Champion Iron and Mamba Minerals graben zusammen
An den Zahlen sieht man schon, dass das eine große Nummer ist, zudem mit ordentlichem Risiko. Kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass sich genügend Kapital von Chinesen oder anderen Big Playern für so eine Nummer zusammenkratzen lässt. Nicht in diesen Zeiten, es sei denn man bekommt die Mine für nen Appel und nen Ei und man ist bereit bzw. hält es für sinnvoll 1-2 Mrd. $ zu investieren.
Man wird sehen....
Champion’s TSX-listed stock jumped 30%, or C$0.04, after the deal was announced around midday, changing hands at C$0.20 apiece.
ja das schaut sehr gut aus, ich verweise auf die Originalnews aus der ersichtlich ist, dass der CEO selbst 7,5 Millionen CAD in die Firma investiert!
Denke sobald alles unter Dach und Fach ist geht der Kurs wieder in alte Höhen - was meint ihr?
Diese Passagen fand ich besonders interessant:
Even with an extended care and maintenance and planned upgrade period, Bloom Lake could potentially become one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world.
Das heißt wohl das man so viel Einsparungspotenzial hat, das die Cash Kosten noch niedriger werden könnten als die der Majors - BHP, VALE, RIO Tinto - welche aktuelle Cash Kosten von ca. 15-25 USD/je Tonne vorzuweisen haben...
In parallel with the successful bid, Champion has achieved or is in the process of delivering a number of strategic milestones to improve access to global markets and significantly reduce operating costs at Bloom Lake, including projects related to rail and port access.
Hört sich nach ner Menge guter News in nächster Zeit an...für mich eine absolut geniale Story...
Bin gespannt was die Australier am Montag aus dieser Bomben News machen.
Fakt ist aber auch, der Umbau für die Rentabilität kostest viel Geld. Glaube kaum, dass die ursprünglich von Cliffs veranschlagten 1,2 Mrd. $ so abwegig waren.
Im Grunde ist es aber der schnellste und wirtschaftlich sinnvollste Schritt, ein Producer zu werden. Mit dem FLN Projekt, was 3-4 Mrd. $ bis zur Produktion kosten würde und der fehlenden Bahnlösung, hätte man die nächsten Jahre nichts erreichen können, nicht bei diesen Erzpreisen.
Von daher ist es ein genialer Deal, vor allem, weil man weiß, wer O´Keefe ist und was er schon erreicht hat.
Somit wird man diese Baisse überleben und könnte dann in 2-3 Jahren zum Top-Producer am Markt werden und in einer starken Preiserholungsphase überproportinal davon profitieren.
Geschrieben von Björn Junker • 14. Dezember 2015 • Druckversion
Um 30% schoss die Aktie der kanadischen Champion Iron (WKN A111EF / TSX CIA) vergangenen Freitag nach oben. Auslöser war die Nachricht, dass Champion sich die Eisenerzmine Bloom Lake und die dazugehörige Schieneninfrastruktur für 10,5 Mio. CAD gesichert hat. Vorbesitzer Cliffs Natural Resources (WKN A0RBDY) hatte 2011 – auf dem Höhepunkt des Eisenerzbooms – noch 4,9 Mrd. USD für die Mine gezahlt…
Eisenerz; Foto:Cartier Iron
Eisenerz; Foto:Cartier Iron
Allerdings war es dem US-Konzern schon damals nicht gelungen, Bloom Lake rentabel zu betreiben. Als der Eisenerzpreis dann auf Talfahrt ging, beschloss man die Mine, die laut der Financial Post 2014 Cashkosten (!) von 91,54 USD pro Tonne aufwies, stillzulegen und unter Gläubigerschutz zu stellen. Derzeit kostet eine Tonne Eisenerz übrigens weniger als 40 USD pro Tonne.
Champion muss zusätzlich zum Kaufpreis noch für rund 41 Mio. Dollar geradestehen, die für die Sanierung des Minengeländes vorgesehen sind. Das Unternehmen plant über eine Privatplatzierung 25 Mio. CAD aufzunehmen, wobei CEO Michael O’Keeffe zusammen mit einer weiteren, nicht benannten Partei für 15 Mio. Dollar 46,875 Mio. Champion-Aktien erwerben will. Damit läge sein Anteil am Unternehmen bei 19,95%.
Laut Champion will man die Mine erst einmal für ein bis zwei Jahre zu reduzierten Kosten auf Eis gelegt lassen, sollte sich der Eisenerzpreis so lange nicht erholen. Sollten die Marktbedingungen eine Wiederaufnahme des Betriebs auf Bloom Lake erlauben, so das Unternehmen, habe man Möglichkeiten gefunden, die Kapazität der Mine von 6 auf 7 Mio. Tonnen Eisenerz bei etwa 66% Eisengehalt zu steigern. Zudem, so Champion weiter, habe man bei der Prüfung der Mine im Vorfeld der Akquisition Möglichkeiten zur Kosteneinsparung identifiziert und bereits von Rohstoffhändlern und Hüttenwerken Interessensbekundungen über die Abnahme der Produktion von Bloom Lake erhalten.
Wie es die Analysten von BB&T Capital Markets formulieren, hat Champion bei Bloom Lake einen herausragenden Deal gemacht und das Asset wahrscheinlich für weniger als den Liquidationswert erworben!
bin ich mal gespannt wann sich hier mal was tut ..hoffe das ich das noch erlebe
Zeitpunkt: 23.12.15 11:03
Aktion: Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: 1 Tag Sperre wegen Anlegens einer Doppel-ID - Doppel-ID: lexusmuc
Zeitpunkt: 23.12.15 11:03
Aktion: Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: 1 Tag Sperre wegen Anlegens einer Doppel-ID - Doppel-ID: lexusmuc
MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - January 28, 2016) - Champion Iron Ltd. (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine and related rail assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake") and the Quinto Mining Corp. mineral claims (the "Quinto Claims") in Québec (the "Acquisition") from Cliffs Québec Iron Mining ULC, Bloom Lake Mine Iron Ore Limited Partnership, Bloom Lake Railway Company Limited and Quinto (collectively, the "Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors") has been approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) ("CCAA").
On December 11, 2015, the Company announced that Québec Iron Ore Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Asset Purchase Agreement") to acquire Bloom Lake and the Quinto Claims in Québec from the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors.
On January 27, 2016, the Superior Court of Québec granted an "Approval and Vesting Order" authorizing the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors to proceed with the sale of Bloom Lake and the Quinto Claims to Québec Iron Ore Inc. as part of the Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors' CCAA proceedings.
The order provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims will be acquired free and clear of any security interests and any other encumbrances (subject only to certain limited permitted encumbrances).
With the Court approval now granted, the Acquisition is expected to be completed later this quarter, subject to the satisfaction of other conditions to closing.
Potentially one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world
Champion Chairman and CEO Michael O'Keeffe said "Bloom Lake represents strong upside potential for our shareholders to leverage the significant level of investment in Bloom Lake made by previous owners, and which we are expecting to acquire at very favourable terms pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement, especially when considering original cost".
Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion believes that the mine also has an important potential to add to economic growth for the Côte-Nord region, and that Champion is excited about participating in a major way to the implementation of the Québec Government Plan Nord, including employment and positive economic impact across all communities in the region.
"Champion plans to acquire the Bloom Lake Mine because we believe it is an asset of global significance. We think it could potentially become one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world, even following an extended care and maintenance and the planned upgrade period" Mr O'Keeffe said.
"As part of the ongoing maintenance and upgrade, the Company is initiating a dialogue with the local authorities and partners to share our work plan. And when it is time to start hiring, we will look to the local and First Nations community, as well as the mine's former employees. In addition, we intend to obtain supplies from local entrepreneurs to maximize the economic flow-on for the local business communities in the regions in which we operate", Mr O'Keeffe said.
Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion considers that significant cost reductions are possible at Bloom Lake, with the potential to bring operational FOB costs per ton down substantially from previous levels.
Champion has already identified the potential to improve mine capacity at Bloom Lake. Previous operations historically produced a yearly maximum of 6 million tons of iron fines at 66% Fe. Champion will be looking to increase this to over 7 million tons per year at a similar grade, chiefly through the implementation of a new mine plan as well as improved recoveries.
In support of this strategy, in addition to the anticipated acquisition of Bloom Lake, Champion achieved during 2015 a number of strategic milestones, including projects related to rail and port access. The Company expects to provide updates to shareholders on individual initiatives commencing later this quarter.
With the iron ore producers experiencing pricing pressures globally, as a contingency, Champion is continuing discussions with strategic partners, funds, government agencies and private investors to obtain additional financing in order to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance should low iron ore prices prevail during this period.
Details of the Acquisition announced December 11, 2015
The Asset Purchase Agreement provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims are being acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, Québec Iron Ore Inc. will also become responsible for environmental obligations which include environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.
The Asset Purchase Agreement announced by Champion on December 11, 2015 contained a number of closing conditions, including a requirement to obtain the Approval and Vesting Order, and the obtaining of the approval of shareholders of Champion in connection with a private placement related to the Acquisition, which will be sought as part of a shareholders' meeting expected to be held on March 21, 2016.…
Bin gespannt auf die nächsten paar Monate bei Champion, durch die Kosteneinsparungen, Abnahmevereinbarungen, Bahnlinie etc. soll Bloom Lake ja laut Pressemitteilung zu einem Projekt mit den günstigsten Cashkosten weltweit gehören.
MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - February 19, 2016) - Champion Iron Limited (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company entered into a letter of intent (the "Champion Letter of Intent") with Ressources Québec Inc. ("Ressources Québec"), acting as mandatary of the Québec government, and that the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Québec Iron Ore Inc. ("QIO"), also entered into a letter of intent (together with the Champion Letter of Intent, the "Letters of Intent") with Ressources Québec, acting as mandatary of the Québec government and acting on its own behalf, regarding partial funding of QIO's acquisition (the "Acquisition") of the Bloom Lake Mine and related rail assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake") and the Quinto Mining Corporation mineral claims (the "Quinto Claims") in Québec from Cliffs Québec Iron Mining ULC, Bloom Lake Mine Iron Ore Limited Partnership, Bloom Lake Railway Company Limited and Quinto Mining Corporation (collectively, the "Bloom Lake CCAA Vendors") and related costs.
Pursuant to the Letters of Intent:
•Ressources Québec intends to invest, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Quebec, C$6M in the form of common shares in the share capital of the Company at a price of $0.16 per common share issued pursuant to the private placement financing announced by the Company on December 11, 2015 of up to C$30M (increased from up to C$25M as previously announced). The proceeds of this investment are to be contributed to QIO to finance the Acquisition by QIO, and to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance and the planned upgrade of the Bloom Lake assets.
•Ressources Québec also intends to invest, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Quebec, C$14M in the form of voting and participating shares in the share capital of QIO, and also intends to provide, on its own behalf, financing in the form of a term loan of a maximum amount of C$6M. The proceeds of this financing will also be used to finance the Acquisition, and to secure up to 24 months of care and maintenance and the planned upgrade of the Bloom Lake assets.
The investments and the making of the loan are subject to, among other things, final approvals from the Government of Québec and Ressources Québec decision making authorities, the negotiation and entering into of definitive transaction documents between the parties which will provide for conditions to closing, including, as applicable, satisfactory due diligence being conducted by Ressources Québec on the Company, QIO and the Bloom Lake assets, the closing of the private placement financing of ordinary shares of the Company announced on December 11, 2015, the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and of the Australian Securities Exchange, and the approval of the Company's shareholders entitled to vote at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company. The ordinary shares to be issued under the investments will be issued pursuant to exemptions from the prospectus requirements of applicable securities laws and will be subject to a four-month statutory hold period from the date of closing of the offering. The terms and conditions of the private placement financing and the Acquisition will be further described in the Company's management proxy circular (Canada) and Notice of Meeting (Australia), which is expected to be filed on SEDAR and mailed to Champion shareholders in the coming weeks.
Details of the Acquisition
On 11 December 2015, the Company announced that QIO had entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Asset Purchase Agreement") in respect of the Acquisition.
On 27 January 2016, the transaction was approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).
The Asset Purchase Agreement provides that the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims are being acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, QIO will become responsible for environmental obligations which include environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.
The Asset Purchase Agreement contains a number of closing conditions, including the obtaining of the approval of shareholders of Champion in connection with the aforementioned private placement financing, which will be sought as part of a shareholders' meeting expected to be held at the end of March 2016.
About Champion
Champion has been working on the development of iron ore deposits in the Labrador Trough for more than 10 years through acquisition of tenements, geological evaluation and development of a Feasibility study (Fire Lake North deposit). The management team has a vast experience from geotechnical work to green field development, brown field management including logistics development and financing of all stages in the mining industry.
The main focus of Champion's activities, holding over 3 billion tons of high quality iron ore resources, were concentrated on the effort to achieve an economical long term access from mine to ship. The Government of Québec has granted CAD $20 million for the feasibility study of a new rail linking Fire Lake / Bloom Lake area to the port of Sept-Îles. This study is being managed by Champion, and is expected to be finalised in 2016.
QUEBEC – Champion Iron of Montreal has completed a $30 million financing and closed the acquisition of the Bloom Lake iron ore mine 400 km north of Sept-Iles. The deal included includes the former producer, related rail assets, and the claims formerly belonging to Quinto Mining.
MONTREAL, QC--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Champion Iron Limited (ASX: CIA) (TSX: CIA) ("Champion" or the "Company") is positioning to be one of the lowest capital cost iron ore mines in the world. With planning underway at the recently acquired Bloom Lake Mine in Québec, Champion is optimistic that the mine's new owner, Quebec Iron Ore ("QIO"), a subsidiary entity of Champion, can identify and implement potentially significant cost reductions.
The key focus in all planning is to bring operational costs per ton down substantially which would enable Champion to capitalize on its strategic goal to bring the mine back into production.
A new mine plan and improved recoveries
Since the successful acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine and associated assets (collectively, "Bloom Lake"), with its joint venture partner, the Quebec government, Champion has been preparing a program to introduce potential improvements to mine and processing capacity at Bloom Lake.
The first stage in this preparation was to integrate approximately 40 employees at the Bloom Lake Mine into their new company, QIO, and to commence discussions with engineering and technical contractors.
Central to the success of Bloom Lake will be the implementation of a new mine plan as well as improved recoveries at the mine's expansive processing plant and infrastructure. Where previous operations historically produced a yearly maximum of 6 million tons of iron fines at 66% Fe, QIO will target material increases to take this to over 7 million tons per year at a similar grade.
Champion Chairman and CEO Michael O'Keeffe said the Bloom Lake Mine and associated assets were acquired on very favourable terms.
While the Company intends to leverage the significant level of investment in Bloom Lake made by previous owners, the future potential of the Tier 1 project is dependent upon the current owner's strategic development plan of the overall project including upgrades at the processing plant.
The asset has the potential to be a world class project, and could position Champion, with its other iron ore assets including the Fire Lake North Project, as an iron ore miner of regional if not global significance. With the appropriate upgrades, and with a continued improvement in the longer term outlook for iron ore, Bloom Lake represents strong upside potential for shareholders.
In support of this strategy, and in addition to the acquisition of Bloom Lake and work at the mine, Champion is also advancing projects related to improving rail and port access. Discussions with government and industry are ongoing and progressing well.
Corporate development lays the foundation for future growth
It has been an intense period for Champion Iron, with key corporate developments during the past six months including:
December 11, 2015: the Company announced that it had entered, through its subsidiary entity QIO, into an Asset Purchase Agreement in respect of the Acquisition of the Bloom Lake Mine in Québec. Pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement the Bloom Lake assets and the Quinto Claims were acquired for a cash consideration of C$10.5 million and the assumption of certain liabilities. These involved responsibility for environmental obligations which included environmental reclamation liabilities presently assessed at approximately C$41.7 million by the Government of Québec, as well as the replacement of certain bonds securing certain obligations of Bloom Lake totalling approximately C$1.1 million.
On January 27, 2016, Champion reported that the transaction was approved by the Québec Superior Court under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada).
On February 19, 2016, Champion announced that Ressources Québec, acting as a mandatary of the Government of Québec, intended to invest C$14 million into the new entity, QIO, owning the mine and in addition would also participate in the Financing by subscribing for C$6 million in the share capital of Champion.
On April 11, 2016, the Company announced that, including the investment of Ressources Québec, it had closed a private placement financing for proceeds of C$30 million which was utilized to fund the Acquisition purchase price, provide the Company with working capital and to assist in meeting care and upgrade costs in respect of the Bloom Lake Mine. Subscribers to the Offering included:
Wynnchurch Strategic Opportunity LP (a Wynnchurch Capital, Ltd. fund)("Wynnchurch") invested C$10 million. Wynnchurch Capital, Ltd. is a leading middle-market private equity investment firm headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois with offices in Toronto and Michigan, and affiliates in Montreal, New York City and Los Angeles.
Resource Capital Funds ("RCF"), a mining-focused private equity firm headquartered in Denver, Colorado, invested C$6 million.
A company controlled by a non-arm's length party, namely Champion's Chairman and CEO, Michael O'Keeffe, invested C$3.5 million.
Significantly, at a time when most investors were shying away from the market, Champion was successful in securing the support of these leading and specialist resources investor groups.
At 5pm on the 11th April 2016, QIO took possession of the Bloom Lake mine on completion of the acquisition. Looking forward, the emphasis shifts from corporate to operational, as the Champion board and management look to deliver operational improvements and efficiencies at the Bloom Lake Mine.
An important part of Plan Nord
There is a high level of interest in the future of Bloom Lake, given the mine's important potential to add to economic growth for the Côte-Nord region of Québec.
Mr O'Keeffe said that Champion Iron is looking forward to being a key stakeholder and participating significantly to the implementation of the Québec Government's Plan Nord, including generating employment and positive economic impact across communities in the region.
"We have already initiated a dialogue with the local authorities and partners to share the Company's vision and work plan for Bloom Lake and we have explained that when QIO starts hiring, we will involve the local and First Nations community, as well as the mine's former employees," Mr O'Keeffe said.
The current operations at site rely on services and supplies from local entrepreneurs and businesses. As the Company increases its activities at and around the mine, Champion is committed to maximize the economic flow-on for the local business communities in the regions in which the Company operates.
Through the acquisition, QIO already has a strong link with nearby Fermont. This includes 30 homes and two 100-room motels that were purchased in Fermont to secure housing and accommodation for employees and contractors. This means that QIO has access to housing required for a restart of Bloom Lake.
About Champion
Champion has been working on the development of iron ore deposits in the Labrador Trough for more than 10 years through acquisition of tenements, geological evaluation and development of a Feasibility study (Fire Lake North deposit). The management team has a vast experience from geotechnical work to green field development, brown field management including logistics development and financing of all stages in the mining industry.
Prior to the acquisition of Bloom Lake, the main focus of Champion's activities, holding over 3 billion tons of high quality iron ore resources, was concentrated on the effort to achieve an economical long term access from mine to ship.
Following the acquisition of Bloom Lake the Company's main focus is to implement upgrades to the mine and processing infrastructure it now owns whilst advancing projects associated with improving access to global markets. This includes progressing rail and port infrastructure initiatives with government and other key industry and community stakeholders.
The Government of Québec has granted CAD $20 million for the feasibility study of a new rail linking Fire Lake / Bloom Lake area to the port of Sept-Îles. This study is being managed by Champion, and is expected to be finalised in 2016.
For additional information on Champion Iron Limited, please visit our website at