Freegold fairer Wert 1,40 - 2,10 € !

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125 Postings, 7144 Tage BiologeFreegold fairer Wert 1,40 - 2,10 € !

09.08.06 13:13

WKN: 882340

Kürzel: FR4


das sagt heute Rohstoffraketen in der aktuellen Ausgabe!

aktuell 0,33€

Der nachgewiesene Bodenschatzwert von 560 Millionen Euro steht einer Börsenbewertung von nur 12 Mio Euro gegenüber!!!
Das sind unglaublich billige 3!!!% des Metallwertes! Viele Explorer in früheren Stadien werden mit 10-15% ihrer Resourcen bewertet, was einem Börsenwert von 56-84 Millionen Euro entsprechen würde!
Diese entspricht einem Börsenkurs von 1,40 bis 2,10 Euro!

Treue Leser wissen es: Freegold Ventures (WKN 882340) ist mit einer Börsenbewertung von knapp 12
Millionen Euro bei einer NI-43-101-Resource von 515.834 Unzen Gold in der Kategorie „Indicated“
und 359.802 Unzen in der Kategorie „Inferred“, also zusammen über 875.000 Unzen auf nur einem
von vier Projekten (Almaden-Projekt in Idaho, USA), einer der fundamental billigsten Goldexplorerweltweit. Für das Almaden-Projekt existiert zudem eine Feasability-Study (Machbarkeitsstudie) aus dem
Jahr 1997, die dem Projekt eine Tagebaufähigkeit mit 8 Millionen Tonnen jährlich einräumt. Diese Machbarkeitsstudie
aus dem Jahr 1997 beruht auf 677 Bohrlöchern, von denen 90 % nicht weiter als 30 Meter
auseinander liegen. Aufgrund der bis zur Jahrhundertwende weiter fallenden Goldpreise wurde das Projekt
jedoch auf Eis gelegt. Mit Eintritt eines neuen Managements
um Steve Manz im Oktober 2005 geht es
Freegold nun aber wieder zur Sache. Steve Manz hat
in den vergangenen 18 Jahren nicht weniger als 700
Millionen USD für Junior-Explorer an Finanzierungen
auf die Beine gestellt. Zusammen mit einem weiteren
Vorstand, Mike Gross, war man maßgebend
am Erfolg von Royal Oak Mines Anfang der 90er
Jahre verantwortlich. Damals schaffte es das Team
aus einem Explorer, der aus einem Manteldeal hervorgegangen
war, einen schuldenfreien Goldproduzenten
mit 300.000 Unzen Jahresproduktion in nur
drei Jahren zu schmieden. Und nun will man es bei
Freegold Ventures erneut wissen!
In der letzten Woche gab man bekannt, dass man ein
34.000-Fuß-Bohrprogramm auf dem Almaden-
Projekt startet, um die bisherige Resource auszuweiten
und insbesondere genauer zu definieren. In der
Machbarkeitsstudie von 1997 wurden unter anderem
einige Zonen genannt, die ein weiteres Bohrprogramm
erfordern, um die spätere Tagebaumine exakt
zu lokalisieren. Das ganze Bohrprogramm will Steve
Manz bis Mitte November abgeschlossen haben und
anschließend ein unabhängiges Update der 43-101-
Resourcen erstellen lassen. Unabhängig wie dieses
ausfällt, hat der spekulative Investor bei Freegold ein
exzellentes Chance/Risiko-Verhältnis. Man darf sich
bei diesem Wert unserer Ansicht nach nicht von
kurzfristigen Ausschlägen aus der Ruhe bringen lassen - auch wenn dies zugegebenermaßen manchmal sehr
schwer fällt.
Der nachgewiesene Bodenschatzwert von 560 Millionen Euro steht eine Börsenbewertung von 12
Mio. Euro gegenüber.
Das sind unglaublich billige 3 % des Metallwertes. Viele Explorer in früheren
Stadien (ohne Machbarkeitsstudie) werden mit 10-15 % ihrer Resourcen bewertet, was einem Börsenwert
von 56-84 Millionen Euro entsprechen würde. Dies entspricht aber einem Börsenkurs von
1,40 bis 2,10 Euro!
Fazit: Da Freegold eine sehr geringe Börsenbewertung besitzt, sind die Umsätze oftmals sehr dünn. Aus
diesem Grund sollte man die Aktie nur zur Depotbeimischung kaufen. Man muss hier mitunter etwas Geduld
mitbringen. Dafür erkauft man sich ein extrem gutes Chance/Risiko-Verhältnis und ein ziemlich fertiges
Projekt mit Top-Management. Kaufen Sie eine Position und warten Sie einfach ab.  Eventuelle Kursschwankungen
aufgrund geringer Umsätze sollte man aber aushalten können!


2345 Postings, 6757 Tage realityDas sind mir noch die liebsten Werte!

09.08.06 17:26
Konservativer u. sicherer bei einem Explorer einsteigen zu können wie bei Freegold Ventures geht wohl kaum noch! Kaufen, liegen lassen und dann einsammeln, perfekt!



2345 Postings, 6757 Tage realityIn Kanada schauts auch gut aus:

09.08.06 18:05
Im Bid bei 0,46 =>

% Change:
Price Data Table
      Open      0.45§
Previous Close 0.42
Exchange of Last Sale T
Time of Last Sale 09:30:20
      Tick Unchanged
       Bid      0.46 
       Ask §
Size Bid/Ask 6x10
Symbol Type Equit  

216 Postings, 6755 Tage TomTropicHeute geht es weiter aufwärts

10.08.06 09:10
Kursziel heute: 0,40 Euro  

2345 Postings, 6757 Tage reality@TomTropic

10.08.06 09:29
Was sollen die Gründe dafür sein?


8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petruss@reality

10.08.06 10:21
Hast den Post ganz oben gelesen? Diese Nachricht ist gestern bei RR veröffentlicht worden.  TomTropic vermutet das das nicht ganz spurlos am Kurs vorbei geht. Ich persöhnlich glaube auch an die 0,40€ in kurzer Zeit. Aber an einem Tag, würde ich eher bezweifeln. Dagegen hätte ich allerdings nichts, da ich sehr gut eingedeckt bin. Zu unter 0,30€ allerdings.  

2345 Postings, 6757 Tage realityFreegold hat in Can. bei 0,46 geschl. = 0,32EUR

11.08.06 09:49
Last: 0.46


216 Postings, 6755 Tage TomTropicWie sieht es in Canada aus? o. T.

11.08.06 16:09

2345 Postings, 6757 Tage realityWie Rohstoffraketen schon geschrieben hat:

11.08.06 16:47
Eventuelle Kursschwankungen aufgrund geringer Umsätze sollte man aber aushalten können!

Aktuell in Can.:

0,46 = 0,32 Eur eigentlich müssten hier in Deutschland noch 2Cent aufgeholt werden!


2345 Postings, 6757 Tage realityZieht in Kanada weiter an 0,62 = 0,43 Eur

17.08.06 16:07
ast: 0.62
Change: +0.06
% Change: +10.71%
High: 0.63
Low: 0.59
Volume: 261,100
Price Data Table
      Open       0.6§
Previous Close 0.62
Exchange of Last Sale T
Time of Last Sale 09:50:54
      Tick Unchanged
       Bid      0.59 
       Ask §
Size Bid/Ask 57x12
Symbol Type Equity  

5059 Postings, 6738 Tage Top1umschichten!

18.08.06 08:17
habe gestern freegold verkauft und habe mein Bestand an Aktien bei maximus aufgestockt; bei freegold ist erstmal die Luft raus; Gewinnmitnahmen werden den Kurs nach unten drücken.  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petruss@top1

20.08.06 12:48
nachdem bei Maximus die News gekommen sind, sehen wir hoffentlich bei freegold Einstiegkurse (0,26-0,30)  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussNEWS NEWS

20.09.06 09:43

Freegold Ventures Ltd. is starting two new programs aimed at further expanding and bulk sampling a series of recently discovered high-grade veins at its Golden Summit project outside Fairbanks, Alaska. Phase I trenching in June, 2006, successfully identified numerous gold-bearing veins and shear zones south as well as east of the historic Cleary Hill mine. Phase II will consist of 2,500 feet of new trenching designed to further extend the strike length and to identify other possible parallel structures. Phase III will consist of a 10,000-tonne bulk sample from the highest-grade areas encountered in phase I for the purposes of grade confirmation and possible cash flow generation. Both phases will be run simultaneously, and are expected to be completed by the end of October.

Phase II trenching will initially to extend the strike length of the three new structures that were the primary focus of the phase I program (see Stockwatch news dated Aug. 16, 2006). These were the Cleary Hill east extension (39.5 grams per tonne gold over 185 feet), the Wackwitz vein (16.4 grams per tonne gold over 235 feet) and a new 10-to-15-foot-wide shear zone, 50 feet to the south and parallel to the Wackwitz vein, which averaged 2.2 grams per tonne gold over its 220-foot length. Phase II will also trace the strike length of other high-grade intercepts identified in phase I and earlier trenching. These include two veins to the north of the Wackwitz, that returned chip channel samples of 47.3 grams per tonne gold over five feet and 11.5 grams per tonne gold over 10 feet, as well as grab samples of 31.9 grams per tonne gold and 38.1 grams per tonne gold. Alaska Assay Laboratories in Fairbanks, Alaska, and ALS Chemex Labs in North Vancouver, B.C., completed analyses, for gold via fire assay analysis plus multielement ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis using four-acid digestion.

The phase III bulk-sampling program will consist of the surface mining of 10,000 tonnes of material from the highest-grade vein and shear zone material identified in phase I. Construction of a new haul road, to transport the mined material from the sample locations to a nearby processing site, has commenced. The haul road has been specifically located to serve two additional purposes. Not only will the haul road connect the Cleary Hill eastern extension area with the vein swarm south of the Cleary Hill mine, but the overburden stripping necessary to construct the road will allow Freegold to sample the exposed bedrock to delineate new structures for follow-up work.

Each structure mined in the bulk-sampling program will be segregated into separate stockpiles at the processing area. The material will be crushed to minus-1/4-inch size and multiple sample cuts will be taken from the crusher discharge. Composite samples will be split to obtain representative samples of the material mined from each location. Following sampling, the mineralized material will be processed using gravity techniques, with the recovered gold sold to generate cash flow.

The qualified person for this release is Michael Gross, MS, PGeo, vice-president of exploration, Freegold Ventures.


8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussdrills 500 feet of 0.021 oz/ton Au at Almaden

05.10.06 17:02

Freegold Ventures Ltd. is providing initial assay results from its 34,000-foot resource expansion drill program currently underway at the company's 100-per-cent-controlled Almaden gold project in southwestern Idaho. Initial results indicate that the disseminated gold mineralization in the southern portion of the deposit (previously defined by holes approximately 200 feet in depth) extends down to a depth of 500 feet.

Drilling commenced in July with a single core rig. A second drill rig (reverse circulation) was added in late September and approximately 9,000 feet of drilling has been completed to date. The first six holes, totaling 2,990 feet, were large-diameter (PQ) core holes designed to test areas of known gold mineralization and recoveries throughout the mile-long deposit. These holes are part of a continuing metallurgical testing program being conducted by McClelland Laboratories of Reno, Nev., to help determine the optimal relationship between fragmentation, crush size and gold recovery for the project. The remaining 31,000 feet of drilling is being conducted to expand the overall project resource at depth and at the periphery of the deposit, where prior drilling encountered good thicknesses of resource-grade mineralization.

Assay results have now been received from the first four holes. The first of these large-diameter core holes (C-37), collared 500 feet north of the open southern portion of the main zone, was strategically located to provide both representative material for metallurgical testing and a preliminary test for deeper gold mineralization beneath the 200-foot-deep pit contemplated by Freegold's 1997 feasibility study. Previous drilling in this area never determined the extent of mineralization at depth, as the majority of holes in this area ended in mineralization above the cutoff grade. Hole C-37 was drilled to a depth of 540 feet, and gold mineralization was successfully encountered over the first 500 feet, averaging 0.021 ounce per ton (equivalent to the current resource grade for the deposit). Included within this hole is a 100-foot interval (from 35 to 135 feet) grading 0.037 ounce per ton, and a 130-foot interval (from 235 to 365 feet) grading 0.029 ounce per ton. Holes C-38 and C-39 generated lower-grade and lower-recovery material on the western extremity of the deposit for the metallurgical test program. Hole C-40, located in the middle of the main zone returned 0.025 ounce per ton over the first 210 feet (which coincides with the 210-foot original pit depth). Included within this hole is a 155-foot interval (from 15 to 170 feet) grading 0.032 ounce per ton.

In addition to drilling, 40 tons of bulk material was blasted from three surface pits (two in the main zone and one in the North zone) in August and shipped to McClelland Laboratories as part of the gold recovery optimization testwork. Assays from the 39 blast-holes (ranging in depth from 14 to 22 feet) averaged 0.02 ounce per ton and are representative of the overall resource grade of the deposit.

Recent drilling, 100 feet and 600 feet north of hole C-37, in core holes C-43, C-44, C-50 and C-51 and in the first RC hole, 708, has all encountered rocks containing pervasive quartz veining and extensive brecciation similar to that seen in hole C-37. In the particular cases of holes C-43, C-50, and 708, this abundant quartz veining and brecciation also extends 250 to 300 feet below the originally designed 1997 pit bottom as was seen in hole C-37. This material has recently been shipped for analysis, and further gold assays are expected in November.

Diamond drill core and RC samples are generally analyzed on five-foot intervals. All samples are shipped to ALS Chemex at its Winnemucca, Nev., laboratory for preparation. Pulps are shipped to ALS Chemex Laboratories in Vancouver, B.C., for analysis. Gold values are determined using fire assay techniques with AA finish and multielement analysis using ICP-AES with aqua regia digestion.

The qualified person for this release is Michael Gross, MS, PGeo, vice-president exploration, Freegold Ventures.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussOrder für morgen nicht vergessen

19.10.06 22:24
Limit 0,29€

Schönen Abend.:)  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussKurs 0,28€ Aber keiner

23.10.06 10:09
möchte unter 0,31 verkaufen! Ich WILL Freegold Aktien!  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussNews! 25.3 g/tonne, 34.3 g/tonne, 31.1 g/tonne

24.10.06 14:27

Freegold mines 10,000 tons of material at Golden Summit

2006-10-23 15:30 ET - News Release

Mr. Steve Manz reports


Freegold Ventures Ltd. has commenced mining operations on its Golden Summit project, near Fairbanks, Alaska. An initial 10,000 tons of high-grade surface vein material is being mined from the Cleary Hill eastern extension and the Cleary Hill south vein swarm that were discovered in the June, 2006, trenching program. Mining commenced near the historical Beistline shaft in the eastern extension at the rate of 300 to 800 tons per day. The mineralization, favourable quartz veins and shears in this area, originally discovered as a four-inch to 18-inch vein (which graded 39.5 grams per tonne (1.15 ounces per ton) longitudinally over a 185-foot strike length), has now been increased through mining to a width of over 30 feet. Quartz veining with gold flakes recovered through panning of crushed rock continues to be seen in the wall of the pit. In addition, numerous new mineralized structures have been uncovered during the construction of the one-mile-long haul road that runs through the two areas, and through additional overburden stripping.

Mining to date has stockpiled approximately 2,000 tons of material from an initial 250-foot length of the 30-foot-wide pit near the Beistline shaft. Initial discovery of this extensive bleeding of quartz vein mineralization into the hangingwall of the main vein was discovered when the area was cleared in preparation for mining. The initial narrow pit was subsequently widened after five-foot-long channel samples, located five to 10 feet into the hangingwall returned assays of 25.3 g/tonne, 34.3 g/tonne, 31.1 g/tonne and 26.1 g/tonne. An area stripped a further 80 feet to the south of the current pit wall returned an additional 22.3 g/tonne over a 15-foot-long channel sample. It is uncertain whether this zone is part of the same hangingwall structures.

Significant mineralization in this area consists of silicification of the host rock and quartz veining with the introduction of significant amounts of pyrite and arsenopyrite. Multiple episodes of faulting, shearing and brecciation can be seen in this area. The mineralization appears to be most extensive in areas where the main Cleary Hill east extension zone is intersected by shears coming in at an angle of 50 degrees from the southwest. Visible gold has been seen in several hand specimens, and samples of quartz veining that were crushed and panned in this area have also yielded flakes of gold.

Preliminary sampling of the 10,000-ton bulk sample will be taken in the coming weeks, with crushing, further sampling and gravity concentration of the contained gold for subsequent sale to be undertaken in the spring.

The building of the new haul road has successfully exposed several previously unknown veins in the area, and new trenches have been dug following the haul road mapping and sampling program. One of the new structures, located 80 feet to the north of the Wackwitz vein, assayed 15.45 g/tonne over five feet. Assays from the other sampled exposures are pending. The road-building process also exposed the surface of the original Cleary Hill vein. The historical Cleary Hill mine produced over 280,000 ounces of gold at an average grade of 44.6 g/tonne (1.3 ounces per ton). This structure, which is bounded by footwall and hangingwall shear zones, contains quartz and brecciated quartz veins, and appear similar in nature and mineralization to the Beistline shaft area currently being mined 1,000 feet to the east. Overburden stripping, cross trenching, mapping and sampling of this structure are in progress.

Alaska Assay Laboratories in Fairbanks, Alaska, and ALS Chemex Labs in North Vancouver, B.C., completed analyses for gold via fire assay analysis plus multielement ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis using four-acid digestion.

The qualified person for this release is Michael P. Gross, MSc, PGeo, vice-president of exploration, Freegold Ventures.

We seek Safe Harbor.

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussNoch 1h bis Kanda

24.10.06 14:28
aufmacht. Bin schon gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen!  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petruss+6,9% Explorer 500% unterbewertet :) o. T.

24.10.06 16:11

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussHeute wieder im Plus!

25.10.06 13:26
Es könnte sich sehr lohnen hier dabei zu bleiben!  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussKostenlose Canada Realtime hier!

26.10.06 12:36
Dank Snowy haben wir nun auch kostenlose Realtimes für Freegold!

Danke an Snowy!  

8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussUnd wieder News!

26.10.06 16:08
2006-10-26 10:04 ET - News Release

Mr. Steve Manz reports


Freegold Ventures Ltd.'s trenching continues to discover extensions of previously identified mineralized zones at the Golden Summit project outside Fairbanks, Alaska. Recent trenching and trench sample assays indicate that the Currey zone, initially discovered this summer as a 10-foot- to 15-foot-wide shear zone within the Cleary Hill South vein swarm, may now extend over a strike length in excess of 1,000 feet with widths and mineralized grade increasing toward the southwest. This extensional trenching work is in addition to the continuing bulk sampling of 10,000 tons of material from a number of high-grade veins, and the continuing mapping and sampling of new veins discovered in this area during the construction of the haul road.

Located 50 feet to the south and parallel to the high-grade Wackwitz vein (which over five-foot widths averaged 16.4 grams per tonne over 235 feet of trenching conducted in June, 2006), the Currey zone was exposed in two trenches during that same program. One 70-foot-long trench averaged 2.3 grams per tonne over 10-foot sample widths, and the second 150-foot-long trench (75 feet further along strike to the west) averaged 2.2 grams per tonne over 10-foot sample widths. Although lower grade than the Wackwitz, the Currey zone is a wider shear zone, which has now been extended an additional 220 feet to the southwest, with preliminary assays from the five-foot-wide channel sampling over the first 120 feet of extension averaging 2.35 grams per tonne. The remainder of the assays from this trench are pending.

The width of the Currey zone is increasing in the southwesterly direction and, while averaging 10 feet to 15 feet wide in the areas uncovered to date, widths of up to 40 feet are seen in the new trenching. The Currey zone encountered in trenching is now directly on strike with a drill intercept of a similar multiphase shear zone located a further 500 feet to the southwest where a Freegold core drill hole in 2000 intersected the shear over a 72-foot true width at an average grade of 4.4 grams per tonne. The Currey zone remains open in all directions.

Freegold's bulk sampling program continues to generate positive results. Approximately 5,000 tons are expected to be collected from the veins and shear zones in the Beistline shaft area of the Cleary Hill Eastern extension, which sits on patented ground controlled by Freegold. Sampling is now proceeding to a depth of approximately 25 feet and the 30-foot-wide trench continues to see mineralization bleeding into the south hangingwall of the pit. A further 4,000 tons of material will be collected from veins on patented ground controlled by Freegold, while 1,000 tons are expected to be taken from the Wackwitz vein under permits issued by the United States Bureau of Land Management. Pending the results from the continuing trenching and bulk sampling program, the company may make application to the state and federal regulatory agencies for a small miners permit to expand its activities in the Cleary Hill mine area in 2007.

"We are very excited to have discovered new styles of gold mineralization that have never been previously mined on the Golden Summit property," stated Freegold president and chief executive officer, Steve Manz. "The focus of the historical underground lode gold mining on the property from 1902 to 1942 was on the discrete high-grade, narrow quartz veins, which generated average mill feed grades between 34 grams per tonne (1.0 ounce per ton) and 56 grams per tonne (1.6 ounces per ton). Our current program of overburden stripping, trenching and bulk sampling is exposing much larger areas of mineralization than have been seen in the past. We have now been able to determine that significant bleeding of higher-grade mineralization has occurred into the host rock of the principal veins in this area. Although the ultimate width of mineralization at the Cleary Hill Eastern extension has yet to be determined, our recent exposure of the historically mined Cleary Hill vein at surface 1,300 feet to the west, and the identification of similar bleeding of quartz and mineralization into the walls of this vein, gives rise to the possibilities of extensive strike lengths of this new style of deposition."

Alaska Assay Laboratories in Fairbanks, Alaska, and ALS Chemex Labs in North Vancouver, B.C., completed analyses for gold via fire assay analysis plus multielement ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis using four-acid digestion.

The qualified person for this release is Michael P. Gross, MS, PGeo, vice-president exploration, Freegold Ventures.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

4 Postings, 6552 Tage boernsonwas ist los,

27.10.06 19:38
warum bekomme ich heute keine aktuellen kurse?
das ganze macht mich ein bisschen nervös, stecke mit der ganzen asche drinnen.

no risk no fun, hab ich mir mal so gedacht....



8889 Postings, 6678 Tage petrussWas für Kurse?

27.10.06 19:47
FF 0,30


4 Postings, 6552 Tage boernsondanke petruss,

27.10.06 19:52
warum habe ich bei meinem broker immer noch den kurs von 9 uhr vormittags?

gibst du dem papier noch eine chance? wie denkst du darüber?

freue mich über deinen input


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