Auch hier dürften die meisten Firmen unbekannt sein. Vielleicht schaffen wir es ja gemeinsam uns einen Überblick zu verschaffen (Fundamentals, Sektor,...)
1. Bao Viet Hldg (VN000000BVH3) Gewichtung: 5,16 %
2. Cable and Teleco (VN000000SAM1) Gewichtung: 0,49 %
3. Corp for Financing and Promo (VN000000FPT1) 5,48 %
4. DaNang Rubber Jsc ORD VND 10000 (VN000000DRC8) 0,47 %
5. Development Investment Construction (VN000000DIG8) 1,25 %
6. Gemadept Corporation ORD VND 10000 (VN000000GMD0) 1,27 %
7. HAGL Joint Stock Co ORD VND 10000 (VN000000HAG6) 11,33 %
8. HOA PHAT GROUP JSC (VN000000HPG4) 6,12 %
9. Hoa Sen Group (VN000000HSG8% 0,79 %
10. Investment & Trading of Real Estate JSC ORD VND 10000 (VN000000ITC3) 0,67 %
11. Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam ORD VND 10000 (VN000000VCB4) 3,95 %
12. Khang Dien House (VN000000KDH2) 1,04 %
13. Kinh Do (New) (VN000000KDC3) 2,27 %
14. Kinhbac City Development Share Holdings Corporation ORD VND 10000 (VN000000KBC7) 3,96 %
15. LICOGI 16 Joint Stock Co (VN000000LCG4) 0,52 %
16. Ocean Group (VN000000OGC8) 2,53 %
17. Petroviet Fertlz (new) (VN000000DPM1) 7,49 %
18. Petrovietnam (VN000000PVT8) 0,87 %
19. Petrovietnam Dri - NEW (VN000000PVD2) 6,07 %
20. Petrovietnam Finance Joint Stock Corp (VN000000PVF7) 4,07 %
21. Petrovnm General (VN000000PET4) 0,51 %
22. Pha Lai Thermal - NEW VN000000PPC6) 1,61 %
23. Phu Nhuan Jewelry JSC ORD VND 10000 (VN000000PNJ6) 0,95 %
24. Quoc Cuong Gia Lai (VN000000QCG3) 0,93 %
25. Refrigeration Eletrical Engineering Company ORD VND 10000 (VN000000REE2 1,27 %
26. Song Da Urban (VN000000SJS9) 2,45 %
27. Tan Tao Inv Ind (New) (VN000000ITA7) 2,39 %
28. Thu Duc Housing (VN000000TDH3) 0,51 %
29. Tu Liem Urban (New) (VN000000NTL4) 0,87 %
30. Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Industry & Trade ORD VND 10000 (VN000000CTG7) 5,38 %
31. Vincom (VN000000VIC9) 16,18 %
32. Vinh Son-Song (VN000000VSH7) 1,16 %
-Versicherung (Rückversicherung, Lebensversicherung, Versicherung, Banking, Immobilien, Portofolio Mgt....)
Revenues: 6,442,533,553,019 VND (~208 Millionen Euro)
Net Income: 952,597,195,373 VND (~31 Millionen Euro)
(1 Euro = 30 918,75 Dong)
2011 sind die Exporte um satte 33% gewachsen (in USD)
Low CPI increase in January brings hope The 10-year record low inflation rate in January has arisen a hope among businesses that the lending interest rates would go down, and business’ difficulties would be eased. CPI increases only by one percent in January 15, 2012 NDHMoney has predicted that the consumer price index CPI in January 2012 would increase only by one percent over the previous month.
Vietnamese economy grows impressively: HSBC
Vietnam has achieved an impressive economic growth in spite of the global economic downturn, according to a recent report by HSBC.
GDP growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 increased by 6.1 percent over the previous year thanks to strong export performance and growing domestic demand, GDP growth rate in 2011 was 5.9 percent and is expected to reach 5.7 percent in 2012.
The report attributed Vietnam’s strong economic growth to the consumers’ growing demand for agricultural products, garment and textiles and crude oil. Exports are estimated to increase by 24 percent in 2012.
Interessanter Arikel in Forbes Magazin
Why You Should Invest in Vietnam
Jeder sucht die Kuh, die dieses Jahr durch den Markt getreiben wrd.
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