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104 Postings, 4781 Tage bolloauch bis dahin

01.03.19 13:21
wird wohl kein Geld da sein.
Wenn ohne Geld kein Referendum möglich ist,  braucht PNG einfach keins schicken
und die Unabhängigkeit ist dahin, oder ?
Ob der Jeffe von Caballus die Sache finanziert hätte, fraglich.
SMLOLA echauffiert sich über Caballus hat aber mit RTG das gleiche Spielchen gemacht.

Also Inselfreunde, so wird das nix.

P.S. muss wohl ein Inselproblem sein, haben wir hier in Europa ja auch (GB)  

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zReferendum 2019

01.03.19 14:58

Bollo, PNG mit dem aktuellen BCL-Aktienanteil von (19,1 + 17,3) % wird wohl das Referendum mit der Lösung der Frage hinsichtliich der Panguna-Mine verknüpfen. Ob der Aktientransfer von dem 17,3 %-BCL-Anteil an die ABG oder an die LO geht oder sogar weiterhin bei PNG verbleibt, dürfte die Spannungen noch erhöhen.

Um sich von PNG vollständig loszusagen hat man deshalb wohl eine mögliche Gesetzesänderung des Minengesetzes und die Gründung von BAM zur Nutzung der Panguna, an der Caballus 40% und die ABG 60% halten soll, in die Diskussion gebracht, wodurch sich das Chaos noch erhöht hat.


ABG      PNG      ff          LO

36,4 %    36,4 %    27,2 %     0 %        Stand aktuell

36,4 %    19,1 %    27,2 %   17,3 %    alte Ansage PNG, nicht realisiert

53,7 %   19,1 %    27,2 %     0 %      alte Bestrebung ABG, nicht realisiert


703 Postings, 6171 Tage Tom0001Interessanter Artikel zur Geschichte

02.03.19 17:12

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zIndependence not the best choice for B ville

04.03.19 09:15

BOLLO:..... And why would PNG gift money to Bougainville if it voted to separate itself from the PNG nation state? .....

by  Professor Glen Mola


222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.heRTG Mining Inc Presents plans for Panguna Mine

04.03.19 09:34
RTG Mining Inc Presents plans for Panguna Mine
4 MARCH 2019 AT 00:03
Papua New Guinea Mine Watch  /  ramunickel

Pacific Mining Watch | March 1, 2019

The RTG mining inc a mining company which has established itself at Panguna with the former miner BCL was for the first time able to table its plan of developing Panguna to Bougainville leaders in Port Moresby.

RTG has been trying to meet with the ABG President, Grand Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS or the Mining Minister or better still the Bougainville Executive Council until yesterday when the BEC and including two members of the National Government, Member for Central Bougainville and former PNG Mining Minister, SAM AKOITAI and the member for South Bougainville and deputy Opposition leader TIMOTHY MASIU were able to make the presentation.

According to RTG’s comprehensive presentation presented by Michael Carrick, RTG Mining INC ‘s chairman, RTC would like to support the Autonomous Bougainville Government to fund the Bougainville Referendum, Provide Financial Support for activities of the ABG to further Bougainville, Provide technical skills and access to capital to develop Panguna and in the process unite all Bougainvilleans.

Several questions were made to the Chairman by the leaders who attended the presentation regarding the presentation of which MR. Carrick was able to answer them all.

The leaders especially the member for Central Bougainville, SAM AKOITAI said that RTG should not bribe the landowners by paying them and the ABG which is the government that will grant them the Mining licence.

He said Government support should only be made through company taxes and licensing fees.

The presentation ended with the leaders agreeing that Bougainvilleans including the landowners should iron out their differences and consider investors who want to work with the ABG and the landowners to develop Panguna.  

1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil........referendum will be held on 17 October 2019

06.03.19 11:30

.............“We are pleased to be able to inform the people of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville that the referendum on Bougainville’s long-term political future will be held on 17 October 2019” the leaders said.The meeting also considered important issues around peace and reconciliation and weapons disposal, with the two leaders agreeing that a national reconciliation ceremony will take place before the referendum is held............
........................said that the Referendum must be done properly so that the outcome can be credible and bring lasting peace on Bougainville. Meanwhile the Prime Minister told the JSB funds totalling TEN MILLION KINA has been transferred to the Bougainville Referendum Trust account and the remaining Ten Million kina will be paid next week.

703 Postings, 6171 Tage Tom0001Update Judicial Review Joinder Appeal

08.03.19 18:07

Yesterday afternoon, 7 March 2019, the Supreme Court in Papua New Guinea dismissed
Bougainville Copper Limited’s application for leave to appeal the joinder of Central
Me’ekamui Exploration Limited (now known as Panguna Minerals Ltd) to the Judicial Review
proceedings (OS (JR) 29 of 2018).

Bougainville Copper accepts the decision and in the interests of all shareholders will now
proceed with the Judicial Review proceedings.

Bitte mal professionell übersetzen.  Übersetzungsapp bringt keinen Sinn.  

222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.heAktuelle nachrichten

09.03.19 17:03

Das Rechtsmittel von Bougainville Copper Limited gegen die Entscheidung, sich Panguna Minerals Limited (vormals Central Me'ekamui Exploration Limited) dem gerichtlichen Prüfungsverfahren anzuschließen, wurde heute von Richter Dingake vor dem PNG-Obersten Gerichtshof mit Kosten abgewiesen.
Der Oberste Gerichtshof war nicht überzeugt, dass das Urteil des Nationalen Gerichts einen offensichtlichen Fehler begangen hat, der es der PML gestattete, am gerichtlichen Überprüfungsverfahren teilzunehmen, und dass die materiellen Rechte der BCL nicht beeinträchtigt wurden.
BCL hat die ABG und ihre Mitarbeiter in der ABG Mining Department sowie den Minister Raymond Masono verklagt und die gerichtliche Überprüfung der Entscheidung des ABG Executive Council beantragt, seine Explorationslizenz in Panguna im Januar 2017 nicht zu verlängern.
Die Angelegenheit wird nun vor dem Nationalgericht verhandelt.  

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zPM Momis ein Träumer ?

13.03.19 09:18

JM: Well they will get a lot of money. We own the resources and I think it's six billion to develop the mine, and they can get the money back, quite comfortably.


933 Postings, 4557 Tage LOFPanscheinend...Fakt ist, dass es nicht weiter geht.

13.03.19 12:51

222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.heABG rejects RTG Panguna proposal

13.03.19 17:06

13 MARCH 2019

Papua New Guinea Mine Watch  /  ramunickel
12 March 2019

RTG Mining has announced the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has rejected a proposal to reopen the Panguna mine.

RTG’s proposal was backed by the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA) whose members are the Customary Owners of the land and mineral resources of the Panguna Mine (the area of the old EL 01)

RTG says it will now will consult with SMLOLA as to the steps to be taken in respect of this development.

Meanwhile, the ABG is pursuing its own mining plans with Australian Jeff McGlinn and Caballus Mining.  

222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.hePresident of Bougainville says Landowners misled

13.03.19 17:17
Radio New Zealand | 12 March 2019

The President of Bougainville says landowners who criticise the government’s proposed mining law changes have been misled.

The president announced plans for sweeping changes to the mining law in January, as the government sought money to help pay for the region’s referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea.

It has been criticised by landowning groups and human rights organisations but John Momis says these people have been misled by mining companies and others who want their own deals.

Mr Momis said the new law would greatly increase returns for landowners, earning them much more than the current measure which only guarantees their ownership of the minerals while they are in the ground.

“Under our proposal they own the resources, unextracted or extracted, and based on the known ore body we can raise the money ourselves.”

The mining law change would also see the government set up its own joint venture with an Australian entity, called Caballus.

The joint venture, to be known as Bougainville Advance Mining , would aim to re-open the huge and controversial Panguna mine.

The Bougainville referendum is set to be held in mid October.

Bougainville to go ahead with controversial law rewrite

Radio New Zealand | 12 March 2019

The Bougainville Government remains committed to rewriting the autonomous Papua New Guinea region’s mining law.

President John Momis says critics of the move are lying.

He says the new law would mean landowners retain ownership of the minerals after mining, making the benefits they receive much greater.

In January Mr Momis announced plans to change the law and team up with an Australian businessman, Jeff McGlinn, forming a company called Caballus.

It sparked an outcry but as Mr Momis told Don Wiseman his government is undeterred.


JOHN MOMIS: That will enable us to find a developer or investor to come in a joint venture with us, on the basis that we don’t pay anything because the Panguna ore body is a known ore body. It’s 65 billion kina worth. It’s known. And there’s only one Panguna mine – that’s excluding the Seven other Sisters. There are many companies in the world, if we gave them the mining licence they would go and raise money based on the value of this ore body. We, the landowners, will raise that, raise the money ourselves.

DON WISEMAN: yes but some of the key landowners say they are being shut out of this whole process.

JM: That’s not true. They are being lied to by RTG [Australian mining company] and others. Under the current mining law, which is better than the national mining law, the landowners only own the resource as long as it’s in the ground. Unextracted. Once it’s extracted the developer takes over and the landowner only gets five percent. If they wish to increase their share they can only increase it by another five percent, which they have to purchase. Under our proposal they own the resources, unextracted or extracted, and based on the known ore body we can raise the money ourselves.

DW: There has been criticism of your changes to this mining act. You clearly need to sell it more around Bougainville.

JM: That’s right, yes. I admit that our people made a mistake of not conducting a proper presentation, which they have subsequently done, and many people have seen and are saying, well, this is the best we have. We have – this week actually – while I am on the roadshow with the UN Nations Resident Co-ordinator and the Minister for Bougainville Affairs, we are going on a weeklong roadshow, our ministers will be conducting awareness amongst the members and others. We are very confident, once people understand. They have been misled or told that we are going to take everything away from the landowners. It’s nonsensical. in fact under our mining law they don’t even have to pay for their share because it’s their resource.

DW: Jeff McGlinn, though, he is not someone with a direct involvement in mining is he. I know he is involved in mining machinery and so on, but he’s not a miner.

JM: He’s not a miner, but there are mining companies in the world, we can hire the experts. I think it’s 65 billion US dollars worth of ore in the pit, the current Panguna pit, mineable over 27 years. That’s a lot of money.

DW: Well I guess  the critical thing is how much of it comes back to Bougainville?

JM: Well under our law, or proposed initiative, I think it’s 58 billion. 50 billion will come back to Bougainville and only eight billion will go to the  developer. under their proposal, [RTG] 50 billion will go to them and the poor Bougainvilleans will only get 8 billion.

DW: So you are going to get a developer to come in, spending billions redeveloping the mine and they are not going to earn very much from it.

JM: Well they will get a lot of money. We own the resources and I think it’s six billion to develop the mine, and they can get the money back, quite comfortably.  

1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil......#21887....

14.03.19 11:55

Der Analyse bzgl. RTG  kann man glaube ich folgen und auch in vielem zustimmen.

Wie aber soll das funktionieren mit Caballus ?
40/60 ziger Aufteilung?  Welches  Bergbauunternehmen  `das  es wirklich kann....... nämlich  professionell Erz schürfen ` würde sich auf so etwas einlassen ? Wer sollte so ein Experiment  finanzieren bei den Risiken ?
Ich glaube es gibt nicht ein einziges Beispiel für solch ein ähnliches Konstruct in der westlichen Welt. Nicht einmal in einem politisch stabilem Umfeld.
Ich bin mal gespannt welches Verfallsdatum dieser angedachte Irrweg hat. ;-)
Auch als Entscheidungshilfe  für  das gewünschte Ergebniss des Referendums ist es untauglich. Schade um die wiederum vergeudete Zeit.

13 Postings, 5479 Tage LysogenKlingt irgendwie alles nicht so toll fuer BCL

14.03.19 13:55
Also Mr Pipiro scheint ja schon total überzeugt zu sein...
"Mr Pipiro said he is in full support of the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s proposed amendments to the Bougainville Mining Act and will support and endorse any investor or partner that the ABG recommends."


1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil.......ABG President Opening Statement.......

14.03.19 14:49

vom 1.März

ABG President Opening Statement to the Joint Supervisory Body

............I hear too of moves to mount a constitutional reference to the Supreme Court about the Constitutionality of the provisions of the Constitution on the referendum. The argument is that the Constitution is providing a way for Bougainville to breakaway from Papua New Guinea, and that such provisions may be unconstitutional. But in fact, the Constitution does not provide for Bougainville to breakaway. Rather, it provides for a referendum on the future political status of Bougainville, following which the two governments must consult about the outcome. Whether Bougainville is to become independent will be determined in two stages. The first is consultation between the governments, and the second is the final decision-making of the National Parliament. Prime Minister, I must make it clear that I will be deeply disappointed if there is substance to the talk I have been hearing about a constitutional reference being made. To be taking such action now, almost 17 years since the Constitutional amendments were made, but only months before the referendum is held, makes me think that the aim is to delay implementation of the BPA, and to sabotage the Agreement. I wish to make it clear that the ABG would not be willing to make this a joint reference...........

Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das PNG die Provinz wirklich wegbrechen lässt. ......second is the final decision-making of the National Parliament.........

Man kann sehen  PNG ist  eher auch weiterhin an den zu erwarteten Einnahmen sehr stark interessiert. Wer da Zweifel hat kann ja mal das BIP googeln.

Die dringend benötigten Einnahmen sind in einer Größenordnung die durch Landwirtschaft und Tourismus nicht zu stemmen sind.

Und wer hält denn alles Anteile an BCL?  Für mich ist Caballus ein strategischer Weg aber kein  realistischer. Ich denke das ist auch bewußt    .:-)

1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil....Bougainville remain an integral part of PNG?..

18.03.19 09:36

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zUnabhängigkeit ?

18.03.19 15:27
Wie soll ein kleines Land wie Bougainville mit einer Einwohnerzahl von weniger als 250 000 Einwohner, unabhängig werden, das sich ab 1988 seiner maßgebenden Lebensgrundlage der Panguna-Mine durch radikale Kräfte und politisches Versagen mit selbst beraubt hat ? Wer soll jetzt für die 6 Mrd. U$D aufkommen und das Know How einbringen, um im Laufe der nächsten 10 Jahre mittels der Pangune-Mine wieder Erträge für ein angestrebtes autonomes Bougainville erzeugen zu können ?
Bougainville hat  keine eigenen Mittel, um die tote Mine in völliger Unabhängigkeit zum Leben zu erwecken.  

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zBestechung ?

20.03.19 09:20

222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.hePNG minister issues warning over Panguna re-openin

20.03.19 14:19
PNG minister issues warning over Panguna re-opening
18 MARCH 2019 AT 23:45
Papua New Guinea Mine Watch  /  ramunickel

Radio New Zealand | 18 March 2019

Papua New Guinea’s minister of Bougainville Affairs, William Samb, has called on the Bougainville government to forget about talking to investors in the Panguna mine until after the referendum on independence.

New Dawn FM reported Mr Samb was speaking during a Bougainville government roadshow around Bougainville that is explaining the referendum process.

His comments came after the government unveiled controversial plans to start its own company to re-open the mine, teaming up with a newly set up Australian company.

This has riled at least two other foreign investors who had been planning similar moves.

A year ago the government had declared a moratorium on opening Panguna but changed tack suddenly in January, saying it needed to open the mine to stimulate the economy ahead of the referendum vote in October.  

222 Postings, 4883 Tage Koud.heRTG responds to criticism from Bougainville Presid

23.03.19 15:38
RTG responds to criticism from Bougainville President
23 March 2019

The miner, RTG, has responded to recent criticism from the Autonomous Bougainville Government President, John Momis.

Mr Momis was recently reported as suggesting that RTG's achievements as a miner are limited, and that investors have no faith in its ability to deliver.

A lake in the pit of the long defunct Panguna mine in Bougainville.A lake in the pit of the long defunct Panguna mine in Bougainville. Photo:
Through its Chairman, Michael Carrick, RTG said it and the Panguna Landowners had provided an extensive and detailed presentation to a group of senior Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) Ministers in Port Moresby just over 2 weeks ago.

It said President Momis was unavailable to personally attend the presentation and had presumably obtained reports from his advisors and other Ministers who were present.

RTG said it devoted at least an hour of that time to walking through all the previous mines developed by the RTG Management Team, providing photos, metrics and written testimonials of various partners, including Lycopodium, who worked with it in developing those mines.

Importantly, RTG said it appears the ABG do not understand how the mining industry is structured from an investor point of view, which is fully understandable as this is their first experience on these matters.

RTG is currently planning to develop the Mabilo Mine in the Philippines, which will be the 8th mine it has developed, and it is the nominated development partner of the Landowners at Panguna.

The RTG Management Team has been backed for well over a decade by some of the best financial institutions globally in mining investment, including the Hains Family, Franklin Templeton, Sprott, Sun Valley and Equinox.

Finally, the testimonial package provided to all those who attended the presentation, and sent separately to President Momis by email (as he did not attend), contained a letter to President Momis from Michael Vitton, a respected mining broker in the world who has personally raised in excess of $US200 billion of mining finance, confirming he would raise the necessary capital for RTG to develop Panguna, subject to standard industry conditions.

President Momis had said that he thinks there have been significant payments to members of one group of landowners, the Osikaiyang group, which he characterised as "bribery".

RTG said the such allegations are absolutely without foundation, both morally and legally, and it suspects they arise only because the ABG is considering alternative options for Panguna.

"Landowners are ordinary citizens. They are not members of the PNG public service or Government officials.

"They have rights by virtue of their ownership of land and the minerals thereon and are entitled to benefit from the commercialisation of their rights.

"Landowners importantly cannot confer an Exploration Licence or a Mining Licence on their own joint venture, RTG or any other person," said Mr Carrick.

President Momis was also reported as saying that he thought an offer during a meeting with Bougainville MPs and officials earlier this month also constituted bribery.

RTG reject that and say there is a simple misunderstanding on the part of the ABG, as the ABG have limited corporate finance experience to date.

Mr Carrick explained that to ensure a full understanding of the terms of the proposal discussed during the presentation, "we also put in writing following the meeting a summary of the proposed deal structure, emailed to the Finance Minister and copied to President Momis. The proposal is demonstrably materially better than any alternative offer."

"In summary, the Panguna Landowners, as both the legal and Customary Owners of the mineral resources at Panguna, offered to;

a) collapse their JV with RTG,

b) vest in the ABG 100% of their mineral rights in Panguna to be held by a state owned entity of the ABG, (subject of course to resolving the BCL Judicial Review litigation), and respecting the Panguna Landowners' existing rights (noting this does not require any controversial or unconstitutional amendments to be made to the Bougainville Mining Act),

c) the Panguna Landowners further offered to share part of any interest they received with the people of Bougainville, including other Landowners, the ex-combatants, women and youth, and

d) the Panguna Landowners indicated they were flexible and wished to discuss any terms with the ABG.

"Assuming this was all accepted and documented, RTG offered then to;

a) acquire a minority interest in that company / project for a cash consideration (with an upfront deposit if required by the ABG to demonstrate our financial capabilities - noting this was an offer to provide legitimate purchase consideration, not a gratuitous or unlawful payment),

b) plus negotiate an earn in right based on further funding commitments to the mine,

c) which would only see RTG earn a progressive interest as and when the cash was invested in the project, on to be agreed milestones, and

d) RTG would arrange the debt funding for the Panguna project as one of its obligations.

"As this was a preliminary meeting, no percentages or milestones were proposed and we immediately requested a second meeting to further progress those negotiations."

Mr Carrick summarised RTG's proposal as an absolutely standard and conventional mining deal where RTG offered to purchase a minority interest for a payment of money on arms' length and fair terms.

"The ABG's state owned entity would receive the money legitimately, as the Landowners have offered them the asset, so they have property to sell.

"It was also stated repeatedly that the proposed deal would be subject to all parties securing legal sign off on the structuring."

President Momis was also reported as saying that granting a mining lease to RTG "would pose an intolerable risk".

RTG responded that again, the ABG has fundamentally misunderstood RTG's market position and access to funding, and also misconceives the nature of the offer by the Panguna Landowner led proposal.

"The proposal starts with the Panguna Landowners conferring 100% ownership of the mineral resources at Panguna to a state owned entity of the ABG.

"It is this entity (100% owned by the ABG) which, together with Panguna Landowner consent, would be issued the Exploration Licence.

"At no time did the Panguna Landowners or RTG propose issuing a Mining Lease to RTG."

President Momis has also been reported as saying the Panguna Landowners have been "lied to" by the miner.

RTG said this statement is neither correct nor fair.

"The Panguna Landowners know their own mind and have had the benefit of 3 independent legal opinions from the best and most experienced legal counsel available to review the proposed Bills tabled by the ABG to amend the Bougainville Mining Act.

"The Panguna Landowners and RTG have consistently said how important stable law and landowner support (with the principle of free, prior and informed consent) is, to the very financial institutions who will ultimately provide the required debt and equity to see Panguna safely and professionally developed.

"RTG is hopeful the ABG continues to discuss these issues with the Panguna Landowners to get a fuller understanding of exactly what the Landowners are proposing.

"RTG has always been and remains respectful of the Bougainvillean people and their customs, and Panguna's significance to the development and independence of their nation."

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zNewest Nation ?

28.03.19 10:25

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zNachfolger von Francis Ona ?

30.03.19 10:05

179 Postings, 2745 Tage x-y-zAxel G. Sturm

31.03.19 15:59

Axel G. Sturm It would be great if the Bougainville Copper followers would get up and support all moves to re-open the Panguna mine for the best of all Bougainvilleans and the sakeholders as well. Who will stop this notorious and inveterate liar and betrayer John Momis to disappropriate BCL that is owned by Bougainvilleans and PNG? Don't forget: Momis broke his holy oath to serve as a priest and now he is breaking his oath give to the Bougainvilleans to do all his best for the people. Instead: He sypathizes with conmen from abroad or local criminals! Therefor he should be called an "old rotten bitch"! Ex-Bougainvilleans and grass-roots unite for a better future for all of you!

   22 Std.


1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil......#x-y-z...........

01.04.19 09:58

........hier  leider unverändert  ;-(

....  Newsroom 2016

last update: 01 / 07 / 2016 ?

1334 Postings, 6345 Tage Traderevil....Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form...

02.04.19 09:08

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