$$ Ausbruch bei Uranpenny ! $$
WKN: 120094
ISIN: CA45901E1043
CA-Kürzel: IEA.V
Handelbar in Frankfurt, Berlin und Kanada.
Ausstehende Aktien lt. Firmen-Website: 26,390,414
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Der Preis von Uran kennt keine Grenzen. Vor allem die große Nachfrage aus Asien führt zu immer höheren Preisen. Da Uran nicht börsengelistet ist und es demzufolge keine Derivate auf die Kursentwicklung gibt, können Anleger vom „Uran-Run“ nur indirekt profitieren, indem sie Anteilsscheine von entsprechenden Minengesellschaften erwerben.
Die Aktie von International Arimex Resources ist eine davon. Mit den Projekten Key Lake Uranium Claims, Washington Uranium Claims, Nevada Uranium Claims, Claw Claim und Cree West ist Arimex hervorragend aufgestellt.
Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von ca. 3 Millionen Euro ist Arimex nahezu lächerlich bewertet!
Dazu kommt der gestrige Ausbruch (Siehe Chart). Arimex darf meiner Meinung nach als spekulative Beimischung in keinem Depot fehlen.
The Key Project comprises five mineral claims totaling 5,998 hectares in four separate blocks located within 5 to 23 kilometres of the former producing Key Lake uranium mine on the southeast rim of the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan. A uranium mill remains in operation at the site processing ore from the McArthur River mine.
Previous exploration on the properties was limited. Magnetic lineaments indicate a varied and disrupted geology within the underlying terrain, providing the opportunity for basement hosted uranium mineralization, similar to the nearby, newly discovered Millenium deposit.
The potential of this project is for unconformity style Uranium mineralization of both the Simple (Low REE, basement hosted) and the Complex (High REE, Sandstone hosted) types of Uranium deposits. Despite a large number of assessment reports covering parts of the properties, there has been little intensive exploration directly upon them. Exploration models of Uranium mineralization at the time of previous exploration work did not take into account the potential for basement hosted deposits on all five mineral claims. Modern airborne geophysical survey technology will allow the defining of graphic conductors far deeper than the previous exploration cycle’s 300 metre limit.
An airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey comprising 870 survey line-kilometres will commence shortly on the Key Project.
All five mineral claims have common borders with Cameco/Cogema claims. If exploration work proves promising joint venture agreements on adjoining ground might well be possible with these senior companies.
Arimex has staked 101 Uranium claims located in Township 35N, Range 45E in northeastern Washington State USA, where regional reconnaissance work has identified a number of potential porphyry Uranium deposits.
Regional reconnaissance work identified a number of potential porphyry Uranium deposits. The area of interest has several large radiation anomalies identified by scintillator surveying. Host rocks area granites and biotite quartz monzonites, and are thought to host similar mineralization to that found at Grand Forks, B.C., where euhedral cubic uranite crystals occur in quartz and biotite. Grab samples have returned values up to 1% U3O8 (USGS IAEA-SM-183/12 report). The property covers the working of the Last Chance Mine that explored a U3O8 bearing shear hosted in quartz monzonites that was sampled returning values up to 0.56% U3O¬8.
The California Creek Uranium Prospect is located in northern Elko County, Nevada. It is an unconformity-type uranium occurrence that occurs in basal, Tertiary Age sediments lying immediately above a granitic erosional surface. The lateral extent of this sedimentary basin is significant. The shallow parts of the unconformity (less than 500 foot depth) may cover as much as several square miles. Uranium deposits near Mountain City, Nevada were discovered about 1954. They have produced about 4,700 tons of uranium ore.
Arimex plans an initial exploration program, whereby, geophysical ground survey, including gravity and radiometric evaluation, and geological mapping. Results of this initial stage if positive would be instrumental in outlining a second stage of exploration.
A second exploration stage might include an airborne geophysical survey, further ground geological surveys, trenching and further mapping. Rotary drilling with geophysical logging of the holes would be necessary to establish the presence and character of uranium that is present in the target horizon and to begin to define and calculate a uranium resource.
The Claw Property encompasses four claims totaling 80 units, located about 90 km northwest of Fort St. James, British Columbia. The claims were staked to cover the Klawli Cu-Au-Ag occurrence, which lies along the south side of a tributary creek on the east side of Klawli River. The most significant assays from the property range from 1.24 to 23.3 g/t gold, 16.1 to 1225 g/t silver, and 2.4 to 9.3% copper.
During the early 1990\'s exploration by Noranda Exploration Company Ltd. identified at least two large anomalous zones of copper - gold in soils. At least one zone, with up to 0.478 g/t gold and 0.1229% copper in soils, extends southeasterly from the Klawli showing and is coincident with magnetic highs and IP anomalies.
Januar 2006 mit ca. 1000 % Kurszuwachs
Dann im August das nächste Kaufsignal mit ca. 120 % Kurssteigerung.
... jetzt wieder ein Kaufsignal, Kurszuwachs diesmal?
Das Jahreshigh könnte wiedermal angetestet werden. Zuvor denke ich, werden wir bei 22 bis 23 verschnaufen.
das war mein spontaner buß u bettagskauf ...
Gestern schon 18 + gemacht und heute ....
schade, das ich nicht mehr gekauft habe...
viel spass allen denen, die noch drin sind. limi
Kurs ist irgendwie hängengeblieben
Momentan RT 0,19 CAD. Schaut sehr gut heute aus. Auch das Volumen in Kanada ist äusserst beträchtlich.