Positive Zukunft mit Verity Corp.(VRTY)
AquaLiv – Naturally perfect water right from your tap!The AquaLiv® Water System produces water just like nature intended. Our holistic process naturally removes harmful pathogens and toxins—even sodium fluoride—while carefully preserving beneficial minerals reverse osmosis systems strip away. AquaLiv also creates a healthful, stable alkaline pH that water ionizers fail to achieve.
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Zeit 08:09:10
Letzter EUR 0,479
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ist nur meine persönliche meinung..
Jim Rogers: Skip the MBA, get an agriculture degree
This article has videos in it- http://www.cnbc.com/id/101087391
If more portfolio managers look at agriculture stocks as a "must have" in their portfolio, VRTY should benefit. It would not take too much attention to get VRTY on the right path-UP.
Published: Friday, 4 Oct 2013 | 9:55 AM ET
By: Alex Rosenberg | CNBC Producer
Jim Rogers believes the finance industry is about to slip into secular decline. That's why the famed investor advises young people to pursue careers in farming rather than in finance.
"If you've got young people who don't know what to do, I'd urge them not to get MBAs, but to get agriculture degrees," Rogers told CNBC.com.
Jim Rogers: 'Forget Finance!'
Investor Jim Rogers tells Larry Kudlow why all the kids who got an MBA have made a terrible mistake and should have gotten agriculture degrees.
That's because the financial commentator and author of "Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets" is bearish about the entire financial field.
"Finance has been good the past 30 years, but it was not good the 30 years before that, and it's happening again," Rogers said. "Finance is in decline. In the future, the center of the world will not be finance—it's going to be the producers of real goods."
Economist Robert Shiller recently raised the related question of whether the "best and the brightest" are doing to the world a disservice by going into finance. In a September column in Project Syndicate, the Yale economics professor asked: "Are too many of our most talented people choosing careers in finance—and, more specifically, in trading, speculating, and other allegedly
Rogers: 'I Know It's Going to End Badly'
Investor Jim Rogers explains why he's not investing in U.S. stocks right now.
After all, there is a good argument that the agriculture field will present more compelling problems to solve.
"We are going to be trying to feed 9 billion people by 2050 with the same number of acres of arable land," said Timothy Burcham, dean of agriculture and technology at Arkansas State University. Calling that task "overwhelming," Burcham notes that "the opportunities for a person that has a graduate degree in agriculture are great now, but they are going to be really, really excellent going into the future."
Rogers is factoring the expected rise of the agriculture industry into his investing thesis. "Recently, I've been looking at agriculture stocks," Rogers said. "I've been excited about looking for things to buy in agriculture."
And in a late Wednesday telephone interview from Singapore, Rogers' prediction even took on a personal tone. He advised this writer: "Pursue an agriculture degree, and you'll be rich."
Monsanto hat für fast eine Milliarde Dollar einen Anbieter von Wetterdaten und Klimaanalysen gekauft. Der Agrarkonzern will diese Informationen über sein Vertriebsnetz verbreiten.
Der weltgrößte Agrar- und Biotechnikkonzern Monsanto breitet sich in ein neues Geschäftsfeld aus. Das umstrittene US-Unternehmen kauft für 930 Millionen Dollar (688 Millionen Euro) die Climate Group, einen Anbieter von Wetterdaten und Klimaanalysen.
Monsanto wolle die Daten über sein Vertriebsnetz noch mehr Bauern nahebringen, erklärte Firmenchef Hugh Grand am Mittwoch in St. Louis. „Jedermann profitiert, wenn Bauern mit einem geringeren Einsatz mehr produzieren können.“
Monsanto konnte in seinem vierten Geschäftsquartal seinen Umsatz mit Saatgut und Pflanzenschutzmitteln um 5 Prozent auf 2,2 Milliarden Dollar steigern. Der Verlust stieg allerdings im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 20 Millionen auf 249 Millionen Dollar. Die Monate Juni bis August sind traditionell schwach bei Monsanto. Die Aktie gab vorbörslich um 3 Prozent nach.
Der US-Konzern steht wegen seines gentechnisch veränderten Saatguts und seiner Pflanzenpatente immer wieder in der Kritik. Für den 12. Oktober haben Aktivisten in mehr als 400 Städten zu einem „Marsch gegen Monsanto“ aufgerufen, unter anderem in Berlin und Frankfurt am Main.
..wenn der sturm auf anteile losgeht, gibts kein halten mehr...
die letzten waren doch erst im märz ! unsere vrty kann davon nur profitieren und das ist auch gut so..
soll jetzt keine kaufaufforderung sein, aber es ist einfach ein gutes gefühl investiert zu sein und das langfristig...