Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
1. Auch andere Mütter haben schöne Töchter ? Du meinst: Als Anleger sollte man Lynas "umwerben" ?
2.Wieso macht Lynas eine "äußerst gute Figur" ?
3.Was ist der "wahre Weg" ? Stans doch kaufen ? Obwohl doch Lynas so gut dasteht ?
Für mich stellt sich nur e i n e Frage: Liest Du Deine Postings auch schon mal selber ?
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Offenbar bootet der Staat Kirgistan Stans Energy nach und nach aus, so wie man es schon immer als "worst case" befürchtet hatte!
Tatsache ist:
Ohne Lizenz ist diese Aktie ein Totalverlust!
Wohl dem, der hier nur Spielgeld eingesetzt hat...
Immerhin: Das kommt aus Kirgisien!
mfg Smy
Alle wollen doch nur klarheit und fortschritt. Sobald eine endgültige entscheidung gefällt wurde wissen wir alle woran wir sind. Und dann gibt es nur gewinner und verlierer. Egal wie die entscheidung ausfällt.
Und allerspätesten dann wird jeder hier mit dem die nerven durchgehen erkennen wie er oder sie sich hoffnungslos seinen emotionen ausgeloefert hat.
Take a pill and chill. Die welt dreht sich weiter!
Würde mich gerne eure fachmännische Meinung dazu interessieren usw !
Grüßle ;-)
Ich habe dazu keinen Bezug genommen sprich , diese Meldung war mir unbekannt !
Da habe ich den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen . FREUDE FREUDE meinerseits !!! ;-)
Instinkt ?
Ich würde sagen ab die post es geht jetzt los!
Auf lange Sicht gibt es keine Rohstoffblase, solange es Geld gibt. Gibts kein Geld mehr, na ja, dann ab auf den Bauernhof....
Author: Tamerlane ALPAMISH
May 14, 2013
In the old days, the Chinese warlord Sun Tzu said: "Experts are taking weapons of war in their country, and the food from the enemies. Therefore, their soldiers will never go hungry. " Fundamentally speaking, the Chinese are now very skillfully use the wise old saying, adapting to modern life. This fully feels the Kyrgyzstan. In recent days, the country was openly pronounced "Chinese track." For example, we can say about a major project where we have only to add the word rail Kyrgyzstan, and generally referred to as the railway China-Uzbekistan, as well as working on our Canadian investment projects "Kumtor" and "Kutessay-II».
"Gold Rush"
Confronting the Chinese and Canadians in a foreign country has its own little story. In the world there is a state of Venezuela. There's Bolivar state has a large gold deposit "Las Cristinas" with gold reserves of 17 million ounces. From 1992 to 2008 the license for the specified gold deposit owned by the Canadian company Crystallex International Corp. In 2008, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela stopped working Canadians and in 2012 gave the license of the Chinese company China I nternational Trust and Investment Corp. However, the Canadian company filed for Venezuela to international arbitration and was going to recover damages for a total of $ 3.8 billion. It is not known what ended the story.
We can easily explain such activity in China in the mining business. Since 2007, China has left behind South Africa, no one gives primacy of gold mining. If since 1986, South Africa was the most advanced country in the production of gold, then 2012 is on the 5th place. By the way, Canada on this list is ranked 7th. According to the specialists who understand the industry in China will soon run out of their own gold reserves. Back in the 2010 International Gold Council World Gold Council predicted that China's gold deposits are developed with extreme speed, and after 6 years they are completely exhausted. Therefore, the Chinese are making every possible effort to buy up gold deposits around the world.
Here, the Chinese have two advantages from their point of view, an efficient mining technology and large sums of money. In monetary terms, the state provides the China Investment Corporation. In November last year, the Chinese company China National Gold Group spoke openly about interest in participating in further auctions for foreign gold deposits. This intention of formally expressed, and other "golden players»: Shandong Gold, Zijing Mining, and Zha ojin Mining. Now eager to buy up existing Chinese gold deposits from Australia to Africa. The underlying objective of these agreements - removal in the future of the gold reserves at a low price. The president of the company «China National Gold Group» Sun Zhaoksu in the party newspaper "People's Daily," an interview: "The main goal of China should be the multiplication of gold reserves. This is necessary to preserve the economic security and accelerate removal of the yuan in the category of an international currency. "
One should not forget about other conditions. Now efforts are being made to return to gold as the world's reserve currency. Interestingly, this idea is not to impose economic analysts leftist fringe politics, and financiers such heavyweights as the Rothschilds. If the dollar will give way to gold as a reserve currency, it goes without saying, the leadership goes to the owners of the metal, which is why there is an ulterior motive such activity in the gold market in China. Of course, there are attempts and opponents of the "gold standard." In mid-April, tried to bring down the price of gold by 59 points, but by itself, the question is how long can they resist? Consequently, and without reason "Kumtor" got into the zone of interests of China. To achieve the above objectives are crucial for China assets in any volume. Here is born a natural question: what to do with "Kumtor" the Chinese, who had the power to "Las Cristinas"? In addition to this "operation" the Chinese have assistants in Kyrgyzstan. They have the money to do all the judicial headache. Finally, they can pick as compensation "Kumtor". After all the fault of "natsionalizatorov" and "denouncer" people will be the losers.
"Kutessay": who should be in, come and take it!
If you look at the market of rare earth metals - China and in this respect ahead. In the world of 97% of the export of metals performs China. It has the third part of the rare earth metals in the world. But last year, the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri wrote: "Since 2014, China will have to import rare metals, as they will need for its industry." Besides China banned exported from such elements in pure form, remove only allows a finished product. In April last year, the Chinese government brought together 155 companies involved in rare earth metals. (13 of them are considered as the largest). Chinese leaders do not hide, they say their interest to destroy all the small companies not only in the country but also in the world. One of these large corporations is the association «Baotou Steel Rare Earth» in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture north of China. In April this year, has attracted the attention of most well-known Canadian TV show called «ProEdge Wire» with the participation of the head of a subsidiary company «Stans Energie Corp» from «Kutesay Mining", which develops in the KR field "Kutessay-II», Robert McKay and a specialist in the mining industry Alastair Neil. During the conversation, the Canadians announced that the company is actively against their acts exactly this Chinese corporation «Baotou Steel Rare Earth», or rather its branch «Bao tou HongBo Technology». They are from 2006 to 2009, owned a 60% stake in LLC Cental Asia Metalls, owned license "Kutessay II».
More specifically, McKay said: "In the intervening happening, some members of the faction" Ar-"in parliament. This orchestrated the attack is directed at the legality of the license, which gives us the right to own mine Kutessay-II, we received an open public auction in 2009. At the end of 2012 under the supervision of the deputy of the faction "Ar-" Nurjan Badykeevoy parliamentary committee gave illegal orders revocation of our licenses to mine Kutessay-II and Kalesay and the organization of a new auction to the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources. About interested members of the "Ar-Namys" in the withdrawal of the license to Kutessay-II, the company «Stans Energie Corp» speak not only Canadians, but local observers. Despite the fact that investors have won in all courts, Badykeeva and her party members are demanding the return of the license. You can see two versions of such a requirement. First of all, the main characters of the attack fraction "Ar-" could take the money from the Chinese. The second version - heard of them kind words, "If we select the Canadians license, not hurt you."
Besides, no one can guarantee that to give the Chinese "Kutessay-II», they immediately begin to develop. As a typical example, let's say that the Chinese in 2007, abandoned neither here nor there, halfway copper deposit "Aynak" in Afghanistan. Hence, here one can see the desire for purpose "suddenly useful" and preserve mine. And later, when the world will end nonferrous metals, start slowly and develop, it is possible to use as a weapon in international games.
Apparently, the perpetrators of the attack on the "Kumtor" and "Kutessay-II» absolutely not think about the consequences of this. Canada - a country, a member of the British Commonwealth. Consequently, the head of the country's British Queen. The country is also broad economic and political opportunities. For example, no one can guarantee that the British government does not have any impact on the reduction or termination of the same international aid to those who call themselves our elite and walking with full bellies. The world community can not ignore their opinion. In addition, Canada and is not an easy country. Surely Canadians have not yet demonstrated their capabilities. Therefore, if our rock the all sides of the political elite, pursuing personal interests, think again, learn to maintain international standards, then our government and the common people, it would benefit, not harm.
> saltchuk, sh
Heute gab es eine Sitzung vom Nationalrat für die Entwicklung von KG für die nächsten Jahre.
U.a. President Atambajev kritisierte die schleppende Erschliessung der Lagerstätten. Er spricht von Verlusten für KG in Miliardenhöhe. Er sagte das jede Lagerstätte sollte erschlossen werden. Die Verschleppung nennt er als Sabotage.
M.E. sehr deutliche Warnung an Ar-Namys.
Offensichtlich geht im Kampf gegen das chin. Monopol Einigen allmählich die Luft (evtl. das Geld) aus.....
Ganz liebe Grüße!
Der olle Teras.
mfg Smy
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