silverado goldmines (867737)
Auf der Seite.
Und das Beste ist. Wir dürfen alle an der Zeremonie teilhaben.
Es wird ein Videostream reingesetzt.
Nun werden noch mehr mögliche Investoren angesprochen.
Bis die Anlage fertiggestellt ist und Sie erste Ergebnisse produziert ist
viel Platz für Fantasie, was bei Aktienkursen ja mehr Wert zu sein scheint
als trockenes Zahlenwerk.
Im Raging Bull Forum gab es Aussagen, einige Shareholders hätten sich gruppiert (100-150 Leute mit einem Volumen von mehreren 100 Mio. Stücken) und Ihre Anteile
zum Preis von 5 - 10 $ reingesetzt damit das naked short selling nicht mehr so
einfach möglich ist.
Wie dem auch sei, meine Anteile die ich in US habe werde ich auch für 10$ reinsetzen,
wenn`s denn was bringt ?
Der Spruch buy on rumours and sell on good news dauert für uns mind. 1 1/2 Jahre.
Denn frühestens dann ist die Anlage fertig.
Also verkauft in Zukunft nicht zu billig.
Wenn es dies naked short seller wirklich gibt, wird es bestimmt noch mal sehr spannend.c
P.S. ZN : war schon o.k. Dein Einwand.
bei aller Euphorie, sollte man auch aufm Teppich bleiben.
So long, longs. so looooooooooong. ;-)
Ragingbull ist ein Forum für Hochgröler.. 99% sind ausgesuchte Puscher praktisch kein vernünftig denkender dabei dwer Kritik übt an dem Wunschdenken und mal genauer hinschaut und Fakten sucht ein neuer Analyst soll sich dazugesellt haben, der slglf im Börsenbrief empfehlen will.. die verdutzten Zocker werden bald aufwachen was hinter der 1 Mann Firma steckt, kein Patent-
keine Goldförderung, kein Geld, kein Cash flow, Pennystock Status der nie verlassen wurde, nur Pump und Dump.
Geld kann man verdienen aber schon eine grosse Position von Nullsubstanzerado.., nur viele kleine gehen hier rein und lassen liegen, mit Investiern hat das nichts zu tun.
Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.
Mining Exploration/Natural Res
SILVERADO has committed over 3 decades of work to the exploration, development and test mining of gold properties throughout North America. In the mid-1980’s, the Company decided to focus all its efforts in Alaska. Since then it has sold $20 Million USD of gold and silver bars and gold nuggets derived from test mining on a small but representative part of its extensive property holdings, wherein 354,686 troy ounces of gold resources have been delineated by mining and drilling. At today’s price (December 1, 2006) of $US 645.10, the gross value of this resource is $US 229,000,000. The Company has also developed excellent relationships with Alaska’s government agencies and political leaders.
SILVERADO has been working six years with the head of its Green Fuel Division, Dr. Warrack Willson, who is an industry leader in the development of low-rank coal-water fuels (LRCWF). This fuel is made from hydrothermally treated low-rank coals (LRCs), sub-bituminous, lignitic, and brown coals. It is a low cost, non-toxic, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly substitute for petroleum derived fuels mainly in industrial and utility boilers, gasifiers, and other advanced combustors. Initial process economics indicate that LRCWF can be produced from any American LRC for under $15 per barrel, on an oil equivalent energy basis.
Silverado’s LRCWF (Green Fuel), so named due to its environmental friendliness, is an ideal candidate for use in high pressure liquid fed gasifiers, like the one developed by Texaco now being marketed by G.E. The product, synthesis gas, can then be converted by any one of a number of commercial Fischer Tropsch processes to yield a myriad of clean fuels and petrochemicals. The products are free of nitrogen, sulfur, particulate matter, and heavy metals and will find many applications, including aviation and auto gasoline, diesel, synthetic natural gas, naphtha, fertilizers, ammonia, urea, plastics and many others.
America, with the world’s largest coal reserves, can through the use of Silverado’s Green Fuel, significantly reduce its dependence on foreign oil and move toward energy self sufficiency. In addition, licensing this technology to developing nations will help to diminish the amount of greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere worldwide.
Silverado’s 36 years of building is showing rewards as revenues grow and accelerate on its three large and highly gold mineralized 100% owned Alaska properties. In addition, the Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Silverado Green Fuel Inc., has entered into an agreement with the Mississippi Development Authority and Choctaw County to build and operate a $26,000,000 Green Fuel production and boiler testing demonstration facility. In addition to the Green Fuel, which will be used for independent testing in clients’ boilers and gasifiers, the facility will also provide commercial plant scale-up design data, refined product cost estimates, a training ground for engineers and operators, and research opportunities for staff and university faculty and students. It will incorporate laboratory facilities for new fuels design and testing. It is also likely to serve as a host site, which will contain test facilities for engine, turbine, and other advanced combustor development. It will provide a unique site where industry and researchers can come together to witness Green Fuel production and utilization and develop environmentally friendly energy technologies of the 21st Century.

and stay long,
wenn Ihr wirklich viel gewinnen wollt.
Aber ich kaufe auch gerne morgen wieder für 0,105 €
silver is funny, you asked me a few days ago if anyone from the defense dept stated that they were involved with silverado, implieing that garry made it up, or it was not true, well watch the end of the ceramony and you will see govenor barbour tell a female news reporter that the fuel will be used by the military. good night.
(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy)
Gestern erster Test des 2. Widerstandes (0,16$)
weekly Wunschszenario:
Diese Woche noch Test des 3. Widerstandes bei 0,18 $ und Wochenschluss über 0,163 $
Ausbruch aus dem Trendkanal nach oben wäre natürlich zu krass ;-)
Energy hot topic in Washington, but legislators only talking, not taking, action
WASHINGTON--A year after the president declared America was addicted to oil, the political discussion on energy has heated to a full boil. Any significant action, however, may be a year or two away.
President Bush says he wants to reduce U.S. gasoline usage by 20 percent in the next 10 years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared in January she wants energy and climate legislation passed before July 4.
Leading Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., introduced legislation to create a fund to support alternative fuels. Her competitor, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has introduced legislation that would help automakers pay for their health care costs if 50 percent of the savings from this action would be spent on hybrid technology.
But no energy legislation has landed on President Bush's desk since August 2005, when he signed the Energy Policy Act. And no real comprehensive legislation may be there by the end of this year, either.
"There are many bills that have been introduced and many, many hearings," said Carol Werner, executive director of the Environmental and Energy Institute, a nonprofit organization that analyzes energy policy. "In terms of what can actually pass Congress and is veto proof is another issue."
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 took four years to complete and received a lot of criticism for acquiescing to oil companies by not including emission and efficiency standards.
The legislation did establish tax breaks and incentives for alternative energy technology, such as ethanol, wind and hybrid cars. But many of these programs, such as tax credits for commercial hybrid vehicles or assistance for state energy programs, have not been fully funded or organized.
This time, Werner said, a Democratic majority and the pressing issue of "energy security" will eventually produce a more effective and comprehensive piece of legislation. And she said the issue is not going to just dissipate like it did following the late 1970s after the price of oil sky-rocketed.
"The situation in the Middle East and the war in Iraq and has made it very, very clear to people in Congress the issues in terms of oil have to be addressed," said Werner.
But most experts say it will be at least 10 years before alternative sources will begin to make a significant impact on the energy supply, as technology and the infrastructure to deliver new sources are put into place.
And while sources of energy are increasing, the appetite for energy grows. The Federal government's Energy Information Administration is predicting a 30 percent increase in energy consumption by 2030 in the U.S. alone.
If no laws or regulations change, oil and gas is expected to still provide 86 percent of America's energy consumption.
That is why policymakers need to be careful how they craft their energy legislation, said Mark Kibbe, a senior policy analyst at the American Petroleum Institute, which represents many of the leading oil, gas and coal companies.
"We just want them to be very thoughtful in their approach," said Kibbe. "When we look to the future of energy sources for a long time, we are going to need a lot of oil and gas."
Many policymakers have been critical of the oil industry as it has recorded billion dollar profits in the past couple of years, even as the price of gasoline has gone up. These record profits have made the oil companies a target as the government attempts to find a way to pay for all of these proposed tax incentives and subsidies for alternative energy.
The House already has passed a bill that would take away certain oil subsidies and would correct a loophole that companies used to avoid paying royalties in lease agreements in the Gulf of Mexico. The bill, however, is languishing in the Senate.
Oil supplies will be tighter in the future as demand increases from developing countries. Already U.S. oil companies are encountering problems with the oil supply in Venezuela and Russia, as well as the Middle East for political reasons.
What can be done legislatively, says Werner, is smaller piecemeal legislation such as tax incentives for alternative energy, especially in the reauthorization of the farm bill.
So far, Congress has taken this approach. Shortly before the Easter recess, Speaker Pelosi met with Democratic committee chairmen in charge of energy related proposals. After the meeting she said she would push her July 4 deadline to pass comprehensive energy legislation until the end of the year. She has also previously indicated that the legislation would not include any sort of climate change proposal or renewable energy portfolio requirements.
More than 100 bills related to energy have been introduced this session. Here is a summary of the thrust of many of them:
* Creating some sort of alternative energy fund, partially raised through taxes on oil profits and reducing subsidies for oil drilling and production. One such bill has passed the House and is waiting for approval in the Senate. Sen. Hillary Clinton introduced a bill that would create a Strategic Energy Fund.
* Reducing a percentage of oil consumption.
President Bush has advocated such a plan, known as "Twenty in ten"--reducing gasoline usage by 20 percent in 10 years. The DRIVE act that aims to save 2.5 million barrels per day by 2015 has been introduced in the House and Senate.
* Extending or creating more tax credits for investment in alternative energy --including E-85 ethanol, biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol, hybrid technology, plug-in technology, wind farms and coal-to-liquid.
* Establishment of a cap-and-trade emissions program to control carbon emissions, as urged most prominently by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
* Requiring utilities to use a certain percentage of renewable energy for electricity. This copies a "renewable energy portfolio" that many states, such as California and Colorado, require utilities to use.
09:48:04 0,118 +12,38% +0,013
Taxe Stück
Bid: 10:23:45 0,111 200.000
Ask: 10:23:45 0,119 14.501
Times + Sales Intradaychart
09:48:04 0,118
09:27:31 0,111
09:17:34 0,111
könnte sich um Minespec handeln:
Kursdaten 02.04.2007 XETRA
13:31:15 0,095 +5,56% +0,005
Taxe Stück
Bid: 13:21:02 0,038 263.000
Ask: 13:21:02 0,000
Jetzt bietet sich aber dennoch eine gute Gelegenheit günstig dabei zu sein. Preise, wie diese werden bald der Vergangenheit angehören und wenn nicht jetzt, dann wann ?
Viel Glück !
Einmal Silvi immer silvi, ich glaube einen TEil der Aktien und wenn es nur 1stk. ist behalte ich mein Lebenlang und verankere es in meinem Testament als Erbe. Damit die Nachwelt weiß
Mr.Scrab war einer von denen, die die Welt gerettet hat.!!!! <=)