable of just the chips? – initially while developing a complete AOC – POET expects to concentrate on the engine itself and the others will wrap the plastic
Biggest challenge adoption on AOC – demonstration of it – mitigating risks – financial, market and technology – over past 6 months – first two risks are done, financial and market s – already demonstrated in low volume – now high volume
Other verticals?3 data communications , sensing and displays – potential partnerships and JVs and
Competition ? are there tech that appear to compete – always competition, silicon photonics.. tends to have two drawbacks, efficiency, no demonstrableviable light source – silicon cost is less
Light and electronics together POET is still ahead
Manufacturing agreements? Is Wavetek enough – they have enough capability and the ability to expand – always seeking new partners as needed
Do expect adequate resources to achieve – more than adequate to prototypes and for 7 quarters
TRAB – acting as advisors, focus on optimizing and accelerating commercialization plans – internal and sensitive – some of it reflects TRAB – working on downstream initiations – will not comment, further –
On Plan!!!expect to demonstrate
On the March – to first application and revenue – expand the portfolio –
On target – vibrant markets – smack dab in the middle of it all
Detailed costs models
On a big mission – lots of interest from customers and partners
Committed insiteful and growing shareholder base – roaring towards the – sorry, got so caught up in listening and enjoying I couldn’t keep up to this….
Quelle: http://agoracom.com/ir/POETTechnologies/forums/...ges/2072837#message
Ich bin sehr zufrieden wie sich POET-Technologies entwickelt.
Hatte mit etwas mehr Volumen und etwas steigenden Kursen gerechnet. Ich bin jetzt nicht enttäuscht... Habe Zeit... Habe nur das Gefühl etwas nicht zu wissen...
Audio Transcript: POET Technologies operational update 2016-02-16
-On track for commercialization
-Energy saving potentials in data Centers
-Post-telecom photonics wave of growth
-Sensing and microdisplays – striving for new optical applications
-Transitioning to commercial foundries
-Refining the business model
-Leveraging the strong balance sheet
-More on milestones and deliverables
-Dropping out from the CS International Conference
-New POET website coming
-The “R” question
-Timeline for POET’s first product
-POET’s active optical cable
-Markets and competition
-Manufacturing Agreements
-Reach of remaining resources
-The T-RAB
-On plan, on the march, on target
Oder was glaubt ihr, ist es endlich der ersehnte Umschwung und die investierten glauben an ein Produkt und wesentlich mehr Gewinn?