Zuora - weitere Entwicklung
Das Geschäftsmodell scheint aussichtsreich. Wie schätzt ihr die weitere Entwicklung ein?
"...Zuora, by their own description, creates cloud-based software on a subscription basis that enables any company in any industry to successfully launch, manage, and transform into a subscription business.
In short, Zuora builds a platform and tools that allow other enterprises to join the subscription economy.
Zuora participates in the cloud-based billing and revenue recognition market, which could be worth as much as $9 billion in 2022. The company’s software platform, a system of record for subscription management and revenue automation, is an alternative to legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, which tend to be ill-equipped to handle the dynamic nature of subscription-based business models.
Zuora continues to perform well at the enterprise level, as more than 85% of its annual recurring revenue is generated by 526 customers (up 27% year over year) with annual contract value of at least $100,000. In FY’19, Zuora signed more than 30 new deals worth $250,000+, an increase of nearly 50% from the prior year.
Robert DeFrancesco over at Forbes put together a good, quick profile of ZUO last week. s.Link oben
Der Verlust je Aktie belief sich auf 0,060 USD. Im Vorjahresquartal waren -0,110 USD je Aktie in den Büchern gestanden.
Das vergangene Quartal hat Zuora A mit einem Umsatz von insgesamt 73,9 Millionen USD abgeschlossen. Demnach hat das Unternehmen den Umsatz im Vergleich zum Vorjahresviertel, in dem 64,1 Millionen USD erwirtschaftet worden waren, um 15,27 Prozent gesteigert.
Redaktion finanzen.net
Vielleicht ist das die Vorfreude heute?? :-)
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