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4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcEmpfehlung für Torrent

14.02.06 12:22

Aus einem anderen Forum:

On February 10, 2006 Toby Smith of ChangeWave sent the following marketing email:

Fellow Investor,

We're gonna let our profits run with this baby.

I've got a buy-under price of $3 - with a target of $15-$20 in the next 2-3 years.


We're hot on the trail of a number of several unconventional energy exploration companies in microcap land...

...and I'm betting this is our next 5- to 10-bagger.

It's an under-followed company - with several critical advantages - which is making a big bet on natural gas from coal beds in Oregon.

Coalbed methane presents a low geologic risk - we know the gas is there. Of course, it does take superior technology and skills to get the gas out of these " tight" - non-porous -- formations. So even though I'm confident in this company's management and engineering teams, I'm taking a very conservative route on valuation.

Third-party surveys estimate 1.2 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas under its control. Divide that in HALF and apply $6 natural gas prices - conservative, again - and we get a value of about $600 million for those reserves.

But the company's current market cap is still south of $70 million - so as you can see, we've got tons of room to the upside.


I worry about two things when analyzing coalbed methane plays.

The first issue is water. You often get a lot of H2O in the coal fields. Dirty water that raises environmental concerns AND costs a lot to get rid of.

But in this case, they're actually finding little water. What's more, the county where the fields are located needs water so badly, its sanitation crews are willing to deal with the contamination - just so they have extra water to use. So that's a win on two counts.

The second concern is pipeline access. If the field is out in the boondocks, pipeline costs can kill you. But in this case, Northwest Natural Gas already has a 12" pipeline, running right down the middle of this company's field.


This little company has drilled seven test wells so far - all with one rig and crew. And they need about $20 million from a partner to really get the field up and running. But that should be NO problem.

After all, the " smart money" in energy has already staked its claim in this company.

The biggest stockholder is Wellington Trust, which runs $400 billion. They own 14% of the float.

Dan Pickering (of Pickering Capital) is an oil-patch guy we have tons of respect for. He has been an investor in many of our winning plays in gas and oil (like ATP Oil and Gas (ATPG), PetroQuest (PQ), Meridian Resources (TMR), and more.)

Pickering owns about 4% of this firm's stock - something I consider a real vote of confidence.

What's more, management - with very strong track records in the energy patch - also owns 12% of the stock -- so they're putting their own money right alongside ours. And I sense we're all going to be winners - BIG WINNERS.

*** Even using conservative numbers, I easily get a $600 million valuation for the stock - with an under $70 million market cap today.

*** We have very experienced energy pros running the company and BIG TIME energy investors along side us.

*** And we're investing in a huge gas field -- with very long lived formations -- that should be eventually sold to an energy trust --at a VERY big number.

If you're a serious growth investor, buy this stock at 3 bucks for a ride to $15-$20, or more.


Toby Smith führt in Amerika eine recht bekannte und wohlhabende Gruppe von ca. 2000 Investoren als " Guru" an. Normalerweise wird seinen Ratschlägen bling gefolgt.

Grundsätzliche Meinung von Ihm zu Torrent ist wie bei den anderen Analysen, das Torrent sich verzehnfacht, WENN (und das sieht er auch als keineswegs sicher) das Gas gefördert werden kann.

Sollte ein Joint Venture Partner gefunden werden (und es gibt bereits zahlreiche Interessenten), ist der Erfolg zu gut wie sicher.


4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcToby Smith wirkt

15.02.06 18:02
Die mail von Toby Smith (siehe oben 26.) scheint zu wirken ;-)  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcZweiter Anlauf...

16.02.06 22:39
Zweiter Anlauf auf die Höchstmarken: In
Frankfurt 2,60 Euro, an der Nasdaq 3,00
Dollar! Schätze, wir springen dieses
Mal drüber! (So wie bei Itelligence ;-))

Dann starker Anstieg um nochmal 30% -
dann kommt die kurze Konsolidierung Richtung
3,00 Euro und dann endgültig HOCH
Richtung 10 Euro!!!

Wir sind in Phase II von IV! Die Großinvestoren
beginnen, sich bei Torrent einzukaufen! Zuerst
an der Nasdq, dann in Frankfurt! Die nächsten
Wochen werden spannend! Toby Smith sei Dank ;-)


2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14LandserTorrent in Nachrichten

21.02.06 02:53
Hab das hier gefunden, Torrent wird dort genannt:
CRUDE REALITIES: Whats Going On with Oil? , Tom Gentile,
Saturday February 18, 12:00 am ET

Recently President Bush expressed his concern about America being addicted to oil.  Let's talk about this challenging issue for a moment. Consider the fact that our country actually does start to conserve oil.  I know a lot of families that are doing it now. But the question posing me is how will all this conservation and warm weather help us in the long-term?  What about China and India?  And what about the future of weather and the Middle East?  Let's take a look at these controversial issues and what can be done about them…  

# Royal Dutch Shell the amalgamation of two industry icons-Royal Dutch and Shell Oil-is yet another example of the only way big oil companies can grow.  But please consider that at current production rates Royal Dutch Shell will reach reserve depletion and be out of business in 9 years.
# Exxon/Mobile with 22.2 billion barrels in reserves will, at current production rates, be depleted in 14 years.  
# Chevron/Texaco's total reserve base is about 5 billion barrels of oil equivalent, with a! reserve life of 12.4 years.    
# Conoco/Phillips has a total oil equivalent reserve base of 8.7 billion barrels and a reserve life of 15 years.  

Are you starting to get the picture? A decade, perhaps a little more, and the big oil giants will be out of business if they can't replace reserves. From the look of things, reserve replacement will escalate dramatically in degree of difficulty.  Big oil's strategy right now is to buy natural gas reserves and acquire natural gas companies to increase their reserve base-not in oil, but in oil equivalent numbers.

Back to China and India… Between the two countries there are 3 billion people and most of! them don't have cars, or homes with heating and air conditioning, or a million other things we take for granted. But they want these things. Their respective governments want them as well, and that desire won't go away. It is, in fact, growing.

Energy, oil and gas are in a long-term mega-trend. Are they headed higher? Don't let short-term seasonal price swings sway your long-term outlook. I think anything in the production and drilling sector has long-term growth, simply from the future of the price of oil. Here are a few ideas to turn long-term Gold Medal in Oil!!!

1.  Good fundamentals – The Gold Medal has to go to Transoceanic RIG.  It has now pulled back nearly 50% of the levels and this could be a great area of support…

2.  And the Silver Medal goes to…  Valero Energy (VLO).  In the short term, this chart is moving backwards, but the long-term outlook continues to look strong.  

3.  The bronze is for a small wildcat company that is looking to profit in the long term. Torrent Energy (TREN), is tradewd on the OTCBB. Torrent is owned by Methane Energy, who is in the natural gas business. Torrent is in the Natural Gas Drilling division and just recently hit a gas well that has exceeded its expectations.  They have just hit this well, and should have results within 60-90 days. If the test is successful, this could be a $8-10 stock. Because this is a penny stock, it may not trade on the electronic exchange…  I have to phone in my orders fo! r penny stocks.  Limit orders are a must folks!!!  I must state on the program that I own a few thousand shares of this stock…

Alternate Strategies include using the OIH as an oil play. OIH is the Oil Service Holdings, which represent a basket of Oil Service Companies. This is much like an index, where you have diversification through several stocks.  It has a great chart, recently pulled back, and primed for the long term to move higher…  


Gold has also moved back and I have gotten a lot of questions on this subject.  Let's look at Gold itself…  

The price of Gold is pulling back and looks to put in support around the 480 to 500 an ounce area.  Now you don't have to be a futures trader to trade Gold… we can do this in ! our equity accounts.  If the price of Gold pulls back it wil l offer some great long term plays…  And the medal ceremony continues…

Gold Medal goes to Goldcorp (GG), one of my favorite Gold stocks.  True, it's in a pullback but could be hitting support levels now.  I suspect that Gold Corp has hit a potential bottom and could move up from here with 30-32 as the longer term resistance.

Silver Medal is awarded to the Streettracks Gold (GLD).  This thing moves just like the price of Gold, but trades at 1/10th the price.  So if the pri! ce of Gold is at 550 per ounce, GLD trades at just 55 a share.  If you like the long term aspect of owning Gold, this is the way to do it without opening a commodities account.  

Bronze Medal is awarded to Harmony Gold (HMY).  Harmony actually came in a bit below expectations which is the reason for the drop off, but it still remains a strong play for gold.  Harmony offers the lowest risk and highest reward based on its recent down move…

Tom Gentile
Chief Strategist
Profit Strategies Group, Inc.

And n! ow, Market Correspondent Jeff Neal talks about the need for Religion…

True Religion

The specialty retailer True Religion Apparel Incorporated (TRLG) is making a big splash in the market with their premium clothing line. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Guru Denim, Inc., designs, develops, manufactures, markets, distributes and sells high fashion denim apparel. Under the brand name "True Religion Brand Jeans" the company's clothing line includes jeans, skirts, denim jackets and tops in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Mexico and Japan.

True Religion Apparel markets very expensive jeans that often sell for in excess of $300.  Upscale retailers such as Barney's New York, Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks! Fifth Avenue and about 500 high-end boutiques nationwide sell True Religion's merchandise.  The stock recently received a boost after three brokerage firms projected strong growth driven by the recent popularity of "premium" denim jeans, new products like fleece tops and expected international growth.  

The company not only has premium offerings for the men's and women's marke,t but also the very lucrative kids market as well. True Religion offers corduroy jackets and denim jeans for both boys and girls.

The last earnings announcement showed True Religion's revenues totaling $77.1 million, up from $14.1 million. Net income totaled $15.8 million, up from $1.7 million. According to management, the revenues reflect the growth of the company's brand and its markets. During the past four quarters, the company's earnings-per-share rose 560% and its sales rose 376%. Despite this incredible sales and earnings growth, the stock trades at less than 15 ti! mes next year's earnings.  The company also recently raised its earnings forecast.

The stock has options but it should be noted that they can be thinly traded at times, primarily because it is a micro-cap stock. Currently the True Religion stock does not have LEAPS options but does offer enough action in the existing options market to put on short- to intermediate term-positions. For the most part, over the past three months the stock has been appreciating steadily, as can be seen in Figure 1, before it recently experienced a bit of a pullback. Also, for the short-term, the stock looks pretty good technically as a Wave-4 buy pattern set-up is forming.  

Jeff Neal
Profit Strategies Market Correspondent
Profit Strategies Group, Inc.  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcGas gefragter als Öl

23.02.06 18:10

Die Bestände an Erdgas in den Vereinigten Staaten sind in der vergangenen Woche um weitere 3,4 Milliarden Kubikmeter zurückgegangen. Dies meldete heute das US-Energieministerium. Zum 17. Februar verfügte das Land damit noch über 60,7 Milliarden Kubikmeter. Dieser Wert lag aber nach wie vor 11,6 Milliarden Kubikmeter oberhalb des Vorjahresniveaus und 19,6 Milliarden Kubikmeter über dem 5-Jahres-Mittel.An der New York Mercantile Exchange verbilligt sich der März-Erdgaskontrakt aktuell um 10,3 Cents auf 7,18 Dollar.


222 Postings, 6789 Tage bumer1996Was geht hier ab?

07.03.06 14:06
habe die Aktie seit 28.01.06 und konnte vor paar Tagen noch guten Gewinn machen. Ich verstehe nicht wieso sie in kurze Zeit so stark an Wert verloren hat.  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcNews Beaver Hill!

07.03.06 18:05
Tue Mar 7, 2006
Torrent Provides Update on Beaver Hill Completions

  Vancouver, British Columbia - March 7, 2006 - Torrent Energy Corporation (the "Company") (OTCBB: TREN) is pleased to announce the following development from its wholly owned operating subsidiary, Methane Energy Corp. ("Methane").

On February 28 through March 3, 2006, Methane's Beaver Hill pilot wells were perforated in several seams including the primary "D" coal target. Gas and water inflow was recorded in all five wells in the pilot project. Additional completion work includes static gradient tests, flow testing and gas and water analyses. Current plans include continued swabbing, establishing production rates and enhancing coal seams with nitrogen gas stimulation through a Halliburton coiled tubing unit.

Methane's Radio Hill #1 well will also be nitrogen stimulated in a total of twelve individual coal seams during these completion and testing operations which are scheduled to commence March 8, 2006.

Methane has also retained the services of Coal Gas Technology Company, with offices located in Salt Lake City, Utah and Calgary, Alberta, to assist on site during the nitrogen stimulation operation and to provide technical analysis of the stimulation results to further our understanding of the coal reservoir properties.

Torrent's President and Chief Executive Officer, John Carlson, states, "We have now accessed multiple coal seams in all our pilot project wells and we continue to see encouraging first stage results. The next stage of our completion operations at the Beaver Hill and Radio Hill pilot projects will include high rate nitrogen stimulations commonly used to enhance well productivities in coal seams. Testing results will confirm both the technical and economic viability of our Coos Bay project. It is necessary, however, to give the wells a reasonable period of production testing to determine both the well capabilities and reservoir mechanics, as well as the ultimate effectiveness of the nitrogen stimulation."

About Torrent Energy Corporation
Torrent Energy Corporation is a growing exploration company focusing on developing non-conventional natural gas reserves. The Company's primary objective is to create value for the Company's stakeholders by applying strong technical expertise to projects. The Company's current focus is on the exploration of the Coos Bay Basin project in southwestern Oregon where the Company currently has a land portfolio that includes over 112,000 acres of prospective land in the Coos Bay area. For more information please visit

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

John D. Carlson, President & CEO

For more information contact:
Bruce Nurse, Corporate Communications
1-800-676-TREN (8736)  

222 Postings, 6789 Tage bumer1996jetzt steht nichts im Wege

07.03.06 21:54
danke für Info.  

116 Postings, 6866 Tage neodymNdÜberhitzt

10.03.06 19:38
Seit Februar geht es nur noch bergab. Da hilft kein Schönreden. Postive Nachrichten bleiben aus. Fragt sich nur ,wo der Boden ist ? Torrent ist hochspekulativ.  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcEs geht los!

19.04.06 18:06

Seattle, Washington – April 19 2006 – Torrent Energy
Corporation (the “Company”) (OTCBB: TREN)
announces the following developments from its wholly
owned operating subsidiary, Methane Energy Corp.

Upon completion of the recent multi-well nitrogen
(N2) stimulation program, Methane moved into
production testing operations on both the Radio Hill
and Beaver Hill pilot projects in Coos County, Oregon.
Production tubing has now been run in all wells and
production testing is now underway. The Radio Hill
#1 well has produced high quality limited methane
volumes at stabilized flow rates for a period of nine
days prior to being shut in for pump installation.
Continuing modest increases in fluid levels in the
wellbore have been recorded since the
commencement of production testing, however no
formation water has been produced at surface to
date from the well during this flow testing phase. A
hydraulic pump-lift system is scheduled to be
installed on the well before continuing with the
production testing and this is expected to enhance
the productive capability of the well.

The Beaver Hill #2, #3, #4 and #5 wells have all
been swabbed dry after tubing was run in each well
bore. Each well has been produced at stabilized rates
for various periods of time and each well has
produced for a maximum period of at least ten hours
prior to the tubing installation. Fluid levels are
continually monitored in each wellbore with an
Echometer. While fluid inflows have been recorded in
a number of the wells no formation water has been
produced to date at surface when the wells have
been flow tested. Hydraulic pump-lift systems are
scheduled to be installed in each well in the near

The Roll’n service rig is scheduled to be on location
for another 10 days completing swabbing operations
and pump and rod installations and then released
from location. Thereafter, the wells will be flowed
selectively to facilitate the acquisition of additional
production and pressure data.

Sproule Associates Inc. has completed their revised
resource assessment for the Methane leases in Coos
County and they have increased their base case
resource by 11% to a total of 1.2 TCF. In their
resource assessment it is assumed that the coal
cleat system is water filled, therefore there was no
free gas in the coals associated with this resource
assessment. Results in the field, while still
preliminary, have indicated that we may be operating
in an environment with minimal water production from
the various Lower Coaledo coals which could
translate into a free gas component and a higher
ultimate resource base. The Sproule resource
assessment will be posted on the Torrent web site in
the near future.

Torrent President and Chief Executive Officer, John
Carlson, states “We see the opportunity for a
significant gas resource base in Coos County that
has continued to increase in size over time. We are
encouraged that each of our pilot wells is capable of
producing at sustained gas rates. We will continue
with production testing operations during the next
few months to further expand our technical
understanding of the various Lower Coaledo coal
reservoirs. As with all North American coal bed
methane projects, instant production results and
understanding of reservoir characteristics are seldom
the norm and patience is required to develop a
complete reservoir and production model for a
specific coal basin. We are prepared to stay the
course and the early production data in conjunction
with the Sproule resource assessment supports our
plans to continue with further exploratory and
development drilling throughout the Coos County
Basin during our current fiscal year. The Company is
developing a significant asset base in Coos County
and we look forward to another season of drilling,
completion and testing of additional wells in the
basin. The Company will further delineate the various
coal seams of interest, develop repeatability of the
drilling process and optimize drilling and completion
operations to ensure the next round of wells are
drilled on a more efficient and cost effective

About Torrent Energy Corporation

Torrent Energy Corporation is a growing exploration
company focusing on developing non-conventional
natural gas reserves in the Northwestern United
States.  The Company’s primary objective is to
create value for the Company’s stakeholders by
applying strong technical expertise to projects. The
Company’s Oregon subsidiary, Methane Energy’s,
current focus is on the exploration of the Coos Bay
Basin project in southwestern Oregon where the
Company currently has a land portfolio that includes
over 114,000 acres of prospective land in the Coos
Bay area. The Company’s Washington subsidiary,
Cascadia Energy, is focused on two projects in
southwestern Washington State where it hold
substantial lease and lease option commitments.

For more information please visit  

2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14LandserNaja

19.04.06 18:12
Die Meldung ist zwar da, aber los geht leider noch nichts.


2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14LandserNews

03.05.06 21:20

Seattle, Washington – May 3, 2006 – Torrent Energy Corporation (the “Company”) (OTCBB: TREN) is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. William A. Lansing to the board of directors of the Company effective immediately.

Mr. Lansing has a unique view and knowledge of the Company’s coalbed natural gas exploration program in Coos County, Oregon. He is a local resident in Coos County and has recently retired as President and CEO of Menasha Forest Products Corporation, a North Bend, Oregon-based timberland company. Mr. Lansing has spent the past 6 years providing leadership and increasing shareholder value at this local company, and the previous 30 years at Menasha Corporation, a family owned multi-product company with 5,000 employees in 23 states and foreign countries.

Mr. Lansing holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Humboldt State University (1967) and a Master of Forestry degree from Yale University (1970). He continues to sit on a variety of corporate boards, including Umpqua Bank, and on a number of non- profit boards as well.

Mr. Lansing’s extensive experience as a senior executive allows Torrent’s President and Chief Executive Officer, John Carlson, to state "Our team needed an independent perspective plus unique insight and experience to help grow the Company’s assets in the Pacific Northwest. Bill brings us exactly that." George Hampton III, director of Torrent, also comments “Mr. Lansing is a welcome addition to the board of Torrent. I look forward to working closely with him as we continue to grow the coal seam gas project in Coos Bay Basin and our other exciting prospect in Washington State. Bill's local business knowledge and experience working in the timber industry will be a tremendous help to us as we move forward in the region.”

Regarding his decision to join the board of Torrent, Mr. Lansing indicates “Working with technical experts on the coal resources beneath the Menasha Forest Products Corporation timberlands in Coos County for the past 36 years, I believe that given the right technologies and expertise that these assets will be developed. I just finished writing a book on the local area and that research further gave credibility to the efforts being planned by Torrent Energy. I have met a few of their executives and read the biographies on the others and I think this group of professionals will make Coal Bed Methane in the West a reality.”

About Torrent Energy Corporation

Torrent Energy Corporation is a growing exploration company focusing on developing non-conventional natural gas reserves in the Northwestern United States. The Company’s primary objective is to create value for stakeholders by applying strong technical expertise to projects. The focus of the Company’s Oregon subsidiary, Methane Energy Corp., is on the exploration of the Coos Bay Basin project in southwestern Oregon where the Company currently has a land portfolio that includes over 116,000 acres of prospective land. The Company’s Washington subsidiary, Cascadia Energy Corp, is focused on two projects in southwestern Washington State where it hold substantial lease and lease option commitments.

For more information please visit

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

John D. Carlson, President & CEO

For more information contact:

Bruce Nurse, Corporate Communications 1-800-676-TREN (8736)

Safe Harbor Statement This news release includes statements about expected future events and/or results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this release include, but are not limited to, that we will grow our assets in the Pacific Northwest; that we will grow the coal seam gas project in Coos Bay Basin and our other prospect in Washington State; and that Bill's local business knowledge and experience working in the timber industry will be a tremendous help to us.. . It is important to note that actual outcomes and the Company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include the possibility that we are unable to maintain Bill as a director, that he is unable to dedicate the amount of time necessary to make a valuable contribution to us; that we are unable to fund additional asset growth; and the likelihood that no commercial quantities of gas are found or recoverable. For more risk factors about our Company, readers should refer to risk disclosure in our recent forms 10-KSB and 10-QSB filed with the SEC on Edgar.  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcNews!

04.05.06 09:13

Seattle, Washington – May 3, 2006 – Torrent Energy
Corporation (the “Company”) (OTCBB: TREN) is
pleased to announce the addition of Mr. William  A.
Lansing to the board of directors of the Company
effective immediately.

Mr. Lansing has a unique view and knowledge of the
Company’s coalbed natural gas exploration program in
Coos County, Oregon. He is a local resident in Coos
County and has recently retired as President and
CEO of Menasha Forest Products Corporation, a
North Bend, Oregon-based timberland company. Mr.
Lansing has spent the past 6 years providing
leadership and increasing shareholder value at this
local company, and the previous 30 years at
Menasha Corporation, a family owned multi-product
company with 5,000 employees in 23 states and
foreign countries.

Mr. Lansing holds a Bachelor of Science degree from
Humboldt State University (1967) and a Master of
Forestry degree from Yale University (1970). He
continues to sit on a variety of corporate boards,
including Umpqua Bank, and on a number of non-
profit boards as well.

Mr. Lansing’s extensive experience as a senior
executive allows Torrent’s President and Chief
Executive Officer, John Carlson, to state "Our team
needed an independent perspective plus unique
insight and experience to help grow the Company’s
assets in the Pacific Northwest. Bill brings us exactly
that." George Hampton III, director of Torrent, also
comments “Mr. Lansing is a welcome addition to the
board of Torrent. I look forward to working closely
with him as we continue to grow the coal seam gas
project in Coos Bay Basin and our other exciting
prospect in Washington State. Bill's local business
knowledge and experience working in the timber
industry will be a tremendous help to us as we move
forward in the region.”

Regarding his decision to join the board of Torrent,
Mr. Lansing indicates “Working with technical experts
on the coal resources beneath the Menasha Forest
Products Corporation timberlands in Coos County for
the past 36 years, I believe that given the right
technologies and expertise that these assets will be
developed.  I just finished writing a book on the local
area and that research further gave credibility to the
efforts being planned by Torrent Energy.  I have met
a few of their executives and read the biographies on
the others and I think this group of professionals will
make Coal Bed Methane in the West a reality.”´

About Torrent Energy Corporation

Torrent Energy Corporation is a growing exploration
company focusing on developing non-conventional
natural gas reserves in the Northwestern United
States.  The Company’s primary objective is to
create value for stakeholders by applying strong
technical expertise to projects. The focus of the
Company’s Oregon subsidiary, Methane Energy Corp.,
is on the exploration of the Coos Bay Basin project in
southwestern Oregon where the Company currently
has a land portfolio that includes over 116,000 acres
of prospective land. The Company’s Washington
subsidiary, Cascadia Energy Corp, is focused on two
projects in southwestern Washington State where it
hold substantial lease and lease option

For more information please visit

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

John D. Carlson, President & CEO

For more information contact:
Bruce Nurse, Corporate Communications
1-800-676-TREN (8736)

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcOh!

04.05.06 09:14
Da war ich wohl ausnahmsweise ein bisschen zu langsam ;-)
Gut gemacht 14Landser !!!  

2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14LandserBitte, gern geschehn

04.05.06 16:16
Ich hoff nur mal das es dem Kurs endlich mal was bringt. Nach allem was ich gelesen hab waren die Abwärtsbewegungen bei Torrent auf den sinkenden Gaspreis zurückzuführen. Hoffentlich stimmt das auch.


236 Postings, 7119 Tage engineer68... @ landser14 und solarparc

05.05.06 23:37
... also ich glaube eher, dass Kicky mit der Info bezüglich der Entlassung von Ernst & Young ins Schwarze getroffen hat. Man entlässt nicht seine Wirtschaftsprüfer, die berechtigte Zweifel am Fortbestand des Unternehmens haben, sondern man setzt sich mit denen hin um eine neue Strategie zu entwerfen. Tja, hier haben meine Sicherungssysteme versagt, bin schon lange dabei (seit EK 1,50€ = Sept.05), nun aber ist dass Ding durchgerauscht und es wird wohl kein halten mehr geben.
Die Entscheidung tut Not ...meint engineer68  

2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14Landser@engineer68

06.05.06 14:52
Dennoch haben wir ja in den USA mal gut im plus geschlossen, bei sehr hohem Volumen. Was verkauft wurde wurde auch wieder gekauft. Montag gehts erstmal hoch. Wies dann in den USA aussieht werden wir sehen. Etwas skeptisch stehe ich dem ganzen auch noch gegenüber, warte  aber erstmal auf den SK vom Montag. Sollte sich fortsetzen das es immer einen Tag hochgeht, und dann mehrere runter hab ich auch bald keine Lust mehr.


1767 Postings, 7906 Tage hhsjgmrlast Zahlen sprechen

07.05.06 16:40
1.845      =====> ca 1.44 Euro ====> real etwa 10% im PLUS
% Change:
Price Data Table
      Open      1.73§
Previous Close 1.845
Exchange of Last Sale OTCBB
Time of Last Sale 23:59:30
      Tick Unchanged
       Bid      1.84 
       Ask §
Size Bid/Ask 5x5
Symbol Type Equity  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcVergiss Kicky!

07.05.06 19:12
Kicky ist ein Basher! Vielleicht sogar
ein Shortseller! Kicky taucht immer auf,
wenn es irgendwo runter geht! Dann verbreitet
der Typ Angst und Schrecken, damit die Anleger
verunsichert werden und der Kurs noch weiter runter
geht! Dann können Kicky & Co. ihre Aktien günstig nachkaufen!

Vergiss Kicky! Wenn Kicky sich meldet, geht es meistens BERGAUF! :-)
Bei Silverado Gold war es schon dasselbe! SWAY und andere können ein
Lied von Kicky singen! Nichts als Schwarzmalerei! Wenn ich mich auf
eine Analyse verlassen kann, dann die: Kommt Kicky, geht der Kurs rauf :-)  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcHoch auf 2 Euro?

08.05.06 13:47
In Amiland gab´s gegen Ende
des Tages eine richtige Kurs-Rallye!
Vielleicht springen wir heute noch hoch
auf 2,00 Euro! Da ist was im Busch!!!

Vielleicht neue Bohrergebnisse!
Oder ein neuer Investor!  

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcEs geht weiter hoch!

08.05.06 15:31
RT 1,93 (+5%)



+0.08  % Change:

+4.34%  High:

0  Low:

0  Volume:

31,290 (Symbol: tren)

4891 Postings, 7045 Tage SolarparcDie Kicky-Regel!

08.05.06 19:52
Wie bereits erwähnt! Sobald der Typ
Namens Kicky kommt, und Unsicherheit
verbreiten will, dann steigt der Kurs ;-)

Das ist die Kicky-Regel hier im Forum!
Mit Silverado war es dasselbe!!! Schon
über 35% Plus seit der letzten "Warnung" :-)  

236 Postings, 7119 Tage engineer68... @Solarparc

08.05.06 22:01

... schade, ... ich hatte gedacht Kicky ist ne tolle Kirsche und ich könnte auf diesem Weg mit "ihr" anbendeln.  ... ist ja grade nochmal gut gegangen und meine TORRENT liegen noch im Depot. ... Wie man sich aber auch täuschen kann ........................ thanks to all and keep strong



3094 Postings, 6814 Tage PANGÄA@Solar Hahaha Kicky war heut bei Veridium und UP

08.05.06 22:16
Mega Rebound :-)  

2616 Postings, 6837 Tage 14LandserWahnsinns-Volumen heut

08.05.06 22:41
und mal wieder ein paar Prozente. Kommt da bald was?


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