silverado goldmines (867737)

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266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornnicht nur interessant : - )

17.04.07 11:56
Das ist eines der besten Spiele die ich kenne.

Und unheimlich produktiv.

Wenn man nicht aufpasst.   :-)  

30936 Postings, 8877 Tage ZwergnaseTAN101, ist'n Bauchgefühl

17.04.07 12:00
Wer mich hier schon länger kennt, weiss wovon ich rede...Gr., ZN  

474 Postings, 6621 Tage ErbseplusMir ging es jetz nich so

17.04.07 12:35
unbedingt darum, ob Silverado alles alleine Produziert, sondern eher um die kapazität des Werkes.

Wie gesagt, Afrika und China werdenin den nächsten jahren Mio. Tonnen dieses Green-fuel produzieren. Wollte deshalb einfahc mal Zahlen hören... :-D  

1254 Postings, 6973 Tage LichtblickGeenfuel nötiger denn je

17.04.07 13:52

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornabout 110,000 barrels of Green Fuel per year

17.04.07 13:55
guckst Du hier ;-)


The technical feasibility of producing and utilizing Silverado’s Green Fuel has been demonstrated on a pilot plant scale. Green Fuel made from ultra-low sulfur Alaskan subbituminous coal performed well in combustion tests giving nearly complete carbon burnout, minimal fouling, and yielded SO emissions below the most stringent environmental requirements. Process economics suggest that Silverado’s Green Fuel can be made from the vast low-rank coal deposits in the Gulf States, the Great Plains, the Powder River Basin, and Alaska for under $15 per barrel on an oil equivalent energy basis (BOE).

The last step required to commercialize this promising technology is to complete Silverado’s LRCWF Production and Boiler Testing Demonstration Program. The Green Fuel production facility would provide about 110,000 barrels of Silverado’s Green Fuel per year for tests in end-users' operations to verify scale-up engineering design parameters, provide viable process economics, and determine operating efficiency in oil-designed boilers and advanced power systems. The facility would also serve as a personnel training and development center to instruct engineers and operators in the production and utilization of Green Fuel and will incorporate laboratory facilities for new fuels design and testing. It is also likely to serve as a host site, which could contain test facilities for engine, turbine, and other advanced combustor development. It will provide a unique site where industry and researchers can develop advanced clean coal utilization technologies based on Green Fuel.

Silverado's Green Fuel Demonstration Project will show the economic feasibility and environmental superiority of converting LRCs into stable liquid fuels that can be used efficiently in oil-fired boilers, in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power facilities and in other advanced combustors operating at high temperatures and pressures. It will also, in conjunction with independent process developers’ facilities, produce clean fuels for required DoD engine tests.  

1254 Postings, 6973 Tage Lichtblickgrüne Erbse plus

17.04.07 13:58
was in China produziert wird ist nicht das umweltfreundliche silveradogreenfuel,
Silverado Greenfuel ist einmalig auf der Welt mit geringer Umweltbelastung.
Dieses Greenfuel wird nur von silverado hergestellt.
Erstmal von größeren Mengen in der neuen Versuchsanlage von Missippi.  

851 Postings, 6620 Tage melu@ZN kleine Freizeitbeschäftigung

17.04.07 14:45
Vorweg eine Bemerkung:

Egal was die Konkurenz macht. Wird Silverados testanlage ein Erfolg könnte es sein dass alle ihre technik wollen weil diese alle Kohlearten verarbeiten könnte und umweltfreundlich ist und auch billiger.


Silverado plans to produce 110,000 barrels per year (around 300 b/d) of Green Fuel per year at the Mississippi facility.

Nach erfolgreichem Testen  in etwa 2 – 3  Jahren eine   grosse Fabrikanlage die um
die 1 billion kosten wird
250 millionen  mindestens von Fördergeldern
Rest durch Investorengelder und Verträge


Australien   Demo Projekt

Start mid  2007  fin  2009

300 jobs  during constr.  /   36 jobs  plant operation

HRL LImited  750   Mill (Staat 100 Mill )  IDGCC
Low  Emiss  Technolog.   LETDF    Austr. Gouvern.

30% lower CO2         Half Water comp.

Miteinbezogen im Projekt :400 Megawatt Stromerzeugungbetrieb

Asia pacific Partnerchip (and china 2Firms )

RWE   2008-2015    1 Billion Projekt (  Entwicklung  2006 – 2008)

(In dieser Zeit werden auch viele alte Kraftwerke vom Netz genommen werden )

Planung und Genehmigung bis 2010

2014  dann 450 Megawatt mit CO2 Abtrennung wird Kohlekraftwerk in Betrieb gehen


Sumito invest in Liquefaction Ultraclean Fuels

Japan   Sumitomo  Corp.    CTL  

50 000 Barrel /day  and 67,2  Megawatt ( from ctl plant)

Zuerst jedoch Pilot Plant    mit    20 kg coal / day  (2008)


Sasol   in Indien     möchte      5.8 billion   plant    (     80 000 Barrel  / day)

Indien besitzt  200 bill. Tonnen Kohle  = 7% of the world total.

An analyst from a South African brokerage, who did not want to be named, said that while Sasol had become the flavour of the month amid sky-high oil prices, any investment in India would be “too far in the future to have any real impact on Sasol’s investment case”.
“You’re talking about 10 years before you see anything in India because it takes four to five years to simply build a plant, let alone other planning,” he said.
Corrupt US energy group Enron landed a lucrative $2.9 billion deal to provide electricity to India’s Maharashtra state but the deal collapsed in 2001 when the state was unable to pay for the power, which was being sold at four times the going rate. Enron, General Electric and other companies lost millions.

Sasol, the top energy firm in South Africa, is entering a crucial phase in planning for its two giant coal-to-liquid (CTL) projects in China.
Sasol's two projects one in Yulin, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province and another in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region are designed to produce 80,000 barrels of liquid fuels per day and represent the company's largest investment outside of South Africa.
Each plant is expected to cost $5 billion to $6 billion. Should these CTL projects be brought to fruitition, they would begin operation about 2013.
China will focus on the production of liquefied coal, dimethyl ether (DME), coal-to-olefin (CTO) and coal methanol
2007   - VICTORIA could lead the world in turning coal into transport fuel after multinationals Royal Dutch Shell and Anglo American made Melbourne-based joint venture Monash Energy their top global research priority.
Monash Energy is developing the coal-to-diesel technology in Victoria's Latrobe Valley.
New Victorian Energy Minister Peter Batchelor has met Monash Energy executives twice this week to discuss the coal-to-liquids project.
"We turn coal into gas, and then turn the gas into liquid fuel," said Monash Energy executive manager of public affairs Scott Hargreaves. "In the
first stage, from coal into gas, we create CO2 as a byproduct, and that needs to be removed."
Last May, Anglo and Shell formed the Clean Coal Energy Alliance (CCEA) to develop coal projects around the world. Monash Energy is the first project to be funded by the CCEA and has been listed as the alliance's top global priority.
Monash Energy, which has been co-owned by the energy giants since last September, is developing technology to convert Victoria's vast reserves of brown coal into diesel fuel.
The potential exists to produce 60,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day from Victorian coal — Bass Strait now produces 100,000 barrels of oil a day — worth more than $15 billion a year. This is enough diesel to cover nearly 9 per cent of Australia's transport fuel needs.
The Monash Energy project will build a coal mine, drying and gasification plant, carbon dioxide capture and storage facility and a gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant. The project is expected to cost $5 billion and Monash Energy plans to produce commercial quantities of diesel fuel by 2016.


851 Postings, 6620 Tage meluSollte für dich , Erbseplus sein ,sorry

17.04.07 14:48
Alle anderen können es aber ruhig auch durchlesen ;-)  

474 Postings, 6621 Tage ErbseplusThx :-)

17.04.07 14:59

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornnu warte ich schon den ganzen Tag

17.04.07 15:51
und niemand will mir welche über pari für 0,111 € geben. :-(


857 Postings, 6695 Tage TAN101GrünHorn; Du musst Geduld haben :-)

17.04.07 15:56

857 Postings, 6695 Tage TAN101und schon bist Du mit 20k dabei; gratuliere

17.04.07 16:02

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornDas wurde aber auch Zeit ; - )

17.04.07 16:14
Danke :-)  

474 Postings, 6621 Tage ErbseplusSagt mal

17.04.07 17:04
warum steht denn das Ask im Xetra auf 0,50 € s ja heftig... Wieso so hoch?  

857 Postings, 6695 Tage TAN101Mein Freund: Xetra-Datum - 02.04.2007 oh,oh!

17.04.07 17:13

851 Postings, 6620 Tage meluStimmt

17.04.07 17:17
Da will wohl jemand schnell Kohle machen auf Kosten eines anderen.Ist noch vom 2 april wie es scheint.


474 Postings, 6621 Tage ErbseplusJa gut, aber das würde doch

17.04.07 17:36
nie einer nehmen....  

857 Postings, 6695 Tage TAN101Erbseplus; das kann keiner nehmen,

17.04.07 17:44
da das Handelsdatum vom 2.4.2007 ist. Zum Anderen hat Xetra vergessen Ask und Bid anzupassen. Das kann auf Xetra bei bei solchen Werten schon mal passieren. Es ist einfach ein Eingabefehler. Gruß TAN  

474 Postings, 6621 Tage ErbseplusHat woh eine zu optimistisch Gedacht am 02.04.07

17.04.07 18:14

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornoder ist sehr geduldig

17.04.07 19:21
denn "Alles kommt zu dem von selbst, der warten kann."  

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornstabiler Kurs bei geringem Volumen

17.04.07 20:08
was sagt das dem erfahrenem Anleger ?

Dem unerfahrenem sagt es, dass Garry uns allen eine kurze

Verschnaufpause gönnt und zu gegebener Zeit News ausgibt.

Ich staune aber auch über die stabile 0,145 $.

Darunter gibt wohl keiner mehr was ab. :-)

Heute kommen wir bestimmt noch über die 0,15.

Think positiv :-)

851 Postings, 6620 Tage melu@GH Scheinen wirklich alle Shorties

17.04.07 21:07
wieder dabei zu sein. Aber warten wier noch ein paar Tage.Charttechnich könnte es ja nun nicht viel besser aussehen , ein starkes Signal zum Steigen in 1 bis 2 Wochen ist ja gegeben.Mal schaun ;-)

Alles Gute weiterhin  

11123 Postings, 7201 Tage SWayHauptsache Ihr helft den Shorties nicht wieder und

17.04.07 21:20
macht was sie wollen an zu einem Moment den sie bestimmen und den sie steuern.
Einige werden es nicht glauben aber ich habe keine echte Ahnung davon wer der Typ ist aber es kommt mir sehr bekannt vor was er sagt... Vielleicht ist ja was dran ?! ;)

Expect Noise to Intensify from Neigh-Sayers


To the New Investors-
Be on guard, at some point in the future, expect the noise to intensify from the neigh-sayers just before the topping out process begins with SLGLF share price and starts a normal correction to consolidate at a lower price level before resuming its climb to higher prices. At the beginning, THE NEIGH-SAYERS WILL WORK HARD TO CREATE DOUBT & FEAR IN THE MINDS of the beginning investors about the future of Silverado. Hoping to CREATE PANIC SELLING into the NORMAL CORRECTION PHASE. A FACT, THIS IS HOW THE SHORTS MAKE THEIR MONEY !! The more people they can Panic to sell their shares into the normal correction phase, the further the price will drop !! But they need that heavy volume of sell orders to make this happen in their favor. THIS IS THEIR AGENDA my friends. The professional shorts don't mess with start-up companies just a waste of their time, unless they are a competitor who is competing for the same market.

** What you must keep in mind is the fact that all stock prices go through a normal price correction from time to time; this is part of the natural process of the consolidation phase to building a constructive technical pattern on the charts before trending higher. This is a basic fact that happens within all markets .**

The shorts that post here are the neigh-sayers, have no morale conscious and will only laugh at all of us because they convinced some of you of their lies.They have no regard for your financial well being or the companies.

The U.S.A. is the only country in the world that allows such trading practices that opens the door for bad elements to destroy investors and a start-up company with a future. This is why no other country will allow shorting on their stock market exchange.

It takes a certain type of person to lower their values to prey on the innocent investors . Like the few crooked used car lot salesman (Like The Bashers) who will do anything to sell you a car that won't make it past a week on the road. They knows this and don't care as long as they make a buck at the innocent investors expense !!


You must look at the long term trend of geopolitical factors that are playing out on the world stage today and know and hold firmly in your mind that this is the long term trend that isn't going to disappear anytime soon. Silverado will play a major role in saving the U.S.A. from destruction by those communist countries and their allies whose primary intension and goal is to cut the U.S. off from oil and natural gas... there by destroying the country without firing a shot !!

A Few Quotes from My Files Regarding the Geopolitical Scene...

"Oil in the next war will occupy the place of coal in the present war, or at least a parallel place to coal. The only big potential supply that we can get under British control is the Persian and Mesopotamian supply … Control over these oil supplies becomes a first class British war aim.”
(Secretary of British War Cabinet, Maurice Hankey, 1918)

One year before he became Vice President of U.S., Dick Cheney told an audience of oil company executives in London that, “by 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day … While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world’s oil and the lowest production cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies.”
(This is equivalent to more than six Saudi Arabia's of today's size.)

Putin's plan to develop oil as a state weapon have long been clear. As director of the Federal Security Service (successor to the KGB) in St. Petersburg in the '90s, he authored an article arguing that the state should use natural resources to wield power.

"Without ample energy, you cannot invent enough Generals."
(4 Star General Richard Lawson 2003)

"Without bridges to prosperity, we might as well go home and get into our uniforms!"
(Brigadier General George Y.B. Teo 1997)

"There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." Instead, he advised waiting quietly as an enemy self-destructs, then sweeping in to reap the profits.
(Sun Tzu Chinese Military Strategist, 544-496 BC)

The Future,
Silverado Oil�  

266 Postings, 6591 Tage GrünHornVon mir kriegen die so leicht kein Stückchen

17.04.07 21:47
diesen nervigen Psychopathen aus dem RagingBull forum gehört mal

gehörig die Tour vermasselt.

Leider gibt es ja immer welche die Panik kriegen oder einfach hoffen

bei der Tour mitzumachen.

Also bleibt uns nur Geduld und der Glaube an die Story.

Augen zu und durch.


11123 Postings, 7201 Tage SWayVerlängerung wurde beantragt...

17.04.07 21:59

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