Stevia Corp. Provides Profit Guidance !
Stevia Corp. Provides Profit Guidance" target="_blank">'candle&mainLogScale=
... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 14.12.12 08:47
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - Bitte nur Kurzzitate verwenden.
Börsenwert von Stevia Corp. 6,6 Mio € - SUNWIN 38 Mio €
Stevia Corp. mittelfristig Verdopplerpotential !
Market Size
Originally it was thought that stevia’s market would be restricted to zero calorie beverage applications and would primarily be a premium priced natural ingredient replacement for artificial High Intensity Sweeteners (“HIS”). While stevia did make a large impact within the $8 billion HIS sector, overtaking Aspartame within its first year of launch, the potential market has expanded to the entire sweetener market and across all food & beverage categories.
Sugar consumed annually: 160 million tons worldwide. Current value over $50 Billion annually.
World Health Organization estimate: Stevia poised to replace 20% of the sugar market.
A Potential Multi-Billion market share for Stevia
There were two key developments that have opened the market:
First, there was proven consumer demand for all natural reduced calorie products where Stevia was blended with sugar reducing caloric value by 30 to 40 percent without sacrificing the functionality and taste of sugar.
Second, high purity total steviol glycosides with reduced Reb-A content were granted GRAS status by the FDA in 2010. This allowed for stevia products to be formulated across a wide range of sweetness at less than 50% of the cost of high purity Reb-A and costing less than sugar while becoming an economic advantage enabling a premium all natural low calorie product desired by the consumer.
PureCircle und STEVIA Corp. sind sich sehr nahe ... ja und in Branchenkreisen wird spekuliert das PureCircle der STEVIA Corp. ein Übernahmeangebot machen könnte ........ ohne STEVIA Corp. kein "STEVIA" !
Und dann heute noch die News mit der Aussage das man erst für´s nächste Jahr Finanzierungsrunden plant. Mhhhhh weiß das schon jemand mehr - vielleicht doch schon Übernahme da braucht man ja auch keine weitere oder neue Finanzierung mehr !
Stevia's Management Team
George S. Blankenbaker - President
Mr. Blankenbaker has been leading the development of high Reb-A Stevia farming in Vietnam, where he imported the Morita variety to trial in 2008 and in 2009 signed a contract to supply stevia leaf to PureCircle, the industry's leading refiner.
STEV has a supply contract in place with the stevia industry's leading refiner, PureCircle, to purchase leaf that STEV produces at a fixed price which allows for long-term planning.
PureCircle is the clear leader of high purity stevia, supplying more than 90% of the US market excluding the table top sweetener category.
Once STEV is able to produce leaf sufficient to support an extraction facility, STEV may enter into negotiations with a leading refiner such as PureCircle to form a joint venture to build and operate a primary extraction facility near the leaf source which will directly feed the refiner's established downstream supply chain.
STEV will also consider private labeling its own stevia products to build its own brand value and supply chain, which can be leveraged when the primary extraction facility is operating.
To date, STEV is the only company that delivers the full spectrum of agricultural solutions for stevia growers.
Being the first always has its advantages and STEV could be setting itself up as a prime acquisition target.
Who says PureCircle wouldn't want to take STEV over to feed its supply chain? That should fetch a hefty premium for STEV shareholders.
Even if a buyout doesn't happen, becoming a titan in the industry wouldn't be so bad either.
Visit the corporate website, Yahoo Finance, and OTC Markets for more information.">
Historical Naked Short Selling Data For STEV
Extrem hohes ShortVolumen - allein gestern fast 500,000 Aktien also ungefähr die Hälfte des gesamten Tagesumsatz. Das ist m. E. zu viel was da short geht.
Historical Naked Short Selling Data For STEV
Date VolShorted High Low Close Chg ShortVol RegularVol
Dec 13 39.40% 0.23 0.11 0.18 +50.00% 484,526 1,229,701
Company | Last Price | Change | Daily Short % |
STEV | 0.20 | +10.50% | 40.84% |
Auf Tageshoch geschlossen. Die Shortquote vgl. mit den Tagesumsätzen ist verhältnissmäßig hoch - sogar sehr hoch.
Wenn 40% des Tagesvolumen naked Shorts sind dann fragt man sich was passiert bei einem Shortsqueeze ? Im übrigen - PureCircle Ltd. könnte Stevia Corp. jeden Moment übernehmen ! Das PureCircle ernsthaft an dem Unternehmen interessiert ist kann man recherchieren und nachlesen.
Stevia Corp. hat eine lächerliche MCAP von knapp 9 Mio € - PureCircle bringt es auf 500 Mio € !
Fakt ist das Stevia Corp. eine nachhaltige Story bietet - mit signifikanten Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum.
Der Süßstoff Stevia ist nach einer aktuellen Umfrage bekannt aber unbeliebt. Trotzdem bringt Coca Cola nun ein Produkt auf den Markt
Fast jeder zweite Deutsche kennt ein Jahr nach der Zulassung den kalorienfreien Zuckerersatzstoff namens Stevia und jeder fünfte hat schon einmal Stevia-Produkte gekauft. Nach einer repräsentativen Umfrage ...
This is big. No...this is huge! To put this agreement into perspective, STEV’s signed agreement with PureCircle is like Goodyear having exclusive rights to the world’s biggest rubber producer.The impact an agreement like this has on share prices is staggering."
STEV has a supply contract in place with the stevia industry's leading refiner, PureCircle, to purchase leaf that STEV produces at a fixed price which allows for long-term planning.
PureCircle is the clear leader of high purity stevia, supplying more than 90% of the US market excluding the table top sweetener category.
Once STEV is able to produce leaf sufficient to support an extraction facility, STEV may enter into negotiations with a leading refiner such as PureCircle to form a joint venture to build and operate a primary extraction facility near the leaf source which will directly feed the refiner's established downstream supply chain.
STEV will also consider private labeling its own stevia products to build its own brand value and supply chain, which can be leveraged when the primary extraction facility is operating.
To date, STEV is the only company that delivers the full spectrum of agricultural solutions for stevia growers.
Being the first always has its advantages and STEV could be setting itself up as a prime acquisition target.
Who says PureCircle wouldn't want to take STEV over to feed its supply chain? That should fetch a hefty premium for STEV shareholders.
Even if a buyout doesn't happen, becoming a titan in the industry wouldn't be so bad either.
Visit the corporate website, Yahoo Finance, and OTC Markets for more information.
Stevia Corp. has a supply contract in place with the Stevia industry’s leading refiner, PureCircle, to purchase leaf that Stevia
... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 17.12.12 14:57
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - Bitte nur kurz zitieren und Vollzitate vermeiden.
und schöne weihnachten
der Kurs denn so einen schönen Abwärtstrend?
Und gepusht wird hier scheinbar auch schön oder gibts nen Grund dafür? ;)