Weltmarktführer in M2M: Sierra Wireless

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Eröffnet am:28.11.13 14:57von: Balu4uAnzahl Beiträge:619
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23671 Postings, 5295 Tage Balu4uWeltmarktführer in M2M: Sierra Wireless

28.11.13 14:57
Sierra Wireless is the global leader in machine-to-machine (M2M)


Da die alten Threads seit 10 Jahren nicht mehr gelebt werden / wurden eröffne ich an dieser Stelle  einen neuen! Ich denke, da handelt es sich um eine sehr gute Wachstumschance und die aktuelle MK von 433 Mio. Euro hat meiner Ansicht nach deutliches Potential in den nächsten Jahre. Meine persönliche Meinung nach hat die Aktie ein Potential von einer MK im Bereich von 1,6 - 2 Mrd. Euro (keine Kaufempfehlung!) in den nächsten 1 - 2 Jahren.  

73 Postings, 4265 Tage depotgärtner1471,6 - 2 Mrd. Euro sind nicht ganz abwegig

17.12.13 16:19
Ich bin derweil ebenfalls bei Sierra eingestiegen, nachdem ich erst wegen des hohen KGV gezweifelt habe. Aber wie du schon richtig erwähnt hast, ist die Markt Kapitalisierung noch relativ überschaubar, und der KGV alleine macht noch keine Überbewertung! Man darf gespannt sein, wie sich die M2M Branche entwickelt. Kürzlich gab es noch eine langfrist Empfehlung vom Motley Fool. Mal sehen, ob sich das ausgeht!  

23671 Postings, 5295 Tage Balu4uSeit Threaderöffnung gibn es ganz schön up!

09.01.14 12:07

73 Postings, 4265 Tage depotgärtner147yep

12.01.14 15:28
Nach der CES ist eigentlich klar, dass die M2M Brache 2014 im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "Fahrt" aufnehmen wird. Ich bin gespannt, wie sich Sierra etablieren wird.

73 Postings, 4265 Tage depotgärtner147Kommentare zu den Veröffentlichungen?

06.02.14 19:15
Ich persönlich habe die Zahlen zur Kenntnis genommen. Entscheidender fand ich aber folgendes Statement:

“We achieved record revenue in the fourth quarter, closing out a year in which we delivered solid operational results, sold our AirCard business, and began putting the proceeds to work on acquisitions that extend our leadership position in M2M,” said Jason Cohenour, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are exceptionally well positioned to capture the long-term M2M growth opportunity, and we are focused on continuing to drive profitable organic revenue growth, while we pursue additional acquisitions.”

Das ist genau der Grund, weshalb ich in Sierra investiert bin. Und zwar langfristig!
Für mich stimmt der Kurs der Firma. Gute Kaufgelegenheit momentan.  

17 Postings, 3832 Tage DG147interessanter Artikel

12.06.14 18:02

Besonders folgender Abschnitt:
Philips CityTouch wählte Sierra Wireless AirPrime-Module für das CityTouch LightWave-System sowohl aufgrund des weitreichenden globalen Supports, den Sierra Wireless als Marktführer bieten kann, als auch wegen des Potentials zur Weiterentwicklung zukünftiger Produkte durch die einfache Art der Migration von 2G zu 4G-Technologien.

"Je mehr wir mit Sierra Wireless gesprochen haben, desto zuversichtlicher wurden wir, dass das Unternehmen wirklich versteht, was wir brauchen, um nicht nur eine neue Generation der CityTouch Ready-Anlagen zur Außenbeleuchtungen zu produzieren und auf den Markt zu bringen, sondern auch um diese im Laufe der Zeit auszubauen und weiterzuentwickeln", sagt Vasanth Philomin, General Manager bei Philips CityTouch. "Wir wussten, dass wir mehr brauchen als nur einen Hardware-Lieferanten, und Sierra Wireless bot sowohl die Expertise, um uns bei einer effizienten Markteinführung zu helfen, als auch die langfristigen Perspektiven, die wir in einem Kollaborationspartner gesucht haben."  

221 Postings, 5357 Tage Stockstagute Einstiegsmöglichkeit!

28.08.14 16:10
wer ist noch drin? ich habe mir eben eine kleine Position ins Depot gelegt  

17 Postings, 3832 Tage DG147bin noch dabei

28.08.14 22:28
und zwar schon ein Jahr lang. Sehr volatil, aber ich behalte die Nerven ;-)
Der m2m Markt wird wachsen und ich glaube, dass Sierra gut aufgestellt ist und auch gut gemanaged wird. Die Firma wird konsequent auf m2m ausgerichtet. Schaun wir mal...  

23671 Postings, 5295 Tage Balu4uDie erwartete Rakete...

08.09.14 23:17

151 Postings, 4155 Tage Eco1WOW!

05.11.14 23:49
KZ > 50$ !  

234 Postings, 6839 Tage Boarder66will das Ding

13.11.14 18:00
mit einmal auf 50$?
Ich hatte gehofft das hier nochmal Luft geholt wird. :(


79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickySierra Wireless' Latest Earnings Report

14.11.14 12:38


   Sierra Wireless delivered remarkable earnings growth in the third quarter, but better performances cannot be ruled out as the company is operating in a growing market.
   Sierra is coming up with new products to address machine to machine connectivity, while the launch of bundled products will increase cross-selling opportunities.
   Sierra is diversifying into more areas of the machine to machine connectivity market, improving its opportunities of tapping growth.

Back in July, I wrote why Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ:SWIR) looked like an opportunistic buy on the pullback. Almost four months since I wrote that article, Sierra shares have gained a remarkable 80%, and going by the company's latest round of results released on November 5, it is highly likely that the stock's impressive run will continue.........

Sierra's products are aimed at delivering machine to machine connectivity in key areas such as mobile computing, sales and payment, energy, transportation, and automotive. Now, all these are growth verticals, and the good part is that Sierra is landing design wins in these areas.
in Insurance Telematics, Sierra declared a deal with Octo Telematics for providing wireless connectivity for user-based insurance solutions in Europe. In addition, Sierra has captured design wins in the connected car market in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Now, this could be a key breakthrough for the company, as the connected car market is growing at a good pace. According to Markets and Markets, the connected car market "is expected to reach total shipments of 59.86 million units by 2018,........


79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyWarum Sierra Wireless um 25% nach Report stieg

14.11.14 12:40
Shares of Sierra Wireless jumped 25% Thursday after the company's third quarter results and forward guidance both significantly exceeded expectations........

Read more: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/11/06/...spx#ixzz3J2ftU9Zw

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickySierra Wireless:A Must-Own Stock but at what price

18.11.14 15:32


   Sierra Wireless delivered an outstanding quarter well above guidance and the stock soared.
   Rapid growth in the M2M embedded cellular solutions brought Sierra record revenues and earnings.
   Revenue growth was 27 percent ahead of last year - yet management only guided to 10 to 15 percent growth going forward.
   Management describes growth as broad based helped by a technology tailwind.
   Cash is now up to $196 million helping to fuel M&A discussions......

Cash increased $27.7 million over the quarter and now stands at $196.1 million. The company has no debt......

I would be careful with new purchases of the stock above $35/share. I like the company and the M2M space, but industry growth rates and corporate growth rates should guide investment decisions. Price earnings ratios should guide investment decisions. When stocks outrun reasoned valuation, profits should be taken. I rate the stock a hold until the company guides above a 10% to 15% year over year growth rate.  

80 Postings, 4323 Tage apfelfreundSierra Wireless ...

25.11.14 09:37
…ich bin leider erst nach dem letzten Anstieg auf Sierra Wireless aufmerksam geworden. Bin jetzt auf neuem Höchststand reingegangen. Sehe ich als Langfristinvest, insofern ist mir der Einstiegskurs egal. Die Geschichte mit M2M oder IoT ist ja noch ganz am Anfang. Der einzige Nachteil für mich ist, dass es eine kanadische Firma ist. Damit habe ich schon schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Die laufen einfach nicht so gut wie amerikanische Aktien. Aber auf lange Sicht glaube ich an gutes Wachstum und Kurspotential und vielleicht gibt es ja irgendwann einmal eine Übernahme. Müsste für viele große Player interessant sein, solange es noch günstig ist.
Nur meine Meinung, keine Kaufempfehlung.  

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickySierra Wireless:weiter starkes Momentum

25.11.14 16:40

Sierra Wireless (SWIR) posted better than expected results for the third quarter. The company saw an impressive increase in the top line and earnings. The main reason behind its robust growth is the combination of strong contribution from its acquisitions and the organic business. Management expects to deliver continued growth in revenue and profitability. Let us have a look at the underlying business of Sierra Wireless and its prospects.

The quarterly performance

In the third quarter, Sierra’s revenue grew by 27.6% to $143.3 million, compared to $112.3 million in the same quarter last year. The organic segment was a major contributor to Sierra’s outstanding performance. The organic segment saw a good 19% growth. On the earnings front, Sierra posted non-GAAP EPS of $0.24 per share as compared to $0.11 per share which it posted in the same quarter last year.

Sierra Wireless is walking the right path. As its results reveal, the company is in good shape and is poised for better financial stability in the near future. The company aims at achieving a leadership position in M2M, driving better revenue and strong profitability in the future. Sierra is planning to stick to its strategy of acquisitions, which has helped it in the recently reported quarter........

Sierra Wireless is well-positioned for impressive growth in the future due to growth in its end market. So, investors can consider this technology stock for the long run.  

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyMaydorn: Sierra Wireless kaufen

26.11.14 17:50
Kulmbach - Sierra Wireless-Aktie: Da passt alles zusammen! Anstieg gerechtfertigt! Kaufen! Aktienanalyse

73 Postings, 4265 Tage depotgärtner147Frage in die Runde

01.12.14 19:53
Was haltet ihr von der aktuellen Bewertung?
Sierra ist in letzter Zeit unglaublich gut gelaufen. Nach "üblichen Bewertungsregeln" läuft es hier aber nicht ganz, denke ich (ich bin keiner, der Unternehmenszahlen filetiert, eher Bauchgefühlsbörsianer). Es steht ja doch ein gewisser Hype hinter der ganzen IoT Sache. Es kommt mir ähnlich vor, wie vor ca. 2 Jahren der 3D Druck. Jedoch meine ich, dass der IoT Hype auf einem viel stärkeren Sockel steht und in vielen Ebenen der Gesellschaft bereits heute Fuß fasst:
- Connected Cars
- Industrie (z.B. vernetzte Offshore Geschichten)
- Smart Cities
- Smart Homes
- Connected Cars
- etc...
3D Drucker haben es im Gegenzug nie wirklich zum Konsumenten geschafft, was aber Teil des Hypes war. Deshalb auch die Korrektur.
Summa summarum halte ich die Bewertung von Sierra für alles andere, als günstig, aber die Chancen stehen durchaus nicht schlecht, dass die hohen Erwartungen erfüllt werden. Über Volatilität brauchen wir hier selbstredend nicht sprechen.
(ich bin bezgl. IoT übrigens auch in NXP und CalAmp investiert).  

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyIOT Market Estimates And Forecasts

03.12.14 10:16
Now that it has been established that the Internet of Things is the most hyped “emerging technology” today, and that the term—and the associated technologies—is far from being new, the only question to be answered is Why the sudden surge in interest in 2014?..Bob Metcalfe, inventor of the Ethernet and now Professor of Innovation at University of Texas at Austin, is familiar with the sudden prominence of technologies, coming after lengthy incubation periods. Metcalfe points to scribbles like me as the main culprit: “It’s a media phenomenon. Technologies and standards and products and markets emerge slowly, but then suddenly, chaotically, the media latches on and BOOM!—It’s the year of IoT.” Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google GOOGL -0.17%, believes Moore’s Law has something to do with the newfound interest in the IoT: “The price of sensors, processors, and networking has come way down.  Since WiFi is now widely deployed, it is relatively easy to add new networked devices to the home and office.”........ Gartner estimates that IoT product and service suppliers will generate incremental revenue exceeding $300 billion in 2020. IDC forecasts that the worldwide market for IoT solutions will grow from $1.9 trillion in 2013 to $7.1 trillion in 2020.

CNBC mit Special  156 Seiten
Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects
Visiongain believes that 2014 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for Internet of Things as companies address increasing demands from both consumers and enterprises for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity. As a consequence, visiongain expects global Internet of Things revenue to reach $756.8 billion in 2014.
Why you should buy the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects....The 154 page report delivers the following information:.......
- Our report provides 66 tables, charts, and graphs allerdings nur über die Big Ones like Apple Cisco Intel Amazon etc

Seitdem Maydorn sie auch pusht -im Gleichklang mit Zacks wie üblich-läuft SWIR richtig gut
Für COMP gab es kürzlich eine Empfehlung.Ich habe sie mir kurz angesehen Motley Fool -und habe sie nicht auf die Watchlist genommen
Angehängte Grafik:
swir.png (verkleinert auf 68%) vergrößern

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyHow Sierra Wireless Skyrocketed 35% in November

05.12.14 19:41

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickySWIR Soars With Standout Third-Quarter Earnings

08.12.14 10:18
The machine-to-machine specialist's shares are up nearly 19% in after-hours trading thanks to an excellent third-quarter earnings report. Analysts had expected $138.8 million in revenue and $0.13 in adjusted earnings per share, but Sierra blew past these marks with $143.3 million in revenue and adjusted EPS of $0.24. This strong showing looks to continue in the fourth quarter, as Sierra now expects revenue to range from $145 million to $148 million, resulting in adjusted EPS of $0.25 to $0.28 -- both ranges come in well above Wall Street's expectations for $142.4 million in revenue and $0.17 in EPS.

It's pretty easy to see why the market has pounced on Sierra's shares following this report if you take a look at its recent top- and bottom-line progress, including its fourth-quarter guidance:
While Sierra's revenue doesn't look like it will grow quite as fast in the fourth quarter as it did in the third quarter, it should still come through with the second-highest year-over-year growth rate of Sierra's post-AirCard era. Sierra's bottom line, however, is rocketing higher, and looks to set not only its second consecutive post-AirCard record for quarterly adjusted EPS, but its second consecutive record for year-over-year growth as well in the fourth quarter. This is great news for investors who have waited most of the year just to get back to even, as concerns had cropped up throughout the year over the company's ability to ride a trend that's still more theoretical than real -- the Internet of Things. Today's strong report should help put those concerns to rest, at least for the time being.

Sierra also produced excellent results on a less-watched but no less important metric: free cash flow. ...http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/11/05/...andout-third.aspx  

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyCan the Rally in Sierra Wireless continue?

08.12.14 18:22
SWIR has been on the move lately as the stock has risen by 24.5% in the past four weeks, and it is currently trading well above its 20-Day SMA. This is a pretty solid move higher, but the question that has to be on investors’ minds right now is; can this trend continue?

While there can be no telling for sure, it is certainly encouraging that earnings estimates have risen in the past few weeks on the company, suggesting that sentiment on SWIR is moving in the right direction. In fact, the stock currently has a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy), suggesting that the recent run could certainly continue for this in-focus company  

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyUpside Potential ist riesig

16.12.14 20:47
Alex Planes (S ierra Wireless ) : Imagine getting into the best Internet stocks 20 years ago just as the web was starting to take off. Well, that opportunity is here again, and it lies in the Internet of Things , or IoT. Sierra Wireless is widely considered to be a leader in this small but fast-growing field.

The upside and downside for Sierra are similar to those faced by many early Internet companies. If it succeeds, Sierra should grow by orders of magnitude, becoming one of the leading purveyors of critical hardware for a massive industry like a Cisco  for the Internet of Things -- anyone who followed Cisco in the '90s will remember just how rapidly the company grew during that time, on both a fundamental and share-price basis:

Sierra boasted an industry-leading 34% market share in machine-to-machine (M2M) embedded modules at the end of 2013. These modules are essential components in the IoT -- they're the pieces of hardware that connect the "things" to the Internet in the first place and thus provide those things with their marching orders, so to speak.

By 2020, the market for connected devices is expected to grow anywhere from 9 times to 35 times larger than it was in 2012, according to several reports. With this growth, just maintaining its market share would give Sierra that order-of-magnitude growth we're looking for. If Sierra can expand its slice of the market, that would truly add some fuel to the opportunity. This could parallel Cisco's story, as the company grew so quickly by increasing its market share throughout the '90s to emerge as the dominant player in the routers-and-switches arena.

However, Cisco never had to contend with the large hardware companies Sierra currently faces in the semiconductor industry. The M2M market is currently dominated by smaller players -- Sierra joins Germany's Gemalto and London's Telit to control about two-thirds of worldwide M2M sales, or about $1 billion between the three companies. Combined, they are worth less than $10 billion, and most of that market value comes from Gemalto's non-M2M operations.Competition from low-cost Chinese chipmakers or dominant connectivity-chip companies like Qualcomm  could erode Sierra's pricing power and dampen its growth, if not stall it out entirely.

The upside potential is huge as is the risk. Investors interested in pursuing Sierra should think hard about how much they're willing to bet on the company's ability to maintain its market leadership in the coming years.

Read more: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/12/15/...spx#ixzz3M5lJZzr1


14 Postings, 3576 Tage PfeffernussSierra entwickelt sich weiter!

22.12.14 15:35
Sierra wireless übernimmt Wireless maingate aus Schweden für 90 Mio €.


Gute Nachrichten! Ich bin mal gespannt, wann dieses Unternehmen vermehrt in den Focus der Anleger und Analysten gerät. Nach den letzten Zahlen, die ja äusserst gut ausgefallen sind, entwickelt sich der Wert ja gut. Wahrscheinlich sind einige schon auf der Lauer und beobachten.

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